An Aching Heart

By ZaniaYolo

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It All started with a Bet.....๐ŸŒบ Breanna Yde, the queen bee of the school. She is your typical rich, popular... More

๐ŸšซWarning โ—๏ธ
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~Chapter 7~
Cover for Pretty_Gabriella
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
Ive been tagged!
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
Chapter 13
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~

~Chapter 3~

759 23 7
By ZaniaYolo


Sitting your room crying about your ex isn't something I want to do. It's only Tuesday and I'm already tired. Why can't 4 weeks just go by fast!?

Anyway, I woke and did my morning routine and my makeup. I dressed up in a confident outfit to show Ricardo that I'm tougher than he thinks. Sure, he may have seen me crying at lunch the other day but I'm gonna make a come back like none other.

After getting my car and driving to school, I got out like a movie star on the red carpet. I seductively locked my car and sashayed into the school swerving my hips with every step.

I saw a bunch of people pointing and whispering as well as some snarks and laughs, but you know what? I brush off these fucking haters. Because if the haters wanna hate, let them hate and check if I fucking give a shit.

I saw Lizzy sitting on a bench flirting with a random guy. "Hey girl!" I rudely pushed him off the seat and sat in his place next to Lizzy. She just stared at me with an annoyed look. "What the Fuck? Jade, that hot guy was about to ask for my number!" Lizzy complained.

"So? Give him your fucking Snapchat next time," I said and she turned away in anger. "Look, as your friend, I need to save you from heartbreak. You can't be seeing all these guys who you don't even know." I put a comforting hand on her shoulder and she looked down at my hand with an indescribable expression.

"Jade, you can't keep using your breakup with Rico to get in my love life. I don't need you to fight my battles anymore! I'm 17!" She threw her hands up in the air in despair.

"Okay! Okay, I'll stop. I'm just protecting you. What are friends for?" I said and she smiled and hugged me.

"They're for cheering you up when you're sad! Having the best sleepovers! And just sharing great memories with." She smiled and I hugged her tight. "I love you too, Liz." I smiled and Cree and Brea walked over to us.

"Hey Bee!" I greeted. I always mash peoples names up to make it easier on myself. If you haven't noticed, I'm lazy.

"Why did you just call us Bee??" Cree asked in confusion and Brea nodded in agreement. "It's your ship name!" I said and they glanced at each other with disgusted faces then looked back at me. "Okay, I'm sorry but I'm straight. No homo." Brea defended. "Same! I have my eye out for someone." Cree smiled to herself and I just rolled my eyes. What? Right now, love makes me sick.

"Calm your shits! It's not a relationSHIP name, it's a friendSHIP name." Jade explained.

I guess our competition girls overheard our conversation and decided to join in. "Who's homo?" Addison asked. "I'm sorry, I don't remember you being in this conversation. Can you- can you just leave?" Brea rudely asked. Addison just laughed and her friend Ella started to speak. "So Brea, Cree, you guys are homo? Nice to see you're finally coming out." She laughed.

"What the fuck? I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on!" Brea shot back and I nudged her to stop. "Puh-lease bitch. Your hairline ain't even that straight." Ella shot.

Okay, that's it! I have had enough of the hairline jokes! "Okay bitches, including you two." I gestured towards Cree and Brea. "Shut the fuck up." I clapped in their faces with every word. "Calm down Jade." Lizzy pulled me back but I pushed her away.

"You need to stop with these "I'm straight" comments. Do you see anyone who cares? C-cause I don't," I motioned to the nearly empty hall. "So if you're straight. Be straight! If you fucking homo! Be it. Cause no one gives a shit!" I yelled and walked away. I turned back around to see Lizzy, Cree, and Brea following me.

The bell rang and I made my way with Lizzy to our class and Brea and Cree to their class.

Ricardo isn't in my class, Thank god! I'm not necessarily avoiding him but I just don't feel like crossing paths with him today. I didn't see him at school in the morning today though, he was probably making out with his new game in the back for all I care. I'm done with Rico for good. Because he is a fucking jerk.


Ugh, it's only Tuesday. I didn't even feel like coming to school today but once again, my father makes me. If only he can see the pain in my eyes of waking up at 6 in the morning and spending 8 hours in hell every day of my life. And just when your thinking 'Oh I'm a senior! I'm finally done with school!', your parents tell you, 'Go to college! Get an education!'. Bitch, isn't that what I've been doing my whole life?

Honestly, I stopped paying attention in 6th grade. Literally my life.

Anyway, I'm currently in the back of the school making out with some girl, I believe her name is Addison. Yeah, I'm planning on breaking up with her, which I already did, but the girl won't take no for an answer!

Ricardo is on the bleachers breaking up with his new girlfriend trying to let her down gently. What am I doing with my life? I'm tired of all these fake ass hoes. I want a real girlfriend. But no one will ever have a serious relationship with me considering my reputation.

The tardy bell rang and that was my chance to get away from her. I pushed her off and ran to Mr. Cavalero's class.

"Mr. Lim, you're late! That's the 4th time this semester. Keep it up and we'll be having a talk with your parents. You already have 2 weeks detention." He warned me and I just rolled my eyes and took my seat. Brea then asked for permission to be excused and then left to the bathroom? I guess.

She came back in with wet hands and took a paper towel from the back to wipe her hands. I couldn't help but watch her every move, I didn't even notice someone spit their gum out and it lands on her seat.

She sat down and I couldn't help but smell her but this time I did it more quietly and unnoticeable. After a while, she raised her hand to go up to the board to present a math problem to the class that most of us knew she couldn't solve. She got up and I saw a big patch of green gum spread on the back of her ripped high waisted jeans.

When she was walking back to her seat I whispered, "Nice ass." To her and she blushed a bit.


"Nice Ass" he whispered as I walked back to my seat. I blushed and smiled inside my head. This is actually a great start. He is already checking me out so it won't be that hard to seduce him.

"The gum is a nice touch." He laughed and I shot up in embarrassment. Did he really have to tell the whole class? I stood up covering the gum and rummaged through my belongings for a spare jacket which I thought I bought. I tied it around my waist but my bag tipped over and my makeup bag spilled onto the floor.

"Ms. Yde? Is there a problem?" Mr. Cavalero asked in an annoyed tone. "I stood up and refused to speak but Lance did it for me. "She's got gum on her ass." He said out loud and the class laughed.

How embarrassing is it to see me, the queen bee of this school embarrassed? They better not put it on Snapchat. "I have a change of clothes. May I?" I asked politely. It's not exactly me but you gotta act innocent to make teachers let you do what you want.

Mr. Cavalero nodded and I grabbed the Jean shorts I had in my bag and grabbed my phone as I headed to the bathroom. "You don't need your phone to go to the bathroom and change, Ms. Yde." Mr. Cavalero said and I replied in a sweet innocent voice, "yes, I do. I don't trust these hoes." I smiled and walked out.

Seriously, ever since our class got split up, Mr. Cavalero hasn't been the same. I used to be in his class but got moved to Ms. Garley down the hall. She is a bitch fyi. I can't wait for senior ditch day this Friday. I'll finally get a day off.

A/n: Hey! Sorry for the wait. I really wanted to update but I didn't, that sums it all 😂. So if you have any request for something to happen in this story or any comments or thoughts, just comment them below. I'd love to hear your comments and what you have to say. Keep reading!

Bye, Zania.

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