
By phaedrapick

294 33 0

What happens when a witch who hasn't come into her full powers yet, a powerful coven leading vampire, and a p... More

Chapter 1-Roe
Chapter 2-Shane and Adrian
Chapter 3-Evasive Maneuvering
Chapter 4-Meet Joe
Chapter 5-Roach Spot
Chapter 6-Paranormal Bureau of Investigation
Chapter 7-Military Involvement
Chapter 8-Kidnapped
Chapter 9-Crazy Man
Chapter 10-Caged
Chapter 11-First Aid
Chapter 12-Bullets
Chapter 14-Waking Up
Chapter 15-Recovery
Chapter 16-After Effects
Chapter 17-Ward
Chapter 18-Explanation
Chapter 19-Decisions
Chapter 20-Marking
Chapter 21-Savage
Chapter 22-Escape Part 1
Chapter 23-Escape Part 2
Chapter 24-Joe
Chapter 25-Moles
Chapter 26-Joe's Mole
Chapter 27-PBI's Mole
Chapter 28-Betrayed Again
Chapter 29-Making Plans
Chapter 30-Arresting Major Charles
Chapter 31-Roe and Adrian

Chapter 13-Removal

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By phaedrapick

Boudreau made a small slit in the skin, just long enough for Roe to squeeze the bullet out. She got the bullet out without much more damage than it had already done. As soon as she got it out, the wound started slowly healing.

He's healing much slower than I thought he would. I wonder if it's a side effect of the wolfsbane they said was on the bullets. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

"Do you think that's the only one?" Parker asked Roe.

"I think so. I counted four wounds on his front, and now there's four on his back. I don't see any blood on his pants that would indicate a wound on his legs. If there's another one, I don't have any idea where it would be or how to find it." Roe shook her head. "I think we're just going to have to wait a little while and see if he wakes up. I don't know anything else to do right now."

"All right. Let's get him hung back up on the wall before he wakes up." Parker said, anxiously.

"I have to bandage him first, but why?" Roe asked, as she picked up the bag of supplies, and looked through it.

As Roe started to bandage Shane's back, Parker answered evasively. "He needs to be chained up securely."

"But why? He's hurt?"

"He's more dangerous than you know. They both are. If you want to let them loose when we're not in here, it's your funeral." Parker shook his head. "I just don't want to be here for it."

"Okay. I can understand that. But can't we leave him like he is? You'll be gone shortly."

"No, I talked to Maj-Mr. Marsden about it. He said that to begin with they needed to be re-chained like they were. In order to give you time to get used to the idea of what they are before they're released."

"Is it still going to be up to me when I release them, after you leave?"

"Yes, but I assume you'll be leaving them chained up until they regain consciousness, since you didn't want to take them down by yourself while they were unconscious."

"Yes." Roe nodded.

"Okay, if you're done bandaging him, let's get him re-attached to the wall. Then we can go on to the next one."

"Fine." Roe conceded. That's just stupid. There isn't anything he can do while he's unconscious. I bet it's just Parker's fear making him want to chain them back up while he's in here. "I'm done bandaging him."

"Great!" Parker sounds happy to get out of here.

Parker and Boudreau got Shane off of the bed and into place against the wall. Boudreau held Shane up while Parker retracted the chains until he was securely attached to the wall again.

While Parker and Boudreau were getting Shane chained back onto the wall, Roe gathered up all of the bandage supplies and put them back in the bag.

"Now that this one is back where he's supposed to be, are you ready to deal with the other one?"

"Sure. I'm ready when y'all are."

"Let's get this over with." Parker said impatiently.

Roe led the way into Adrian's room. "Same thing we did before?" She asked.

The two men looked at each other then back at her. "Sure." Parker said.

Roe nodded. After Boudreau took his knife out and cut Adrian's jacket and shirt off, Roe inspected him for bullet wounds. Then Parker walked over and grasped Adrian under the arms as Boudreau went to release the chains. Once there was enough slack, Boudreau came back to Parker and helped him get Adrian face down on the bed.

As before, Roe climbed up on the bed to inspect Adrian's back for wounds. "Okay, I see three exit wounds on him too. I'm assuming that he was also only shot from the front. Do either of y'all have any reason to think otherwise?"

Both Parker and Boudreau shook their heads.

Roe turned her attention back to Adrian and began running her hands over his back, concentrating on the area where she'd seen the glow from her spell earlier. Here it is. I don't think Boudreau will have trouble finding this one either.

"I found one on him too."

"Awright, lemme see." Boudreau said, stepping close enough to the bed to touch Adrian's back. "I c'n feel this un too." He glanced back at Parker.

I saw that look they just gave each other. I wonder if they've been trying to figure out how I'd find the bullets to get them out. They've probably been watching me very closely. I bet they've been waiting on me to do something not human to heal the guys. Well, I hate to tell them but I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize my illusion of being human unless I absolutely have to. I'm glad Boudreau can feel the bullets too, that just reinforces their thought that I'm nothing special. As Roe was thinking, she was also acting. She pinched up the skin around the bullet for Boudreau to be able to cut it out. As soon as Roe had the bullet in her hand, Parker asked "Is that it? How long before we can get him secured to the wall again?"

Is he really that impatient, or is he scared?

"Give me just a minute to bandage this, then you can put him back." Roe replied with a sigh.

"Hurry up." Parker barked at her.

Wow, he's getting more and more irritated, even worse than in the room with Shane. I wonder if he's had some sort of run-in with a vampire before. "I'm hurrying." Roe said, exasperated with Parker. She inspected Adrian's wound as she was wrapping it up. Huh, Adrian's wound seems to be healing faster than Shane's. Is it because he's a vampire, or because of the wolfsbane that's in Shane?

Parker impatiently paced across the room while Roe finished bandaging Adrian's back.

"I'm done. Y'all can hang him back on the wall now." Roe said, resigned to the fact that they weren't going to let him stay on the bed.

"Finally." Parker said, then helped Boudreau get Adrian off of the bed, and back up against the wall. Then Parker left Boudreau holding Adrian while he went and retracted the chains, reattaching Adrian to the wall.

Just as Parker finished locking the chain down, Savage burst into the room. "Get away from him." He commanded Boudreau. Boudreau looked at him stunned for a second then looked at Parker, who nodded at him that he had the chains locked. Boudreau then took a couple of steps away from Adrian and looked back at Savage.

"What's going on?" Parker asked Savage.

"He was standing too close to that vampire."

"Wha's the matter?" Boudreau shrugged. "He's still out."

"They heal really fast and you've taken too long to get this done. It's over." Savage growled then gestured at Roe. "Anything else that needs to be done, she can handle it on her own."

"What if I can't?" Roe asked.

"Tough shit." Savage snapped. "We're getting out of here, and that's final."

Boudreau looked like he might protest, but Parker beat him to it. "You know how important this is to Marsden. I'm not going to let you jeopardize his project just because you don't like the girl."

"It's not about the girl." Savage grumbled.

"I don't care." Parker snapped at him. "If there's anything Marsden needs us to do, then we'll do it. End of story."

"No. It's not worth the risk, no matter how mad he gets."

"We've been in 'ere with 'er this long n 'nothin's happened." Boudreau interjected. "I don' thin' she's much of a threat."

"She may not have done anything yet, but she will." Savage insisted.

I wonder if he can feel my powers, but doesn't know what it is. That would explain why he's so uncomfortable with me and doesn't seem fooled by my "human" act. It would also explain why he's so angry when he's around me. The way the other two are looking at him, he's not acting like himself.

"She's had plenty of opportunity to do something to us if she wanted to." Parker said. "She didn't even try to attack us."

"I still think she's up to something." Savage insisted.

"I don' know whatcha thin' she could be up ta. We got a bullet outta each of 'em." Boudreau said.

"How'd she know how to find the bullets?" Savage asked suspiciously.

"She counted the wounds, then felt the bullets." Parker responded.

"She could've just said that she could feel them."

"Boudreau felt them too. They were so close to the skin, you could almost see them." Parker snapped. "It didn't take anything special to be able to find them."

Gee, thanks. Glad to know that I'm nothing special. Roe thought sarcastically. But then again, I'm kinda glad he doesn't think I'm special, because that would hinder us being able to get out of here. Although I'm not sure how we're going to do that yet.

"I still don't trust her."

"I know that." Parker snapped. "But it doesn't matter. Major Marsden wants her here to do a job, and his orders are what matters." He started walking toward the door, then turned back to Roe. "I trust that's all you needed?"

Roe had stayed quiet and still up to this point. "Yes, that's all I needed at the moment. Although I do have a couple of questions."

"No!" Savage snapped at her. "We're getting out of here before you or these monsters do anything."

"Okay." Roe said, sounding defeated.

"Whacha need, sugar?" Boudreau asked her kindly.

"She-" Savage started, but a look from Boudreau shut him up.

"I was just wondering how to let y'all know if I was running out of stuff, like food. And if I could have a change of clothes."

All three men looked surprised at her questions.

"What?" She asked.

"I was expecting you to ask to be released." Parker answered, and Boudreau nodded agreeing with him.

Roe sighed. "I didn't figure y'all would let me go, since Mr. Marsden seems to want me here so badly, and Savage here doesn't trust me." She shrugged. "I thought I'd make the best of a horrid situation."

"Oh, sugar. It's not tha' bad 'ere."

Roe gave Boudreau a look that said she didn't believe him. "Really? I've been kidnapped, held hostage, and I'm not allowed to go home. Plus y'all are insisting that I take care of two men I don't really know, and keep telling me that they're probably going to kill me. How is this 'not that bad'?"

Boudreau thought for a second then shrugged and said, "Okay, ya' got a point there. It isn't an ideal situation, but it could be worse. At least them two're chained up 'n not loose in 'ere with ya."

"Well, yeah." Roe said, looking down. Personally, I'd rather them be loose, it would be easier to escape if they were. But I can see why you'd think I'd appreciate them being chained up.

Parker broke into their conversation. "To answer your questions, yes we will bring you a change of clothes, and if you'll slide a note under the door listing what you're out of, we will get it for you."

"No." Savage insisted once again. "We're not doing anything for her."

Boudreau had had enough of Savage's attitude and argued with him. "I'm wi' Parker on this un. We canna starve th' girl. The Major'd be mighty displeased if'n we did anythin' ta sabotage 'is experiment. An' I'm not one fer crossin' 'im."

Parker backed Boudreau up. "It's not like we're going to go get her lobster and steak, or a whole new wardrobe. But we are going to provide the basic necessities so she can do her job." Both Parker and Boudreau were scowling at Savage. "If you don't like it, you can take it up with the Major."

"Don't think I won't." Savage snapped.

"Go right ahead." Parker snapped right back at him. "If he didn't want to keep her, he wouldn't have told me to bring her to his office and personally given her orders."

Savage's head snapped to Roe. "He gave you orders?"

"Parker took me to see a man in an office. The man introduced himself as Mr. Marsden, yelled at me, and ordered me to do a job for him."

"What job?" Savage snapped at her again.

"Um." Roe looked at Parker. Should I tell him or not? Parker looked just as interested as Savage did. She sighed. "He told me to keep them alive, and mediate between them and try to get them to tell me something. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell anyone more than that."

"I need to know." Savage snarled at her.

Roe scooted further back on the bed, away from him and shook her head. "I'm sorry. As much as I've heard y'all talk about not wanting him mad at you, I don't want him mad at me." Really, I don't care if Major Marsden's mad at me. I'm sure he will be eventually. Right now, I just want to aggravate Savage.

"You should be more worried about me being mad at you." Savage ground out.

Roe shook her head. "You're going to be mad at me no matter what I do. As of right now, I have a little protection from you, since he wants me to do a job for him." She shrugged. "None of y'all are going to protect me from him." Ooh, Savage looks like he's about to pop a gasket. Roe smiled to herself.

"She 'as a point. None of us are suppose' 'ta tell everyone wha' our orders are." Boudreau pointed out.

"But she's not... She's a civilian." Savage was so incensed that he was almost yelling.

"If he'd a wanted ya ta know, he'd a told ya." Boudreau snapped at Savage. "If'en ya wanna know tha' badly, go'n ask 'im yerself."

All three of them looked at Boudreau, stunned.

Apparently Boudreau does have a temper. It must take a lot for him to lose it, considering the way the other two are looking at him. It's almost as if they've never seen him lose his temper before either.

"Okay, Remy. Savage will leave the girl alone, right Savage?" Parker said placatingly.

Ooh, Remy. Interesting first name.

"Uh, yeah. I'll go talk to Marsden about it, and leave her alone about it."

Yeah, he said he'd leave me alone about it, not that he'd leave me alone. I'll still have to watch him. And I probably should watch out for Boudreau too, he's kinda scary sounding when he gets riled up.

Boudreau nodded sharply at them, then turned to Roe. "Miss Roe, tha' thins ya be wantin'll be delivered shortly." With that, he stomped out of the room, and slammed the hallway door behind him.

Savage and Parker looked at each other. "We'd better check on him." Parker said to Savage.

Savage looked toward the door Boudreau had just left through. "Yeah, that would probably be a good idea."

Parker turned his attention to Roe. "After this, we probably won't come in here, for safety's sake. Your supplies will be put through the slot in the door."

"Okay." Roe said, still thinking about Boudreau's loss of temper.

Savage and Parker walked toward the hallway door with Roe following. They had almost left when Roe realized that she had another question to ask them. "Um, Mr. Marsden told me that he'd be sending me humans occasionally. How are they going to get in, if y'all don't want to open the door?"

"We'll figure something out." Savage told her.

Wow, that's the calmest I've heard him talk since I met him. Roe thought as she nodded.

"If you need anything, just slip a note under the door." Parker reiterated as they left the room and locked her in again.

I guess I should check on the guys. She thought to herself as she walked toward Shane's room. She peaked her head in the door and saw him just the same as he had been. She turned and walked to the doorway of Adrian's room. As she looked at him, her gaze was met by a pair of ice blue eyes.

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