Magcon Madness (a Matthew Esp...

By CinnaConn

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sometimes your heart has to fall apart in order for fate to fall together. More

Q&Slay and Update on my life


79 1 1
By CinnaConn

Trevor's POV

I woke up the next morning to the sight of Connor with his arms around Grace. I feel a tinge of jealousy shoot through me, but I ignore it. Grace and I kind of had a thing back on middle school, but we never officially prove up, so she technically cheating on me. Right? I smile remembering our little moment. I honestly do miss it. I can't just deny my feelings for her and pretend they aren't there. I smile remembering his we officially got together.


I watched Grace finish her swim meet. She's I'm the lead and I jump to my feet cheering her on, "Calm down, Trevor!" Connor chuckles. He and Grace are really close. He always goes to her swim meets, band concerts anything. If she was part of it, he was there. I begged my mom to let me go with him. I've always liked her, I've just never had the guts to tell her. Besides, she's dating that Derek guy. Derek. The only thing holding me back firm my dream girl. I continue cheering and look over to see if Derek was there cheering in his girlfriend, which he always was, but to my suprise, he wasn't there. I just shrug it off and watch Grace swim. She's still in the lead and it's the home stretch. By this time, Connor was stand up chanting her name. I laugh and join him.

"Who needs to calm down now?" I smirk at him and he just playfully shoves me. I continue to chant her name. It's Nationals, so this is a big feel for her. I was pretty sure this is her first time here.

"CONGRATS TO MISS GRACE GRIER!" The announcer shouts. All of the MAGCON and O2L guys leaped up and cheered. Because it was Nationals, she needed all the support she could get, so we were all there. She practically leaps out of the pool and runs to Connor and me. She has tears streaming down her face which I assumed were tears of joy. She hugs me tight after releasing Connor.

"We're so proud of you!" Nash smiles and Hayes nods. All of the guys and I pull Grace in a bone-crushing hug.

"Where's Derek?" She asked us. We shrug and decide to go look for him. We walk around the pool area and then are about to give up when we heard something.

"Oh, Derek faster!" A girl moans. We walk behind the bleachers and see Derek fucking some girl that wasn't Grace. I look at her. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Goodbye, Derek!" She spat taking off the necklace he gave her and throwing it at him. I sigh and follow her. She runs into the bathroom, but I don't care. I follow her in along with her mom.

"Sweetie, it's okay," Elizabeth rubs her back and pulls her to her side stroking her hair. I just awkwardly stand there. Elizabeth realizes I'm there and smiles at me pulling me into the hug. "I'll leave you two to talk. I trust nothing will happen while I'm gone, right Grace Lillian?" I blush and so does she.

"Mom!" She whined burring her head into my chest. I blush. She lifts her head and blushed, "I'm sorry, Trevor I didn't mean-" I cut her off by placing my lips on hers she kisses back. We continue to kiss until Elizabeth comes back in interrupting us.

"Awww! You guys are so cute!" She gushed taking a picture. We blush and I pull Grace onto my lap.

"Mom! Please leave!" She whined. I chuckle and hug her tighter. "It's not funny, Trev!" She whined.

"No, you're right," she smiles, "It was adorable," she blushed and laughed, "and funny!" Her laugh stopped and she just started swatting me. I laugh, "You're mean!" She whined and I laugh harder.

"And you love me!" I joke not thinking she did, but she did something unexpected; she kissed me again. When we pull apart I just stare at her amazing brown eyes.

"I-I do, Trev, you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I've always kind of liked you. I just realized tonight that I'm truly in love with you. I will quote the Fault in Our Stars if I have to!" I chuckle. The Fault in Our Stars was a book that most people didn't know existed. Grace and I pretended to be Augustus and Hazel.

"I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her. She smiles and kisses me. "Is that a yes?" I smirk and she nods. I stand up and take her hand helping her up and we walked out of the bathroom.

"I ship Tracie!" Shouts Taylor. We blushed and went home. We came here as friends and leave as a couple.

(End of Flashback)

"Trev?" Grace shakes me. "Wha-what, babe?" I cringe. Did I just call her babe? She looks at me then to Matt. He came out of the kitchen holding a glass of Apple juice. Grace notices and turns around. He has hurt in his eyes, "Sorry, I didn't mean-" she cuts me off.

"It's fine. Just, just don't let it happen again," she tries to stay calm. But I can feel the anger in the room. "Come on, Matt do you want to do something today?" He looks at her weirdly.

"Why? Don't you have something else do with your boyfriend? I thought you loved me, Grace! I loved you!" He storms out of the room.

"Grace I-" I say. She just looks at me shaking her head and walking out of the house and sitting by the pool. I want to go out there and try to comfort her like I used to, but I don't. She wants to be alone. WHY WAS I SO STUPID? I broke her heart.

Why did I do what Cameron told me to?

(A/N Oooh so Cam told him to say that! #PlotTwist! Lol)

Grace's POV

I wake up in Conor's arms and try to wiggle out of his grip. Once I'm out, I look up and see Trevor staring at me. Why? We broke up! I moved on. I have Matt. "Trev?" I shake him a little causing him to come out of his trance.

"Wha-what, babe?" He smiles at me. He looks directly at me smiling. We did break up right? I try to think back to our break up. I turn around and see Matt holding a glass of Apple juice. Hurt. "Sorry I didn't mean-"

"It's fine. Just don't let it happen again," I strain trying to keep my cool. "Come on, Matt, do you want to do something today?" He looks at me with a weird look. Did I do something? Do I look bad?

"Why? Don't you have something else to do with your boyfriend? I though you loved me, Grace!" Shit. He called me Grace. He's never called me that before. "I loved you!" He turns with tears in his eyes. Loved. He said loved. As in not anymore? What about us? He's the first guy that I really loved. The guy I've liked since the 2nd grade! I look at Trevor. My best friend. My best friend that broke my heart.

"Grace I-" he looks at me trying to take my hand. I shake my head and burst into tears. I run out of the house and sit in the edge of the pool dipping my feet in. I see a reflection of three guys approaching me. It's Kian, Jc, and Connor. The position I'm in reminds me of when Trevor and I broke up.


I was sitting on the beach with Trevor. He's was the best boyfriend ever! He's also my best friend; I've always been able to read him like a map and he seems sad. He didn't talk that much, just a few one- worded answers. "Hey, Trev, what's wrong?" I ask he just looks at me with tears filling hie eyes threatening to spill.

"I'm moving, Grace. I'm moving and I don't want to have to deal with a long distance relationship," I nod. It felt as if my heart was ripped out if my chest, trampled by a Hurd of elephants, lit on fire, eaten and digested by a fire breathing dragon, replaced, and forced to work again.

But that's the thing. It will never work again.

"Umm ok! Well, promise me we can still be friends and FaceTime every night!" He smiles at the fake smile I put on.

"Of course! Just remember, I'll always love you. Maybe someday, we can get back together when we're older and more mature," I nod. At this point, I can't hold back the tears. I bite my lip.

"Ummm Nash is here, I gotta go, see ya later Trevor!" I hug him. This will be the last time I hug him. At least for now. Since Nash wasn't here, I decide to walk home. It really wasn't that far, but Nash didn't like me walking alone. I was only 12 at the time. Once I get home, I run through the house and out the back door. I dip my feet in the water and let the tears fall.

"Woah, Gracie! What happend?" Nash asks pulling me into his lap and I cried into his shoulder. Hayes rubs my back and tried to comfort me as much as possible. I then take a deep breath and proceeded to tell them how I'd lost the guy I was sure I loved.

(End of Flashback)

"Woah! Gracie! What happend?" Kian asks. Wiping my tears away. He sits down to my left and Jc on my right with Connor next to him. I tell them the whole story and they're fuming mad. They're so mad, I swear I could smoke a turkey!

"That basterd!" Jc shouts attempting to stand up, but Connor pulls him down. I'm in tears and I rest my head on Kian's chest. He wipes my tears away and strokes my hair.

"Dude! Calm down! You aren't helping!" Connor shouts. I think it's safe to say that they're over protective. His face softens and he turns to me. "Talk to him, Gracie! He loves you!" I nod.

"W-will you come with me, Kian?" I ask he nods and stands up taking his hand. We walk inside and see everyone sitting in the kitchen talking and when they see me, they get up and hug me. "I-I need to talk to Matt," Nash nods.

"He's up in your room. You know, he's a dick. You did nothing wrong!" Taylor says. Everyone nods. I take Kian's hand and lead him up the stairs to my room. (Not like that you dirty freaks!) I slowly knock on the door and open it to reveal a bloody Matt. He's in tears and I see a pile of puke at his feet.

"MATT!" I run in not caring if he's bloody or covered in puke. "We have to get you cleaned up, Kian, can you get me a wash cloth, a change of clothes, porixide, paper towels, some disinfectent and bandages?" He nods and leaves the room to retrieve what I asked him. "I'm so sorry, Matt!" I don't know why I was apologizing I really didn't do anything, I just thought it was the right thing to do. He just kisses me and smiles.

"Why are you apologizing? Trevor told me everything. I'm sorry Gracie! I love you so much!" He says. I hug him and we stay like that until Kian comes back.

Matt's POV

I come out of the kitchen holding a glass of Apple juice. Hay don't judge! I like apple juice! "Wha-what, babe?" I hear Trevor say. Babe? BABE?! I'm the only one that gets to call her that. I just stand there in shock. I don't know what to think! I know they had a thing when they were younger and Trevor had to move away. Does she still love him? Probably. I can't think! My love loves someone else. "I didn't mean-" she sighs, but I can tell she's steaming.

"It's fine just don't do it again," she strains and Trevor nods. She turns to me, "Come on, Matt do you want to do something today?" She asks smiling. I'm about to say yes when the jealousy takes over.

"Why? Don't you have something to do with your boyfriend?" I can feel my eyes well up with tears. Her's do to. I turn and storm up the stairs and run into Gracie's room. I sit on the bed and realize what I've just done. I take out my razor and make 11 cuts; that symbolizes how many times I hurt her. Two on my right arm, two on my left arm, four on my right leg, three on my left leg. I try to wipe away the blood as I sob, but it just keeps flowing. What have I done? I hate the sight of blood; it always sickens me. I can't watch any shows like General Hospital or Grey's Anatomy without throwing- I'm interrupted by the feeling of bile rise up in my throat. Before I can swallow it, it comes the rest of the way up and I puke. Over and over again. I hear voices outside the door and a slight knock. The door opens revealing Gracie and Kian.

"MATT!" She run to me kneeling in my vomit not caring. She eyes my body in horror. It's covered in blood from the cuts and puke from the blood. "We have to get you cleaned up. Kian, can you get me a wash cloth, a change of clothes, paroxide, paper towels, some disinfectent, and bandages?" He smiles pitty filling his face. "I'm so sorry, Matt!" Now I feel bad! It wasn't her fault. Not her's, not Trevor's, but Cameron's. He planned to break us up! Wow seriously!? He's CAMERON DALLAS! He can go out and pick up chicks off the street easily! I actually had to work for them! I just smile and kiss her. She doesn't care that my mouth is covered in vomit.

"Why are you apologizing? Trevor told me everything! I'm sorry, Gracie! I love you so much!" I plead. She smiles and hugs me. I smile remembering all the things that we've been through together. We, out of nowhere, break the hug, and come together in an intense make-out-session.

"Okay, now that we got that settled, let's get Matt cleaned up!" Kian breaks us apart. Gracie blushes rapidly and all Kian and I can do is laugh. She swats us and we laugh harder.

"How long have you been here?" I ask him. He smirks and the color drains from my face. Gracie's eyes are wide. He laughs.

"Since you two made up and made out, let's get lover boy over here cleaned up! And Matt, nice tongue action, bro! I'm proud of ya!" I blush really hard and Gracie practically falls on the floor laughing. I roll my eyes.

"Okay! Thanks, Kian! Now that you've played the embarrassing older brother card, you can go now!" She motions for him to leave. He shakes his head and smirks.

"Well one, someone's gotta play the 'annoying big brother' as you call it. Why? Why shout I leave?" He smirks and Gracie and I raise my eyebrows.

"Because he needs a bath!" She finally finishes. I raise my eyebrows, "You'll be in your boxers don't get your hopes up!" My smirk fades and Kian just laughs harder.

"How do you think Nash is going to take this?" Kian looks at Gracie dead in the eye. "Why shouldn't I do it? I'm a GUY and you're a GIRL," Kian finishes.

"Well, one, you sexist basterd and two, do you know how to clean a cut?" She asks smirking because she knows the answer. No affece, but Kian doesn't know shit. He stays quiet staring at the ground, "Thats what I thought! Now leave!" Kian turns around and is about to leave when he comes over to Gracie whispering something in her ear, but I could still hear it.

"I'm telling Nash! And be smart when you do it, you little virgin you!" He pinches her cheeks and heads for the door.

"Tell me what?" Nash walks by the door and stops after hearing that. Gracie is quiet. "GRACE LILLIAN GRIER! What is it?" Kian takes him out and calms him down and tells him. We can hear him sigh throughout he door and footsteps fade.

"Take you shirt off," Gracie orders before disappearing into the bathroom. She comes back out and I'm still struggling with my shirt. She chuckles and lifts it over my head.

"I didn't think you'd be taking my shirt off me until we're married, but if you're that anxious, I can make exceptions!" I smirk at her. She rolls her eyes. "I-I think I need help with my pants too," I say in a baby voice. She rolls her eyes and helps me with my pants. I'm now in my boxers and Gracie is helping my limp to to the bathroom trying her best to cover my still- bleeding cuts. She sets m down in the bath tub and she added bubbles! Yay! A bubble bath, my guilty pleasure! I smile really big and Gracie laughs. "You remembered?" I ask her. She blushes and nods.

"How could I forget?" She looks at me. I pull her in and kiss. We kiss passionately licking her lips, she opens her mouth allowing me to explore her mouth. I tug at the hem of her shirt pulling away. She shakes her head and I nod stepping in the bath.

"Can you get in with me?" I ask her giving her the puppy dog face. She smiles and shakes her head.

"I have to clean your cuts first! Gosh, Espinosa! One step at a time!" She giggles and takes my arm beginning to clean the cuts.

"Gosh sorry, future Espinosa!" I joke. Her cheeks turn bright pink and she pours a chemical on my skin causing it to burn. I wince in pain. She smirk giving me the 'don't mess with me' look. I let her clean the cuts and watch cautiously just in case I have to do this. Once my cuts are clean, she leaves to room for a little while to clean the floor and change into her swim suit. Once she returns, I pull her to me and cuddle her kissing her neck.

"Matt!" She groans and I chuckle. "Come on, Matt! Let's go get in the pool!" I nod and drain the bath that is filled with bloody water and bubbles. She turns around so I can change into my swim suit, but she saw me in the mirror. I smile at the mirror and she blushes. "I never knew it was that big!" She jokes and now I turn pink. I throw her over my shoulder and run out the door, down the stairs, through the kitchen filled with confused faces, out the patio door, and throw her in the pool. "MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA YOU WILL PAY!" I chuckle.

"You guys wanna come swimming with us?" I ask. Everyone nods and disappears into the house to put on swimsuits. One by one, they return each doing some sort of weird jump in. "LET'S PLAY CHICKEN!" I shout. Everyone pairs up. The teams are:

Me and Gracie

Nash and Cameron

Mahogany and Jacob

Connor and Kian

Trevor and Jc

Ricky and Hayes

Jack and Jack

Shawn and Aaron

Sam and Carter

We start the game and first, we're up against Trevor and Jc. Gracie easily pushes him off and everyone laughs. Next we battle Ricky and Hayes, "Why do I have to go up against my sister? She's too good!" Hayes whines.

"Why thank you, Haysie boo and maybe I'll go easy on you!" He rolls his eyes and gets up on Ricky's shoulders. Grace looks over and says hi to the neighbors and Ricky and Hayes charge forward Grace just reluctantly pushes him off. "Whoops sorry! Did anyone get that?" Nash nods and give Gracie a high five.

Next is Cam and Nash. They don't really talk anymore after yesterday, but they're attempting to make things better. Nash charges forward and except for pushing her, he kisses her! She shoves him off and Grace flips off of my shoulders. "I-I think I'm done for the day, guys. They all nod.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I ask concerned. She shakes her head.

"I just need some time to think. I love you," she kisses my cheek and I blush.

"Love you too!" I shout after her. She turns around and waves to us as she walks inside the house.

Mahogany's POV

After Gracie disappears in the house, there's and awkward silence that's interrupted by the devil himself. Gracie has gone through shit! So much more shit than a girl her age should go through and Cameron added to it! "I'm done too!" He says attempting to get out of the pool.

"Uhh no! No you're not!" I pull him back in. He sighs and stands on side of the pool just looking at the water.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go talk to her and take her shopping. She needs some girl time," they nod and I walk up to Gracie's room. I knock on the door and wait.

"I'm not in the mood for a lecture, Nash!" She screams. Wow. This guy really tore her world apart. I remember the bubbly fun girl that would love it when I came to baby sit. We would play ponies, do make up, and just talk. I was the one that got her through her break up with Troy. Troy was Gracie's boyfriend last January and broke up with her to date another girl; the girl was slutty and used Troy for sex and sex only. After he figured that out, he came back, but she had just gotten over him and him coming back made her feel worse.

"Girly? Open up, it's Mahogany!" I shout through the door. I hear her get up and open the door. Her eyes are puffy and face is red. "Oh Hun, come here!" I pull her into a hug and let her cry into my shoulder. "Shhh girl! It's okay!" I keep repeating that.

"D-does M-Matt hate m-me?" She asks. I wipe her tears and pull her into another hug. She hugs me tighter.

"Of course not! He loves you so much! You're all he'll talk about! He never shuts up about you!" I chuckle. She smiles, "Good girl! Now go get cleaned up, I'm taking you shopping!" She runs into her room and changes. As I wait, I hear the patio door slam and I walk down the stairs only to come in contact with Taylor.

"How's my princess?" Taylor asks, "I need to see her!" He tries to push past me. "Let me go, Mahogany!"

"She's changing. I'm taking her shopping. She's fine," Taylor relaxes and nods. "I thought you were Nash!" He shakes his head.

"Nash is busy killing Cameron, but when isn't he anymore? He fucked up Gracie's life; Matt, Hayes, Nash and I make Gracie feel better then he comes in trying to get her back and ends up breaking her," he swallows, "I don't think he should be around Gracie anymore!" I'm taken a back at what he just said. "Think about it Mahogany, he hurt Gracie everyday he was here!" I slightly nod, but don't fully agree.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Taylor," I start, "Even if we say that he can't see her, that will make him want her more and she could get," I gulp, "she could get raped again," he nods.

"Hey guys," Gracie trudged down the stairs. She had tears in her eyes.

"Princess! What happend?" Taylor runs to her hugging her. To my suprise, she doesn't cry.

"You know how you have a spot in your heart for your first love?" She starts. This can't be good.

"Yeah, that was... Trevor right?" I ask. She nods.

"But what if I never actually loved Trevor or Troy or Derek?" She chokes out. "What if Cameron was my first real love a-and I still l-loved him?" She bites her lip. Taylor just hugs her and released. "Please don't tell anyone, Tay!" She begged. He nods and walks outside.

"I would help you with this, but I don't really understand the female mind. You two go do your hair or make up or whatever you girls do!" We laugh and get into my and Jacob's rental car.

"Where to first?" She asks me. I bite my lip thinking.

"How 'bout Starbucks?" She nods her head with wide eyes. I chuckle and we continue to talk about the situation at hand. "Okay so to sum it all up, you guys still love each other, you and Matt love each other, Cameron hurt you, Matt didn't," she nods. "It's all your decision; yes, Nash can say that you can and can't do things, but it's up to you who you love," she nods.

"I-I just don't know what to do! I love Matt because he's sweet and understanding and VERY flirtatious, but then there's Cam. I love Cam because he really loves me and...." She cut herself off. I can tell she's searching for words to say, but she just can't think of any.

"Anyway, you don't have to make this decision now; we came here for a girls day!" She smiles and we walk into the Starbucks.

"Enough about me! Tell me about Jacob!" She orders me. I blush. I don't know what to say! He's charming, sweet, understanding, funny, and perfect. He holds my heart. Grace laughs so hard.

"What?" I ask her. She stops and attempts to catch her breath. "You okay?" I ask. Her breathing slows and she nods.

"You were thinking out loud, I see he holds you heart huh?" She jokes. I push her playfully and we walk out heading towards Aeropostale when I see him. I see the one and only Cameron Dallas walking towards us. I look at Gracie and point in his direction and all of the color drains from her face.

"Hello, Cameron," she says flatly not looking at his face.

"Hey Graci- Grace," He stops knowing not to call her that anymore. He attempts to hug her, but she ducks out if the way, "Aww come on, babe!" He whines.

"I think you should leave Cameron," I say to him. He looks at Gracie then back at me.

"No," he simply says, "I want to talk to Gracie alone!" He looks at her. She bites her lip and nods. I smile weakly at her and she walks with Cameron. He attempts to hold her hand, or touch her in some way, but she keeps moving it was pretty funny really!

"Wait a sec, Cameron!" She runs back to me and calls me. "This is so you can hear the conversation and know if he tries anything again. If he does I'll casually bring up our location so you can come and get me," I nod and wish her good luck as she walks back to Cameron.

Grace's POV

"What do you want, Cameron?" I ask impatiently.

"I-I want you! Hurting you was the worst thing I've EVER done! And that includes steeling! Sure I got in a TON of trouble, but none was as bad as hurting you!" His eyes well up with tears.

I roll my eyes, "Can I go now?" I asked. He smirked and shook his head.

"Pfft no! I'm not done with you yet!" He chuckles, but his face returns to the hurt state. Oh no! He's NOT going to make me feel guilty! I didn't do anything. That was all him! He ruined our relationship! Him. Not me. Him. "I-I don't know what do say! I love you so much and I ruined what we had. You were my first real love and will be my only love. Soon enough, Matt will hurt you and you will come crawling back. I know him, Grace. He will."

"Wait! What do you mean by soon enough?" He just looks at the ground, "CAMERON ALEXANDER DALLAS, YOU TELL ME-" he cuts me off by crashing his lips against mine. I don't kiss back, though i feel the need to kiss him again. He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine looking deeply into my eyes. His eyes are just like mine except mine are a little darker. "Ummm why did you do that Cameron? I'm dating Matt! You had your chance and you blew it. I don't usually forgive people!" I run my figures through my hair pacing back and forth.

"But..." He looks at me hopefully. I shake my head.

"But nothing, Cameron. I really want to be friends with you and have it not be awkward, but you're too busy wanting me back! Please! Just let me be friends with-" I feel a burning sensation on my cheek; he hit me. Cameron Dallas HIT me!

"Grace I'm so sorry I didn't-" I hold my cheek with my hand and hold back my tears.

"Just don't, Cameron. I, done trying to be friends with you! Do you know how many times Nash tells me how much of a bitch you are and I DEFEND you! I defend you because I thought you'd stop, but you don't. I was on your side when no one else was, but congratulations; you just lost a player. It's now 9-1 huh, I wonder which team will win! J-just stay out of my life, Cameron. Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't bother trying to talk because I'm just done!" I start crying. I run away and he follows grabbing my wrist spinning me around and planting my lips on his. They aren't firm anymore; they're some and filled with passion. I can't do this. I slip out of his grasp and run faster. He chases after me, but I reach Mahogany before he can catch up.

"Whoa, Gracie! What happend?" I point to Cameron. I'm crying so hard that I can't even speak. "I'm taking you home!" I nod and she picks me up carrying me to the car. I sit on the passenger seat and age drives home in silence. Once we get home, I run to Nash's arms. I wrap my arms around him and cry into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asks. I pull away and catch my breath.

"C-Cameron. Cameron did this!" I don't care anymore! I want him out of my life! At least for now. "I told him I just want to be friends because I'm afraid of getting hurt and he slapped me across the face!" Mahogany looks at it and her eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh, Gracie! Your cheek is swelling like crazy!" I'm balling like crazy! Everyone stares at me and comes running up to me.

"Here lie down. Ricky, can you get a ice pack?" Hayes asks setting me down on the couch and cradling her in his arms. Ricky returns and hands me the ice pack kissing her forehead. I rest it on her cheek as Taylor strokes her hair. Hayes takes it from me adding a little bit more pressure than I have originally applied. She finches a little, "It's okay, Gracie. The evil ice pack isn't gonna hurt you anymore!" He chuckles.

"Do you want me to slap your face so we can be twinning?" She asks holding her hand up. He just stares at her in disbelief. She flinches and he drops the ice pack and curls up. She laughs for the first time in what feels like forever. She picks it up holding the cold brick on my face. "Matt?" She asks Matt. He steps foreword.

"Yes, babe?" He asks, "You wish is my command. What can I do for you?" He winks and Nash elbows him in the gut. I start laughing as hard as I can, along with Grace.

"Can you cuddle with me?" I ask. He smiles sitting down next to me pulling me clots to him.

"I don't think Cameron can stay here anymore!" Nash says. Head in his hands. "He keeps hurting you and I applaud you for trying to be friends, but I think he needs to leave."

"Me too!" I sigh and all of the other guys nod their heads. Nash walks up the stairs and takes Cameron's stuff putting it in his suitcase. He comes down the stairs and sets it by the door. "I'm sorry, guys. I ruined your friendship with Cameron," She tears up and Matt pulls her closer. Sam sits down and rubs her back.

"Shhh, Gracie you didn't do that; he did that himself. He hurt you therefore, he hurt us. We're here to protect you. Who cares if others get hurt! As long as your safe," he pulls her into a hug and kisses her head.

"Yeah, Gracie!" Aaron says. Before I know it, I'm pulled into a group hug.

"WE LOVE YOU!" They all say at the same time. She giggles and they release and I see my mom holding a camera

"Oh how sweet! Y'all are so cute!" She coos showing us the picture.

"Mooom! Delete it! It's embarrassing!" Hayes whines trying to take the camera away from her, but she keeps pulling it away from him. He finally gives up and sits back pouting.

"Oh you think that's embaressing, hey mom! Where is Gracie's photo album? I want to reflect on the past birthdays and stuff!" Nash smirks at me and I elbow him.

"Translation, you want to embarrass me in front of my friends and boyfriend!" She retorts back to him.

Grace's POV
I can't believe NASH would even joke about something like that. He knows I get embarrassed easily!

"Mostly you're boyfriend!" Nash admits and I look at Hayes and Matt to try to bail me out, but they don't get the message. Ugh boys are clueless! Mom returns with the photo album and hands it to Nash. "Thank you, mommy!" He sneers and I kick him in the leg. He winces, but quickly shakes it off. "Let's get started shall we?" He smirks and sits down on the couch. We all gather around him. "Here we have Gracie in the bathtub!" He points to a picture of me at about 3 sitting in the bath smiling cheekily for the camera.

"Awww isn't wittle Gracie adorable!" Aaron says. I swear it's as if I have 16 brothers instead of two! "I bet that turns you on Matt!" Aaron smirks at Matt. Nash elbows him in the balls and Aaron falls to the ground. We laugh hard and it suddenly stops. Cameron walks through the door. His eyes are puffy; it looks as if he's a puppy that just got kicked. I roll my eyes at him and turn to Matt who is still blushing.

"You're cute when you blush!" I whisper to him. I've said it a million times and every time he blushes. It never gets old. He pulls me into a hug.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He whispers to me. I nod.

"Of course!" I peck his cheek. He smirks and his eyes fill with lust causing them to turn almost as dark as mine.

"That picture did kinda turn me on," I blush and look at the ground. I don't know what to say! I love him and I secretly want him. I want him so damn bad! "Uhhh, Gracie? You were thinking out loud again! Are you sure you're ready?" I shrug.

"I-I honestly don't know. I'm 14 barely and have already lost my virginity," he looks at me with an apologetic look on his face.

"I don't think you are and that's okay! I'll wait if it means I can do it with you!" I smile and kiss him. "Wanna go watch a movie? I don't think I can take being in the same room anymore," I nod and lift my arms signaling for him to carry me. He sarcastically sighs and lifts me up bridal style.

"I'll pretend to be sleeping. Nash would never let me be up in my room with you alone if he knew I was awake," he nods.

"Gracie felt tired and I'm gonna lay with her," Nash looks at Matt weird, but let's us go. We reach my room and Matt sets me down in the bed. He strips into his boxers and hands me one of his t- shirts to change into.

"Turn around, you thirsty basterd!" I giggle and he turns around. "I'm done!" I tell him and he turns back around joining me on the bed again.

"You know, I could see you in the mirror!" I blush and swat him. He laughs, "You look really sexy in my t-shirt and I want you to keep it. Happy birthday!" I smile and thank him by kissing him. "Can you thank me like that all the time?" He smirks and I blush harder.

"See? Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the one and only thirsty basterd... Matthew Lee Espinosa!" I joke and he rolls his beautiful auburn eyes.

He kisses me just below the ear, "But I'm your thirsty basterd!" He pulls away and I kiss him on the lips. Our lips move in sync and he plays with the hem of my shirt. I pull away and shake his head. We sit there quietly for a while and I find myself staring at his abs. "Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the one thirsty basterd... Grace Grier!" He mocks me and we laugh. We spend the rest of the night talking and laughing. He steals a few kisses here and there, but it feels as if I'm with my best friend. I'm finally able to forget about Cameron for once and focus on my true love. Matthew Espinosa.

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