A Heart In Hell (Dean X Reade...

By deanwinchesterloml

32.4K 861 122

Dean had had the mark of cain for almost a year now. It was so difficult for you to see your boyfriend in suc... More

Chapter 1: Secrets and Sacrifices
Chapter 2: The Mark
Chapter 3: Horror Stories From The Past
Chapter 4: Losing Control
Chapter 5: Breaking Point
Chapter 6: Deceiving Dean
Chapter 7: The "Research" Session
Chapter 8: Demon Deal
Chapter 9: Demon Or Not
Chapter 10: Hell's Prisoners
Chapter 11: A Cure and A Confrontation
Chapter 12: False Fantasies
Chapter 13: Here Comes The Cavalry
Chapter 14: Advances
Chapter 15: Sam's Inner Demons
Chapter 17: Damian Won't Let Go
Chapter 18: Gone
Chapter 19: She's Never Coming Back
Chapter 20: You Took Everything From Me
Chapter 21: I Missed You

Chapter 16: Trapped In A Blue Haze

1K 31 3
By deanwinchesterloml

Word Count: 1.9K

Your Point of View

Dean was sprawled out across the bed. Cas and you had to tie him down, in case he was still under the spell's control when he woke up. Each limb was tied to a different corner of the bed, his head tilted to its side with his eyes closed. Dean's flannel had been cut to shreds. He was now only wearing his black t-shirt, and jeans. you were sitting next to him on the bed, stroking his hair, awaiting his return to consciousness.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Hey." Sam said as he entered the room.

"Hey Sam. How're you feeling?" You asked as he sat down in the desk chair across from you.

"My memory's still a little fuzzy, but better. How about Dean? Has he said anything?"

"He still hasn't woken up." You replied as you looked down at Dean's beautiful chiseled face.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Yeah. How're you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine." You pushed your hair behind your ear. "But, honestly Sam... I'm scared. We were so close and then- This is just all my fault."

"None of this is your fault, Y/N."

"Oh really? Because as far as I can see, none of this would've happened if I hadn't taken the Mark from Dean. I should've trusted him. I should've-"

"Y/N. You gotta stop talking like that. It's not your fault. You thought you were doing the right thing. You blaming yourself, is the same as if I blamed myself for what I did while I was possessed."

"How did that even happen? Like, what do you even remember? If you don't mind me asking."

"No, it's fine. It's just bits and pieces though. I remember being in Hell, I remember Crowley's demons drugging me. And then... You and Cas broke me out of the cell. I remember seeing the inside of the bunker, and then you woke up on the ground after you exorcised the demon... But Cas told mw something else that I did... He said that I uh- And you- You and I we-"

"Sam, stop. It's okay it wasn't you. It was Damian. Don't worry about it. He's a dick and he just wants to make my life a living Hell. I know you would never do something like that.

"Okay good. Thanks." He responded with a sigh of relief. "Hey, I think I remember what words Damian used to cast the spell."

Sam grabbed a notebook and a pencil. He mumbled the words beneath his breath as he wrote them down. "Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo. Xi. Permitte telum." He handed you the paper.

"I've never heard of this before."

"Me neither. I don't know. I'll have to do some digging." Sam stood up to leave the room

"Sam, wait. Do you uh... Do you, by chance, remember what happened between us when I was a demon?"

"If you're referring to our 'research' session." He said, making air quotations with his fingers. "Then yes, I do."

"You know that wasn't me, right? Like I- I just don't like you in that kind of way."

"Yeah, I know. I know."

"Sam, I'm sorry. It's just... I wasn't myself and Dean's my boyfriend... I love him... And I would never betray him like that."

"It's okay. I completely understand."

You then felt Dean begin to rustle in the bed. "Dean?" You called, as you rubbed his bare arm with your hand.

Sam, too, noticed Dean beginning to come to. He looked over at you with hope. Maybe Dean would be okay. Maybe the spell had worn off. There was no guarantee but maybe this time we would have a win.

You looked down at him as he opened his eyes... They still had a blue tint to them. The spell hadn't gone away. You got off the bed, worried of what he might do. He began to struggle against the restraints.

"LET ME GO!" He yelled.

"We can't do that, Dean." Sam said.

Dean's Point of View

Dean didn't know what was going on, or who anyone in that room was. All he knew is that he needed a blade. He had to finish what he started.

"I want you to cut every inch of your body, until you bleed out." Was the only thing running through Dean's mind. It was as if it were stuck on a constant loop.

Dean groaned out in pain and frustration, because he couldn't do it. He didn't have a blade. The pain of not being able to do it, made the urge stronger than it had been before.

Blue spider veins began to move on and through Dean's arms, face and entire body, shooting pain. It was almost as if the pain was a punishment for not doing what he was told to. He wanted to do it, but he couldn't.

Dean kept yelling out in pain as it kept getting more and more painful, and the blue in his veins became more and more vibrant.

Then the blue veins slowly faded away. Dean's breathing became more stable and consistent, but tears then streamed down his face. "Let me go. Please. I'm begging you. You have to let me go. I have- I have- I have to finish it." He begged.

Your Point of View

It was so hard to see Dean like this. What did Damian do to him?

"Dean, I can't. If you do that, you're gonna kill yourself." You moved closer to him. Sam grabbed your arm, letting you silently know that he didn't think you going over to his brother was a good idea. You didn't care.

You placed your hand in Dean's, trying to comfort him. "We're gonna fix you. I promise. But you have to stay like this until we figure out how."

He squeezed your hand tightly and ripped his arm from the restraint. He gripped you tightly around your throat while pulling his other arm free.

Sam and Cas ran over to pull Dean off of you.

Sam ripped you out of Dean's hold and carried you out of the room, as you held your throat with your hands, trying to soothe the pain.

He took you to the library, and sat you down in one of the chairs.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm aces." You said sarcastically, but you could barely get any sound out.

"Let me see that." He pulled your hands away. Bruises were beginning to form and it was beginning to get harder for you to breath.

You kept trying to take in deep breaths, but barely any oxygen made it through to your lungs.

"You are most certainly not okay." Sam said. "Cas! We need your help!"

Cas came running in. He moved Sam out of the way so he could get a better look at you. "This might hurt a little." He said before placing his hand over your throat.

You gasped in for air and winced as he healed you.

You took in a few deep breaths. "Thanks Cas." You said weakly, with a cough, as you patted him on the back.

"What'd you do with Dean?" Sam asked Cas.

"I had to put him out again. It was the only way to get him to stop. We need to figure out how to break this spell. There's nothing more I can do, but keep knocking him unconscious every time he wakes up." Cas explained.

"Well then we'll find a way to break it." Sam said.


Sam, Cas, and you had been reading through all the spell books that the Men of Letters had. You were trying to find something, anything that would help Dean.

Sam had laid the paper with the spell on it, in the middle of the table, so that you could refer to it when searching through the books.

"Guys." Sam said.

"What?" You said, rubbing your eyes.

"I think I found it." He said with a smile on his face.

A boost of caffeine shot through your body, as you perked up.

"What'd you find?" Cas asked.

"Okay so 'Mentem tuam ac voluntatem adsumo' is part of a brainwashing spell. 'Xi' is from a Chinese mind control spell. And 'Permitte telum' is a disarming spell."

"So what does that mean?" You asked.

"Well, it means that Damian used a combination of all three of these spells on Dean, which I don't think as ever been done before."

"So we just use the cures for all three of the spells on Dean, and it'll wake him out of it, right?" You said hopefully.

"I wish it were that easy. Usually the way to break most spells is to kill the witch that cast it, however Damian is not a witch. And since he's, technically, already dead, there's no guarantee that killing him would even save Dean." Sam explained.

"Basically, you're saying, that we could try killing Damian but it might not work. So there's a chance that if we kill Damian, Dean might still be lost, and we would've killed the only one who knows how to break it?" You clarified.


"Well that's just fucking great!" You threw your book across the room and stood up.

Sam and Cas traded glances, as you paced around the room.

"Okay, okay, okay. Here's the plan. I'm gonna go to Hell to find Damian, and I'll threaten to kill him with the First Blade if he doesn't let Dean go. He's terrified of that thing. And with me being super charged by it, he's more likely to give into our demands."

"But you can't do that?" Cas argued.

"Why the hell not?!" You countered.

"Yes, the First Blade would scare Damian, but we can't use it. We need to keep the blade and the Mark away from each other. Otherwise, we don't know what the Mark could do to you... Again."

"Cas, right now, I don't care what happens to me. The only thing I care about right now is Dean. So I'm taking that blade, and I'm going to Hell to find Damian."

"But what if you aren't able to control it, Y/N?" Cas said.

"Then you guys will just have to pull me back. You've done it before, you can go it again. There's no other way to get Damian to let Dean go, and you know it. The demon knife won't scare him, but the First Blade will." You stated.

"She's got a point." Sam said, looking over at Cas.

"Fine. But you're not going alone."

"Sam can come with me but, you need stay here and watch Dean in case he comes to." You said.

"This is a bad idea." Sam said, under his breath, as he stood up.

"Yes it is." Cas said.

Cas left to keep an eye on Dean, while Sam followed you to the garage.

You could do this. You had to do this. How else were you going to save Dean? You cared about him too much, to let him be Damian's little puppet.

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