Daniel You Cheap Shit!

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-2 weeks later Dahvie's POV-

'Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!' Aussie chanted, Jayy look confused as did I. 'What are you flabbing about?' Jayy asked Aussie. 'Um.. Hellloooo Misioltoe!' Aussie pointed up, I look up and blush, Looking at Jayy, who was looking at me. 'I can't I have a boyfriend.' Jayy said. 'And I have a girlfriend.' I added. 'It's Christmas! I won't say anything! Now kiss.'

Aussie pushed Jayy closer to me. Jayy then blushed and looked at Aussie uncertain. Over the past two weeks I've gained a small crush on Jayy, I actually thought of breaking him and Daniel up, but I couldn't do that.. not to him.

'Don't make me make you to kiss.' Aussie threatened. 'I can't, I won't.' Jayy pushed away. I understand.. I should tell Jayy and Aussie but I don't want mine and Jayy's friendship to end so quickly.

'Damn it!' Aussie sighed.

'Davi-' Jayy whined but I cut him off. 'Jayy you're wearing my name out.. I'm changing it!' I declared. 'To what?' Jayy asked.

'Dah-v-ie.. V-anity.' I sounded it out. 'Okay.. Dahvie!' Jayy began to whine. 'What could you possibly want?' I asked chuckling. 'I. Miss. Daniel!' Jayy whine and made the cutest scrunged up face.

Come to think about it. I haven't seen Hollie since about two weeks ago when she said she was going to the movies with Daniel.

'I'm worried.' Jayy pouted. 'Aussie, can I speak with you.. about BloodOnTheDanceFloor?' I asked. 'Yep.' Aussie jumped up and me and him walked upstairs to my room. 'What is it?' Aussie asked. 'Daniel's cheating on Jayy,.. Hollie is cheating on me.' I said letting my gaze towards the floor. 'What! Dude tell jayy!" Aussie went for the door, I grabbed his arm and slung him over to the wall. 'No! I'll kill him.' I respond. 'Yeah, it'll kill him but he has to know!' Aussie said regaining his balance. 'No.. not right now.' I pleaded Aussie not to say anything.

'Ah!' Jayy voice screamed. Aussie and I ran down stairs to check on him. I nearly punched Daniel where he stood. 'This is why we should tell. Jayy. Now.' Aussie whispered. 'No.. not yet Damn it.' I argued.

'Where have you been? I've been worried!' Jayy asked sounding like a mother. 'I'm sorry Jayy.' Daniel apologized, totally ignoring Jayy's question. 'Okay.. it's okay.' Jayy said a alittle uncertain. I glared at Daniel, Daniel caught my glare. He knows I know, I can tell.

Jayy and Daniel walked to the couch and sat down, Jayy then snuggled up to Daniel's chest and started to doze off.

'Well I'm going to go, Bye Daheyvie, bye Jayy.. Daniel.' Aussie says missprononcing my name and say Daniel's with a sickened tone. 'Bye-Bye.' Jayy said half asleep. He's to adorable! I just wish is heart won't be broken. 'Bye Aussie, and it's Da-ha-vie' I corrected him. Auaie left leaving Me with Jayy and Daniel.

Daniel look at Jayy making sure he was asleep, then he looked at me. 'What do you know?' Daniel demanded an answer. I looked at him confused. 'What are y-' Daniel cuts me off. 'You know what I mean!' Daniel snapped. My eyes wife at his tone of voice.

'Let's just say.. Jayy in no why, deserves a Dick-Head, Cheating, Scum-Bag like you!' I snap back. Daniel looks at me as if he wanted to drive a knife in my heart. 'Keep you fat lips shut! Jayy doesn't know, and will never know.' Daniel responded. 'First off, What if I do tell Jayy? Second of all, Why would you even do this to him?!' I say gripping onto the cloth of the couch I was currently sitting in.

'Because, He's a guy no matter what. A girl brings more pleasure then what he can do.' Daniel says looking at jayy then at me. 'You're sick, Disgusting, and you don't even love him WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM!?' I yelled, Jayy twitched and rolled onto Daniel's lap, Still sleeping. 'Aw.' I said under my breath.

Daniel noticed and looked at Jayy. 'Do you like him Dahvie?' Daniel asked. 'No, I don't like him. He's just a friend.' I said looking at Daniel.

If killing was legal I would shot shoot him in the head.

Jayy starts waking up, I glance over to him. Did I wake him up? Damn it David!

'Hey baby, Sorry Dahvie woke you up.' Daniel said playing with Jayy's hair. I glare at Daniel. Fuck you! 'No actually you woke me.' Jayy smiled. 'Ha!' I couldn't help but blrut out. Jayy looked at me a giggled. Daniel smiled and laughed aswell. 'Shut up Dahvie.' Daniel laughed. Oh he's acting so Damn innocent!

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