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Okay sooooooooo. I'm bored.

I has a contest!

This is how it works.

Give me a one shot, It has to be yours, and you can even write one.

I'll read all of them! And pick a winner by Day After Tomorrow!!! It doesn't matter what kind of one shot but I personally love Jandy.

There will be Three Winners.




Here are the rules.


2) MAKE THEM STAY IN CHARACTER! (Here I'll give you an example.)

EX-Ashley had Andy aginsed the wall, His nails dug into Andy's sides. 'A..Ashley. Fuck me already.' Andy panted.-

Ya see where I got off character? Andy's dominate, Which me he would had Ashley begging.

That's the rules! Now this is what you get if you you three people win.

1st winner-You're one-shOt will be read by me on my Youtube channel.

I'll let you pick what you want to happen in the next chapter to any of my stories!

You'll get a virtual hug.

2nd winner-I'll let you pick a one shot for me to write.

You're story will be added to my review for YouTube list.

3rd-I'll write a surprise story for you

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