From Sister to Ghoulette

By BassGirl95

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***Completed*** Mary Wight is like any other normal girl, but she's not. She is a curious person and one day... More

Chapter 1: Rough Beginning
Chapter 2: New Start
Chapter 3: Cathedral of Ghost
Chapter 4: A Night with Papa
Chapter 5: The Ritual of Ophelia and Kyle
Chapter 6: Warrior Training
Chapter 7: Ophelia's Wishes
Chapter 8: Superpowers Unlocked
Chapter 9: Ophelia's Birthday Surprise Part 1
Chapter 10: Ophelia's Birthday Surprise Part 2
Chapter 11: Rehearsal of the Rituals
Chapter 13: The Battle of Satan's Sin Part 1
Chapter 14: The Battle of Satan's Sin Part 2
Chapter 15: Black Mass
Chapter 16: New Danger
Chapter 17: Unholy Plan
Chapter 18: Satan's Message
Chapter 19: Hell's Council
Chapter 20: Rescue Mission
Chapter 21: Dark Lords' Battle Line Part 1
Chapter 22: Dark Lords' Battle Line Part 2
Chapter 23: Death Knell
Chapter 24: Ritual in Brighton
Chapter 25: Prime Mover
Chapter 26: Final Goodbyes
Thank You!
Crazy Update

Chapter 12: Popestar Tour

728 20 8
By BassGirl95

After three months of rehearsals, they are ready of the tour. Everything is in place. The ghouls climbed in the taxi. Papa, Ophelia and Kyle climbed in a different taxi. They got to the airport, check in and they flew to USA. Kyle and Ophelia never been to America. 

They landed in Rochester, New York. They left the plane and exit the airport. Ophelia got anxious and Papa wrapped his arm around her. They got in the tour bus and the ghouls lay on the bunk beds. Kyle sat on the sofa by the kitchen area. Ophelia looked around and sat beside Kyle. 'It's gonna be alright, sis. You'll do great.' He encouraged her. She smiled and replied, 'Yeah. I hope everything is alright.' Papa entered the tour bus and sat beside Ophelia. Kyle stood up and walked along the bunk bed area, talking to the ghouls. Papa hugged her and kissed.

It's night time. They arrived in the hotel and they got out. They checked in the register, got the room keys and climb the stairs to the second floor. Papa and Ophelia got their own hotel room. They got in and kiss on the lips. Ophelia jumped in the bed and Papa pounced on her. She giggled and the knock on the door. He sighed and get the door. It's Omega and hand Papa the box. Papa remembered what is in it. He thanked Omega and shut the door. 

He walked to Ophelia and put the box on the bed. He sat down and present the box. 'Tomorrow. As you play, I want you to sing as well.' She gasped and lifted the lid. It's the most elegant Nameless Ghoul mask. Just around the eyes with the horns on the head. She hugged him. 'Thanks, Papa. It's beautiful.' 'When I heard you sing during the rehearsals, I thought it would be great to do a duet, together in most songs.' Papa smiled. They kissed and they went to bed.

Next morning, it's the first day of the tour. They had breakfast, travel to the venue Main Street Armory and doing a soundcheck. Ophelia was unsure about it and Papa informed her. 'The purpose of the soundcheck is that to make sure the noise won't disturb the neighbourhood and deafen the fans much. That's why we wear earplugs.' He hands out the moulded earplugs. Ophelia grabbed her black one with the water symbol. She put them on and felt weird at first. 

All the ghouls in their casual clothes and no masks arrived. They position their instruments and ready to practice before the main event. Ophelia learned where to go, what songs to play on the setlist and what songs that she can sing while playing. Kyle stood by the stage, keeping an eye on everything. The PA person walked towards Ophelia and give her the headset microphone. As she got it on, she checking the sound of the microphone is working for everyone to hear her. Papa smiled and test his microphone. The PA people making sure that the sound is in perfect condition. Then, they play Square Hammer for the soundcheck. It's two hours of soundcheck and the PA people are good to go.

They left the stage to have lunch in the cafe. Ophelia felt extremely nervous about performing in front of thousands of fans. Papa sat beside her at the table. 'You'll be fine. I was nervous at my first time performing. My brothers told me to be yourself and enjoy it.' He related his experience. She smiled and the waitress appeared with hot chocolate to Ophelia. She thanked her and the waitress walked away. Papa hold her hand tight. 'I love you, älskling.' 'I love you too, Papa.' 

They kissed and a fan appeared. 'Oh my god! Can I have your autograph, Papa?' 'Sure.' He replied and signed the Meliora CD with a marker. 'Thank you so much! Ah!' The fan squealed, loudly and walked away with happiness. 'You'll get fans like that from anywhere. One day, you'll bump into fans that loves you.' He smirked. She took deep breaths and smiled at him. She drank the hot chocolate and they went back to Main Street Armory.

Ophelia put the suit on, the jewellery, the headset microphone and her very own mask. The artist liaison knocked and peep in. 'Ten minutes to the stage.' 'Thanks.' He left the dressing room. Ophelia took deep breaths and focusing on tonight's performance. Papa entered and hugged her from behind. 'Hey, Papa.' 'Hey, älskling. You'll be great out there.' He softly comforts her. Papa let go and they hold hands as they left the dressing room. The fans chanting. The ghouls and Papa gathered around for the pre-show ritual. Ophelia stood by and watch. They put the hands in the middle and did the chant. They broke the circle and Papa informed her, 'It's a men's thing and don't worry about it. We are all boys at heart.' She giggled and walked near the entrance door.

Then, the lights in the auditorium slowly dim and the fans scream the top of their lungs. Ophelia took deep breaths and the Masked Ball played. The red lights directly to the auditorium. Papa stood behind her and whispered, 'Good luck, Ghuleh.' 'Thanks.' He patted her back and waited by the door.

Then, the cue for Alpha, Earth and Air to get on stage. They positioned as the lights turned off. The audience screamed and the ghouls began to play Square Hammer. She exhaled sharply, played the note and walked to the centre of the stage with Omega. The fans went hysteric and they start to play together. Ophelia focus on playing the song while hearing fans shouting and screaming. Then, Papa sang as he appeared behind her. The audience went wild when he showed up. Then, she looking at the fans for given attention to them. The chorus started and Ophelia sang with Papa.

Are you on the square?

Are you on the level?

Are you ready to swear right here, right now

Before the devil

That you're on the square

That you're on the level

That you're ready to stand right here, right now

Right here, right now

Ophelia smiled after she sang it for the first time, live. She moved for Papa to go in the front to the fans. She really enjoyed performing in front of thousands of fans. When the chorus starts again, she moved beside Papa and sang her heart out. She really wants to look at him, but the rule is to interact with the audience. She looked at several fans and they screamed her stage name, Water. The guitar solos began, she walked to Earth, head banged to the beat and he winked at her. She grinned and walked towards Air. He bowed his head to her and she bowed back. Then, the final chorus. She sang with Papa and the fans. Then, Papa greeted, 'Good evening, Rochester!' The ghouls hit the note, Earth did a drum roll for Ophelia to walk to the platform between Earth and Air and play From The Pinnacle To The Pit.

The fans scream of one of the best songs of the Meliora album. She smiled while she plays the intro. She headbanged in a beat and stomping her feet. She looked at Papa with a smile. He winked, walked to the stage and sang the verse. Ophelia got the very slight hint of the vision coming, but she controlled it. She won't allow it while she's playing. As she plays, she thinks how far she's been. From an innocent, curious and fragile girl to a smart, metalhead and Nameless Ghoul for Ghost. They finish playing and the lights out.

Everything went well. She had a bit of the break while Papa is talking to the audience. Ophelia giggled when Papa saying not to touch the Sisters of Sin while they are in the pit and tell the fans to grab each other as much as they want. She took a quick sip of the water, walked back to the stage and prepare for Body and Blood.

After playing Devil Church, she can't wait the play the next song. Alpha and Omega having a guitar-off. Then, Alpha started the Cirice riff. The crowd went crazy. Ophelia slowly walked to the stage and playing the bass line. Then, the beat hits hard, she head banged with the drums and stomping her feet. Then, they stopped and Papa appeared in his suit. The fans yelled in excitement. They start playing again. She moved out of his way. As Papa got to the mic, she sang the whole song with him. The crowd sang along with them and then, Papa sang to the female fan in the loud dynamic chorus. Ophelia doesn't mind that. They finished playing Cirice, she throws the pick to the audience and a fan caught it. Ophelia felt relieved after doing that.

As the show is nearly over, Papa is talking to the female fan who never seen Ghost before and talking about making out and deserve an orgasm. Ophelia laughed, quietly. When he demonstrates the couple having sex with his fingers, she lost her mind. She thought to herself, What the fuck is going on with his dirty mind!? Ha! Then, he said about a female orgasm as a craft of the devil, with a dramatic piano music. Ophelia lost it. She couldn't breathe because of how funny it is. 

She quietly walked to the stage for the last song for the night. Papa shouted, 'Let us sing the song to celebrate the female orgasm!' The fans cheered. 'In the name of Satan.' He added. She makes a rock sign to the screaming fans. He introduces the last song of the night. 'Conclusively, I give you Monstrance Clock.' The crowd yelled. Then the intro of Papa and Ophelia sang.

To the sound of the monstrance clock

Air is cleansed, assemble flock

Black candles burn, all minds aligned

Starts playing. Ophelia doesn't want to end. She swaying side to side in rhythm. Then, she head banged and sing to the chorus.

Come together, together as a one

Come together for Lucifer's son

She moved around and interact with Omega while Alpha is doing the solo. He smiled under his masks. She dances along with Air's part and the second verse. 

Then, the quiet chorus. Alpha, Omega, Papa and Ophelia slowly walked to the monitors and stand on it. The crowd call them and sang at the same time. She smiled as she sang with Papa and the fans. Papa jokingly, instructed the audience, 'Don't forget to get home and fuck each other!' She quietly giggled and the lights turned off. 

The choir sang the outro in the background and everyone left the stage. The assistant helped Ophelia take off the headset microphone and she thanked him. As she takes the guitar strap off, Papa hugged her from behind and said, 'Well done, Ghuleh. You did amazing out there.' Thanks, Papa. I love it. Every part of it.'

Everyone walked to the room for VIP fans to get to say hello and sign stuff. Before the doors are open, Papa and Ophelia quickly kiss and she sat between Alpha and Earth. Earth praised her, 'What you did, is fantastic. You really enjoy it out there.' She smiled and the doors opened. The fans felt shy and excited to meet Ghost. The first fan talked to Papa about how he enjoyed it. Papa thanked the fan and sign the vinyl. Then, to Omega. The fan was speechless. After Alpha, he passed the vinyl to Ophelia and he praised her, 'I didn't expect the singing, you got a marvellous voice, Water.' 'Thank you. What's your name?'


'Nice to meet you, Mark.' She stamped the water symbol on the vinyl cover of Popestar EP and Mark quietly squealed. 'Thank you very much.' She smiled at him and he passed the vinyl to Earth. Then the next fan passes the poster. She draws her symbol and pass it to Earth.

It went on for twenty minutes. Then the last couple of fans with their young child, dressed up as Papa. He shook the child's hand and the parents took a picture of their son with Papa. They thanked him and they walked to the ghouls. 'Can we take a picture with all of you, with my son?' The mum asked. Omega answered, 'We love to.' The ghouls and Ophelia stood up. The ghouls wrap their arms on each other's back while Ophelia hold the son with a smile. The dad took the picture and thanked them. 'Water. Your playing is great and your singing voice, oh my god. Beautiful.' The mum praised her. 'Yeah! You kick ass, Water!' The boy shouted with joy. 'Thank you, guys. I'm really appreciated.' Ophelia thanked the couple and the boy. They waved to Papa and the ghouls goodbye and exit the room.

Papa stood up, walked towards Ophelia with open arms and they hugged. 'You did awesome with the signing. It was scary, but you handled it.' He praised. She smiled and sighed, 'Thanks. How long the tour last?' 'From now, until November.' He informed her. He let go and kiss Ophelia in the lips. They exit the venue and got in the tour bus. Kyle stood up from the sofa and hugged Ophelia. 'You were amazing, sis. I'm so proud of you.' He whispered. She cried of joy. Papa rubbed her shoulders and Kyle let go. Papa hold Ophelia's hand and drag her to the back of the bus. Their very own bedroom for both of them.

They jumped into bed and they kissed passionately. The knock on the door and Papa shouted, 'Go away! We're busy!' 'It's Air. Something's wrong with Omega. I think he's...... dead.' 

They gasped and ran out of the room. They stood beside the bunk bed where Omega is. He's not breathing and Papa panicked. 'Oh my god. NO!' He sunk down to his knees and cried, hysterically. Ophelia about to cry, but Cirice whispered in her ear. 'You can make the dead come to life. Put your hand on his heart and say Mortuos ad vitam producat. Obsecro vos. You can do it.' Ophelia knew, Cirice is with her the entire time. She put her hand in Omega's heart, closed her eyes and said the spell what Cirice told her. 'Mortuos ad vitam producat. Obsecro vos.' They looked at her with the confused faces.

Then, she felt his heartbeat and he gasped for air. He coughed and panted, 'What happened?' She moved her hand away and frowned, 'I think the war is coming. I'm not sure when, but it's close.' She had a quick vision of the battle. Then, she saw the Omega symbol pin on the bed and saw the blood on the pin. She examines Omega's palm and said, 'It's the death spell on the pin. Someone is spying on us and try to have one member down. Be careful, guys. It's only getting started.' Papa pulled a shock face and gasped, 'How do you know about this?' 'Library. Whenever Cirice sense something from my subconscious mind of my visions, she'll tell me and read about it. Good job I remembered it.' She smiled.

Papa hugged her tight and put his hands on her head. He whispered, 'You and Cirice are a great team. I could've done without you two.' Cirice smiled and whispered, 'Tell him, thanks for that. I miss him and the others.' Ophelia giggled and said the message. 'Cirice said, thanks for that and she missed you and the ghouls so much.' Papa pour his tears down his cheek and hugged her, very tight. She's gonna have a fight for her entire life.

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