The Misfire: Book 3 (Newt ||...

By Dannyce_Ann

8.9K 179 17

Follow the lives of Maya(Y/N) and Newt in the safe haven together with the rest of the survivors (Newt X Read... More

1. Minho's Confession
2. Salmon and Romance
3. Shower
4. Mountain Hike
5. Euphoric Night
6. Moonshine
7. Missing Them
8. Moody Maya
9. Spilling Secrets
11. Take Care
12. "Booze-Loving Bastards"
13. Boy? Girl? Both
14. Just Emotions
15. Night Intruder
16. Bundles of Joy
17. Wee Whiney Shanks
18. Shore Time
19. Bland

10. Just Stay Calm

380 8 0
By Dannyce_Ann

I sprinted and escaped deeper into the forest and further to the mountains, not bothering to stop or look back. All those mixed emotions inside me needed to be released. It didn't matter how long I was running or where I was heading, I just wanted to be alone. Maybe just be alone forever. I followed the snaking path and jumped over large roots, ducking my head to avoid getting hit by the branches.

Then I finally reached the spring pool and collapsed to the ground, panting heavily and heart pounding. My legs were sore and burning, my lungs on fire and my hands were shaking. Large beads of sweat trickled down my face.

It took me a few minutes to finally catch my breath. I stood up and limped towards the edge of the area; the cliff overviewing the sea. In the peacefulness of the late morning atmosphere, I screamed with my whole body. It was the loudest, most ear piercing noise I have ever made. It was a scream of hysteria and disbelief, bordering on frustration.

I picked up a few stones scattered by the side and threw them one by one off the cliff with all my might.


I threw another stone.


Another stone.


Another stone.


I screamed the longest until all the stones I held were all tossed away.

"YOU KILLED-" I picked up a dead branch and threw it away, scratching my arms in the process.


"MOTHER!" I shouted and glared at the horizon like it was the person I was furious about.

Tears were blurring my vision as I continued to scream some more, feeling chest being constricted by invisible chains while something on my shoulders was weighing me down.

I began to repeatedly punch the tree from beside me, allowing to fuel my rage. My fists were bruised and scratched from the rough and hard bark but I didn't feel the pain yet until I fell on the ground, thrashing my arms and legs while screaming.

By the time I finally stopped, my voice was so hoarse, I could barely speak.

My rage was like an aggravation of the soul for what I felt was not human. It was distorted, strong and terrifying. It burned so bad like fire creeping up my spine. I got exhausted by it but at the same time I still had the strength to hate; hate myself.

After all, I deserved this.

I laid motionless on the ground, staring above until no more tears fell. Watching the clouds somewhat made me a little more relaxed. The clouds were lazily drifting across the blue sky. I inhaled sharply and let my hand rest on my stomach. It was only until now that I finally felt the injuries on my wrists and the scratches on my arms from all those aggressive breakdowns.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm my mind, when I suddenly felt someone or something lurking behind the trees. I was never expecting the surge to interfere especially now. I remained still as my gut feeling was warning me about the approaching intruder. I heard faint growling and snarling coming from the trees but I didn't dare move a muscle. When the suspicious feeling became stronger, I immediately sat up, facing the edge of the cliff. I heard a loud grunt from behind. I turned around, to see that several inches away from me, stood a large, fat, black bear.

It's paws were rooted to the ground, but no doubt ready to charge if I made any sudden movements. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. This was my first time encountering this creature. I've only learned about them in books and seeing a live one in real life, well, I just don't know how to deal with this situation.

Slowly, I began to stand up while facing the bear, trying my best to stay calm and not scream despite how my whole body was shaking. I wanted to run away but was also too scared to get attacked by this beast. Behind me was the edge and maybe I could just jump and end all my misery. But again, all the sacrifices my friends made just so I could make it to the safe haven would all be in vain. Winston is probably gonna beat the living shit out of me in the afterlife. And now, something was growing inside me. I dismissed the idea of jumping to my death and focused on what was infront of me instead.

I could run. But this bear was large and strong enough to grab and tear me to shreds. I had no idea what to do. So I just stood still while locking eyes with the beast. Suddenly, the bear began to stand on its hind legs, startling me and causing me to take a step back. It raised its paws and let out a loud roar. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from making any noise. Just when things were about to get worse, a second bear emerged from the trees and joined the first one.


Well, guess I'll just die.

I inhaled sharply before mustering the courage to take a step forward as calm and slow as I can. I gradually raised my palm, like a gesture for the two bears to not see me as a threat, almost gagging once I saw the bleeding wounds in my wrists. The first bear now got back on its four legs and grunted. When I was far from the edge and a few inches closer to them, I stopped. My hands were still shaking as I placed them down behind me.

"Hi." I croaked.

Despite knowing that these bastards cannot speak or understand me but whatever, I was panicking inside and I had to get rid of them before they start killing me.

The two bears didn't react and just looked at me. I carefully scanned my surroundings in hopes of finding an escape. There were still a lot of stones scattered around but if I would throw those, it might trigger them and result to my painful death. I could run and jump in the pool but what if they still won't leave me alone and just watch me drown or freeze to death? I could climb a tree but based on its sharp and long nails, I guarantee they can climb as well and then eat me up or something. And the last time I climbed a tree, I almost broke my spine.

I slowly began to walk sideways, raising my other hand, but not looking at my injuries as it would worsen my panic. The bears never took their eyes off me, causing me to grow more anxious by the second.

"Please don't eat me." I spoke as softly as I could.

I inched further sideways as placid as I could. After a while, the bears finally decided to leave me alone, retreating back to the steeper part of the mountains. I exhaled loudly and leaned on a tree, muttering expressions of relief. Gladly I never panicked or I might have been prey by now. Or they might have realized that I was too runty for them to devour and it wouldn't satisfy their hunger. I slumped to the ground since I was now both physically and emotionally exhausted, almost forgetting why I ended up here in the first place.

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