Our Deepest Scars

Af camilasdreamss

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It's the 2015 Reflection Tour, and Camila Cabello is in a lot of pain. But not the kind of pain that can be m... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 43

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Af camilasdreamss

~A/N~ smut warning near the end of the chapter. You can skip that part if you don't want to read it. Thank you  X


Camila tilted her head up towards Lauren's, nodding. "What is it, babe?" She noticed the nervous look on her girlfriend's face and was instantly plagued with worry. "Laur, what's wrong?"

The green eyed girl made an effort to relax, squeezing Camila's hand reassuringly. "Nothing's wrong," she promised, "but there is something I have to say."

Despite the hint of shakiness in Lauren's tone, Camila was still completely unsuspecting of what was coming. Before Lauren embarked upon the speech that could change both of their lives, she picked up a basket from the sand behind them and opened it. Carefully taking out a bottle of champagne, she grasped two glasses and handed one to Camila.

"What did I do to deserve all this?" the small girl wondered aloud, gratefully accepting the glass from Lauren and jumping slightly when the cork was popped. "Thanks," she said quietly when the drink was poured by Lauren's quivering hands.

"Camz, I need to tell you a story. Will you let me tell you?" Lauren waited with bated breath to hear the younger Latina's answer.

Camila nodded silently, taking a tiny sip of her champagne. Her chocolate eyes stared lovingly at her girlfriend as Lauren began to speak.

"Firstly, I just have to be clear that I didn't write this story. I only observed it as it was happening, and it still continues to go on. Each day is a new page; each week is a new chapter and each year is a new book in the most fascinating and beautiful series." Lauren paused, letting Camila take in her words and admiring the interested expression on the smaller girl's face.

"So when I started reading this story, it was 2012. The second I laid eyes on the girl who happens to be the main character in these books, I was immediately awestruck by her insane beauty. The eyes that, even though they were the color of deep, rich chocolate, reminded me straight away of the ocean simply because of the depth of them. Looking into those ethereal orbs for the first time, I felt like I was intruding upon her soul; her secrets, her memories, her thoughts."

Camila was smiling at her girlfriend adoringly, realizing that Lauren was talking about her. The green eyed girl was looking into her mahogany eyes intently, as if recalling that day when they first met.

"And then she spoke to me. She told me she loved my shirt, and I wanted to tell her right then and there that I was pretty sure I loved her. Even just from hearing her voice, which is utterly unique and mesmerizing, I knew that she would be the girl who would play the leading role in every dream that I had from then on. And I was right. She did. And I looked forward to sleeping each night even more because of it."

"From that moment that I met her, I knew that someone incredibly special had entered my life, and all I wanted to do was to curl up (preferably with her) and read her entire story. But I settled for making myself a part of it instead. Every day that I spent with this girl, I discovered more and more ways in which we were and still are alike. We both care deeply about people. We both get completely lost in conversations and lose track of time when we're talking about a subject we're both passionate about. We both laugh at each other's jokes even when nobody else gets them, which happens quiet frequently."

Camila interrupted, eagerly wishing to add to the list. "We both love The 1975."

"Right," Lauren laughed. "And the more time I spent with her, the more I fell completely in love with everything about her. Not just her face, her voice and her body, although all of those are stunning. But her as a person. I make sure to be quieter when she's in the room because I love to listen out for the deep and poetic things that she says. Getting tired of her words and laughter is physically impossible; I think I might be addicted to the way she thinks and the way her brain works."

The smaller girl was torn between halting Lauren with a kiss and leaning her head on her shoulder, or continuing to gaze at her girlfriend's ethereal face. She decided on the latter, loving the way Lauren's expression made her feel as she spoke about their love story.

"So after a few years of loving this girl from afar and wishing desperately that we could be together but not knowing if she felt the same way, we kissed. That kiss, even though I was lying in a hospital bed, was the happiest I'd felt since I first laid eyes on her. It made me feel something real, and if I could encapsulate that feeling so that I could experience it over and over again, I would in a heartbeat."

"And then when she asked me to be her girlfriend while we were surrounded by a rainforest full of enchanting butterflies, which is the only metaphor that can fully capture our relationship, I felt that happiness again. Because I knew that she really did feel the same way about me as I did about her. And that meant everything to me."

Camila was glad she hadn't looked away, as the look on Lauren's face made her insides flutter just the like butterflies that her girlfriend was describing. A lump was beginning to form in her throat, effectively preventing her from interrupting again.

"But every story has to have some kind of struggle. Something that the characters have to work through, even though sometimes it seems impossible that they will be able to do so. This is the case in this story. The girl who I spend so much time laughing with, talking with and kissing has been through an unfair amount of toil. Countless times I've found her curled up in a tiny ball in her bunk, drowning in a seemingly bottomless pit of despair. I've tried, throughout the time that we've spent together, to help her rebuild the foundation of her life brick by brick, weathering the storms that have come our way and putting up armor to protect against enemies, even when they come from within."

"Some of the scars are too deep to heal, but we have to accept that. All we can do is love each other and hope that no new scars form. But if they do, that's okay. Because we've healed from so many wounds before that we've become warriors against the pain. And even on the days where it feels futile to even try to fight the demons, we have each other to battle next to against the abyss of pain that we sometimes find ourselves overwhelmed by."

Lauren reached up to wipe a stray tear that had fallen from Camila's eye with the pad of her thumb, and the smaller girl grasped her hand before she could remove it and kissed the back of it delicately. "I love you," she murmured.

"I love you too," the older girl replied. "Can I finish the story?"

"Of course. I want to know what happens," Camila whispered, quickly leaning in to kiss Lauren's lips before she continued. "Okay, carry on," she smiled after pulling away.

"Alright," Lauren prepared to carry on. "So, we have always had each other's backs, right from when we first met. But this girl has given me more than just someone to defend me, and I hope I've given her more than just someone to help her through trouble, even though that is a key part of any relationship. I hope I've given her someone to have fun with, to trust with secrets, to talk about nothing with and to laugh with. This girl has certainly given me all those things and more. She's given me someone that occupies my thoughts whether I'm awake or asleep. She's given me the opportunity to be myself more that I ever thought I'd be able to. She's given me a shoulder to cry on but also a smile that brightens my day more than the sun ever could. And finally, she's given me that incredible feeling of butterflies in my stomach that I'll never get tired of and never stop feeling when I look at her or hear her voice."

Smiling softly, Lauren brushed her fingertips against the sliver locket that was lying on top of the lace of Camila's dress. She traced the outline of the butterfly engraved upon it and almost at once the fluttering in her stomach got even more rapid than it already was due to her extreme nervousness. Glancing shyly upwards, she observed Camila's deep brown eyes staring into her own green ones, and saw the passion and love reflected in them. The older girl couldn't help but blush, and Camila noticed; she stroked Lauren's cheek gently and nodded for her to continue. Both girls were starting to tear up, but Lauren was determined to finish what she had planned to say.

"You might have already realized this," she laughed shakily, the lump in her throat slightly hindering her speech, "but the girl I'm talking about, the one who makes me feel like the luckiest person on the planet simply by looking at me, is you, Camz. There has never been anyone else that I've felt this way for; no one else has ever rendered me so helplessly in love that I can hardly function. Except you. And I know for an absolute fact that nobody else that I could ever meet in the future has the ability to make me feel the way you do. Every second I spend with you is a new memory that I don't ever want to forget. And..."

Lauren paused to take a deep breath and shuffled her position closer to Camila, both to decrease the distance between herself and her girlfriend and to hide the motion of her hand reaching into her purse. Feeling a small, hard box clasped carefully in her left hand, she withdrew it, keeping the object concealed between her fingers.

She readied herself quickly and silently to say the words that meant more than anything she'd ever said to Camila, or in her whole life. "Camz...I can't wait any longer to say this, because every minute I spend talking is only adding to the words and sentences in the love story that we've created. And no matter what I say, there is nothing meaningful or important enough to fill this book with. Only one sentence can ever convey how much I truly love you." Lauren moved her left hand around so that Camila could see it and removed her fingers, swiftly opening the box to display a shimmering, exquisite ring lying on a blue crushed velvet surface.

"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, the only girl who I have ever and will ever love, will you marry me?"

There. She had done it. And all the nervous butterflies in her stomach were instantly vanquished when Camila's face broke into a dazzling smile and tears began sliding down her face. It appeared as though it was a difficulty for her to reply; she was completely speechless. Lauren sincerely hoped that her lack of words was due to happiness, and not unpleasant surprise.

Thankfully, it was only a few seconds later before she did speak, her voice raspy with emotion and more tears spilling out of her chestnut orbs. "Yes. Yes, of course I will." The moment she said the words, Lauren had to work extremely hard not to let out a joyous sob, and instead busied herself with taking the ring out of the box and grasping Camila's soft hand in her own.

"May I?" she questioned of her girlfriend. Shakily Camila nodded, stretching out her fingers. With hands that were quivering just as much as the younger girl's, Lauren slipped the ring onto the fourth finger of Camila's left hand. As soon as the small band and glittering stones were in place, both girls felt overpowered by emotion at the monumental event that had just occurred between them.

"Laur, this ring is...breathtaking," Camila breathed, cautiously touching the diamonds that were embedded in the metal. "And that speech..." She was forced to pause, thwarted once again by the lump in her throat that refused to dispel no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it.

Thinking that her girlfriend had been unimpressed by the story which Lauren had just told, the older girl bit her lip anxiously. "Was it okay...?" she asked apprehensively.

Finally swallowing down the obstruction in her throat, Camila let out a giggle that made Lauren's heart swell with happiness. "It was more than okay. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," Camila promised truthfully; she genuinely hadn't heard anything so romantic in all her life, and the fact that Lauren had made her proposal into a story had made it even better in Camila's opinion, since she had always loved stories and fiction. Although this story wasn't fiction. And Camila was grateful that she got to play the main role alongside Lauren.

"I can't believe this..." the smaller girl suddenly said quietly, moving her body a little closer to Lauren's. "We're getting married. Us. I mean, I've always wished for it, but I never thought it could be a possibility."

"Well, I know you would probably want to wait for a while before we actually get married," Lauren explained, and Camila nodded after a moment. "I thought that maybe once the spotlight that's constantly on us because of being in the group has dimmed slightly, we could start making more arrangements."

Camila nodded again. "I think that's a good idea. Although a part of me just wants to get married to you as soon as humanly possible," she giggled, making Lauren beam.

"We'll just have to turn out the spotlight quickly then, won't we?" the green eyed girl joked, taking Camila's hand and rubbing the knuckles delicately. The smaller girl's skin was warm and soft, and she could feel the coolness of the ring as her fingers brushed past it, giving Lauren a thrill every time she felt the metal that symbolized her eternal love for Camila.

"Laur," Camila said quietly after a moment of peaceful silence. "I think we should turn off the spotlight right now." Lauren looked confused, tilting her head to the side and frowning slightly at her fiancée. Camila elaborated, seeing the nonplussed expression on the older girl's face. "Close your eyes."

Lauren complied without question, and shivered when she felt Camila's breath tickle her cheek. The feeling she got when the petite brunette pressed her lips against hers was unlike the feeling of any other kiss they had shared. It wasn't needy or lustful in any way; it was a reminder of the simplistic, romantic story that summed up their relationship perfectly. Even when Camila began to move her mouth slowly against Lauren's, the kiss was still gentle and loving.

As the younger girl's tongue licked and sucked on Lauren's bottom lip, the taller Latina wrapped her arms around Camila and pulled her even closer so that their bodies were in contact with each other. She opened her mouth to let Camila's tongue enter it and sighed at the pleasurable feeling of her fiancée's hands running up and down her back, quickly reciprocating the gesture with her own hands.

After a few minutes of kissing and leaving delicate touches on areas of exposed skin, both girls drew back. They knew that it was time to stop now, or they wouldn't be able to. Camila was flushed, and Lauren's pupils had dilated to almost three times their usual size. Instead of continuing, which both desperately wanted, they made the unanimous decision to wait until they got back to the hotel later with only a brief meeting of the eyes and a nod.

"I love you," Lauren whispered into Camila's ear, and the younger girl repeated the phrase back to her even more quietly, mumbling into her fiancée's neck where she had buried her head. The sweet scent of Lauren's perfume was making Camila's head spin in the best way possible, the smell reminding her of days and nights that they had spent curled up together, cocooned in blankets.

They stayed in this position, Camila's head resting on Lauren's shoulder, their hands intertwined and the older girl playing with Camila's fingers mindlessly, until a disruption came in the form of white foam crawling steadily up the beach towards them. The tide was coming in quickly and they were directly in its path.

"Um..." they both said hesitantly at the same time, laughing at the synchronicity.

"Should we...?" Camila trailed off, not wanting to suggest that they move their things. A few candles had already been snuffed out by the water, and their picnic blanket and drained champagne glasses were looking like the next target.

Lauren was uncertain that the wave would reach them. "I think we're too far up the beach for it to disrupt us," she said confidently, but was proven wrong at once.

Camila squealed loudly as a particularly violent wave crashed onto the shore several meters in front of them, and sure enough the swash from the upsurge of salt water came rapidly towards the two girls and their blanket. Forgetting about everything but the delicate ring box, her purse and Camila, Lauren leapt to her feet, pulling her fiancée up with her and trying to run from the wave. But running from something that is advancing horizontally towards you turned out to be harder than Lauren anticipated.

"Ahh!" Both girls screamed and giggled when the water finally hit them, soaking their shoes and lower legs. The ocean was fairly warm, so the sensation wasn't unpleasant. Camila watched sadly as their picnic blanket and glasses were swept away. Similarly to Lauren, she had made sure to grab her purse before attempting fruitlessly to escape the oncoming wave, but the sight of the scene that Lauren had set up to be so picturesque floating in the sea made Camila instantly nostalgic.

Seeing her fiancée's expression as she viewed the soaked fabric and small candles bobbing up and down on the surface of the water, Lauren made a split decision. Leaning down quickly to run her hand through the water which was now even closer to the couple, she flicked several droplets at Camila. At once the younger girl turned back around to see the source of the drops that had hit her arm, and came face to face with her grinning fiancée.

"Right," she said grimly, cupping her hands firmly together and gathering a handful of salty water, "game on."

Lauren, after a seconds hesitation, bent down to remove her shoes as quickly as she could and threw them carelessly onto the grassy bank behind them along with her purse, where no waves could possibly reach. Ignoring the confused look on Camila's face, she began to sprint (which was incredibly difficult whilst in the water) as far away as she could so that the smaller girl couldn't splash her.

Copying Lauren's action and removing her own heels and purse, Camila followed the older brunette out towards the waves, which were currently no higher than her mid calf. "You're not going to win!" she called out, intently pursuing Lauren and spotting a smirk on her face. "I'm faster than you!"

"No you're not," Lauren laughed over the din of the waves as they hit the damp sand. "You can't even get close enough to flick me with water," she teased, causing a high level of competitiveness to rise in Camila.

"Maybe not," the smaller girl panted, the exertion of running through the ocean which was getting deeper the further out the girls went taking her breath away. "But I can do this," she said in a quieter tone to herself, her eyes flashing brightly in her need to win.

When Lauren got close enough a few seconds later, Camila used her foot to kick a large amount of salty water over her girlfriend, the splash reaching past the bottom of Lauren's dress and soaking the material.

"Sorry," Camila said innocently, but the devilish smirk on her face gave away the fact that she had been planing this action ever since chasing after Lauren.

The older girl was determined to beat her fiancée, and the fact that her dress was now drenched only gave her more incentive to do so. But splashing and kicking wasn't the right approach. She had to win in another way.

"Okay, you win babe," she said, holding her hands up in defeat and fighting back a smile. "I accept that you beat me."

Camila looked immensely proud of herself. "I knew I would," she said in mock arrogance, making Lauren's smile break through her mask. If only the younger Latina knew what was coming her way.

"Camz? Can I kiss you because you won?" Lauren asked softly, looking her fiancée in the eyes.

Making her way towards Lauren, Camila suddenly thought of something to respond with. "What if I don't want you to kiss me? Just because I won, doesn't mean I want you as my reward."

"Oh, but I know you do," Lauren laughed, reaching out for Camila's arm as soon as the smaller girl was close enough. Camila said nothing; the truth was that Lauren was exactly what she wanted as her reward.

Lauren placed a salty hand on the back of the petite Latina's head, tangling her fingers in Camila's long hair. She moved her face very close to the other girl's but restrained with difficulty from kissing her, wanting Camila to make the first move.

"Babe," Camila pleaded, knowing exactly what Lauren was doing. But after the older girl did nothing but sigh softly and grin, Camila did exactly what her fiancée had known she would do and crashed their lips together. The faint taste of salt lingered in the kiss, making every sensation more heightened. Gentle waves lapped at their legs and sand beneath their toes reminded both of the location in which they were kissing. Just as Camila came to the realization that Lauren was gripping both her arm and her back tightly, she felt the older girl give a tug on her body. With a mixture of a groan and a squeal, Camila fell into the water, the only positive of the situation being that she pulled Lauren down with her.

Both girls ended up sat in the water on the flowing bed of sand, gasping and internally cursing themselves for falling into the other's trap. There was a short silence before Camila burst into laughter, followed quickly by Lauren.

"This wasn't quite how I imagined the evening would go," the older girl admitted through a chuckle, "but I think it's better."

"Me too," Camila said softly as her laughs subsided, and she climbed onto Lauren's lap. Her body was practically weightless due to the water, and she wrapped her arms around her fiancée's neck to kiss her gently. "This is the best night of my life, Laur. Thank you for telling me such a beautiful story."

Lauren kissed her back, reaching into the water to draw out Camila's hand. She inspected the ring to make sure it wasn't damaged in any way, which it thankfully wasn't, before replying. "I might have told the story, but you're the reason it was written in the first place. Camz, the best stories are ones about love. And without you, our story would be so lacking in that aspect. So thank you. For giving me someone to love, and for giving me someone who loves me back."


The girls stayed wrapped in each other's embrace, sharing both gentle and passionate kisses for hours in the water. Getting out only crossed their minds when both began to feel cold due to the loss of the glowing sunlight, when the mesmerizing sunset transformed into a sky full of gleaming stars and a silvery round moon.

Lauren carried Camila out of the ocean and over to where their shoes and purses were lying on the grass. They both strapped their heels back on and picked up the small bags that were almost hidden by the long grass and tiny flowers.

"I'm c—cold," Camila shivered in her soaking dress, wishing that they had a blanket to wrap up in.

"I know babe, me too," Lauren replied, pulling her fiancée close to share body heat. Hastily calling a car to come and get them, she rubbed up and down Camila's arms to try to encourage some warmth to make its way into them. The smaller girl did the same to her, but they both eventually gave up and simply hugged instead, finding that to be a much more effective way of warming up.

A beeping sound from the nearby road alerted them to their ride, and they gratefully climbed up the bank to see the lights of the car in the darkness. Just before they left the beach, Camila turned back to stare at the place where she had been proposed to just hours ago. Eyeing the area of sand where the couple had sat and the faint glow of a candle or two that had managed to avoid the tide, she reminisced upon what really had been the best evening of her life.

"Camz? Shall we go?" Lauren's voice emanated from behind her, and Camila slowly turned around again, soaking in the sight of the beach for one last time.

"Yeah," she responded, and Lauren allowed her to enter the satisfying warmth of the car first before climbing in after her.

They told the driver the name of their hotel and then promptly forgot about him as they embraced. Camila's hands clasped onto Lauren's dress as she pulled the older girl hungrily towards her. Their lips locked and tongues instantly fought for dominance, which took a long time to determine. Eventually Lauren won, and she somehow drew Camila's body even closer to her own.

"Laur," the petite girl gasped as Lauren ran her fingers along the side of Camila's thigh. "We can't." She bit her lip hesitantly.

Smiling gently at her fiancée, Lauren removed her hand. She knew that this wasn't the time or the place to start taking things further, but she wanted to. Camila did too, and that was why she had stopped them.

"Tonight," she whispered, "at the hotel."

Lauren stopped all of her movements at once, even the soft caressing of Camila's brown locks. "What? Camz...we share a room with Dinah, Ally and Mani. I'm not sure that's the best pl—"

"No!" Camila laughed loudly, making the driver look up at the distraction. "We can go somewhere else...another room or something."

Understanding now what the younger girl meant, Lauren nodded. "But don't you think they'll be a bit suspicious if we get another room?" she asked nervously, not particularly wanting their first time to be broadcast to the other girls in such an obvious manner.

"Of course they will be," Camila dismissed with a wave of her hand, "but I told Dinah I'd slap her in the face if she ruined our kisses again didn't I? This is just a...more advanced version. And I'm sure they'll be some kissing involved," she whispered, making Lauren flush.

The older Latina nodded in agreement, too stunned to say much. Taking Camila's hand again, she played with and twisted the beautiful ring on her fourth finger until they arrived back at the hotel.

"Thank you," they both said as they paid the driver and made their way through the double doors.

"Look, there they are," Lauren said anxiously, pointing out the table in the café where Ally, Normani and Dinah were sitting, completely oblivious to the couple's entry.

Camila ran over to them after kissing Lauren softly and slowly, leaving the older girl at reception to book another room for the night.

"Mila!" Dinah shouted upon spotting her best friend, jumping up from her seat and taking long strides to meet the brunette. "Did you...?" she asked quickly, trying to spot the shiny band on Camila's finger. When she caught sight of it and of the elated expression on the shorter girl's face, Dinah burst into tears.

"Dinah!" Camila was shocked and a little amused at her best friend's overwhelming emotion.

Gasping and dabbing at her eyes, Dinah apologized for her outburst. "I—I'm sorry," she began to say before Camila stopped her.

"Don't be sorry. And don't cry," Camila pleaded, wiping at Dinah's streaming eyes herself. "I had the best night ever," she revealed, a wide smile on her face. "And now Lauren and I are engaged." She held up her left hand, a group of shining diamonds very visible on the fourth finger.

"You did?!" Ally's voice practically screamed from the table, and Normani's words mingled with the older girl's excitement as they both shouted. All three other girls wrapped Camila in a hug and admired the ring, which both Ally and Normani had seen beforehand.

"So, what happened? How did she propose?" Dinah asked her best friend eagerly just as Lauren was approaching the group again.

Camila pondered for a moment. "How did she propose?" She repeated Dinah's question out loud, meeting eyes with Lauren and falling deep into the oceans of her fiancée's emerald orbs, despite the fact that she was still a little cold from swimming in the ocean. She directed her attention back towards Dinah's query.  "I think you'd better ask Lauren about that...it's a really long story."

"Literally," Lauren reinforced.


~A/N~ smut warning. If you don't want to read, skip right ahead to the next chapter

Camila pressed the key card against the scanner on the door of their new hotel rom and opened it when the lock retracted. The room, once they had both entered, was basically the same as their old one that was two floors down, just less cluttered and with less people occupying it.

It was nearing 11 o'clock, and both girls were nervous for what could be about to happen. It suddenly seemed much more real when they entered their own hotel room rather than one in which they shared with the other girls.

"Babe?" Lauren addressed Camila cautiously, who was standing in the center of the room and staring deeply into space. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Camila promised, "I'm just a little nervous." Lauren nodded, expressing without words that she felt the same way.

Walking over slowly to take Camila's hand, Lauren rubbed the smaller girl's knuckles, making tiny circles on the skin. Camila, craving the taste and warmth of her fiancée, slowly advanced towards the older Latina's body and attached their lips. As Camila's mouth moved slowly against hers, Lauren felt a stirring in her stomach that made her breath hitch in her throat. Just like earlier, Camila licked and nibbled on the green eyed girl's lower lip, demanding access into the depths of her mouth and sighing softly in pleasure when she was granted it.

Never once removing their mouths from each other's other than to take a quick inhale of oxygen, the girls began to run their hands up and down each other's backs, occasionally tangling their fingers in strands of long, brunette hair. When she could feel Camila trying to deepen the kiss even more, Lauren knew her fiancée was yearning for more than just kissing and gentle touches.

"Camz, are you sure?" she questioned, slightly out of breath. Camila's darkened eyes met her own and she nodded certainly.


Lauren slowly began to pull down the zipper at the back of Camila's white lace dress, and the smaller girl did the same. Pulling the fabric down the younger Latina's body, Lauren admired Camila's stunning figure.

"You're so beautiful," she said in a hushed tone, her eyes scanning Camila's body that was covered only by her underwear, which was a matching color and design to her lacy dress. She observed the girl's blush and stroked Camila's cheek, pressing another kiss against her lips and letting her fingers ghost across her fiancée's abdomen with a light touch.

Camila was utterly stunned when she slipped Lauren's dress off of her body, in awe of the taller girl's beauty. The sight of Lauren's dark bra against her pale skin produced a spark inside Camila that felt too good to attempt to extinguish. "I can't believe you're this exquisite. You're ravishing," she whispered.

Both girls wanted more, and when Camila looked questioningly at Lauren whilst fingering the clasp of her bra, the older girl nodded encouragingly. Camila didn't hesitate before undoing the clasp and letting the material fall to the ground. An electric energy spread over the small girl's body as she saw Lauren's naked chest, and her breathing began to get heavier as her fiancée reached out to remove her bra after a quick reassurance from Camila.

Once there were two bras lying on the floor, Lauren took Camila's hand and led her slowly over to the bed, kissing her neck softly and making the petite Latina moan quietly as the older girl found the spot on her skin that made all her nerves tingle like they were on fire.

Camila climbed onto the bed but was gently pushed down by her fiancée before she could do anything else. She wasn't sure what Lauren was doing, but she was enjoying the feel of the older girl's lips on her neck more than she ever had before. Slowly, Camila attempted to do the same to Lauren, but the taller girl stopped her.

"No babe," she said quietly in a raspy tone. "I want this to be about you, okay?"

Smiling shyly, Camila nodded, and with that nod Lauren knew that she had the younger girl's permission. She gently ran the pad of her thumb over her fiancée's nipple, enjoying the shudder that ran through Camila's body at the pleasurable sensation. Continuing to kiss the other girl's neck on her sweet spot and using one hand to softly massage the flesh of Camila's breast, Lauren hesitantly ran a hand down to the top of her fiancée's underwear, wanting Camila's acceptance before she entered the most intimate part of her body.

"Laur," Camila said breathlessly, her head against the pillow as she experienced a deep feeling of want for the older girl. "I'm ready."

"Okay, Camz," Lauren muttered, gently pulling down the underwear and throwing it to the side. She used her fingertips to trace small circles on Camila's inner thighs, making a tiny whimper escape her fiancée's mouth as she lusted for more.

Lauren began kissing Camila's lips once more as she ran a single finger through the younger girl's folds, making a guttural moan emanate from the brunette. Looking up to check that everything was okay, Lauren saw only love and longing in Camila's deep brown eyes.

She carried on stroking up and down Camila's most intimate area, hearing sounds of the utmost pleasure from the girl's mouth every time she brushed against her bundle of nerves. Just before she entered Camila with her finger, Lauren whispered, "Camz?"

"Laur, please," the younger girl begged, and her fiancée obliged instantly, entering her finger into Camila. A cry slipped out from the smaller Latina's lips at the feeling of Lauren's finger inside her, and the older girl sped up her motions when she felt Camila squeezing on her back, her nails digging into the skin unconsciously.

"I'm...I'm..." Camila let out, the pleasure beginning to overcome her. Lauren's lips were moving sensually against hers and both her hands were working together to make Camila feel the most pleasure she had ever felt in her life.

A minute later, Camila could hold on no longer. Gripping tightly to the hair on the back of Lauren's neck and pulling on it harshly, she began to move her hips hastily to increase the friction. Lauren attached her lips once more to the smaller girl's neck and sped up her fingers. Suddenly a wave of euphoria spread over Camila's entire body, her entire form quivering as she reached her high. Lauren caressed her fiancée's face softly with her free hand before removing her other hand from Camila's core.

Once she had come down from the complete feeling of bliss, Camila was too exhausted to do anything but kiss the green eyed girl lying next to her and curl up against Lauren's body. Not caring that she was wearing absolutely nothing, she simply whispered, "I love you so much," to the older Latina.

"I love you too, babe," Lauren replied, happy that she had made Camila feel safe and brought her so much pleasure at the same time.

They were both asleep in less than a minute.

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