LoveStruck (Jahvie FanFiction)

By DecayingDreams

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Dahvie (David) is always used to being bullied. Jayy'Von moved down from Idaho, to Florida. Jayy notices Dahv... More

Meeting A Friend.
Jayy's Little Show.
Daniel You Cheap Shit!
Coming Clean.
Fairy-Tales Don't Exist, Hoping You Could Prove That Love Actually Did!
Marco? Polo!
Dream To Reality.
Authors Note
Never Sleep In Dahvie's House.
Author's Note
Connecting With Ecstasy.
Bestfriends to Archenimes.
Authors Note
Parting Ways.
Authors Note
When Dahvie's Fall Into Depression.
He's Not As Bad As You Think.
SGTC is homophobic?
One Phone Call
Cringe Attack.
I Don't Want To Hurt Him. Could I love him?
Locked On Eachother.
This Isn't Gay Best Friend. *Final Chapter*
Book Two Is Up.

You Kissed Garrett, Jayy!

560 24 13
By DecayingDreams

Okay guys, I know I added a few new characters in the last chapter. But @Mari _Von_Monroe (Please check her out she's absolutely AMAZING at writing. and while I'm at it... @ImaDevilOnTheInside she's also amazing.) Annyways. I got Mari's approval to add her in this story. So I did. You'll see her later on in the story.. if not then she will be in this story.. in some chapter. She will be in this story!

ps. When I make a story I never know what to name it until I finish the whole chapter. So I'll name it 'Penis' because it won't let me save it unless I have a chapter name.. So if one of you stumble across a chapter named 'Penis' that's why. :p

Onward to the stooorry!


-Dahvie's POV-

'That was great guys!' Jake clapped. 'Thank you sir.' I said politely. 'So wadda say? Wanna sign a contract with us?' Jake asked. 'Yes! Of course!' Garret cheered jumping up and down like the happy fuck he is. 'Yes, we would love to.' I said holding a bouncing Garrett still.

'Great just go into my office and we can clear some stuff up.' Badly the runner of the Company said.


'Jayy I'm home!' I yelled, my voice echoed through the house. Jayy had gotten his own place and asked me to live with him, How can I say no to that cute motherfucker? 'Jayy?' My voiced softened once I saw the scean layed out affront of me. Jayy was curled up with his teddy-bear. Holding. on to something. I awed but.. then I walked up to him. He looked so bad. Eyeliner streamed down his face, His face in general was Red from crying so much. His streaming eyeliner got on his bear. W-What happened to him?

~~Before Dahvie Arrived. Jayy's POV~~

Our love story could be kinda gory, far from boring. We'd meet a post-apocal- I pick up my phone and look at the ID. I forgot to deleted his number

     'Oh god.' I answer the call. 'H-Hello?' I hesitated to say anything. 'Hey!' Daniel greeted. 'Hi..' I said weekishly. 'Where's you're little boyfriend Daaaahvie?' Daniel teased. 'In a recording studio.' I sat back on my couch. 'So he's gone. Can I come over? We can fool around while he's gone.' Daniel obviously smirked. 'No, Thats fucked up.' I state. 'You say that because I fucked around with Hollie.' Daniel says. 'No. Believe it or not. I've been cheated on before.' I said starting to get Pissed. 'Oh I believe you got cheated on before me. Anyone in the right mind WOULD cheat on you. You're pathetic!' Daniel started pushing my nerves.

'Can you crawl.. in a hole.. and die.. of aids?' I asked. 'No. Sorry to disappoint you.' Daniel said dully. 'Why did you call?' I asked. 'I wanted to fuck with what's left of you're nerves.' Daniel said.. probably honestly. 'You are so fucked up. I still haven't recovered from that. I've been waking up in the middle of the night then crying my self back to sleep. I fucking hate you Daniel!!' I started breaking into tears.

I know it's stupid, I was cheated on weeks to about two months ago and I still cry about it. But Love hurts. It's like a drug, You're happy when you're on it. Broken when you get off it.

'Aww you still cry over me? I'm flattered.' Daniel teased. 'Fuck you okay!' I snap. 'Just wait, There's more to come.. And Jayy? Dahvie's next.' Daniel hung up. By this time I was completely in tears, broken down, I throw my phone aginsed the coffee table breaking the screen slightly.

I lay down on the couch and hold the bear Daniel gave me, Close to me. Picking at it's collar I notice something I did when I was away from Daniel. I made a little pocket in her collar I could stuff a small picture in it. Pulling out the picture I opened it and sob more.

The picture was of me and Daniel, Daniel had his arm around me and I was smiling like my whole world was complete, Holding onto him. Why did he cheat on me? Am I really worth anything? I love Dahvie with everything in me.. but he could be lying to me.. like Daniel lied.

No! Shut up Jeremy! Stop comparing Dahvie to Daniel. They are nothing alike. Dahvie's sweet and nice and caring.. and.. I thought Daniel was at first aswell...

After thinking about Daniel and thinking about what Dahvie felt for me.. I finally just like many nights cried myself to sleep.

~To Da Present Time In Dahvie's POV~

I take what was in his hand and looked at it. It was him and Daniel. Looking like the happy couple I actually thought they were.. I frowned knowing he cried himself to sleep, It was obvious. I stand up and grab my pink Hello-Kitty blanket and covering him up. I kissed his cheek and I saw him smile in his sleep. 'I love you Jayy.' I whispered knowing he couldn't hear me.

Me and Jayy ain't even together. No one had asked out the other yet. Anyways. I didn't want him to wake up to no one, so I layed my head down on the coffee table and closed my eyes, Then going to sleep.

-Weeks Later- -Jayy's POV-

Yay, Another night I feel asleep crying.. fuck my life.

My eyes open, Getting attacked by the light. Once I regain sight I looked around, I stand up and walked upstairs. I walked into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and shivered. 'This won't do.' I mumble, Before stripping and getting in the shower. Once I was done with that I wrapped the towel around me loosely. I walked into mine and Dahvie's room and opened up the closet. I ended up wearing my 'I Heart Dick' shirt. My almost white skinny jeans. Black converses. My bandana and of course I did my eyeliner.

I looked into Dahvie's mirror and smile happily. I stated my way down the stairs and fell on the fifth step falling about twelve steps down. 'Ah!' I sigh in pain and grab my leg. 'Dahvie..' I slightly yell his name. 'Dahvie, Wake up!' I begged. 'Please Dahvie it fucking hurts!' I begged more. 'Jayy?' Dahvie yawned. 'Dahvie, Help me!' I cried out. Dahvie walked to me and kneeled down. 'What the fuck did you do?' Dahvie asked, Gripping my leg looking at it. 'I think it's obvious I fucking fell!' I sounded like a smart-ass. 'I'm calling a doctor.' Dahvie declared and grabbed his phone. 'Well I was hoping you would just leave me here!' I said sarcastically.


'Its broke.' The doctor stated. 'No fucking shit.' I breathed out. I was still laying on the floor, my brokered propped on the third step. No one is fucking picking me up..

'Anyways, You're going to need a cast.' The doctor continued. 'No doi dip shit.' Dahvie commented. 'I don't need you input sir.' The doctor said.


'The cast doesn't look that bad.' Dahvie said. I look down and look at the hot-pink cast on my leg. 'I guess.. it matches my shirt.' I look at my cast then my shirt. Dahvie laughed and plopped on the couch. I wobble over to the couch and lay in his lap. 'Pillow!' I gave Dahvie a nick-name and rested my head on his chest. 'What happened to you last night?' Dahvie asked. My smile dropped. 'Daniel..' I responded honestly. 'That's not why you cried.. What did he say to make you cry?' Dahvie asked. 'I.. don't know.. Hearing his voice make me cry.. I just miss him so damn much.' I said again honestly.

'Oh.' Dahvie breathed out. 'I.. don't miss him.. He can screw himself!' I almost yelled raising my head up from Dahvie's chest. 'He probably does..' Dahvie chuckled, Making me giggle aswell.

'Jayy, Why don't you want to join the band? You be great! SDTC will love you! ..I love you, So I know they will!' Dahvie asked, His cheeks turning pink as he said~ 'I love you.' 'Dahv. I have bad social issues. I just cannot be around a lot of people without freaking the fuck out and running away.' I stated honestly. Dahvie frowned. 'But at you're graduation! You sung in front of hundreds of people. You didn't run off or back out. You sung, and you was fucking awesome at it.' Dahvie rambled.

'Thank you.. But I really d~' I get cut off by Dahvie's phone. He pick it up and answers the call, It was Aussie.

(Dahvie in Bold. Aussie in this typo.)


I'm going to fucking kill that asshole!.

What? Who?

Fucking Garrett!! He fucking used BloodOnTheDanceFloor!

What?! How?

He took our fucking money we saved up and left!

What the fuck? He's our screamer in the band. We just got discovered and he fucking does this?! God fucking damn it!

Damn Dahvie.

Come over. We can talk over here.


'Can we fucking sue him?' Dahvie yelled throwing his hands in the air plopping on the couch. 'Lets not get the law in this.' Aussie suggested. 'Fine.' Dahvie crossed his arms. 'Dahvikins calm down.' I nudge Dahv's arm. 'No! I'm fucking pissed off!' Dahvie yelled. 'Well fuck. Don't take it out on me!' I raise up. Dahvie's eyes soften. 'I'm sorry. You had nothing to do with Garrett.. did you?' Dahvie's eye stare me down. 'No.' I state honestly. 'Okay good.' Dahvie said. I smile and rest my head on his chest.

Snap! *flashing light*

'Aw! To cute.' Aussie commented on mine and Dahvie's snuggling, and took a picture. 'Now kiss him Dahvie!' Aussie said. Dahvie looked ay me as if he did know what to do. So I took matters into my own hands. I place my hand on the curve of his neck and brought him to my lips, I guide him and he bits on my bottom lip. 'Okay guys..' Aussie tried getting our attention.

I wrap my arms around his, and Dahvie placed his hands on my side. 'Guuuys?' Aussie said. Dahvie smiled and whispered in my ear~'Lets fuck with him..' I slowly nod and Dahvie kisses me back harder. Blushing at the sudden action, I guide my hands from his neck to his back. I ran my finger down Dahvie's spine, He arched his back. 'Guuuys!' Aussie said again.

Dahvie grabbed the button of my shirt and started pulling upward with it. Blushing, I let him. I was actually getting in the mood now, And apparently so was Dahvie.. I could feel his member.. 'Guys guys no! Aussie is right here!' Aussie yelled. Dahvie chuckled. 'We know buddy. We were just fucking with you.' Dahvie stated. 'Well damn. Looks like you hot in the mood.' Aussie said pointing at Dahvie's.. ya know. Dahvie blushes and I giggled. 'Yay! I gave my befriend a boner!' I yell happily. Dahvie giggled and back out of the room.

'Haha. Well I'm going for a walk.' I stood and grabbed my shirt Dahvie so willingly took off me. 'Okay I'll tell Dahvie.' Aussie said not breaking his look at me. 'Okay. Tell him I'll be at the park.' I said. I walked out and down the street.

When I got to the park I looked around, No children. No teens. Only one guy and he's far away from me. Just the way I like it.

I sit down on the bench and play with a butterfly.

'Jayy hai there.' Garrett walked up to me and sat down. 'Go away, I know what you did to Dahvie and BloodOnTheDanceFloor.' I said harshly. 'Hm, Why are you bitchy? I didn't screw you over.' Garret rested his arm on the bench and looked at me.

'But you screwed Dahvs over.' I hiss. 'What do you want?' I added.

-Dahvie's POV-

'Wears Jayy?' I asked Aussie. 'Went to the park.' Aussie said looking away from his phone for a second. 'Well, Looks like I'm going to the park.'

I walk to the park and see Jayy instantly.. With a guy. I couldn't figure out who.. until I got closer.. Garret!!

-Jayy's POV-

'What do you want?' I added. Garrett looked behind me and smiled. 'This.' Garret pinned me aginsed the bench and Kiss me roughly. 'JAYY?!'

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