Church Sex Camp

Od ejhopkins

151K 1.7K 31

Not all people of faith believe that sex (even before marriage) is bad. Sex is a form of commitment, pleasure... Více

Just a Few Classes Offered
Chapter 1- Required
Chapter 2- Maintenance
Chapter 3- Class
Chapter 4- Dinner
Chapter 5- Teach
Chapter 6- Breakfast
Chapter 7- Pain
Chapter 9- Sunday
Chapter 10- Surprise
Chapter 11- Healing
Chapter 12- Fear
Chapter 13- Confession
Chapter 14- Stress
Chapter 15- Different
Chapter 16- Rest
Chapter 17- Forward
Chapter 18- New
Chapter 19- Top
Chapter 20- Wedding
Chapter 21- Reception
Chapter 22- Room
Chapter 23- Exes
Chapter 24- Regret
Chapter 25- Home
Chapter 26- Closing
Chapter 27- Change
Chapter 28- Death
Chapter 29- Grief
Chapter 30- Resolve
Chapter 31- Mute
Chapter 32- Free
Chapter 33- Onward

Chapter 8- Water

3.2K 44 0
Od ejhopkins

What now?! He's just outside, waiting for me! Same as I found him this morning! I had only left to check on Megan and give her the camp phone. Thankfully he left and Megan was feeling better. She immediately knew something was wrong, but it was still too hard to talk about. I asked her if she'd be willing to take over my duties for the day so I could rest. She was happy to, especially since I had covered several days for her.

She promised to bring me some bacon and fruit from the cafeteria, along with the biggest cup of coffee available. I love that girl. Then collapsed on my bed and fell asleep. About an hour later I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon, two of the food groups, I'm sure.

After I ate, I decided to read. I pulled out my Bible and found where I'd left off. I've read through it multiple times, but I always caught something new. I also loved exploring different translations, it was almost like a new book every time. I'd even gotten into the habit of comparing passages between them. If there was such a thing as a scripture geek, I would be one, for sure.

After a few hours spent between reading and feeling sorry for myself, I knew I had to get up. I was not a dormant person and I was starting to feel claustrophobic. I hadn't gotten to shower before bed, so I grabbed a towel and prayed for warmer water than the last time. I guess the trick is to shower during the day, because my prayers were answered!

After I turned off the water I heard knocking on the cabin door.

"CeCe! Let me in. I just saw Megan and I need to to talk to you!"

No! Damn! What do I do?! I'm naked! Maybe he'll go away if I'm super quiet.

"CeCe, I have a master key to every building on the property. I don't want to use it, but I will if I have to."

Shoot! This cannot be happening! I yelled as loud as I could.

"No! Please, just leave me alone."

"I'm coming in!"

Not good! Why hadn't I moved yet? I reached out of the shower, grabbed the towel, and threw it on. I was hoping to stop him before he came in, so he wouldn't see me like this. But the second I opened the bathroom door I slipped. Brilliant! Not drying off will do that. To make matters worse I hit my knee on the doorframe. I hissed, that's going to bruise.

He barged in and saw me on the floor. I immediately closed my legs and hid my face. I wasn't sure I could be more embarrassed.

"Shit! CeCe! Are you okay?!"

No, I'm not. Not at all. Saying the words however was completely out of my abilities at that point.

He looked at my knee and noticed a trail of blood. Fantastic, I'm bleeding on the floor, in only a towel.

He reached under the bed for something, I silently hoped it was the lever to plummet me into the floor, but it turned to be a first aid kit. He looked at it for a few seconds before he turned back to me. He stopped and gasped, now what? Do I have a spider on me? Or something else horrible to add to my misery. He quickly turned around and put the first aid kit behind his back, handing it to me.

"I swear I didn't notice your, um, attire till just now. Here's everything you'll need. I'll just sit outside until you're dressed. Sorry."

As mortified as I was, I found his stammering cute. I nodded but soon realized he couldn't see it.


It was all I could get out.

Once he walked out and the door was closed I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I carefully inched my way back into the bathroom and cleaned up the blood. I guess one good thing was it didn't ruin any of my clothes. Bright side, right?

After I was patched up, I went for my suitcase. I knew that I wanted to get out today, but wasn't sure where. A safe bet would be my swimsuit and cover-up. Not too risky to walk around in, but left my options open for relaxation. Once dressed, I squared my shoulders and opened the door.

"What do you want?"

I was being much colder than necessary, but it was my best defense. Or would it be offense?

"We need to talk. Now."

He started to walk back into the cabin, but I walked out. Stunned for a second, he shook his head and followed me.

"Fine, let's go to my place. It's cooler there anyway."

"No, I'm going out. So you can say whatever it is you need to say, then I'll be out of your way."

Courage, Stratton! Courage!

"This isn't going to be a one-way talk, CeCe. I said some pretty hard to admit stuff last night and I think I deserve the same from you."


"Fine, but I can't be couped up in there anymore, and I'm not going to your place. So, cafeteria? It's lunch time anyway."

I could tell he was thinking it over. I knew he wanted to be alone with me, but I couldn't do it. I wasn't strong enough.

"Fine. It's not too far from here."

After walking in awkward silence for about five minutes, we walked into blissful air conditioning. We apparently had the same idea as half the camp, because it was packed. The kitchen staff were busing tables the second people finished eating, but no body wanted to get up and leave. Switching to head counselor mode, I picked up a random glass and tapped it with a fork.

"Excuse me! Our wonderful kitchen staff is doing everything they can for us, and there are still a lot of people that need to eat. So, as nice as the air in here feels, if you're done eating, let the next group take your table. If you are in need of escape from the heat, check this week's schedule and attend a class. Thank you!"

I had made my voice loud and clear, which was something I had perfected over the years. It worked. Within minutes, everyone waiting was seated and even several staff thanked me. It felt good.

After finding a table, I got right back up and headed for the buffet line. I saw Eli waiting back at the table, putting in our drink orders. By the time he got in line, I was heading back. I avoided eye contact at all costs. How was I supposed to get through this?

"Is this seat taken?"

Mark. I've been dodging his advances for two years, and he just won't take a hint. Maybe I should have let him see me on the beach.

"Um... it is actually. Sorry, Mark. Maybe next time."

"You sure? You look like you could use a friend."

I hated that he could see that. Was I really that obvious?

"She said the seat is taken. Leave."

No, no, no!

"Excuse me? Who are you to speak for her? Wait... aren't you the guy that lives with his wife across the lake? You have some nerve! Don't you even know what this camp teaches? And you're here hitting on another woman? CeCe, do you believe this guy?"

I was about to speak up, but Eli wasn't done. This could get very bad, very fast.

"I never said she was my wife."

With that he looks at me and places his hand on my shoulder. I can't take this. Not now, not ever.

"Seriously?! CeCe?"

"Sorry, Mark. It was a lapse in judgement. But it wasn't what you thought, which is why I hadn't said anything."

"Sure looked like exactly what I was thinking. I'm ashamed..."

Crack, and down went Mark. Eli had punched him and broken his nose. I was in full blown panic mode! I fished my phone from my bag and called Helen. She knew what to do, but I needed to be on top of it. I'm sure she'll get more calls though.

"Eli!!! Why?!"

I bent down to hold Mark's head and tried to stop the bleeding. Grabbing as many napkins off the table as I could reach.

"Why?! Really?! I was defending you!"

"Well it was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. Medical is on their way, maybe you should see them at the door, groundskeeper."

Talk about uncalled for! That was harsh, I knew he was just standing up for me, but there was no way I could let that behavior slide in front of my guests. He spun around and pushed his way out the door, obviously not waiting for the medical staff to show up.

Once Mark was checked out and driven the the local hospital, I asked another counselor to head over and stay with him. I knew it would send the wrong message if I went myself. Plus Megan was frantic and needed talking down.

"Did Eli call you or something? Why were you here with him? I told him off this morning in hopes to scare him away!"

"You did what?! No wonder he showed at at the cabin! What did you, actually nevermind, I don't want to know. I intended this as a day off and so far it's been extremely stressful. Not your fault, but I need to lay out and forget all this for a few."

I had finished my food while we talked, so I grabbed my bag and headed for the pool. I wouldn't be able to swim now, because I had a huge cut on my knee, but I could lounge. Something I didn't often get to do while at camp.

I made my way to the pool and quickly realized the other half of the camp was obviously here for the same reason. Ugh, I couldn't catch a break! Most of the guests were in the large pool, attempting to cool off. So it didn't take too long to find a lounge chair. I laid out my towel and started applying my sunscreen. I had multiple strengths, so I opted for a lower SPF, hoping to get at least a little tan under the inevitable burn.

I reached to my side and couldn't find the bottle that I had just put down. Then I felt hands applying the lotion to my back. I knew right away who it was and fought every urge to lean back on him. His hands were magic! Instead I steadied myself and pulled away.

"What are you doing here? You never come to the pool."

"At least let me finish your back, you're only half covered. And I'm sorry about earlier."

"Yeah, well, you should be. He's at the hospital getting his nose reset. Also, having to hear you say that you're sorry, is getting old, quick."

He sighed and dropped his head to between my shoulder blades. I knew I was being way too hard on him, but it was the only way. He had to let me go. He just had to!

"To answer your question, I'm here filling in for our usual lifegaurd, Darren. And I don't know what else you want me to say. I've said those two words more this week than I was a kid, but I mean them. I'm drowning here... not literally, that would be embarrassing for a lifegaurd."

I spurt out a sudden laugh and that seemed to make him feel better.

"Well, if that's why you're here, you should get back to it. More backs to rub and people to stop from splashing."

"Fine. Be that way. But we never did get to talk, and I have no intention of backing down."

Dammit! Once I finished putting my lotion on, I leaned back and made sure to put my extra dark sunglasses on, so I could see just how he looked on those red swim trunks. I was not disappointed! Holy Mother of Mercy! How am I supposed to let him go?!

"Hey, wake up. You're gonna be a tomato pretty soon. Maybe turn over and let the backside cook a little."

Why was he touching my leg? Even if it didn't drive me crazy, it was far too intimate for our positions in the camp. As I think this he starts to rub my thigh.

"Eli! Stop that! There's at least 50 people here, maybe more. They can't see you doing that."

"So me massaging lotion on your back while you moan was totally acceptable? Good to know, I'm making a list."

"Ugh! Promise me that when I flip over you're not going to touch my butt."

"Oh sweetheart, it wasn't in my plans until now! Ouch! Don't hit me! Didn't I get in trouble for that earlier?"

Infuriating! That is the 'word that best describes Eli Montgomery for the day!

"Go away, Eli!"

I heard contained laugher as he walked away and I laid on my stomach. Knowing that if I fall asleep again, he's going to slap my ass.

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