Against All Expectations

By yoonsica722

1.9K 92 14

Yoonsic Description Jessica attends a theater class, where she meets this very annoying but incredibly cute g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

151 8 1
By yoonsica722

Jessica and Yoona had gone to Jessica's house after school. They had drove Krystal out of the kitchen and started to cook something to eat.

They sat by the table, waiting for the food to get ready.

'You're burning the ramen,' Yoona said.

'Then go get it off the stove,' Jessica said.

'The ramen is on your responsability,' Yoona reminded.

'Yoongie, go take it,' Jessica pleaded.

'No, you haven't done anything yet. I even helped you to get ramen started.'

Jessica stood up and walked close to Yoona.

'How can you say things like that? I'm your unni,' Jessica said and grapped Yoona's hand. 'Now, get up.'

She pulled Yoona up and when Yoona stood they were so close their bodies almost toched each other.

They stared at each other's eyes. Jessica laid her hands on Yoona's hips.

'Go do that,' Jessica said smiling.

Yoona gave a laugh and turned to go to the stove. Jessica toched her butt as she went.

Yoona turned her head to look at Jessica with a what-was-that?!-look.

Jessica chuckled.

'Byunsica...' Yoona mumbled as she continued with the food.

'Oh, come on,' Jessica said and moved to Yoona. She wrapped her arms around Yoona's neck and turned her towards her. 'You liked it, I know you did.'

'...Maybe,' Yoona smirked back.

They kissed. It started sweetly, but became more intense and deeper as they continued. Yoona laid the kettle down from her hands and wrapped them around Jessica's waist.

'Krystal, food is ready,' Jessica called her sister. She smirked at Yoona and pulled her after her to her bedroom.

Jessica closed the door after them and pushed Yoona to her bed. They sat on it kissing and soon Jessica laid Yoona against the sheets. She leaned on her, their breathing became heavier and Jessica felt her heart go faster.

'Unni,' Yoona breathed between their kisses.

Jessica stopped and looked at her girlfriend.

'What are you gonna say if Krystal comes in right now?' Yoona asked.

'Let's hope she doesn't,' Jessica answered. She tilted her head. 'Is everything okay?'

'Yeah,' Yoona said. She smiled and Jessica understood that there was no problem.

They kissed again.

Only after a few seconds Jessica's cell phone rang. They stopped and looked at each other.

'You're kidding me,' Jessica said. She sat up and took her phone.

'Yes?' she answered.

'Jessica, this is Sooyoung,' said the voice in the other end.

'What is it Soo?' Jessica sighed. Yoona sat up and wrapped her arms around Jessica's waist leaning her head on Jessica's shoulder.

'Are you busy right now?' Sooyoung asked.

'Um, yeah,' Jessica answered.

'I was just wondering if you'd like to go somewhere with me. What are you doing?'

'I am uh... I'm with Yoona.'

'Oh, okay... Other time then,' Sooyoung said sounding possibly a bit sad. She ended the call.

Jessica sighed and looked at Yoona.

'You can go if you want to,' Yoona said. 'She sounded like she's a bit down.'

'No! I wanna be with you,' Jessica assured. She turned towards Yoona. 'And you're not allowed to listen to other people's calls.'

Yoona smirked and pecked Jessica on the lips.

'I'm hungry. Can we go eat?' Yoona suggested.

'Ok,' Jessica admitted. 'I'm hungry too.'

So they stood up and went to the kitchen where Krystal was eating.

'What were you doing there?' the little sister asked pouting. 'The food's already cool.'

Jessica and Yoona looked at each other and chuckled.

'Big-girls' stuff,' Jessica told.

'I'm not a child!' Krystal said.

Jessica and Yoona just smiled. They took food and sat by the table.

While they ate Yoona's eyes met Jessica's and she started to giggle.

'Why is she laughing, unni?' Krystal asked Jessica.

'I don't know,' Jessica replied. 'Because she's a brat, I think.'

Yoona pouted. Jessica laughed and slapped Yoona's hand playfully.

Front door opened and they heard someone come in.

'I'm home,' they heard Jessica's dad's voice.

'Hi dad!' his daughters answered in one voice.

Mr. Jung came to the kitchen and noticed Yoona.

'Hello. I haven't seen you before,' he said.

'This is Yoona, my friend,' Jessica intoduced and instinctively touched Yoona's arm.

'Hi,' Yoona said smiling. Jessica realised what she did and leaned back. She hoped her dad hadn't paid attention to her toching Yoona. She had decided not to tell her family, because she was afraid of how they would take it.

Their dad talked with them for a while and then went to the livingroom.

After they finished their meals, Yoona and Jessica went back to Jessica's room.

'Your dad's cool,' Yoona said as she sat down on the floor.

'Really? Nah, he's just an ordinary dad,' Jessica said sitting on the bed.

'I wish my dad was the same...' Yoona said quietly.

'What do you mean?' Jessica asked.

'Well... my dad doesn't live with us, so I don't meet him that often ,' Yoona told. 'But I have a stepfather..'

'Stepfather? How is he?'

'He hates me...' Yoona replied quietly, being in her thoughts. Then she snapped back to reality.

'No, it's not really like that, I exaggerated,' she hastily said looking a bit alarmed.

Jessica didn't continue with that topic.

'Can we go to your house next time?' she asked instead. 'I want to see where you live.'

Yoona looked suddenly awkward. She didn't look at Jessica when she answered.

'No... You can't come to our house right now... My mom is a little sick,' Yoona said wringing her hands.

Jessica frowned.

'Can I come when your mom is better?' she asked.

'.... We'll see then,' Yoona said. Then she raised her head smiling and grapped Jessica's hand.

Jessica frowned. Why was Yoona making excuses? For she could see Yoona was not telling the truth.

But Yoona smiled so cutely Jessica didn't bother ask anymore questions. She would do that later.

After a couple of hours it was time for Yoona to leave. Jessica walked her to the front door.

'Will you get home alright?' she asked.

'Yes,' Yoona said rolling her eyes. 'I told you I can take care of myself.'

'Call me when you get home,' Jessica said. Yoona promised to do that.

'Ok, bye,' Jessica said and leaned to kiss Yoona. Then the younger girl left.

Jessica smiled to herself. She turned around and... saw her dad.

'Hi, dad,' Jessica said alarmed. How long had he been there? Apparently long enough.

'What was that?' her dad asked frowning.

'What?' Jessica played.

'You know what I mean, young lady.'

'A show of affection...' Jessica answered.

'That's not something you do with your friends.'

'Oh, dad... I have a lot of homework,' Jessica excused and hurried to her room.



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