Tevun-Krus #55 - May The 4th...

By Ooorah

1.4K 329 162

Happy Star Wars Day, 'troopers! May the 4th be with you! More

Use The Fourth, Luke...
Watt's Inside?
Why Space Opera Is Still Better Than a Real Opera - by @PhonerionBallznevsky
This One's Got A Prize!
Live Long and... Wait, What? - An Article by @AngusEcrivain
Images of a Sub-Genre Relevant Nature - Pt I
The Canticle of Corva Crow - A Short Story by @BellaBelk
Looking for More...?
@angerbda's Science Fictional Nursery Rhyme Corner
Spotlight Author: @JWCMaher
First Breath, Last Resort - A Short Story by @LLMontez
Because Star Wars...
@AngusEcrivain's Cigarette Verses...
(Sort of) Sub-Genre Relevant Tunes!
Arty and The Force: The Battle of Camlann - A Short Story by @angerbda
The Starshine Event - A Space Operetta by @elveloy
The Death of His Holiness - A Short Story by @AngusEcrivain
No Moon - A Short Story by @jinnis
How's the Fourth With You? - An Article by @RoshelleD
Images of a Sub-Genre Relevant Nature - Pt III
The Grand Kalimat - A Short Story by @JeffreyVonHauger
We Told You It Had a Prize!!
Closing Time

Images of a Sub-Genre Relevant Nature - Pt II

34 9 1
By Ooorah

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