Brains and Brawn (BxB)

By lady-writer-2000

1.4M 47.3K 25.3K

Based on the prompt: "I'm not stalking you, exactly, it's just that you accidentally put my notebook in your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

44.5K 1.4K 933
By lady-writer-2000


It's been about a week since my date with Leo. I don't know what we are, exactly. We haven't DTR'd yet, and I don't want to sound annoying or clingy or anything so I just kept quiet during the whole week. I mean, he doesn't ignore me and we've been having lunch together everyday with John and Macy and somethimes Ethan and Leo's friends too, and he walks me to class and everything whe he has time, but other than that, we don't do anything couple-y. 

I don't wanna be the one to do anything, because, what if he changed his mind and realized I'm actually really annoying, or what if he doesn't want to be out with a boy in school walking hand-in-hand. God, my insecurities are just coming at me all at once today aren't they?

"Yo! Dude, you with us?" John asks, while waving his hand in front of my face.

"What has been with you lately, are you ok?" Macy continues.

We're in the cafeteria right now about to have lunch, waiting for Leo to join us (if he does) and I keep spacing out. I haven't been able to talk to Leo alone and I'm kinda embarrassed. Ugh, if he doesn't say anything until tomorrow, then I'll take iniciative and text him...probably. Ugh, I'm a coward.

I feel the chairs in our table move and look up to see Leo with Jackson and Carter sitting down at our table.   Ben never sits with us, thank God, even though he always hangs out with Leo's and his friends.

"Hey! What's up?" Leo says while sitting down.

"The sky," Macy, John and I say at the same time. Then we look at each other wide eyed and see that Leo, Carter and Jackson are also looking at us, looking a little freaked out as well.

All of a sudden me and my friends laugh while Leo and his friends still look at us weird, so the three of us fist bump each other.

When we hear another tray we turn around to see Ethan sitting down next to us.

"Hey people," he greets us, and then kisses Macy and says,"hey sweets." He seems to notice the weird stares from the guys because he just sighs and asks, " did they do that freaky thing when they all say the same thing at the same time then laugh and fist bump? 'Cause I already told you guys, that's creepy."

"Wait! That's a normal occurrence?!" Jackson asks.

"Define normal," Ethan retorts. 

After that everyone seems to give up and go back to their conversation, so I just shrug and move on. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look to my side to see Leo smiling at me discreetly. I blush and ask, "What?"

"Nothing. I just think you're cute. I was umm, wondering if we could talk after school?"

"Yeah, sure, I mean, if that is what you want, then yes I would be very much happy to talk to you after school," Why did I just answer like that?! I have never, in my whole life, spoken like that. Jesus, take me.

But all my worries vanish when he chuckles lightly. He turns around after that and joins the conversation again. 

This is actually really fun. Leo's friends are nice, I'm not too out of my comfort zone 'cause John and Macy are still here and I kinda thought that Carter would a little rude seeing as he seemed hesitant at first, but he's just as nice as Jackson, maybe just a little less talkative.

"You know, there are way too many boys in this table. I need less testosterone in my lunch time. Ok,boys, new mission! John, Matt and Ethan, we're hanging out this weekend on the mall and coffee shops, we are now oficially recruiting cool girls for our group!"Macy says out of nowhere. Then she turns to Leo and his friends and says," You guys can come too if you want to."

"NO!" Ethan shouts. "That is a terrible idea! Remember last time you guys were on a 'mission'? Matt and John ended up running down the street, trying to run away from those crazy girls...IN YOUR UNDERWEAR! I'm not doing it again!"

Then Josh and I look at each other and shiver remembering that damn day.

"That was one time! And you're my boyfriend, so you have to come with me to make sure I don't flirt with anyone!" Macy argues.

"It's ok, sweets, I trust you whole- heartedly!"John argues back.

"Urgh! Why do you have to be so great?!" 

"You guys!" I interrupt," I don't know if I can. I have to watch over Chris, and I don't know, I kind of agree with Ethan...remember that time with the birds? That wasn't fun..." 

"We are creating memories! Aaaannd, you have  to bring Chris! Kids are like girl magnets! Besides, I have two handsome dudes with me, and John's good at flirting and I mean, I wouldn't want Ethan flirting with other people, I'd be jealous and then proceed to beat them up, and that wouldn't be nice. Besides, look at Matt! He's got the cute factor goin' on there with the face and he looks good with the glasses! Most of all, he's approachable, and even more with a kid!" 

"I can't," John says. 

"What? Why not?" Macy asks.

"Because he has a giiiirrrlllfriend now..." I say, mocking him.

"Yes, yes I do," John interrupts."Oh! You guys haven't proprely hung out together and she's really nice! You'll like her! She has pretty hair and pretty eyes...and she likes Star Wars, and she has a funny way of eating popcorn and..." 

He kind of trails off after noticing the looks he's getting from the people at our table.

"Anyway..." Macy interrupts."I get she's cool and all, but she doesn't go to our school...therefore, no other cool girls to have lunch with..."

I'm about to speak when Jackson interrupts me, "I have a girlfriend here. And she's cool!"

"Oh! I didn't know you had a girlfriend," John says, then turns to me and Macy and says," maybe we should start keeping up with the school's gossip train."

Just when I thought this day would go well, Laurel approaches our table with her army of evil umpa lumpas. And then, like it's the most normal thing in the world, she just up and sits on Leo's lap. I'm not gonna lie, that made me jealous. 

"Hey, Leo," she says using her 'seductive' voice and runs a hand down Leo's chest."How've been, baby? I've missed you..."

Leo seems really pissed at the moment so he just grabs Laurel's hand and holds it away from his chest while saying with a straight face, "I've been pretty good Laurel. I was actually having a really goos time, so if you don't mind, could you get out of my lap?"

Laurel just laughs at that like it's the funniest thing in the world, " Oh baby, you know you missed me, and that no one's as perfect for you as I am."

"Yeah, he misses you so much he's been ignoring you for months," Jackson mumbles into his food and Carter chuckles. 

Leo just nods and gently pushes Laurel off of his lap. " Just leave me alone Laurel. We've been done for months, so don't embarrass yourself even further."

Then she just stomps her foot on the floor and sighs, like legit stumps her foot on the floor, like in some movie, flipped her hair and left. 

"That's not what I meant when I said I needed more girl friends," Macy says and we all laugh. 

"That was my girlfriend!" Jackson interrupts. When we give him weird stares, he continues," not Laurel," he shivers." The one with the blue hair, Jessie. She's cool, I'll text her and ask her if she wants to have the rest of lunch break with us. That cool with everyone?" 

We all nod and wait for Jacksons girlfriend to answer the text and come to our table. A few minutes later, a pretty girl with blue hair comes over and sits next to Jackson and kisses him, and says sarcastically," Ugh, thanks for saving me earlier. Laurel's voice was giving me a headache."

Jackson then turns to everyone and says,"Everyone, meet Jessie, my girlfriend. Jessie, meet everyone."

After that we each say our names and continue our lunch chatting happily. Jessie is actually a cheerleader, that's why she was hanging out with Laurel. Anyway, she was actually really cool and fun. A bit agressive though, but nice anyway, and like really pretty. And most importantly, she seems to be getting along just fine with Macy, so I guess we're safe from her evil 'missions'.

The afternoon classes went on just fine, slow, but fine. And now I'm just getting home after picking Chris up from school and I'm waiting for Leo to come by so that we can talk about whatever it is he wants to talk about and I'm feeling slightly panicked. I wanna be with him, but what if he doesn't want to be with me and just makes fun of me because I liked him?! 

Wait, wait stop that Matt. You know Leo, you've been hanging out with Leo for close to two months now and you know that even if he doesn't want to be with you, he'll be nice.

I really need to work on my self-doubt...

Just as I finished putting on a lasagna in the oven for dinner, the doorbell rings so I take my apron off and basically run to the door and open it. There, in all his glory, stands Leo.

"Hi!" I say.

He laughs a little, "Hey! You got a little somethin' there," he says pointing at my face. Then before I get a chance to clean my face, he cleans it off with his finger and smiles, "Is that tomato sauce?"

"oh, umm, yes, I was making dinner...lasagna."

"You cook? That's cool, I can't cook to save my life."

We go to the living room and I motion for him to sit down, so we sit and I wait for him to say something, "So...."

"'re probably waiting for me to say what I came here to say..."

"Yeah, kinda... So, please proceed..."

He smiles," You know... about a week ago, we went on our date right?" I nod and he continues," Right, so a lot happened that day, and the next day, if we're being honest. We kissed, and we talked and said some things, " I keep nodding along, so he keeps going." You said you liked me, and, I said I liked you, which is true and I still like you. And I know we haven't talked about anything yet...but I didn't want to force you into anything you weren't ready for, so I guess I didn't ask and I regret it, because I want to be with you...badly. And I know how you feel about attention. So I guess, what I'm trying to ask is: Will you be my boyfriend?"

I was stunned for a while. Just looking at him wide eyed and open mouthed, while he just looks at me with a small smile on his face and a nervous look.

When I don't say anything, he just continues," Well, if you don't want to it's fine really. We can just be friends, I don't want to pressure you or anything, I just thought-"

"YES!"I interrupt.

"Yes? Yes to what? The friend part...or the boyfriend part?"

"The boyfriend part! Are you kidding me? Yes!"

"Oh, ok then, cool, so, does that mean I can kiss you and hold your hand? Do you have a problem going public in school? I mean, I know you're not out and neither am I, but I just wanna make sure you're cool with it."

"Yeah, I'm cool with it, but, are you cool with it? Since you're like popular and 'supposed' to be straight according to everyone and all."

"I don't care what everyone says, I just wanna be with you." 

I blush and look down, not wanting him to see my red face, but he just lift my head again and kisses me. It was soft and unhurried, full of promise of times to come. But like everything good in life, it has to come to an end. And our reminder was the timer going on in the kitchen remimding me to take the lasagna out of the oven. 

I reluctantly move away from Leo, but not before giving him a little peck on the lips and go to the kitchen and take the dinner out and put on the table.

Then seeing as I'm not ready for Leo to leave, I turn to him and ask,"Do you wanna stay for dinner?"

"Sure, if you don't mind."

"Are you kidding? It's for the amount of times I ate at your place unannounced. You are more than welcome to stay."

"Ok then, I'll stay. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Nope, it's all done. Just sit down, Imma call Chris down," I move to the bottom of the stairs and call Chris.

He comes down and we sit at the table, when Chris notices Leo, who just waves at my little brother.

So I just say, " Chris, you remember Leo, right?" he nods. " He's staying with us for dinner.

"Sure, it's ok, I don't mind," Chris answers.


We sit down and start talking about our day and I'm super glad to see that Leo and Chris get along really well, which I'm incredibly thankful for. My brother and my boyfriend. Damn, Leo's my boyfriend. Yei!

"So," Leo says with a smug smile. "Can I ask what happened to you and John to end up with you running down the street in your undewear or is that a secret?" 

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