Nyx Anora

Von Glitch006

506 111 26

"What are we doing? Really. What-what is this?" "I'm sorry, I don't know," "Exactly. We don't know. I don't... Mehr

Breaking the first rule
The Beginning
Breaking the second rule
Breaking the third rule
The weirdest treasure hunt
The journey to hell begins
Off we go
This would never get easier
Bonding with people and bandaging people
Late night conversations can get way too real
So close yet so far away
Switching sides, breaking laws
Who's left
Solve a riddle, lose a life (or a few)
Betrayed (Once again)
Feeling Feelings
Acting on said feelings
GTA it
It's never simple
We find everyone but ourselves
The bigger picture
Bigger picture (part 2)
Jerks with guns and symbols on trees
Conjure Chaos
Fake a smile
Pancakes and corpse ridden forests
Little not so little things
Tired eyes and bloody skies
And now I know
The end is nigh

This will bite me in the ass later

21 5 0
Von Glitch006

"Alright so are we sure we've packed everything we need and ONLY what we need?" I asked everyone.

"Yes mom," they all sighed and rolled their eyes. They're all creepy together.
"And are all flight tickets with you?" I asked Bert.

"Yeah jeez, hakuna your tatas," he snickered. "Boy I'll knock you out to Mars if you try and sass me once more," I said and walked out to check my bags for what seemed like the tenth time.

We were all ready to fly out to my old house in two days where a lot of repressed memories lied.

"OH WAIT SHIT I FORGOT!" I heard Bert halt with a screech at my door.
"Forgot what?" I asked.

"We gotta dye my hair a "normal people colour" so no one remembers us too well," he said. "And the kids and Chloe's too. We need to make ourselves as unrecognisable as possible which means pulling out my possibly expired contact lenses. Do they expire though?" He asked mid-ramble.

"So I'm guessing we change up my appearance just for good measure?" I asked him and he nodded eagerly.

"And to fit our fake ID's, how on earth did you forget that?!" He asked while his hands moved around wildly.

"I was preoccupied with other thoughts." I shrugged. He just shook his head softly at me and facepalmed.

And twenty minutes later, I found myself running black hair dye through Bert's hair while Emily was dying Hunter's hair brown. Chloe had already put in this weird brown but also black but also blonde kind of hair dye in my hair. I'm pretty sure it was more than one box of hair dye, since there were so many colours but she dyed Bert's hair and it looked okay so I trusted her. I still had to wait about fifteen minutes to wash out the colour.

Once Bert's hair was covered in black dye, and his scalp was as well (though I doubt that was supposed to happen), he went on while he wore a puke-green floral apron to dye Emily's hair the same brown. Chloe didn't allow anyone to touch her hair so she dyed her hair ginger on her own.

We decided to keep my eyes their original colours and get rid of the contact lenses, make Bert's a bright green instead of the grey and leave Chloe's brown. Hunger and Emily both shared the same light blue eyes now, unlike their previous grey.

At least now my dream of meeting Harry Potter (and yes, the character, not Daniel Radcliffe) was coming true. Sort of. Bert's green eyes and black hair were as close as I would get.

"..hey HEY!" I heard Bert loudly clapping next to me. "Good, now I got your attention. The kids and Chloe went to wash off the colour and knowing Chloe, we're not gonna be left with much water or enough water at all." He said.

"So what? Do we like share the shower? Wearing clothes obviously," I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Hell no. I know you wanna see all of this-" he wildly gestured to his body "-but no. I have a bathtub in my bathroom, so we just remove our hair colour through the tub so no sharing a shower and no mess. Hopefully," he said and we both sighed, taking a towel and giving me another as we both went out of the living room and into his bathroom.

I honestly don't know what was more awkward, washing dye out of my hair in a tub next to someone who was also doing the same thing, both of us not knowing if we should take or if the talking would be more awkward than the silence, or Hunter and Emily's screams from their bathroom that sounded horrifying. I swear the kids were like cats, screaming bloody murder in the shower.

"HEY YOU DONE?" I heard Chloe scream. She didn't get a response from us so she popped her head in to check on us and I could practically feel her eyebrow raise. I was done with my hair but apparently Bert wasn't with his and I turned around and bursted out laughing. Lovely.

Twenty four hours and four idiots unknowingly forced me into breaking my rules and I wasn't even bitter.

"W-Why on earth do you have hair dye in your eyebrows?" I asked while wheezing, my wet hair dripping water down my neck. "My eyebrows need to match the hair. Duh," She rolled her eyes like having hair dye in your eyebrows was the most common thing on earth.

"That reminds me, I need to dye my eyebrows too. Go tell Hunter and Em' to do the same- Wait no. You do it for them, knowing them the whole bathroom will be stained brown but their eyebrows will still remain the same," He said and sighed.

"You're just saying that to get some alone time with Nyx, aren't you?" Chloe smirked. "Yes that's exactly what I want," Bert rolled his eyes in the same annoying way Chloe seemed to do and slammed the door shut, but not before pushing his cousin out.

Once that was done he tried putting the colour in his eyebrows. Key word- tried. He got the colour all over his forehead but his eyebrow was still covered only in patches. He was looking into a mirror, but his hand eye co-ordination still seemed to be terrible.

"No no no, stop. You're basically painting your forehead black for heaven's sake," I said while prying the brush away from his hands.,

"You do it then!" He shoved the brush into my hands and huffed, pouting slightly.

"Alright you big baby," I sighed and scooted closer in the bathtub where we both sat.

I didn't realise how little time it took us for me to be unnervingly close to him. I could feel his breath slightly on my face. I could see every little freckles on his face, the mole that seemed hidden by his eyebrows, how his right eyebrow was arched a bit higher than the other.

I made the mistake of looking at his eyes and I don't know if I should've looked away immediately. I saw more than just solid grey. I saw how the dark, almost black-grey came in thin streaks towards his iris and how the lighter grey managed to blend in yet stand out just enough.

Throughout, he stared right back at me. I noticed everything, his eyelashes, his squint when he stared back but he made no move to stop me.

I didn't even realise that I was leaning towards him, and that he was leaning towards me.

"YOU DONE? BECAUSE WE'RE DONE!" I heard Chloe scream down the hallway and we both jumped apart.

"Not interrupting anything, am I?" She asked as she opened the door a little to stick her head in.

"No, no. Nothing to worry about," I softly said while still looking at him as I got up and out of the tub. He stared back until I turned away.

I walked out with Chloe, leaving Bert to his thoughts and me with mine. And that was that.


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