By SHINeeFlaMinGirl

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Its a cute romantic comedy musical love story of famous Kpop band SHINee and their ICE CREAMY GIRLZ !! How th... More

SHINee confessions
SHINee Dorm
SHINee OUTING (part 1 )
SHINee OUTING !!( part 2 )
LoVe Competition (round 1 )
LoVe Competition( round 2 )
LoVe Competition ( final round )
Jealousy in Air
10% extra story !
Babies And Memories !! <3

There Is Always a Happy Ending If It's not Happy It's not the End :)

359 15 6
By SHINeeFlaMinGirl

Onew kneeled down holding the ring in his hand . Minnah blushed , looked into Onew's eyes and hesitently asked Omo !! wat are u doing ? i mean this ring are u really ....and before Minnah cud complete her scentence Onew asked WILL U MARRY ME ?? Minnah was paralysed she wanted to shout out loud  YES ! YES ! and hug Onew bt she cudnt . She just kept staring at Onew in disbelieve . Onew stood up disappointingly and said U dnt want to marry me ?? Minnah shyly replied Yes ! Onew shockingly asked WAT ?? really u dnt love me ?? well i guess u deserve better than me i can understand . He turned and was about to walk away when Minnah shouted YAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Pabo I mean YES I WILL MARRY YOU !! ,she ran towards Onew  and gave him a tight back hug . Onew cheered yipeeeee !!! I love u . Minnah replied I love u too . Onew put the ring on Minnah' s shivering fingers . They both hugged each other and was about to kiss when Onew' s phone rang . He annoyingly received the phone and said Yaaaahhh Can't u all call afterwhile ?

The giggle  of  rest of the Shinee members cud be heard from the phone . Jonghyun replied miahnae we Just wanted to know that did our sister-in-law accepted the proposal bt I guess we are too late the proposal is already accepted and now u both are bxy with smthing else sorry we won't disturb anymore.

Onew blushed as he hanged up the phone and said they all are going to kill me . Minnah laughed and said they all are so cute . Onew complained  so u are on their side already ? Minnah replied ofcrs !!

At  Shinee dorm everyone was so excited . Minho said Its so amazing first proposal full of love then  getting married... Jonghyun grinned and continued ...and having so many cute babies  aaawwww I love babies . Key nagged shut up u both we are not at the age to be thinking about babies plus Onew hyung just proposed its not that he is becoming a father .

Taemin cutely said awww babies are so cute .I want babies ...Jonghyun laughed and said wat ?? without getting married ?? hahaha nice idea.



     4 YEARS LATER .....

Ok so let's start ! Onew fighting ! Onew sighed and said to himself as he entered the supermarket. He glared at the list in his hand and murmured this list has no end as always . He went to the baby' section and began to put things in the basket that were written on the list ....

Baby milk

Baby food ( chicken flavor )

Baby shampoo

Baby cream

Baby powder

Baby soap

Baby ......



Baby ....

and Onew' s phone rang he sighed and said I was shocked that she didn't called uptil now bt finally she  call . He received the call and asked hmmm ?? Now wat did u forget to add  in this infinite list ?? Minnah replied No I just want to tell that the Baby milk ...Onew said yes dnt worry I have taken it Minnah interrupted did u  checked the age group ?? No right ?

So just check the age group it shud be within 1-2 years babies arasso ? Onew checked the age grp written and  replied ohhh damn now I have to go all the way back to baby milk area

Cnt we use the 2-3 age grp I guess they all are same . Minnah annoyingly replied ANDEY !! are u out of your mind ? There are so many things that depend on this and even our baby' s future depend on this . Onew who knew that he is never going to win replied Ok Ok I got it .

He changed the milk and took all the items written on the list bt the last thing confused him . He angrily said damn it I again have to call Minnah I dnt know so many things about my baby .... He was calling Minnah bt by mistake he called Minho .

Minho received the call and before he cud even say hello Onew said U forgot to tell me about the Baby diaper .

Minho laughingly asked waaaatttt ???? Hyung are u drunk ?? I am going to tell Sister-in-law  that u r drunk .Onew replied Minho ?? u ?? ohhh sorry I was calling Minnah .Minho laughed and said I know why wud u ask about diaper from me ?? hahaha .

Sooo cute !! Well hyung how is my little niece ?? I got worried when I suddenly saw ur call . Onew replied Everyone is fine . So its almost six month of ur married life right ?? howz life going ? Minho sighed and said great life ! Hannah just Kicked me out of the room and now I have to sleep on the couch .

Onew laughed and said wow ! so interesting keep fighting ! Minho replied thanks I need it , by the way finally our KEY is getting married tomorrow . Have u bought the gifts ? Onew said ofcrs I dnt want to die I have a daughter and a wife to look after . Minho said Yes u r right ! The first thing I will do tomorrow is buying the gifts . After talking to Minho Onew continued wat he was doing .

Minnah was trying to  calm down crying baby Sarang when  Onew entered the house . He quickly put the shoppers in his hands in a corner and took Sarang from Minnah' s arms into his arm. Minnah said finally u r here , wat took u so long ? U know that she cnt stay without u . Onew kissed Sarang and took her to her room to make her sleep while Minnah checked on the things Onew brought .

After awhile when Sarang was asleep  Onew came out of her room. He went to Minnah  put his hands around her waist and said Jagiya !! I.was wondering Sarang is so lonely . She needs some one to play. Just think if we have baby boy our family will be complete . Minnah annoyingly replied Onew are u mad ?? Sarang is so young and you cnt even handle her properly so just stop this rubbish . Go and change tomorrow we have to attend Key and Parkhyu' s wedding . Onew made a cute poker face and went to change while Minnah laughed and said  Sorry Yeobo  u r a cute baby too so I am already handling two kids .

After talking to Onew Minho stood up and went to his room . He shouted outside the locked door of his room Hannah!!  this is my house u can't just kick me out of my room like that .Baby I am telling u that girl was just a frnd we met after a long time so we took some pix I didn't knew she wud post them and write all that . I promise I wud never meet her again I love u and u know that right ? Plz Open the door let me in plz . Hannah shouted I hate u ! Look at the pix u both look so ...aaaahhhh Go away ! U r not going to sleep in this room .

Minho sighed and said I really need to break this damn lock tomorrow . He went to the lounge ,lied down on the couch , opened his phone to see his lockscreen that was Hannah' s pic, kissed the pic and said I love u crazy girl .

After awhile Hannah slowly opened the door and peeked outside then she tiptoed to the lounge holding blanket in her hands and saw Minho sleeping on the couch with his mouth open , TV  showing Soccor match  , popcorn all over Minho and on the ground the bowl must have collapsed when he slept , his phone on his chest , beer cans on the table . Hannah smiled as she  looked at sleeping Minho and began to clear up all the mess . She picked his phone saw her pic and smiled again.She put blanket on Minho , kissed his cheek and was  heading back to room when suddenly Minho grabed her hand. She turned and said leave me ! Minho stood up from the couch picked Hannah into his arms and started walking while Hannah kept shouting Yaaaaahhhhhh!!!! wat r u doing ??? put me down !!! Minho  smirked and said We need our room !! as he took her in the room .

The next day Hannah woke up late and saw fresh yummmy breakfast waiting for her with a cute note : Good Morning Jagiya ! I am going to buy gifts for Key and Parkhyu' s wedding I ' ll be back soon . Love u !

Hannah smiled as she ate the yummy breakfast .

JaeRim called Taemin and annoyingly said where are u ?? I m waiting for so long . Taemin replied I am on my way ....JaeRim sighed and said just get up from the bed and get in the car . Taemin surprisingly asked how did u know that I am still on my bed ...R u in my room right now ?? JaeRim replied I know my fiance very well so hurry up ! and yeah dnt forget ur phone . I am waiting at the food court for u .We need a lot of time to think wat to buy for Key and Parkhyu .

Taemin said  I' ll be there sweetie .

JaeRim went to the food court in shopping center to wait for Taemin .

She was drinking coffee bxy with her  phone when suddenly a boy with a cute ,face smiling eyes and a bright smile came towards JaeRim kneeled down holding flowers in his hand . JaeRim surprisingly asked excuse me ?? Wat r u doing ? do I know u ?  The boy smiled , stood up and said No u dnt know me bt I know u . U r Ice creamy girl' s JaeRim right ? JaeRim nodded . The boy said I am really big fan of Ice creamy girls and especially u . I like u soo much and I was following u for a while and now when I got the chance I want to ....

Just then Taemin entered the food court and saw JaeRim with a boy holding flowers .

JaeRim said to the flower boy thank u for loving our band bt actually ....Taemin interrupted She is mine !! We are engaged ! If u want u can come to our wedding next year may be . Bafore JaeRim cud say anything Taemin was already dragging her out she just looked at the boy and said U can find better than me .

When they came out Taemin frowned and said I only leave u for few minutes and U were already getting proposed .

JaeRim laughed and said Dnt worry I am officially reserved for u . Taemin winked and said ohhh yes !! JaeRim said U have become so flirty in these years I remember the Taemin who kept blushing just by holding my hand . Taemin replied It's ur fault who told u to become more and more beautiful . JaeRim blushed and said Ok enough let's go and buy smthing for Parkhyu and Key .

They both bought the gifts and were heading back . When Taemin stopped the car at a flower shop . He went to the flower shop and came back with a bunch of beautiful fresh red roses . He gave the roses to JaeRim . She smiled and asked wats this for ?? Taemin replied dnt u like it ?? JaeRim smell the fragrance of the flowers and said ofcrs I love them bt Y suddenly flowers ? Taemin didn't replied and started the car .

JaeRim laughed and said its bcuz of that flower boy right ?? U cudnt see any other boy giving me flowers awwwww so cute I love u my Taeminie . She again laughed ,pulled Taemin' s cheek and said OMO ! u look so so so cute when u are jealous . Love u my cutie .

Jonghyun called Key  and asked Everything is fine  right ? Although its ur wedding bt I am more nervous than U .Key laughed and replied I know its an important day for u too dnt worry everything is just perfect ! how can it not be after all it my wedding . Jonghyun nervously replied I wish everything goes as planned .

Parkhyu was shaking as she was so nervous waiting for the wedding to start . She again checked her make up , hair ,dress . The  other girls  were trying to make her calm down .

Parkhyu said My heart is beating so fast as she took a deep breath . Minnah smiled and said dnt worry everything will be fine . Hannah winked at Parkhyu and said After wedding come to me for tips . JaeRim pulled Hannah and said Oenni stop teasing she is already so nervous. Hannah hugged Parkhyu and said just relax . JaeRim asked Does anyone know where is our maknae ?

The wedding was at a the tenth flour of a luxurious hotel . HyeRa was alone when she entered the elevator.The elevator stopped at third flour and a cute girl entered the elevater , gave HyeRa a piece of paper and a white rose  and went out of the elevator quickly .

On the paper it was written ..

When we first met I wanted to ask Ur name bt I cudnt ....

HyeRa was confused that who wud send her this ? She might have got it by mistake .

The door of the elevator opened HyeRa stepped out and saw another girl coming towards her . This girl gave HyeRa a yellow  rose and a piece of paper . HyeRa asked who gave u this ?? why are u giving it to me ?? bt the girl didn't replied and walked away .

HyeRa looked at the paper it was written ..

I wanted to ask will u be my bestfrnd bt I cudnt 

HyeRa confusingly walked towards the wedding hall bt at the enterance

another girl was waiting for her bt before the girl cud come towards HyeRa she herself went towards the girl and said wat do u have little princess ? The girl smiled and gave her a pink rose and a piece of paper .

On the paper it was written ...

I wanted to tell u I like u do u like me ? bt I cudnt

HyeRa looked here there for the person who was giving all these msgs bt she cudnt see anyone except the people entering the wedding hall .

Suddenly a cute little boy came and said Noona nomo yeppo !! HyaRa laughed and said awwww thank u so who told u to say that ??

The boy held HyeRa' s hand and began to walk. HyeRa just followed the boy who took her to a room .

The room was extremely beautifully decorated with roses . Each and every corner was shining with Beautiful crystals . The floor was covered with roses. There were candles glowing . HyeRa was lost in the beauty of the room when she heard a voice singing .....

As long as you love me

We're under pressure, Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in

Keep it together, Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning (frowning)

But hey now (hey now), you know, girl (know girl), We both know it's a cruel world But I will take my chances

As long as you love me We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me)

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me)

I'll be your soldier, Fighting every second of the day for your dreams, girl

I'll be your Hova You could be my Destiny's Child on the scene girl

So don't stress (don't stress), don't cry (don't cry), we don't need no wings to fly

Just take my hand

As long as you love me We could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke

As long as you love me

I'll be your platinum, I'll be your silver, I'll be your gold

As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me) As long as you lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo-love me (love me)

And before even the song was finished tears rolled out of HyeRa 's eyes . Just then she got a text msg in which it was written

I wanted to tell u I LOVE U . Do U love me ? bt I cudnt ...

and now again I want to ask u smthing bt this time I will ...

And Jonghyun came out smiling and holding a bunch of white yellow pink and red roses. He came towards HyeRa kneeled down and said

Lee HyeRa Will U be my bestfriend forever ?

Will U be my beloved girlfriend forever ?

Will U be mine forever ?


I may not be perfect for u bt u r perfect for me .

HyeRa just blushed ,smiled and didnt said anything although from inside her heart was screaming OMG !! OMG !! AAAAHHHHH FINALLY ....YES PABO YES ! I will be ur bestfriend forever .

I'll be ur girlfriend . I will marry u bcuz I LOVE U TOO !

HyeRa took the flowers with her shaking hand and shyly nodded.

Jonghyun jumped up and cheered. He hugged HyeRa and said Thank you so much for accepting my proposal .

He went a little closer to HyeRa . She said  Jonghyun dnt u dare think U can do anything bcuz I accepted the proposal . Jonghyun smirked and said No actually I think there is smthing on ur face ...and he came closer kissed HyeRa and ran away shouting Love u so much .

HyeRa annoyingly shouted Yaaahhh U ...I will Kill U and she ran after Jonghyun out of the room .

Jonghyun and HyeRa running and shouting entered the wedding hall. They wedding was about to start.

Parkhyu was looking so beautiful as she walked towards Key . Key held her hand as they stood and bowed to people who came to their wedding .

After all the marriage formalities now it was the time for the bride and groom to exchange the rings .

Key took a out an extremely beautiful shinee ring and put it on Parkhyu' s finger. Now it was Parkhyu' s turn . JaeRim gave her the ring. Parkhyu tried putting the ring on Key'finger bt it was not getting in. Parkhyu imediately tried putting the ring in other fingers bt the ring was too small for that .

Key frowned and said I knew it when the bride is Parkhyu how can everything be alright ? How can u get the small ring ? Now wat we are going to do ?

Everyone got worried and Parkhyu was about to cry that how can she make such a mistake bt suddenly she got an Idea. She called Hannah towards her and whispered smthing in her ears . Hannah smiled , nodded and walked away.

Parkhyu said Just wait everything will ne fine .

Untill Hannah came back all the people including Shinee , ice creamy girls , Key and Parkhyu all stood at the wedding hall waiting for Hannah with a poker face awkwardly.

Finally Hannah came back and handed Parkhyu a shiny silver chain . Parkhyu put the ring in the chain and said Who said that we can only wear rings on our fingers ?

She put the chain with the ring in it around Key'neck . Key laughed and said Wow !! Its like a new fashion I love it . My wife is so clever .

Everyone laughed , cheered and clapped for the newly wed couple kissed and hugged .

Jonghyun  said so finally Key is also married and now next is my turn .I am so excited Taemin interrupted Noway next is my turn I am already engaged.

Jonghyun frowned and replied Dnt u have manners? U r the maknae I am older than u I shud get married first .

Taemin said then JaeRim is older than HyeRa so We shud get married first .

Jonghyun annoyingly said No me !!

Taemin said No me !!

Jonghyun shouted me!!

Taemin shouted me !!

Jonghyun shouted No u!!

Taemin shouted  u !!

Jonghyun laughed and said I caught  u hahaha I am getting married next .

Come on HyeRa we need to prepare alot of things . Jonghyun walked away taking HyeRa with him.

JaeRim laughed at angry Taemin . She went to him and said U can never win from ur hyungs right ? Taemin looked at her and asked Are u making fun of me ? JaeRim again laughed and said No ! so plz just forget our marriage and lets go tease  key and Parkhyu . Everyone greeted and teased Key and Parkhyu .

SHINee and Ice creamy girls took a family picture together.

Finally the last chap .....I wanted to make it a perfect happy ending I dnt know if its perfect or not bt atleast its happy .

This was my first ever book that I wrote just for fun as I love SHINee !!

Thank u

Plz do vote and cmnt :)

Bye my readers ! Hope to see u soon if i ever tried to write again lolx dnt worry i wont :P

LOve u all   <3

FlaMinGirl <3

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