By heisamuyi

502 72 0

Living a life of progress, Sophia was good at her job, one of the best in her firm. But as recent activities... More

Chapter 1 (Fetish)
Chapter 2 (Back Again)
Chapter 3 (The Truth)
Chapter 4 (The Truth 2)
Chapter Five (Fake Life)
Chapter 6 (The Book Revealed)
Chapter 7 (Abilities)
Chapter 8 (The Book 2)
Chapter 9 (Stranger Things)
Chapter 10 (Suspicions)
CHAPTER 11 (The Story)
CHAPTER 12 (Bold and Beautiful)
Chapter 13 (LIMBO)
Chapter 14 (GoodBye)
Chapter 15 (Gone)
Chapter 16 (Rescuing Dwayne)
Chapter 17 (Abdul)
Chapter 18 (The End)
Chapter 19
Twelve Year Later
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


13 3 0
By heisamuyi

Shin opened his eyes, and he was back to the apartment where he first arrived at. He turned back and saw Sophia, Lee, and Jerry.

Jerry's fore arm was back and judging by how he was looking at them - from a standing position - he knew his legs were back.

Everyone was here, everyone except for Hanya. She wasn't in their group before so he didn't expect for her to be here but after everything, he thought perhaps she would appear here.

At least to take away the feeling of losing someone. He wanted her to appear here and say it was all a joke. But she never came.

She was dead.

Just then the black orb in front of them spoke grabbing his attention.

Congratulations on defeating the beast, now it's time to score you.

They all listened.

Lee has 5 points
Sophia has 10 points
Jerry has 7 points
Shin has 100 points

Choose an option.

The option displayed itself on the body of the orb. It was just as they had said. The first was to acquire any weapon of your choice, the second was to bring back a fallen friend, and the third was to have your memories wiped and leave the game.

The choices weren't that hard to relate with, if you wanted to kill as many bosses as possible, then go for the first choice,
If you wanted to nothing to do with game anymore, then you would go for the third choice.

Both of those choices were very good but Shin had made a promise to Hanya, that he was going to keep no matter what.

"Go ahead Shin, pick the third choice, go to your brother" Lee said.

Shin knelt down on one knee close to the orb, he closed his eyes for a few seconds then opened them. With no objections in his mind, he went for the second choice.

Jerry scoffed at Shin's choice and just looked away.
Then the orb spoke out again.

You have chosen to bring back a fallen friend?

"Yes" Shin replied.


Shin was shocked at the questions but he thought it was a normal routine for any one who got a 100 points, so he answered them.

"Because she's innocent, because of her smile, because I care about her, she became my friend in a few hours and she believed in me. I also promised her that we would all have a sleep over, and am not about to fail on my promise." Shin said as tears rolled down one of his eyes.

There was silence.

Suddenly the orb transformed into a man.

"Dad?" Sophia said shocked to see her father's face again after so many years.

Everyone turned to look at her but she didn't notice them, she was more focused on her father now.

"Hello Sophia, how have you been. It's been a long time." Dwyane said.

She sobbed. "Am sorry, I shouldn't have destroyed the book. None of this would have happened."

"It's ok. Everything's fine now."

"How can everything be fine. The world is in chaos and am stuck in a game controlled by-," she stopped.

She just realized that the orb was no longer there but he was.

"You?. You're... why are y.... why?" She stammered.

"When your mother created replicas to supress your abilities, she knew there would be consequences for it. We both did. But what we didn't know where those consequences. Limbo. It was originally a state where newly trained relics get their powers from but after what she did, it started to materialize. And then you destroyed the book causing limbo to enter into the world, releasing it's powers."

"But why didn't you stop me, you knew about all of this and you still let me do it." Sophia said with tears.

"Because it was the only way to stop Cain."

"So how can we stop this?" Shin asked standing up.

"Shin. You are the first person to go for the second choice. Choosing to save someone else and not yourself was what began the curse of Limbo. Your acts of comparison towards others was noticed by not only myself but other relics with me,"

Suddenly more people began to appear behind him.

"We have decided to grant you one more wish apart from your choice."
They all said in rhythmn.

Shin looked back at the others as joy filled his face.
Then he looked back at the relics smiling.

They said nothing for a few seconds.

"What now?" Shin asked

"Yep" Dwyane said.

"Ok, um, I wish for this game to end and everyone including Hanya can go back to the living world." Shin said.

"Very well then. They have both been granted."

Suddenly particles from their bodies began to float away, which meant they were finally leaving the game.

"Wait, I want to stay with you. Dad, I can't loss you again." Sophia cried out.

"You won't. Am always with you. Also you are going to have a student to train."

"What student?" Sophia asked, but before she got got any reply she was gone.

"Shin, you have the heart of a relic and a mind of a guardian. I give to you something special that would help you in times to come."

Shin's hand began to glow greenish, and he looked up from it.

"What is it?" He asked

"Time. Have control over it, use it to create the perfect world that's in your heart."

"How?" He asked.

"We believe in you."

Then Shin disappeared.


He opened his eyes and found himself on a hospital bed. The doctors that where there starred at him in awe before running to call the head doctor.

He examined his body and found a necklace around his neck. The pendant was glowing green. Then he remembered the words of the relic.

I believe in you.

The end.

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