(Book 3) Forbidden Secrets.

By RenesmeeRcks

11.5K 69 4

[ I wrote this in 2010, beware. ] (Book 3)-Sequel To Life Sucks When Your Royalty- (Finished). Lexie Over is... More

Pic of Blake Over
1 Rules.- Pic of Lexie!
2. The New Kids and A Party?- Pic of Logan
3. Have I Never. . .Pic Of Zoey
4. A Party Gone To Far. Pic Of Angel
5. The Slut Club and New Styles!? Pic Of Xander
6. Ok so I lied. . . Who cares?- Pic Of Clayton
7. I Feel Like Such A Slut.- Pic Of Daniel
8. The Secret Date. Pic Of Bree.
9. Are you using me?--Pic Of Daisy
10 Krissy? Pic of Dylan
11. The Only Mistake.-Pic of Vickki
12. What?! - Pic Of Drew
13. My Mom Went Wacko.
14. You Want Me To Do What?!
15. No More Hiding.
16. Xander n Angel? A ok Ending? Don't think so.
17. Why Do You Need Us?
18. Angel? Are You Ok?
19. Angel's Not So Boring Valentines Day.
20. A Big Mistake.

*Prologue* First School Day.

1.8K 11 1
By RenesmeeRcks


Forbidden Secrets

Dalia's pov

I sat with Riley and Summer talking.


I was led into a room with Xavier walking behind me. The door shut behind us. " I already know what your going to do." I said to Xavier as I sat down on the table top. " So I guess that makes it easier." " Maybe." I said playing with some gum balls in my hands. Xavier laughed " You can put those gum balls down." " Who said they were gum balls?" I said. " You wouldn't hurt me." Xavier said chuckling. " You know, Carla will come back." " Good." " Not to join but, to kill Alex." " Yeah right." Xavier said. " Yup." " Don't make me get Peter." " His powers don't effect me you know that." I said. Xavier chuckled " This is why Alex needs you." " Why because he secretly still loves me and wants to make out with me?" I said " You don't get it, when you were with Alex he thought you were more powerful." " Yeah, I could break out of here." Xavier laughed. " I would like to see you try." Xavier said. Alex walked in. Xavier opened the door and walked out.

Summers pov

" Oh come on Sydney it's ok here." Riley said. Sydney laughed " You minding this would be where Lucas would like." Sydeny said. Riley stood up suddenly as Dalia ran past.

Dalias pov

Alex how would I describe him? Hmmm. Doors were closing on my left and right as I ran for the backdoor. I threw a marble and the door stopped crushing the marble I pulled the door open and went threw before it closed.

I ran up to the treehouse and sat down. What did Alex do to me while I was there. I kinda feel a connection to him. Oh God did I just think that?

I walked into the bathroom and washed my face. Carla was standing behind me. " Hello." Carla said. I turned around. " How did you know I was here?" I asked " Oh I saw it." Carla said. "Saw it?" " The whole thing by the way the escape was beautiful." " And What Xavier ment was true." " I was just thirteen when my Parents got in a car crash. Peter told me my brother died. So I went with Peter, he told me I caused the car crash because of my extra special abilities. He gave me somthing that would boost my powers. He told me it would bring my parents back. The next week I was treated as shit. I couldn't use my ability for anything. Peter well he found Alex and put these thoughts in his head."

Carla said sitting down. " But, you found your brother." " Yes, but Peter I don't know what he is he can just make you think anything was true he made me think my brother died." Carla said " But why?" " Because sometimes Peter wants extra special vampires." " But, I'm no different from Eli." " Ya but, Peter put this thought in Alex's head that you and me were the only vampires." " Wow Peter is the brains?" " Yeah he can like make you do anything." Carla said.

Seth's pov

" Nice going Xavier." I said to him. " Alex let her get away." l Yah but you were supposed to be watching her." " We can find some other girl like Dalia soon enough." Xavier said.


Dalia's pov

I knocked on my door. Ty opened it " Sis!" Ty said. I smiled hugging him. " Where's everyone?" " Not here while your Parents are home." " Oh right." I said. I walked in and grabbed my phone off the counter top and called Eli.

" Hello?" Eli said. " Eli! Where are you?" " Dalia?" I laughed " Where are you?" " At my mom and dad's house and don't worry they just left to finish their honeymoon I think or did they go to Vegas?" Eli said.

I walked up to my room and grabbed a bag. " And where do we think we are going?" my mom asked " To see my friends." " No your not." my mom said. I turned around and saw Cole holding hands with my mom. I walked over to my window. " Clean your room." my mom said before walking away. I climbed out walking on top off the roof.

I sat up atop on the roof. I grabbed my backpack walking to the edge.


I walked into Eli's parents house holding my backpack. I hugged Eli. " God, how I have missed you." Eli said. " You too little cousin." I said. Eli laughed " You do know your like 22 now and I'm 19." " Yah but, you will always be my little cousin." I said. " I wanna go see!" Bree yelled running down the stairs. " Me too!" yelled a little girl. She looked so familiar.

" Lexie?" my throat was dry. " Mommy!" Lexie yelled as she hugged me. Savannah walked down the stairs with Angel. " Wow did Angel sure grow." I said. " Yup she's the same age as Blake and Lexie." " Well basically they all look 8 besides Vicki." Eli said. I looked down at Lexie. I picked her up carrying her upstairs. " Where do you sleep?" I asked " I'll show you mommy!" Lexie said as she hopped from my arms and grabbed my hand.

" Daddy is with Auntie." Blake said. Blake looked at me " Mommy?" Blake said. I smiled. I picked up Blake. " Where's your other cousin?" " Angel?" " No." " Dylan?" " Yeah." " He's at school." " Why aren't you at school?" " We don't like school." Lexie said. I laughed. " Did ya bring us presents." Blake asked. " Sure did." I said cupping my hands together. I opened them and handed a beanie baby to Lexie and a toy car to Blake. " Oooh." They both said. They both ran downstairs.


" What took you so long?" I asked Ryan. Ryan laughed " I was just hanging out with my sister before she left." " Where's she going?" " She's going to live at Nate's house with Selena, Lucas, Vicki, and Nate's mom." Ryan said sitting down on the bed. " I missed you so much." I said. " You two." Ryan said.

I reached over and kissed Ryan. I felt him kiss me again. I reached my hands up to his hair putting my fingers threw it.

I removed my arms from around his neck. " I missed you." I said. He smiled " Yup." Ryan said. " Should we send Blake and Lexie to school?" " I don't know if that's a good idea." " Why not?" " Something bad could happen with them both being half wolf and half vampire." " Yeah, when should we tell them?" " When they get older." Ryan said.


I looked around the room I was in. Blake and Lexie were sleeping in the other room with Angel. I went through the bed and walked through the wall. Eli had found a three bunkbed somewhere and Blake was sleeping on the top, Lexie was sleeping in the middle, while Angel was sleeping on the bottom.

I walked downstairs and Natalie was playing with Daisy on the couch. " Hey Natalie." I said. I walked into the kitchen and hugged Collin. " Long time no see." I said. " Yeah" " So do you know what's going on with my parents?" " No, I would not like to know." I laughed " Jeeze how long have I been gone?" Collin laughed. " It's just not the same without Max here." " Collin, or should I say brother because I think-" " Ah I don't need to know that my dad is planning on marrying your mom." I laughed " Shit." Collin said. " Hey you didn't here it from me you said it." " Ya ya." Collin said. " Anyways, what was I going to say?" " I was talking about how Max left for collage and left my kids here." " Oh ya, Tell me your not still over Max." " Well, it's just." " Collin." " How could she leave her kids like that?" " No idea, I mean I left because well Alex wanted to use me for his own needs." Collin looked at me. I broke out laughing. " I'm Just kidding." I said. Collin chuckled. I smiled.


My phone started to vibrate in my shorts pocket. I took it out and answered it. " Hello?" I said. " Hey!" Max's voice said. " Hi." " So how have ya been?" " Good, my brot-I mean Collin told me you left for collage." " Yup, but it's not what I wanted to do but, my parents had this whole idea of me going." " I see." " Call you later?" " Sure." I said. The line went dead as I hung up.

Savannah walked down holding Angel. " Where's Eli." " Oh I forgot to tell you, Ty called and he said mom wanted to have a family dinner." " The whole family?" " Ya." Collin groaned. I laughed " Oh come on it can't be that bad." Collin laughed " Sure with my mother there and your dad, and all the cousins." Collin said.


" Hi mom." I said. Collin burst out laughing " What?" I asked "It's just I never saw Eli wearing such fancy clothes." I rolled my eyes " And I never saw you wearing a tie before." I said before sitting down. " Watch out for Toothy, she bites." Collin whispered. " Don't be silly shes such a cutie." I said. " OW!" I said. " I tried to warn you." Collin whispered.

Savannah's pov

I carried Angel upstairs to her bed. " Night mommy." Angel said. " Night Angel." I said.

I walked back downstairs and sat next to Ryan and Natalie. " I'm bored." Natalie said. " Yup totally." I said.

Eli's pov

Ugh. Why did My mom have to be related to Dalia's mom.

I sat down next to Savannah " Family dinner was the worst a kid bit me." Dalia said. Collin laughed " Hey I tried to warn you." Collin said. I laughed.


Dalia's pov

I grabbed some things walking to school. " I don't see the purpose of going to school." Natalie said. Ryan laughed " Well what ever gets me away from my 'parents' I'm fine." I Said. I stopped at the doors. " Where's my stepbrother?" I asked. Natalie shrugged. " Oh well." I said putting Blake down. I gave Blake and Lexie a kiss before they ran off to their classroom.

Lexie's pov

I gave mommy and daddy a kiss before running off with Blake, Angel, Daisy, and Daniel.

I walked into my classroom holding Blake's hand. Angel was also in our class. Everyone was waiting outside. " I'm cold guys let's go inside." Angel said. " I'm not cold." Blake said. Angel laughed. A bell rang and we were led into out classroom. I grabbed Blake's hand leading him over to three desks where we could all sit. I looked down at the name tags and quickly switched them. Angel laughed.

I counted the rest of our classmates in all there was 5 more boys and 6 more girls. The teacher starting talking and my mind wandered off. " Blake. Lexie!" Angel said. " Yes?" I said snapping out of my thoughts. " It's lunch time come on sillys." Angel said.

I stood up and got in line our teacher led us down to cafeteria. Me, Blake, and Angel walked over to where Bree, Daisy, Daniel, and Clayton were sitting. Me and Blake were the only ones with lunch trays while everyone else just sat there.

I always wondered why mommy and daddy never pack us lunch. Bree was bitting into a apple when the bell rang. The teacher led us all outside to the playground.

" Race you to the swings." Bree said. " I want the end one." I said. " Not if I get it first." Bree said then she disappeared I ran after to her and jumpped over her landing on the swing. " Darn!" Bree said taking a swing next to me. I stuck my tongue out at her. " I don't know how you could do that, I would end up on the top you and Blake have like a third sense." Bree said swinging.

I giggled " We don't have a third Sense." I said. Daisy was swinging next to Bree. "Let's play tag!" Daniel said. " I don't like tag." Daisy said. " Come on sis it will be fun!" Clayton said. " Fine. Catch me brother!" Bree said jumping off the swing. Bree landed on her feet " You missed." Bree said. " Last time I caught you, your foot kicked my face." Daniel said. " Yeah, that was sure funny." Blake said.

I sat on top of the monkey bars with Blake. Daniel was walking on top of the playset.

Dalia's pov

I sat in class thinking. Gavin had said that is it very rare- I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher and other students were looking at me. " What have I just said Shane?" I looked at her and began to read her mind of what she said last. " Well?" She said " You were talking about how we were going to do a experiment next week." I said. " Wrong, I didn't even say that. . .yet. Detention after school Mrs. Shane." the teacher said returning back to her lecture.

The bell rang and kids started pouring out. I thought about my locker. I appeared next to my locker putting my things in. I grabbed my backpack and walked to Selena's locker. " So how has it been?" I asked her. " Great actually, my mom came home and I have no idea where my dad is but, now I don't have to drag around Vicki." " That's good I'm just headed to pick up Blake and Lexie." Selena laughed " Want to skip your detention?" " How did you know?" " Remember full vampire." " Ah ya." I said.

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