18 & Over! (Lesbian Stories)

By AliciaBloMieLudick

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Hannah Miller is a eighteen year old teenager who mostly lives with her best friend. She was raised in a very... More

18 & Over! (GirlxGirl)
Chapter 1 - Bonfire Nights
Chapter 2 - Lipstick lullabies this is sorry for the last time
Chapter 3 - Hold on to your hats I see a storm coming.
Chapter 4 - Close your eyes and fall
Chapter 5 - The Dinner Date
Chapter 6 - You should be so lucky
Chapter 7- Horrible bosses
Chapter 8 - Prom Part 1
Chapter 9 - Prom part 2
Chapter 10 - Sometimes its magic
Chapter 11 - When the credits roll
Chapter 12 - Sometimes either it is there or it isn't
Chapter 13 - Don't blink you might miss it
Chapter 14 - I'll be the one who breaks my own heart
Chapter 15 - Slipping away
Chapter 16 - Hallowed out memories of you and I
Chapter 17 - Meet the parents
Chapter 18 - Stricking it dumb
Chapter 19 - Christmas part 1
Chapter 20 - Christmas Part 2
Chapter 21- light the fire to my bonfire heart
Chapter 22 - I'm going to make this place your home
Chapter 23 - Wedding bells
Chapter 24 - The in-laws
Chapter 25 - You make everything better
Chapter 26 - Lexi Hill
Chapter 28 - Homecoming
Chapter 29 - Helping Hand
Chapter 30 - Please Listen
Chapter 31 - Surprise surprise
Chapter 32 - One more Week
Chapter 33 - Promises of tomorrow
Chapter 34 - When tomorrow comes where will you be?

Chapter 27 - Lets hear it for the girl

8.5K 220 22
By AliciaBloMieLudick

Authors Note

Hey guys so I'm going to be uploading more regularly
 and the more comments I receive the faster the
uploads will be coming.

This chapter was just to say thank you for the
 support and hope you guys keep it coming




Hannah P.O.V

There was no ice cream. We were all out of ice cream it was horrible more than horrible it was dreadful, I had a nightmare about this and now it's happening I just didn't understand why it had to happen to me. I don't know how to handle it. I needed ice cream and I couldn't sleep anymore. I'm just laying in bed thinking of how Beth could've forgotten to get me ice cream. It's not like I ask for much I just ask for one silly thing and she forgets about it.

Looking over at her sleeping peacefully I put my hand on her face tickling her lips gentle seeing her swat randomly in the air. I smiled to myself feeling a bit evil and decided that a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. It was her own fault really..

Going throwing my bedside drawer I find a pen and turn on my side towards Beth. She looked so peaceful and beautiful really beautiful, but I still needed my ice cream.

Smiling I graze the pen slightly around her ear and quickly take it away as she starts stirring. Once she in relaxed I graze the pen on her collarbone and back up over her face. Grinning to myself I see her start waking up and I instantly throw the pen to my side and close my eyes pretending to still be asleep.

"Mmm.."She stirs and I feel her hands slip around me and her soft lips press against my neck "Morning Han."She smiles and I slowly open my eyes and stretch out yawning slightly

"Awhh what time is it? Morning baby."I smile meeting her lips smiling like a winner should smile. I was one step closer to my goal. I should just become an actress I'm pretty much a pro.

"Hold on let me check."She says rolling to her side grabbing her phone. She opened up an email and I starred at her bare back gliding my hand down her spine. She turned her head smiling at me looking strangely different as she puts her phone back and takes my hand in hers place my hand between her legs.

"9:00 am , I'm quickly going to jump in the shower and then I'll make you breakfast anything specific you want?"She aks tracing her finger tips over my lips still sounding half asleep and beautiful as ever in her husky voice and I nod feeling slightly paralyze by her intense stare. I wonder if ever I would stop getting turned on by these little thing? Somehow I doubted it and loved knowing that.

Just like the tease I am I  slowly trace my hand higher up on her leg watching her eyes turn darker and she smiles biting her lip slightly looking at mine."Anything I want?"I say as seductively as possible. I was getting good at this..

She nods silently putting her hand on mine slipping me higher and closing her eyes with a glorious smile on her lips. I had her where I wanted her to say the least..Now for the kill shot

"I was thinking maybe Ice cream.."I said slowly biting her lip and heard her giggle realizing that she probably thought I meant something sexual and I pulled back from her a bit looking at her shyly..

Her eyes find mine and after a while she mouths 'oh' and rolls her eyes "You mean you actually want ice cream don't you?"She says sadly and I nod trying to suppress my laughter. She grabbed my cheeks shaking her head kisses down on me hard pushing her body slightly against me and as I opened my eyes feeling her lips off of mine I see her climbing out of bed throwing a sheet around herself fanning her face smiling at me looking embarrassed.

"Is there no more ice cream in the freezer?"She asks scratching the back of her neck and taking her phone in her hand checking it again. "I could've sworn I bought some." She says her eyes still on her phone

"You only bought one babe..I already ate it."I say starting to blush at the way she was looking at me now. I was officially a fatty I knew that. I knew it because she was looking at me the way you look at someone at Mc Donald's who has five cheeseburgers and is sitting on two seats.

"I'll go get some after I've showered Han promise. Would you..I mean if you wanted to you could join me?"She said winking at me and I feel an ache in my lower body and nodded towards her. I was still a bit stiff from last night but I wasn't going to refuse such a wonderful opportunity. Even if she thought I was a fatty.

 "Sounds like fun."I smile climbing out of bed covering up myself knowing my belly was probably showing pretty badly. I was sort of still a bit shy about the weight gain but it seemed that Beth found it sexy or so she says. Every time I got shy about it she would just do what she was doing right about now.

She tugs the sheets off of my body letting it fall to the floor and look over at me and as I try to cover up her hands stop me and her eyes find mine.

"Stop it."She says dropping to her knees kissing my belly softly and sensually. The touch made me shiver a bit and as she got back to her feet taking off her bed sheet she griins enterlocking our hands walking into the bathroom and I looking at her perfectly toned body biting my lip my hand trailing down her bum.

It must be dangerous being this in love with somebody that their smile makes your knees go weak..

"What are you thinking about?"She smirks

I shake my head pulling her close to me kissing her lips softly and hands caressing her back. All I was thinking about was feeling her ,kissing her and touching her.

"I think we might be thinking the same way."She says in between kisses and I hear the shower water start running...


I was busy making Beth breakfast considering she went to buy me ice cream. She would never eat ice cream for breakfast  unlike me she still exercised and ate healthy. She was making me jealous still looking so damn good but not jealous enough to the point that I didn't want my ice cream.

I was making her egg whites and a salad it didn't look very appetizing to me but she liked it. What my baby wants that's what my baby gets...I'm really starting to become extremely corny..

I walk to the sliding doors and see Beth's phone laying on the dining room table. I see that she was a message and it's from her office. Why would they send her emails on the weekend? I open up the email out of pure curiosity...

To: Beth Williams
From: Erin Barkley
Subject: Meeting

Good Morning Beth,

It completely slipped my mind but I want to tell you that Miss Hill had signed the contract. I gave her your number like you said to discuss any further movement and meetings in the future.

Again sorry to contact you over the weekend I just thought I'd let you know we got the contract.
Say hello to your wife for me and enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Oh my gosh that is wonderful I can't believe it! I look at the time stamp and see that this had been sent early this morning. I wonder if that is what Beth was reading this morning, it couldn't be because this message hasn't been opened or maybe Beth already read it but marked it as unread..

"So I didn't know how many to buy..I think I went a little overboard but it's better than having to go to the shop everyday and buy more you know."She says bursting through the door and putting two bags on the kitchen counter

"Holy cow how many did you buy?"I ask all of the sudden feeling extremely hungry walking up to her handing her ,her phone.

"I think like eight..but it's not to eat in one day it's for the week."

"I know babe."I say rolling my eyes looking curiously at her "Did you see you got an email baby?" I ask and she nods taking her phone and putting it into her pocket.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you earlier, I kind of had my mind on other things though."She smirks giving me that look making me walk away smiling "Where you going?"She asks

"I'm going to let you have your breakfast or you might get distracted again, besides we have to go have lunch at your parents house remember."

"We could skip it? "She says with her mouth full "I still remember how they look don't you?"She smiles cutely

"You don't want to see Austin?"

"Okay okay fine but don't hurt yourself and be careful..actually take your time ,take all the time you need."

"Hey babe?"I ask standing in the hall way smiling at her and she turn her head my way swallowing her food and smiles sweetly with her hands in her lap.

"Babe you aren't going to let me eat in peace are you."She says grinning wiping her mouth

"I will promise I just want to say congrats on the contract.."

Kim P.O.V

I hop onto the kitchen counter looking at my parents. They were really paying me much attention since my mom and dad were cooing over Austin. They should coo though because I heard from a little birdie that he is the cutest baby in the history of babies. That birdie being me of course..

"Do you guys think she has gotten fatter?"I ask feeling happy all of the sudden. It was horrible but I liked the fact that Hannah was fatter since she was always the one with the best body. Now shes a fatty oh the irony.

"Do you mean has she gotten fatter since being pregnant? Yes I believe so honey and get off the counter you won't ever get a boy if you keep sitting on counters. "

"Remember honey counters are made for glasses not asses."My dad laughs at his own lame joke and I look at my mom whom is giggling. It wasn't funny so why was she laughing? Probably because she laughs for the good and the bad jokes. Shame.

"I don't want a boy mom."I say to my mother taking Austin from her giving him kisses hearing him giggle. I could just make him giggle when I wanted to I didn't need a boy to laugh at my jokes. "Your the only man I need."I whisper to Austin and he just looked blankly at me

"Are you trying to tell us something honey?"My mother asks and my dad looks at me like he is about to have a heart attack.

"Honey.."My dad says clearly concerned "Are you a lesbian?"

I wanted to laugh at them the both of them. Of course I wasn't but was I going to miss the opportunity to mess with them? Nope.

I put my one hand in front of my face and try to cover my face with Austin and then I sigh and look at them with a guilty expression.

"I didn't want to tell you guys because I wasn't sure of how you would react but yes I'm a big lesbian. Complete lesbian and that's just the truth."I say seeing Beth and Hannah walk through the house making their way over to us "And what is worse is that I'm completely in love with Hannah. Utterly in love with her."I say and Hannah winks at me walking over to me.

"It's about time."Hannah says giving me a quick peck on the lips and interlocking our arms putting her head on my shoulder.

At this point I thought my parents were truly going to faint. They kept looking between Hannah, Beth and I trying to wrap they're heads around it. Of course Beth grinned rolling her eyes pulling Hannah back to her.

"Seriously you guys are gullible."She says  narrowing her eyes at me "My wife."She says to me and looks at Hannah "My lips."She says to her kissing her.

"My best friend."I shot back and Beth shrugged her hand trailing down Hannah butt and I averted my eyes wishing they would stop already with the PDA. We get it you are married and you sex a hell of a lot no need to advertise.

"Honestly Kimmy you should start dating. Or at least get out of the house and go dancing or go have a cocktail with some of your friends from college."My mom said

"Mom shhhh best friend in the house I don't have any other friends."I say dramatically winking at my mother hearing Hannah giggle.

"Oh please I'm sure Hannah won't mind you going out with your other friends. Right sweetheart?"Mom asks Hannah and Hannah smiles

"I would most possibly suffer from depression if you did such a thing."She joked and my father cleared with throat getting everyone's attention.

"Why don't all of you go into the lounge so that I can get to cooking. You guys are overcrowding my kitchen."I father says folding his arms over his chest. And they wonder where I get my dramatics from.

"Honey you cooked pasta one night last week now it's your kitchen?"My mother says seeing my father deflate a little and look pleadingly at her "Oh right of course it's your kitchen love."She smiles walking towards us and putting her arm around my shoulder. "He is barbequing all he has to do is marinate everything in the kitchen. He is very proud."My mom whispers to me and I laugh at him. It must be hard for him constantly being around men. Although Austin is here all he really says is 'Go ball' or 'fetch Mom' and a few other things.

"Kimmy give him to me."Beth says and I hand him to her watching him go straight for her hoop earning. Not a very good idea.

"Oh that is not going to end well."Hannah smiles scooting closer to Beth and takes her earrings out putting them in her handbag. They were so damn couply basically joined by the hip. "There you go."She smiles and plays with Austins feet while Beth tickles his sides

"How have you been feeling honey? How far along are you now?"My mom asks Hannah

"Um about 4 months and I haven't really been feeling very bad. A little bit of morning sickness but I don't know what do you think babe?"Hannah turns to Beth and Beth starts grinning

"Let's just say I haven't been complaining about her hormones being in over drive."She said and I swear I saw her starting to blush. I going to puke.

"Not something we needed to know honey."My mom says turning her face in disgust and laughing at them.

Beth P.O.V

Beep Beep

My phone goes off and I hand Austin to Hannah and take it out of my purse.

Text Message

Unknown Number:   So I sign the contract and you don't even call? How is that fair Miss..Misses Williams ;)

Lexi Hill.

"Who was that?"Hannah asks casually whilst playing with Austin and I hold the phone in my hand. I wasn't going to let Lexi do this I was going to call her and put her in her place right now.

"Work. I'm going to make a call I'll be back now."I say walking out of the lounge and outside towards the pool dialing her number.

"Well that didn't take very long. You must've missed me I suppose."She says and I grit my teeth wondering why she was doing this and if I was giving her signs that I was interested which I'm not.

"Listen to me this thing between us is strictly professional Lexi. You are my client and we are going to have to be around each other a lot but I will not allow this to continue. I have no problem terminating the contract I assure you."I say taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down

"See? It's not that hard to call me Lexi. Besides I have been waiting for you to tell me when our business meeting is going to be. I am in town for two more weeks then I have to head to New York for other business meetings."

"I will call you during office hours."

"Are you always this professional or are you just trying to tur..nevermind but it does suit you Misses Williams. I look forward to hearing from you and please send your wife all my best."

"Wait how-"But the line was already dead.

She knew I was gay and she knew I was married to a woman. But how? Did she ask around about me? What is it with her endlessly trying to flirt with me and how the hell am I suppose to handle this situation when all I'm trying ot do is keep a valuable client and get a promotion.

"Honey are you alright?"I hear my dad's voice and look to my side seeing my father sitting on the hammock smoking a cigar. "You seem to be having an argument with someone."

"Fuck! My heart...how long have you been there dad?"I ask holding onto my chest trying to calm my heart down.

"Long enough. Is there something you want to tell me honey? Who was that lady you were talking too?"He asks looking skeptically at me. He looked at me like I was doing something wrong.

"Dad I-"

"Babe your mom is calling you. She said something about wanting to take pictures and I saved you a seat next to me so hurry up before someone else takes it like Austin."She winks twirling around and walking back inside the house.

I look back to my father and smile at him as convincingly as possible "Nothing is going on dad it's just work stuff. Stop worrying old man."I say and walk back towards the house.

"Were you really going to give my spot next to you to Austin?"I whisper in Hannah's ear as my mom takes pictures of us, about a dozen pictures at a time that is. She was hovering around us and Kim was sitting on Hannahs lap pulling silly faces, she was jealous again.

I was holding Austin in my lap as Hannah turned her head my way leaning into me "Nah I was just kidding everybody knows the spot next to me will forever be reserved for my beautiful and sexy wife."She smiles

"Aww thanks so much babe that made me feel better."I say sarcastically feeling her swat my leg and narrow her eyes

"I was talking about my other wife if I were to talk about you I would just say my know it all smart ass wife. "She whispers and I feel Kim kick my leg slightly and looks over at me with her finger to her lips "Shhh and smile just do something other than talk and look happy. We are all happy and we all love each other so shut your mouth and smile."Kim barks glaring at me and I swear I could've pushed her off of Hannah's lap but instead I started laughing as I realized that it didn't take much effort to be happy or act happy because I was happy. I loved my stupid sister who always tried to annoy the shit out of me and then there is Hannah and my parents even this little guy on my lap. Not even mentioning my baby, my sweet beautiful baby waiting to come into this world and all of us waiting to meet him/her.

"Aww look at that smile Beth. Just keep smiling like that you are really pulling it off."My mom said jumping around taking more pictures and I put my one hand on Kim's back feeling strangely loving. Maybe I was busy having some hormonal meltdown as well..maybe I was getting to be a softly in my old age..Oh god no. I'm no softy.

"Babe will you please go fetch me and Kim a cool drink from the fridge?"

"Of course Hannah Banana just hold on one sec."I smile walking to the kitchen looking at Austin in my arm seeing him frown at me

"What is it?"I ask him

"Hannie is shhhhh"He says tapping his hands on my chest "Hannie is smart.."She gets out and I open the fridge taking out the soda odding at him. Yup she was she was way to smart for me.

"Hannie is very smart, Hannie makes me a softy Austin."I shake my head and we head back to the lounge.



Authors Message

Hope you guys enjoyed a bit more of Hannah and Beth and
 reading about the family again.
The next few chapters and going to be quiet
 intense so prepare yourself!!
Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the next few
 chapters because my brain is spinning already with ideas.

Please remember to comment and vote guys it really
 does matter and I hope you guys take the time to do it for me

Love all of you


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