
By phaedrapick

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What happens when a witch who hasn't come into her full powers yet, a powerful coven leading vampire, and a p... More

Chapter 1-Roe
Chapter 2-Shane and Adrian
Chapter 3-Evasive Maneuvering
Chapter 4-Meet Joe
Chapter 5-Roach Spot
Chapter 6-Paranormal Bureau of Investigation
Chapter 7-Military Involvement
Chapter 8-Kidnapped
Chapter 9-Crazy Man
Chapter 10-Caged
Chapter 11-First Aid
Chapter 12-Bullets
Chapter 13-Removal
Chapter 14-Waking Up
Chapter 15-Recovery
Chapter 16-After Effects
Chapter 18-Explanation
Chapter 19-Decisions
Chapter 20-Marking
Chapter 21-Savage
Chapter 22-Escape Part 1
Chapter 23-Escape Part 2
Chapter 24-Joe
Chapter 25-Moles
Chapter 26-Joe's Mole
Chapter 27-PBI's Mole
Chapter 28-Betrayed Again
Chapter 29-Making Plans
Chapter 30-Arresting Major Charles
Chapter 31-Roe and Adrian

Chapter 17-Ward

7 1 0
By phaedrapick

A section of the middle of the door opened.  "Here." A male voice said as the things she had requested began being passed through the hole in the door.

As she took the supplies, Roe asked "Is the blood and meat drugged or not?"

"I don't know. I was just told to bring it to you."

"Okay, thanks."

The guard sounded surprised when he said "You're welcome." 

I bet no one says thanks to him, because they blame everyone they see for them being here, or are too incoherent to be nice.

Roe looked through the bags he had brought her. There were a few bottles of blood and some steaks. There was also some more stuff to make sandwiches with and a couple of bags of chips as well as a few more drinks for her.

Shane and Adrian walked into the room with her.  "Did they bring anything good?"  Shane asked.

"Well, they brought some stuff, not a lot."  She said and handed them the bags that needed to go in their refrigerators.  "He didn't say if y'alls stuff was drugged or not. Actually, he said he didn't know."

"Well, I guess some is better than none. I hope they're not drugged." Adrian commented.

"Me too." Roe said. "Why don't y'all go put those up."

"Okay." Shane replied, going into his room.

Adrian nodded before going to do what Roe asked.

Roe took the bags that belonged in the refrigerator in her room and started putting them up. I really hope we're not going to be in here much longer. Though, I know it's not going to be an easy escape from here. And it's going to take us a while to decide exactly what we're going to do. She sighed. I think I know what we're going to wind up doing, and I'm not looking forward to it, or to the conversation I'm going to have with these guys about it. Mating, or marking someone isn't taken lightly, and I'm afraid that's going to be the only way we can get out of here.

Adrian walked back in the room as Roe finished putting the groceries away. "What now?" He asked.

"Now, I need a shower. Why don't you two discuss how we're going to get out of here while I do that, and I'll join you when I get out?"


"Why are you so concerned with taking a shower?" Shane asked petulantly. "We need to get out of here asap."

"I know that." Roe agreed. "I just have a feeling I'm going to need to be clean. Plus, they brought me clean clothes, I think they're fatigues so I'll blend in better when we escape if I change."

"Well, yeah, but-" Shane started arguing again, but Adrian cut him off.

"She's a woman, Shane. They like to be clean, just leave it at that." Adrian shrugged. "We can discuss plans while she takes a shower and fill her in when she's done."

"All right." Shane said, shaking his head.

Roe smiled her thanks at Adrian for getting Shane to quit arguing with her. I know neither of them understands my desire to be clean, but they probably will later. She thought wryly. I really hope they can come up with another way out of here. I really don't like my idea. She walked into the bathroom to take her shower while Adrian led Shane into his room to discuss escape plans.

While Roe took her shower, her thoughts were on escaping. I hope I'm wrong about what we're going to have to do to get out of here. I think my plan's gonna be the only way we can all three escape without being severely injured, or one of us getting killed. I really don't see any other way out of this. It's not the best idea ever, but I don't know what else we can do. I'm not strong enough to get us out of here without my full powers. Neither of them is going to want to do what it will take to get me into my full powers, either. I really hope they can come up with a better solution that doesn't get anybody killed. I need to quit worrying about it and try to relax. I'm going to need my strength back up to do the protection spell, and I'm also going to need to check my grimoire for spells before we get ready to escape.

Roe quickly finished her shower, got out and dressed in the clothes the military guys had given her. As she had assumed, it was a set of camouflage fatigues with a solid brown undershirt. Well, they don't fit the best in the world, but they aren't as conspicuous as my clothes would be. These are obviously men's because they're tight across the breast and baggy everywhere else. I think I'm going to leave off the camo shirt, and just wear the undershirt. It fits better. At least the pants will stay up and aren't falling down around my ankles. I wasn't really expecting fatigues. I was expecting more like a pair of sweats when I asked for clothes. She shook her head. Beggars can't be choosers, my dad always said.

When Roe walked into Adrian's room, the two men were arguing over how to escape. "What have y'all come up with so far?"

The both turned to look at her, having only noticed that she was in the room when she spoke.

"He wants to stay here and wait for an opportunity to try to hypnotize one of the guards, and get them to let us out." Shane told her angrily. "That'll take forever."

"Your idea's not any better. You want to try to break the door down and run, killing everyone that gets in our way." Adrian argued.

"Okay, settle down guys. There are problems with both of your ideas."

"Yeah, like what?" Shane snapped at her.

"Shane, how are you going to get the chains off of you both?"

He looked at her slightly stunned. "I don't know yet, but doing something is better than sitting here waiting for them to kill us."

"They're not wanting to kill us." Roe reminded him patiently. "They want us to experiment on humans and make a hybrid, so they're not going to get rid of us until we fail a couple of times. Also, did it ever occur to you that I can't run like y'all can? Even if we managed to get you out of those chains, and even out of this facility, I can't keep up with you. One of you would have to carry me, which would impede your fighting abilities."

Shane thought sullenly for a while. "I guess you're right. I didn't think about you. I'm used to everyone around me being a wolf."

"You're not used to having a human around."

"Yeah, you're right about that."

"So, we go with my plan." Adrian said smugly.

"Not necessarily." Roe said, thoughtfully. "I know you can hypnotize, but how close do you have to be to them, and how far away can they go before it wears off?"

"I have to be able to clearly see their eyes, and it doesn't wear off." He said smugly.

"I'm sure there are instances where it wears off." Roe said, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, if it's something that goes against their character, like kill themselves, then yes sometimes it does. But that's not often."

"Okay, well I don't think that the guard that's stationed outside the door has the keys we'll need. I'm pretty sure he has the outer door key, but I doubt he'd have the keys to your chains, and we'll need those too."

"I could make him go get them."

"Wouldn't that fall under something that went against his character? To release prisoners?"

"Maybe, but I could probably reinforce it enough that he'd do it anyway." Adrian replied smugly.

"What if another guard stopped him and asked him what he was doing? If that didn't snap him out of it, the other guard would stop him."

"That's unlikely. I could tell him not to speak to anyone else."

"Really? Like that wouldn't attract attention. A guard that ignores orders." Shane broke in.

"Do you really think that would work?" Roe asked him.

"Yes, I think it could." Adrian replied, confidently.

"Okay, and what if it doesn't. What if all you accomplish is that they find out that you're trying to influence the guards in order to escape, and that you're a lot stronger than any other vampire here?"

"Other vampires here?" Adrian asked.

"Yes. They've let on that we're not the first that they've caught. Remember the conversation we had with the guards about Shane and the wolfsbane overdose?"

"What conversation?" Shane asked.

Roe held up a finger to ask him to wait a minute before she answered him, while she waited on Adrian to answer her question.

"I remember, but we were talking about werewolves, not vampires."

"Adrian, how do you think they knew how to subdue you and where to get the bottled blood, if they hadn't had a vampire here before."

Adrian looked stunned. "I guess I hadn't thought it through, either."

"There are others here too?!" Shane exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure there are. Going by the conversation Adrian and I overheard between Savage and another guard, Parker, they're not planning on stopping until they have a hybrid."

"We need to rescue everybody and shut this place down." Shane said, angrily.

"I'm pretty sure that this Major Marsden is behind all of the disappearances that have been happening recently. And, yes Shane, we do need to get everybody out and get this shut down, but I'm not sure how. I haven't figured out if this is actually sanctioned by the military or not. If it is, and we shut this facility down they'll just move it somewhere else. Probably somewhere we can't find it again." Roe said.

"There's no way we can do that. Not now." Adrian said dejectedly, shaking his head. "We don't have enough people."

"I know." Roe said. "The only thing we can do is escape ourselves and lead others back here to help."

"We can't leave anyone here." Shane argued.

"Shane, I know you don't want to, I don't want to either. But it's going to be hard enough for the three of us to escape, it would be practically impossible to take others with us. Especially if we don't know what kind of shape they're in. They may need medical attention that we can't provide, and moving them may make it worse for them. We need to bring people back that know how to help them. And who can arrest the Major and his cohorts."

"What people?" Shane asked. "My pack is too far away to get here quickly enough, since we won't be able to contact anyone until we can escape."

"I was thinking Joe's pack and Special Agent Maitland from the PBI. I think we can trust them."

"What about the mole you think is in Joe's pack?"

"If I can get ahold of a phone, I can call Joe and he'll come meet us without anyone else knowing."

"How will he know it's you?" Adrian asked, curious.

"We have a system, code words that nobody else knows." She shrugged. "I also know his personal cell phone number and no one except him and his Luna ever answer that phone."

"And he'll do that?" Adrian asked thoughtfully.

"Yes, he will." She said. "As long as I use the emergency code word, he'll come alone, and not tell anyone except his Luna where he's going."

"That might work. Provided we can get out of here." Adrian agreed.

"I understand how you feel about Joe, but what about the PBI? How do you know we can trust them? They have a mole too, don't they?" Shane asked.

"They do, but after we get ahold of Joe, he can request a private meeting with Agent Maitland, and we can go from there with the PBI."

"Well, it looks like we have a decent plan after we get out of here, but we still need to rescue ourselves first. None of the rest of it matters if we're still in here." Adrian pointed out.

"You're right." Roe said then took a deep breath and sighed. "I have an idea, and I'm not really crazy about it, but I can't figure out a better way to get us out of here."

"What about what I said?" Adrian asked.

"I'm fine with your plan, if it works, but if it doesn't they may separate us so we can't try to escape again. And if they separate us, my idea is pointless. We can't do it if we're not together."

"What's your idea?" Shane asked.

"I think I need to ward this room, just in case someone can hear us. I don't think they can, or they'd have come in here by now because of the spell I cast on Shane, but I'd rather not take any chances with the information I'm about to give you."

"Information?" Adrian asked.

"In order to explain my idea, I have to tell y'all a few things about my family that no one outside our family knows about." She shook her head. "I'm really not supposed to tell anyone this. The only person we're allowed to tell is our spouse." She sighed. "But I don't know how we can get out of here without anyone getting hurt, and this could help us make a good plan to escape." She looked down at the floor. I hope I'm making the right decision.

"Why would you tell us, then?" Shane asked.

"If I had my full powers, it would be a lot easier for us to get out of here." Roe said, then looked at them. "That's what I need to tell you about."

"Would it really help that much?" Shane asked, confused.

"You have no idea how much." Roe replied.

"Can we do anything to make you feel better about making this decision?" Adrian asked.

"Would you both give me your word that you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you? And I mean ever."

"No one, ever? Why?" Shane questioned her.

"You'll understand after I tell you what I'm talking about." She halfway smiled. "There is one exception to that rule."

"What?" Adrian asked her suspiciously.

"If we have children together, you can tell them." She smiled wryly at them.

"Children?" Shane exclaimed.

"Yeah. They're the only exception to the not telling anyone rule."

Adrian chuckled. "All right. You have my word that I won't tell anyone your secret." He smiled at her. "Unless we have kids."

"Thank you." She said, then they both turned to look at Shane.

"It's not that easy." Shane said, shaking his head. "I can't hide things from my Alpha."

Roe sighed. "What I'm going to tell you will probably never be a concern to your pack's Alpha. I am okay with you telling him, but only if he specifically asks. Promise me that, and that you will never volunteer the information, and I'll be okay with telling you."

Shane thought about it, then nodded his head. "That I can promise."

Roe and Adrian just looked at him, both knowing that without him saying what he promised, it wasn't binding.

"Okay." Shane said. "I promise that I won't tell anyone your secret, except for my Alpha, and then only if he specifically asks me about it. That work for you?"

"Yes, thank you." Roe said. "Now give me just a minute and I'll cast the spell. It won't allow anyone to hear what we're saying, even from the front room, but it will allow us to hear if anyone comes in."

"Okay." Shane said. Adrian nodded.

Roe muttered under her breath and waved her hands, casting the spell. "Okay." She said. "Let's sit down and I'll explain how a witch in my family gets their full powers."

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