LoveStruck (Jahvie FanFiction)

By DecayingDreams

16.3K 693 233

Dahvie (David) is always used to being bullied. Jayy'Von moved down from Idaho, to Florida. Jayy notices Dahv... More

Meeting A Friend.
Jayy's Little Show.
Daniel You Cheap Shit!
Coming Clean.
Fairy-Tales Don't Exist, Hoping You Could Prove That Love Actually Did!
Marco? Polo!
Dream To Reality.
Authors Note
Never Sleep In Dahvie's House.
Author's Note
You Kissed Garrett, Jayy!
Connecting With Ecstasy.
Bestfriends to Archenimes.
Authors Note
Parting Ways.
Authors Note
When Dahvie's Fall Into Depression.
He's Not As Bad As You Think.
SGTC is homophobic?
One Phone Call
Cringe Attack.
I Don't Want To Hurt Him. Could I love him?
Locked On Eachother.
This Isn't Gay Best Friend. *Final Chapter*
Book Two Is Up.


625 27 8
By DecayingDreams

-Jayy's POV-

'You look cute.' Daniel smirked. Today was the day everyone in the 12th grade graduated. Everyone was not here yet.. only Daniel and I. 'Save it you fucking cheater! Do you realize how much hate I have for you!?' I got in his face. 'No, but I know how much you still love me.' He said. 'Love? Cause of you I HATE love! You cheated on me! And you have the fucking nerve to say I love you!? You're dreaming..' I hope I fucking shatter this worthless asshole. 'Ouch. Word hurt babe.' Daniel spun me around and hugged me from behind. holding my hands tightly.

'I will yell rape..' I protested. 'No you won't.' He said. 'RAPE!-' He cut me off with a kiss. He snaked his tongue in my mouth so I decided to get him back. I kissed back and turned around so I could kiss him better. He placed my hands on his shoulders. I denied where he placed them and lowered my hands farther and farther down.

He broke he kiss and thrown his head back. 'Fuck you! Let go!' He yelled. As I gripped his dick tighter. I started to walk, I smile as I saw him in pain walking backwards 'Never kiss me again! Never hug me again. Never say my fucking name.. or my real name! Just Don't fucking touch me again. I moved on, And I hope you get a fucking grip on life because hun? No one wants a cheater. I hope you never fucking live this down. You Piece Of Shit!' I gripped harder with each sentence. By the time I had his backed in a corner he was nearly on the edge of crying. I let go to the sound of laughing from several people. Two being Aussie and Dahvikins.

I looks behind me to see Him Aussie and the new friends I made; Jayda a girl, Jamie a boy, Mike a boy, And Toby and boy


Jayda had eyes as dark and brown as mine. Paler then a snowman. Her hair is shaved on both sides of her head, Plus the back so the top of her head's hair was bring down to cover her left eye completely. She wore a Black Beatles shirt. Gray (Almost Famous. real clothing company) Jeans and Black Combat steal toed boots. along with Rolling Stones gauges. She's FUCKING awesome. Besides Dahvs she like my best friend.

Jamie had baby blue eyes. Pale but not as pale as my bitch Jayda. His hair is brown and always put up in a pony tail that's when to shoulder length. He wore a purple wife-beater. White boy shorts. and sandals. and a sleeve of tattoos dedicated to music.

Mike.. eh His eyes are unknown he always wears coloured contacts. He's tan like me but I little darker. His hair is Blonde and teased up to cover his eyes. Black skinny long sleeves, He used to cut a lot so he always hid his scars. Black Skinny jeans. and Black boots.

Toby has the most greenish eyes I have ever fucking seen.. ever! He's pale as Jayda. He as a Batman shirt. Batman belt. Black skinny jeans. Black boots. and Batman Gauges.SO we like to call him.. can you guess? No not fucking slenderman! Batman!


'Hey guys, I was just telling Daniel piss off.' I smiled wickedly at the camera Jayda was holding. 'While he Pissed himself.' Dahvie added cracking up. 'Hello green eyes.' I flirt and move closer to Dahvie. 'Hello nut cracker.' Dahv joked. Making everJoe else laugh. 'What are you doing here. You're not graduating.?' I asked losing at everyone. 'So we are still friends and we are supporting you.. remember what you said you was going to do?' Jamie asked.

I think for a minute before figuring what he was talking about. 'Oh.. Hehe. yeah I hope my mom will still ya know what something to do with me.' I state. 'Why is she a homophobic?' Dahvie asked. 'No. I don't know. but I don't think she planned on having a gay babeh..' I said. Making the word baby sound like it ended with a H.

'Here JayyBear. wear these.' Mike gave me a small box looking rping made of plastic. 'Careful when you open them.' He adds.

I open the box slowly and look at mike confused when I saw Blood Red Contacts. 'What?' I asked. 'You put them in you eyes.' Mike said. 'Here you put them in.' I gave him the box and Dahvie and Mike grabbed my arms and sat me on the chair beside Jayda who was still filming and Aussie who was on his phone. Mike count down and then he popped one contact in. 'Sexy.' Dahvie commented. Mike put in the other one and I closed my eyes rubbing them. 'You'll get use to the feeling but look at yourself!' He chirped.

I stand up and look in the mirror. 'Wow.' I breathed out. 'Faggoot!' Randy said. I smirk and turn towards him growling like a demonic person thingy ;-;.

Randy took a step by and stared me in the eyes. I took a breath and with that I screamed out 'Geet. Ouuut!!' I pushed him out the dressing room. Dahvie, Jayda, Aussie, Mike, Toby, and Jamie fall on the floor laughing there asses off. I laughed once he was gone aswell.


'And now are last graduate. He asked if he could do a song with his friends for his mother to tell her something... so without anymore words.. Jayy Von Monroeand, David Jesus Torres' Mr.Mike said into the microphone. I step on the stage with Dahvie I clear my throut.

'First off. Mom I hope you never hate me. Me and Dahvie wrote this song.. and my part of the song shows you whaz I wanted to tell you since I was, It's nothing you did. It's just something I was slowly becoming.' I said staring at my mother in the sea of people. 'Okay so Mrs.Monroe. This song is for you.. sorta. My part is for haters.. His is for you. ' Dahvie shrugged and press okay on the tape player.

'Hate you for all the rumours and bullshit that you spread. if killing was legal I would shoot you in the head. I'm pulling on the triggers. I'm point middle fingers. You think I'm giving up, Then you're real out luck! You said you do it for the win.What's up with the grin? Going strong going ham. Taking over like a spam. BAM!

I've been cheated I've been broken. I will not be depressed. I ever lastly tick till there's hardly nothing left. But the hate just keeps on coming, even when I loose my feet. It's because I keep on swimming.'

Dahvie sand the first verse till it was my turn to do my rapping. I can't lie.. my heart was beating faster then a drum. Before I sung I said. 'This is what I have to say mom.'

Then I took a deep breath and began rapping.

'Hi I'm Jayy. I'm gay. Crazy violent fag with aids. Or that's what other people say, Then it must be true. If I gave two lying fuck what they had to say. I would wake and act this way. Some will see and read about me and the things they read and thinks that all there is. and it's like Really? REALLY?! Rreaalyy.'


The song ended and a lot of people wear Hella choked and chirped us on and  clapped. I Dosnt pay any attention to any of the cheering I just stared at my mom. 'Wait! I thank you all for supporting me.. but I don't care what you thing.. Mom? What do you thing?' I stopped everyone. Looking at my mom.

She stood up and walked on the stage with open arms bringing me in a hug. 'I'm a around mother, and I love you.' She said in my ear. I hug her back and everyone clapped again.


After graduation me and Dahvie were outside smoking.. but only me.. I Dosnt let Dahvie smoke.. But he doesn't seem to mind. 'Jayy and David?' A man walk up to us. 'It's Dahvie.. and yes?' Dahvie corrected the man and asked. 'I'm Jake Delton. I'm a manager at Sunny Records. How would you like to come in the studio and record stuff?' Jake asked. 'Let Dahvie do it. He has a band. I don't.' I pointed at Dahvie. 'No bro.. Be in the band with me..' Dahvie protested. 'Nah.. music is my life but I'm not a band person.' I declared

and then...









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