Double the Trouble (AoKaga)...

By KneelingAngel

105K 3.3K 794

When Kagami left to go to America after The Last Game against the Jabawock's, little did he knew he was carry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Author Update (DONT PANIC!)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Mini Update!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Update- Goodbye for now

Chapter 3

6.4K 244 27
By KneelingAngel

Kagami wanted to face-palm. Sometimes his twins were really stupid... Just like Aomine and him were back in high school... But he couldn't believe they decided to cut her hair! Kiseki always had such amazing full wavy hair that everyone could be jealous of! Kagami just stood there, unsure what to do.

Kiseki stood up and smirked as she moved to look at herself in the mirror. Running a hand through her now short hair she couldn't help but to giggle. She almost looked exactly like her twin, now she was just shorter and had blue hair instead of red. Kiseki looked down at her chest and frowned lightly, now she just had to figure something out for "the girls" but she was sure she could cover them somehow, then she was set and could join the basketball team. In the end that's all she wanted.

"You two are crazy." Kagami said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why would you two even think of doing something like this?!"

"In the end, it's just hair dad." Kiseki said. "They wont let me play if I'm a girl, so this was the only option."

A normal parent would say that basketball was just a game, but Kagami knew it wasn't just that. It had never been just a game to him. It was more than that, more than just a silly game... Kagami knew it was more than just a game to his kids. They loved it as much as he did. He just made a mistake when he was younger which made him give up his dream of joining the NBA. He wouldn't let his kids make a mistake like that or tell them it was just a simple game.

Kagami sighed and shook his head with a smirk before walking over to his daughter and ruffling her now short hair. "I'm sure the two of you will do great in games." He smiled at his kids.


"Just one more!"


"I can do this!"

"Bakagami, you will never beat me in a one on one."

"I can!"

"No you can't-"

"I can!"

Aomine crossed his arms over his chest with his signature smirk. "I'll still beat you even when you are in the NBA." He stepped closer to Kagami and looked down at him, he still had a couple of centimeters on the red head. "The only one who can beat me, is me."

Kagami didn't know what happened or why, but for some reason he leaned up and kissed the tanned male. Aomine froze and tensed a little at first, but when Kagami quickly pulled away, he grabbed the redhead and pinned him against the court fence before crashing their lips back together.

Kagami opened his eyes as he jerked awake. He took a deep breath and rubbed his face. Ugh, why did he have to dream of that idiot? It had been a one-time thing; it wasn't like he felt anything for Aomine besides rivalry. No way! The man just knew how to challenge him and give him two beautiful kids, there was nothing more! ... Kagami groaned and buried his face in his pillow. Okay, so maybe he had a tiny, innie minnie tiny crush on his greatest rival, but that was in the past now. Long in the past. He really hoped that Kagami was far from this region though. He didn't want to bump into him or his kids bumping into their other parent. Aomine probably wouldn't care about them and he didn't want them to get hurt.

Kagami got out of his bed and decided to take a long shower before he would start breakfast and prepare lunch for the kids.

Kiseki was already up and awake. She had on her regular uniform, she kind of had to since school wouldn't allow girls to wear male uniforms, but that was okay. As long as other schools wouldn't find out. To still have a little bit of a female appearance, she had tied a bow in her hair. She only had to look like a boy during basketball and games, other than that she still wanted to look good.

DJ was still lazing in bed, refusing to get up. The only thing he loved almost as much as basketball was sleep. As a baby he would sleep almost most of the day, but as soon as he was big and old enough to hold a ball Basketball became his priority. His second priority: Sleep.

"DAIKI!" Kiseki burst into her brother's room and jumped him, bouncing until he started grumbling.

"Get off of me, you heavy hag- mphgr!" Kiseki started smothering him with a pillow. Daiki tried pushing her off, but damn his sister was strong. He couldn't breathe! "I cant- you win! YOU WIN! OW!"

Kiseki hot the pillow as hard as she could into his face before getting off of him and walking out of his room with a huff.

Kagami had showered and gotten dressed to prep his kids their breakfast and pack their lunches, as well as his own. He really hoped there wouldn't be any more surprises at work today. It was already bad enough that he worked at the same hospital as Takao and Midormia. Never in his wildest dreams had he ever though that they would be the first ones he would meet when he was back in Japan. Maybe he expected Kuroko or maybe even Aomine, though that was the very last person he wanted to meet. How could he explain to his old rival that after having sex once he ended up carrying his children? Yeah, he wouldn't fall for that either...

"Dad, you're spacing out again." Kiseki said, having watched her father stare at the octopi-shaped sausages for a full minute now. "You okay?" She asked him a little worried.

Kagami blinked and looked over his shoulder with a small smile. "I'm fine, Kiseki, thank you for asking." He said and sighed softly. He really wished that his kids wouldn't look so much like Aomine. It was just awkward to constantly have the face of that basketball idiot pop up in his head. Especially when it was that man sweaty and moaning. Kagami blushed at the realization where his thoughts had gone again and quickly turned back to the food. "Did you wake your brother?" He asked Kiseki, clearing his throat.

"Yeah, he should be down soon." She said as she went to sit by the table.

And sure, soon enough, DJ lazily walked down the stairs and sat down next to his sister. "Can you pack some extra food, dad? We have practice again today." He told his old man as he slouched in his seat.

Kagami chuckled. "I thought you said you woke him, Kiseki, he's still half asleep." He placed two plates of sweet omelets in front of the twins before grabbing his own plate and another plate of pancakes they could all share. "I glad the coach would let you two onto the team. I'll be excited to watch your first game as a part of the Seirin basketball team." Kagami said proudly and smiled at his twins.

His parents had never come to any of his games. Ever since his parents divorced he hadn't been in contact with his mother and his father was always overseas and busy working that he never came and probably never cared. He didn't ever want his twins to feel like he never cared. It's why he was their biggest fan. He never missed a game of theirs. He didn't go to practice games, maybe just once in a while, but he never missed an official game. EVER! He never wanted his kids to feel abandoned like he had.

When you were 16, pregnant with twins and no one wanted to help you, that's when you would truly feel alone. His father had slammed the door in his face, literally, he didn't have any other friends or family he could stay with... Except for Alex. Alex had been the only one to be supportive and he would be forever grateful to her.

"Hey! Don't eat all the pancakes!" Kiseki shouted at her brother, trying to stab her brother's hand with her chopsticks. It made Kagami snap out of his thoughts again. Ugh, he really had to get a grip of himself!


Coach Hyuuga almost paled seeing the twins walking into the gym. He was sure he was getting flashbacks from his high school years.. Kiseki looked just like... Just like... Aomine Daiki from Touou high back in the day. He was going to have a heart attack. Not only were the twins born out of a man, their old Ace Kagami, but now it was pretty damn clear to him who the other parent was.

What on earth was going on? He had no idea, but he definitely couldn't wait to ask Kagami when he saw him at the teacher parent meeting. There was no way that that idiot had been with that basketball monster... Right?! It was probably just a coincidence.

"Yo coach!" Daiki said and hurried over with his sister. "What do you think? Now Kiseki could pull of joining the boys' basketball team during games. No one would know!"

Hyuuga mentally face-palmed. That sounded exactly like the way Kagami would think. Ugh, he was surrounded by basketball idiots.


This week has been very hectic and emotional for me so I haven't had much time to write a chapter this week so it's a shorter one than the other two chapters (intro not included). Next chapter will make up for it! Promise!

I will keep trying to post a chapter a week!

Anyways, question for the next chapter. Who would you want the twins or Kagami to bump into? Let me know!


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