Dark Side

By talkatyourownrisk

39.8K 874 43

Sophie is a vampire and has been since the 1500s. Her brothers and herself attend a local high school where s... More

Dark Side - Chapter One
Dark Side- Chapter Two
Dark Side- Chapter Three
Dark Side- Chapter Four
Dark Side- Chapter Six
Dark Side- Chapter Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Eight
Dark Side-Chapter Eight (#2)
Dark Side- Chapter Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Ten
Dark Side- Chapter Eleven
Dark Side- Chapter Twelve
Dark Side- Chapter Thirteen
Dark Side- Chapter Fourteen
Dark Side- Chapter Fifteen
Dark Side- Chapter Sixteen
Dark Side- Chapter Seventeen
Dark Side- Chapter Eighteen
Dark Side- Chapter Nineteen
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty One
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Three
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Five
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Six
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Eight
Dark Side- Chapter Twenty Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty One
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Three
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Four
Dark Side -Chapter Thirty Five
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Six
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Seven
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Eight
Dark Side- Chapter Thirty Nine
Dark Side- Chapter Forty
Dark Side- Chapter Forty One
Dark Side- Chapter Forty Two
Dark Side- Chapter Forty Three
Dark Side- Epilogue

Dark Side- Chapter Five

1.2K 22 2
By talkatyourownrisk

 I sighed dropping the book as I finished it for the tenth time. I don't know why I read it so much, but somehow the words connected with my thoughts and I always found myself falling in love with it again. I pushed it into my bookshelf struggling to make it fit due to all the other books stuffed into the same crammed space. Then I turned and surveyed my purple satin room, the room was spotless because I never slept, so if I wasn't reading I was usually cleaning. I looked out my balcony doors to see the sun rising and a smile spread across my face as I ran to the doors and threw them open letting the black curtains fly back. I stepped out and leaned my elbow on the railing as I watched the sun rise. If one thing in the world could calm me it would always be the sun rise.  It was always different somehow and I loved it.
I stood back after the sun was in the sky and breathed in the morning air.  It was beautiful, the air, the nature, the animals, everything.  But of course it was ruined when someone ran out into the backyard nude. I almost burst into laughter as Brian was covered in various sauces. Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, half of them I didn't even know we owned. Darrin ran out after in his pj's laughing hysterically as a blushing Cassie came into view too. I laughed as I noticed her wearing Brian's shirt and I put the pieces together. Jumping down from the balcony and landing softly behind Cassie I carefully thought my plan through. Cassie had her back turned to me and Brian was too busy glaring at Darrin who was too busy laughing and throughing more condiments on him. I snuck around all of them and into a tree in the far corner then sucking in my laughter I jumped up grabbed all the leaves I could hold and swung forward. Dumping them on Brian as I passed over I smirked as he yelled in frustration and Darrin laughed even harder, falling to the ground.

"Slumber party?" I teased as I landed beside him acting like I lost my balance
"Big one, they were playing twister all night." Darrin winked
I covered my ears, "EW, ew, ew don't touch me ever again."

Darrin just laughed and we both knew we were great actors. Both Darrin and I had no problem with sex or anything but with Cassie here we had to do the brother and sister thing. Except for the pranks those were good and true. I looked over at Cassie and noticed her laughing softly and shaking her head. Then she looked over at Brian and he smiled. It was hard to miss the bond between them and I realized it instantly. I stepped back a bit almost falling and Darrin looked up and almost did the same. I don't know why it was so shocking to see their bond. But I guess things hit you hard when you never believed them before.

"You guys are-" I stuttered
"A couple, same as always." Cassie stated, looking confused.

I looked at Brian in obvious confusion and he shook his head.

I didn't tell her He whispered
Why the hell not? She's your soul mate! I snarled
I saw him flinch; she can't handle it yet trust me.
Out of all my years I've never seen you so happy, not since mom and dad died. So you better take hold of this.
I huffed

He flinched again but didn't reply and I turned and walked away. I hated it when they didn't listen. Sometimes I swear if we weren't related I would've snapped their necks. Harsh, I know. Darrin followed behind me leaving the two in silence as Brian laughed and tried to pull the leaves off and Cassie went to help him but stopped, realizing he was still naked.

"How'd you get him nude?" I asked Darrin as we walked upstairs
"Easy he was already half asleep and I'm fast." He whispered. I nodded and headed straight for my room before he stopped me, "Don't be so hard on him, Sophie. I know you want control and stuff but common, he's new."
I smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it brother dear."
"Careful your bitch is showing." He mumbled

I walked back into my room and pulled on whatever I touched first in my dresser. I ended up in tight jeans and a blue baggy shirt. I pulled my long almost black hair back and left a couple strands hanging down to frame my face. Then looking closer I applied mascara to my bright blue almost neon purple eyes and smiled. I know it was petty to put on makeup when -as you've probably guessed- most vampires are already stunning. But I had this craze with make up when I was a younger vamp and some habits are hard to kick. Darrin got himself dressed quickly and was outside my door in minutes walking inside like he owned the place. I was sitting on my bed and he plopped down beside me.

"Why won't he tell her?" He wondered out loud
My first thought was to snap and break something to make him stop asking such stupid questions, " He's scared, he doesn't want her to run when she sees what we are."
"I would think it's pretty cool." He said
With that I pushed him off my bed and into the wall across the room, "Stay out of it." I murmured

I let him go and he scowled at me, it's been so long since I've snapped that way but Brian just had me all antsy. I sighed and shook my head at the outline of Darrin's body in my wall. I hated being mean, well at least now I do, but being the oldest I have to keep them in check.

"You're totally fixing that." I called after him.
He scoffed, "Yeah right man abuser."
"Call me when you find a man!" I yelled back
"Ouch! I need a doctor nurse that one stung." He said sarcastically

I laughed as I ran down the stairs just in time to push him out the door. Brian and Cassie followed behind us. I could hear them laughing and being coupley as always and I sighed, eventually I would get over it but right now she was so getting on my nerves, even after a get to know each other sleep over thing. I looked over at Darrin who mimicked my expression. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and sulked until Darrin looked over at me, laughing I gave him a wave and he mirrored me. I shoved him over and he got me back with the same shove. Soon we were both on the ground laughing at ourselves. Brian and Cassie had kept walking so I gave Darrin a daring look.

Run time? I cheered
Run time. Darrin confirmed
Wooohooo! I squealed as we ducked into the forest, jumping from branch to branch and then just flat out running.

Remarkably we made it to school before the lovely couple. Wren was instantly at my side though, and I felt bad for Darrin making notes to find him someone. I mean sure Wren was just a high school boy friend but still I can't let my brother go around being all lonely. Wren interlaced his fingers with mine and I smiled up at him, so what if he was just some human, he made me feel good. We walked to my locker with my brother going in a separate direction.  I opened my locker and stared at the messy insides. The one thing everyone always said is 'wow you have a closet in here', but they were always oh so happy to take some when they needed it. Pulling out my books for the day I carried them clenched to my stomach with one hand holding them there while the other was busy pulling up my pants, for some reason I wore the ones that always fell down. 
Wren laughed at me throughout the entire day when I did my 'pants dance' as he put it. In French though I managed to escape him but not the mushy soul mates. Darrin and I shot each other exasperated looks throughout the entire class. My brother and I both didn't believe in love, not after watching my parents. We had always said 'if you can't see it, hear it, taste it, touch it, or smell it, it never existed.' That was kinda blown all over the place when we saw Cassie and Brian, but we held our ground. I couldn't help but feel the strange presence again in the French class and once again there was no other vampire's in the room, it was starting to tick me off knowing that someone was playing tricks with me. A stupid person of course. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief as the bell rang and the presence disappeared.
I walked home with Darrin instead of Wren. Wren had band practice. Yes, my boy toy was a band geek, but in my eyes it kind of made him cute that he could play a variety of instruments, including piano. I loved people who played piano, I can too but it's so amazing to watch other people and be hypnotized by the sound and the angelic way their fingers moved across the keys.

“Wanna just walk home today?” Darrin asked breaking up my day dreams about pianos
I shot him a confused look, 'Sure anything wrong, bro?'
'No, tired, bored, slightly annoyed. But hey life's great' He mumbled.
'Want a hug?' I offered
'Actually, yeah.' He sighed

I smiled sadly at him, feeling his pain as I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He hugged me back as we walked and then he pulled away and smiled, I could tell he felt better. Though we continued walking home because I was on the same page as him I didn't want to run. I looked around just realizing that Brian was nowhere to be seen. I gaped wondering where we'd lost him or if he's in trouble

'Brian? You still alive man?' I asked hoping he was paying attention
'Yeah, I went home with Cassie.' He smiled
'Having fun?' I smirked
He snorted, ' If you call listening to hours of her talking to her friend fun.'
'She's your soul mate not a slave driver, let me talk to her.' I tried to be serious but I could tell he knew I was smiling
'Oh yeah, sure.. Oh wait common sense just got here, NO.' He laughed back

I cut him out and focused on the day, no homework, no anything, it was such a boring day. When we both got home from our long walk Darrin went straight up to his room while I went to the living room. I sat down on the long couch and picked the remote of the top of the glass table. I pressed the button that made the forty-six inch TV. rise out of the cabinet underneath. I turned it on and flicked through each channel until I found a show. I usually never watched television; this was something my brothers had bought for their own entertainment.  But now I stared at the women trying to pick her wedding dress and the five people that came with her that had brought her to tears. I could only dream of one thing after being alive for more than five hundred years, a wedding. It sounded petty and princess like but usually no one lasts long enough to propose. And the ones that do, well I've never accepted because they would've passed away years before me. Each dress that the women on T.V tried on was gorgeous and breath taking, anything would've been 'the dress' if her family hadn't turned them all down.
I turned my head toward the foyer as I heard the door creak open. I instantly knew who it was but she still felt the need to introduce her entrance.

"Lovey I'm here! I felt your hearts call." Dianne shouted as she came into view
"Oh lord." I shook my head
"Well hello to you too." She smiled

Dianne crossed the space and hoped down beside me. I smiled down at her. Dianne was petit, or as she put it 'fun sized' with long golden hair that reached her hips. Her eyes were always a stunning gray-blue and a smile always played upon her lips. Chloe could try as hard as humanly possible to be my best friend but the spot would always belong to Dianne. I had known her for half my life; she was 17 when I changed her. Her parents were drunks and since MADD wasn't around at that time they had ran their car of a bridge with Dianne in the back seat. I was in the area hunting when I heard it, I instantly ran to the scene and found both her parents dead and the car in the lake. Dianne had been flung out of the car due to the absence of a seat belt and was curled against a nearby tree. She was on her last breaths when I got to her. I'd already had blood on my face from killing a deer, Dianne screamed when she saw it but it calmed her down when I bit her too. My first intentions were to kill her and clean up my mess but something stopped me. So I replaced the blood I took with my own and here she is.
She hated me for the first couple years but eventually she came around. She'd also had the biggest crush on my brothers since day one. I've gotten over it only because I enjoy her company. Like I don't mind my brothers getting a little love here and there but it was just wrong. The best thing about her though is that she knew- without checking- basically my every thought.

"What brings you here?" I asked, she was usually at a club or somewhere fun.
"I haven't seen you in forever, and you look bored as hell." She smiled
"I feel bored as hell." I mumbled
"Where's the other losers?" She smirked
"Oh, Brian's with his 'soul mate' Cassie and Darrin's probably hanging himself in his room." I sarcastically added the last part.
"Hanging? That's old." She murmured
"So are you." I smiled
"Woo! Look at you, miss smart remarks." She squealed sarcastically
"Do you wanna go see him?" I sighed

She gave one nod before she leapt from the spot beside me and ran up the stairs. I cursed and followed her; I was praying she'd say no.  The second surprising thing was she didn't care about the soul mate thing; I would've been all over that. But nope, instead she ran up the stairs through the hall and swung open my brother’s door with me right beside her. I smiled as he looked up from his bag of chips and smiled with dip all over his face. I smiled even more when I remembered he'd throw it up later. Dianne had the opposite reaction she looked grossed out then concerned.

"Heeey." Darrin smiled again
"Hey there hot stuff." Dianne stifled a laugh and I did too.
"What're you doing?" I laughed
"I eat when I'm stressed." He pouted
"So you want to barf?" I smiled
"Yeah, maybe," He stopped to think, "Maybe... whatever Soapy."
"Soapy?" Dianne turned to me
"Apparently people can't get the name Sophie right." I sighed

Dianne and Darrin both laughed and I glared at them. Dianne marched into Darrin's room grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lead him out, I shook my head as he mouthed 'help me' when he went by. We sat back downstairs and all sprawled out on the couch with someone's legs on someone else's lap. Darrin instantly grabbed the remote and changed it to 'American Wedding'. I smiled as Stifler got into his old tricks and we laughed at the movie we'd seen a billion times. I noticed Dianne slowly move closer to Darrin throughout the movie and groaned mentally for letting him sit in the middle. I looked over at Darrin who only looked back at me with a huge smirk on his face because he knew it was getting to me. When the movie was over he got up and claimed to be 'getting popcorn' and I slid over into the middle seat and laughed at his expression when he came back.

"Hey, I was sitting next to my bestie." He acted shocked
I patted the spot next to me, "And you still can."
"Yeah! Woohoo!" He yelled as he jumped and landed on the spot beside me before stretching his legs over both my lap and Dianne's, "Feel free to give me a foot message." He winked at Dianne

I groaned as he picked yet another movie, but smiled again as '50 First Dates' started to play, I loved Adam Sandler. We were about half way through the movie when the door was flung open. We all jumped to our feet and stood ready to fight whatever had just come in, when Brian rounded the corner with his fists clenched. We all relaxed and looked him up and down, he stood rigidly, his eyes were almost a florescent purple and his knuckles were turning white.

"What happened?" We all asked
"Stupid.....Fucking.....Mates." He yelled in between punching the wall.

I stood and flinched as my brother hit the wall until a remarkably sized hole was there. He only stopped for about five seconds before he did it again and made an even bigger one; we stood there in silence and let him take his anger out.

"You have to fix that." Darrin muttered, breaking the silence first

Brian heard it and turned letting out a low hiss. His fangs had grown an excoriating length; they almost touched the bottom of his chin, something that only happened to vampires in an absolute moment of pure anger. He ran forward and collided with Darrin, the two of them tumbling onto the glass table and shattering it everywhere. Dianne and I moved out of the way in enough time to clear his shoulder as he jumped at Darrin again, but I caught his feet as he dove past and pulled him up short. There was no way I was letting them destroy this house. Not under my watch.

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