
De phaedrapick

294 33 0

What happens when a witch who hasn't come into her full powers yet, a powerful coven leading vampire, and a p... Mais

Chapter 1-Roe
Chapter 2-Shane and Adrian
Chapter 3-Evasive Maneuvering
Chapter 4-Meet Joe
Chapter 5-Roach Spot
Chapter 6-Paranormal Bureau of Investigation
Chapter 7-Military Involvement
Chapter 8-Kidnapped
Chapter 9-Crazy Man
Chapter 11-First Aid
Chapter 12-Bullets
Chapter 13-Removal
Chapter 14-Waking Up
Chapter 15-Recovery
Chapter 16-After Effects
Chapter 17-Ward
Chapter 18-Explanation
Chapter 19-Decisions
Chapter 20-Marking
Chapter 21-Savage
Chapter 22-Escape Part 1
Chapter 23-Escape Part 2
Chapter 24-Joe
Chapter 25-Moles
Chapter 26-Joe's Mole
Chapter 27-PBI's Mole
Chapter 28-Betrayed Again
Chapter 29-Making Plans
Chapter 30-Arresting Major Charles
Chapter 31-Roe and Adrian

Chapter 10-Caged

7 1 0
De phaedrapick

Oh, my goddess. Roe thought to herself as she followed Parker down the hallway. That man has lost his ever loving mind. He is totally insane, and could kill all of us at the drop of a hat. Parker saluted him. I wonder if he's telling the truth about trying to make a better soldier. I wonder if this is actually sanctioned by the military. I really hope not. That would be extremely bad.

"Um, Parker? "


"I don't mean to sound rude..." Roe started hesitantly... "But has Mr. Marsden lost his mind?  All that stuff he was saying about werewolves and vampires, that stuff isn't real." She finished in a rush.

"No, he's not crazy."  Parker snarled. "They are real, and you'd better watch out or they'll kill you."

"Um, okay."

They walked on for a few more feet and Roe asked, "Is this a military base?"  She noticed a slightly strange look on Parker's face. "I was asking because he said y'all were trying to make a better soldier."  Actually, it looked like an old abandoned asylum to me, but since I played dumb with Marsden back there, I should probably keep playing dumb with Parker here too.

"I'm not answering any more of your stupid questions." He said as he opened her door, and gave her a slight shove inside. "Get in there and do what Major Marsden wants you to."  He slammed the door shut before Roe could ask another question.

Does he realize that he just called Marsden 'Major'?  Marsden didn't introduce himself that way, but both Savage and Parker called him that.  I wonder if he really is or not. Oh well, I guess I'll worry about that later. Time to check and see if Adrian and Shane are in these other two rooms like Marsden said they were. Roe turned away from the door Parker had just shoved her through. She looked at the three other doors in the room. Okay, I know that the door straight ahead of me is the bathroom. Let's see what's behind the door on my right. She walked over and opened the door at the foot of the bed.

The first thing she saw as she opened the door was an unconscious Shane chained to the opposite wall. She looked around the room while standing in the doorway and saw a bed in the corner to the right of the doorway. To the left of the doorway, she saw a small cabinet, then another door. On the wall at the end of the room to her left was another cabinet and small refrigerator.

Roe entered the room where Shane was, then walked down to the left where the other door was. She opened that door, and entered a larger bathroom. It had a shower stall in the middle of the room, two toilets, one on either side of the shower, and two sinks across from the toilets. There was also another door on the opposite side of the room. She walked through the other bathroom door, and found Adrian chained to the wall in a room that was identical to the one Shane was in, except opposite. Roe saw a refrigerator and cabinet to her right, a cabinet and door to her left, and on the other side of the door was another bed. She walked to her left, passing by Adrian's unconscious form on the way to the door. When she opened the door, she found herself back in the room that Marsden had said was hers.

Well, I guess we're quite locked in here, since there's only one door that actually leads out of here. Oh, crap, I should've checked the guys for injuries instead of just wandering through looking for a way out. I am so absent minded sometimes.

She whirled around and went back into the room Adrian was in. She noticed that he was chained to the wall by silver manacles at the wrists and ankles. She stepped closer to him, really looking at him this time. He was still dressed in the same clothes he'd had on since she met him, though they were more rumpled now than they were at the motel. She looked more closely at his dark dress shirt and noticed that it was covered in blood. She moved over to him, and unbuttoned his shirt. He had four bullet wounds on his front, but she couldn't see his back since he was chained closely to the wall. I'd love to see if those bullets actually went all the way through him, or are still in him. If they're still in him, that's going to be a problem. But I can't get to the back of him while he's chained up like he is, and I can't let him down because he's unconscious....or can I? No, I don't think I can get him back up off of the floor once I get him down, and that's assuming I can get him down without hurting him even more than he already is. Crap, I just can't decide what to do. I guess I'll go check on Shane and see how he's doing, and hope Adrian wakes up soon.

Roe left the room, and walked to the room Shane was in. She looked at him, searching for wounds. I can't tell if he's hurt because of his black t-shirt. She looked at him, thinking. I don't know if I can get his shirt off enough to see the front of him, much less the back. I wonder if there's a pair of scissors or something around here.

Roe walked out of Shane's room back into hers. She started looking around for anything she could use to cut the guy's shirts off. She didn't see anything in her room, so she moved onto the guy's rooms and the bathrooms. She still didn't find anything sharp enough to cut their shirts with. Now what? I really need to treat them, but I can't find anything in here to do that with. I wonder if I can get the attention of a guard if I knock on the door. Roe walked over to the door and knocked on it. After waiting a few minutes, and getting no response, she started banging on the door. I wonder if they're ignoring me, or if they know that there's no way for me to get out of here alone, and don't have anyone stationed near here. I wonder if I'll make more noise if I bang on the door with something hard. She looked around her room for something hard enough to bang on the door with. I don't see anything that would make any more noise than I already am. Hmm, I wonder if my shoes would make more noise. She looked down at her shoes. Nope, I don't think tennis shoes would make a lot of noise. What kind of shoes are Shane and Adrian wearing? I don't remember.

Roe walked to where she could see Adrian. Dress shoes would make more noise than my tennis shoes, but not that much more. Let's see what Shane's wearing. She walked to where she could see Shane. He's barefoot. Where'd they put his shoes? I've already looked all around the room. She stood there looking around the room, trying to figure out where they could've put his boots. The only place I haven't looked is behind the bed. She walked around behind the bed, and there between the bed and wall were his boots. It looks like someone took his boots off so they could put the shackles on his ankles, then just threw them over toward the corner and behind the bed. Oh, well, at least I found them.

Roe picked up the boots, and walked back into her room and to the door. She started incessantly banging on the door, hoping to get someone's attention. I'm worried about Adrian and Shane. I don't know what they shot them with, and I don't know why I woke up so much faster than they have. Their healing rates should be much faster than mine is, so why are they both still unconscious. I really need someone to tell me what they did to them, and I need supplies so I can help them. I can't get us out of here with them unconscious.

After a little while, she heard a voice on the other side of the door say "Stop that racket, I'm gonna open the door.  Just gimme a second."

Roe stopped hitting the door with the boot and took a few steps backwards.  It's about darn time someone paid attention to me. I feel like I've been trying to get some help for hours, although I know it really hasn't been that long.

The door opened, and a man said "What's all the commotion about little missy?  I could hear you plum down the hall."

Roe started at him in shock for a few seconds.  He wasn't from anywhere she'd ever been, judging by his accent.  She recovered her wits enough to speak, and said "I need some help.  They're wounded, and I need to get their shirts off so I can treat them, but I can't because of the shackles.  I can't find anything in here to cut their shirt off with, either.  Not to mention that I don't have any kind of supplies, so even if I could get their shirts off, I can't treat them."

"All righty then sugar, I do believe I understand yer problem, but I'm not entirely sure 'xactly whacha wan' me to do about it."

"I would like a knife or pair of scissors so I can cut their shirts off and inspect their wounds.  I also need to know what they were shot with, and how many times.  If the bullets are still in them, they need to be taken out so they'll heal."

"What yer sayin makes sense, missy.  But I hate to tell ya that I don' have the authority to do what yer wantin' of me.  I'll have to ask n see what I can do fer ya."

"All right, just be sure to let them know that they could die if bullets are left in them."

"Die, ya say?"

Roe nodded.  His accent is so odd.  I wonder where he's from.  He kind of  sounds like he's mixing two accents together, but I can't be sure.

"Hmm.  It sounds like we may be in a right pickle if'n I don't get ya what ya want."  He thought about it for a minute.  "If I can get ya the supplies, can you do everything else?"

"Maybe.  I'm not sure. I know I can get their shirts off, but I don't know if I can get them down to see what the damage is to their backs without some help."

He nodded.  "I'll see what I can do." He shut the door and locked it.  Now that she wasn't banging on the door, Roe could vaguely hear him walking off down the hallway.

I'm hungry.  Hmm, since there's not really anything I can do until Mr. Accent comes back, I guess I'll try to find something to eat.  Roe opened the refrigerator, and saw that there was stuff to make sandwiches with.  Now where did they put the bread? Oh, there it is.  How did I miss seeing this on top of the fridge?  Me and my one track mind.  My dad used to say that I couldn't see the forest for the trees.  I guess he was right.  She laughed, then set about making herself a sandwich.

How long is it going to take Mr. Accent to come back?  I hope he can get me the stuff I need to help the guys.  I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't.  I wonder if they'll actually let me have a sharp object.  That might be a problem.   I hope they don't see me as a threat, because they could use that as an excuse to not let me help the guys.  She started eating as she continued to think.  Even if I can manage to help them, and get them well, then what?  I can't even get them unchained, much less out of here.  Even if we managed to get outside, I have no idea what direction to go in, since I have no idea where we are.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the door being flung open.  There stood Savage and Parker, with Mr. Accent behind them.

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