Things Have Changed (Adopted...

By falloutbrick

36.1K 1.4K 1.8K

Adopted by Brendon Urie FanFic Brooklyn has been in the foster care system for 3 years with no luck of findi... More

This is Gospel
This Is Just the Prologue
Chapter 1: Grab Your Hat and Fetch Your Camera
Chapter 2: Ready To Go
Chapter 3: LA Devotee
Chapter 4: New Perspective
Chapter 5: All My Friends We're Glorious
Chapter 7: Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks
Chapter 8: Swimming With The Sharks
Chapter 9: Maybe I'm Overjoyed, Maybe I'm Paranoid
Chapter 10: 20 Dollar Nosebleed
Chapter 11: Camisado
Chapter 12: Northern Downpour Pt. 1
Time to Dance
Chapter 13: Northern Downpour Pt. 2
Chapter 14: Turn Off The Lights
Chapter 15: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster
Chapter 16: Miss Jackson
Chapter 17: Old Fashioned
Chapter 18: Crazy=Genius
Chapter 19: From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins
Chapter 20: Let's Kill Tonight
Chapter 21: Your Regular Decorated Emergency
The End Of All Things
Character Ask
Character Answers

Chapter 6: Panic! Meet The Press

2.1K 55 96
By falloutbrick

"Brooklyn do you have all your stuff?!" Brendon calls from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm almost done!" I yell, finishing stuffing my suitcase full of clothes. "I'll be down in a minute!"

"Alright, just hurry up we're about to leave!"

"Okay, okay," I say under my breath.

It's been a week since the party and right now we're leaving to go to the first concert of the tour which is in LA. Then we're getting on a tour bus to go to all the other concerts. Except the last one in which we will fly from Boston to Toronto and then fly back to LA because that will be the last concert. The tour is going to last about a month and a half long so hopefully I packed enough clothes to at least get me through two weeks of them not getting washed. Brendon said that I should pack lightly, so I didn't want to pack too many clothes and my suitcase weigh fifty pounds.

Here's a little recap of what happened in the previous week after the party: Sarah and I went shopping at the mall and bought ALOT of clothes. We went into Hot Topic and I bought a Panic! At The Disco shirt because I thought it would be smart to support my dad's band while on tour and in general and a Fall Out Boy shirt because why the hell not.

Brendon took me on a little tour around Los Angeles because as soon I told him that I've never been here before, he was so astonished and he just HAD to give me a tour. Not that I minded a bit. We drove all around LA with the windows down, screaming to whatever song was on the radio. We were walking down the street after he had parked the car in some random parking lot, looking at all the street sights when a bunch of fangirls that had recognized Brendon started chasing after us. We ran like crazy trying to get away from them. We had ran so fast that they were so far behind us and soon gave up running. After that madness, we drove to a restaurant that was a little further away from where the fangirl fiasco happened just in case they kept following us after we ran. That was the most fun I've had in a while.

Throughout the week, we would either be outside swimming in the pool or inside watching movies. Once in a while maybe Spencer and Linda would come over or Zack would come over to drop off certain things and hang out for a bit. One time even Pete and Patrick came over, but Brendon and them were mostly talking about last minute tour stuff and what not. Besides that, things have been pretty good and words can not express how freaking excited I am for tour.

I finally get my suitcase zipped up and head out my bedroom door. I frantically check my pockets and look behind me to see if I have everything thing.

iPod? Check. Earbuds? Check. Charger? Check. Suitcase/Clothes? Check. My Pillow and my blankets? Check. I think I have everything.

I finally leave my room, close the door behind me and make my way down the stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs stands Brendon, leaning up against the wall looking at his phone. He then notices me, puts his phone in his back pocket and looks up at me.

"Got everything, B?" He asks, looking a little anxious.

I finally reach the bottom of the stairs and walk over to the front door. "Yep, I think I have everything." I smile at him.

"Alright, Let's go!" He says excitedly as we head out the door.

We both walk out of the house and outside is a black car sitting in the driveway. As I approach the car, the trunk pops open automatically. Then after setting all of my stuff inside and closing it, I walk around and get in the backseat meeting Sarah who already sits inside, looking at something on her phone. She glances up at me from her phone and smiles, "All set?" She asks.

"Mmhm," I nod, "I'm so excited!"

She giggles at my response, "I am too, but not as excited as Brendon. He's been waiting to preform since his last concert," she laughs.

"I bet," I chuckle. The passenger door swings open and Brendon hops inside. I didn't even notice that there was a person already sitting in the drivers seat.

Brendon turns around in his seat to face us, "We all set ladies?"

"Yep we have everything!" Sarah responds.

"Awesome!," he says as he turns to the driver, "Let's get going!"


We finally arrive at the venue where the concert is held at. The driver parks the car in a private parking lot behind the venue and in the parking lot are four large buses which I assume are the touring buses. One for Panic, one for Fall Out Boy, and the last two are for the other bands also touring with them.

Once I get out of the car, I walk to the truck to get my luggage and then go over to Panic's tour bus. I open up the bus door and walk up the steps. In front of me is a small curtain that I pull aside to reveal a big lounge with a really big couch and booth in the corner. It also had a little kitchen with a fridge, a microwave, and a small sink on the other side of where the couch sat.

I hear someone else get on the bus so I turn around and see Brendon get on the bus with bags in his hands.

"The bunks are in the back if you want to put your stuff back there." He says.

I nod and turn back around to walk to the back of the bus. I pull back yet another curtain to reveal six bunks; three bunks along each wall stacked on top of one another.

"Sweet, first pick!" He exclaims from behind me. He sets his stuff on the top bunk to my right.

I decide to put my stuff on the top on the other side, so I throw my stuff up there.

"Now that door-" he points to the door in front of me "-that has a small little mini bar and another door which is the bathroom."

"Ok," I say with a nod.

We both turn around and walk towards the front of the bus. We go into the lounge and Sarah is sitting on the couch with her stuff beside her looking at her phone. She looks up at us and puts her phone in the pocket of the jacket she was wearing.

"I didn't want to go back there with you guys crammed so I waited 'til you all got out." Sarah says standing, picking up her stuff, and walking to the bunk area.

Brendon and I both nod in response and wait for her to get done putting her stuff away so we can all go to the stage together. Sarah soon returns to the lounge and we all walk out the bus, heading toward the stage.

We make it inside the venue and the security people give us all these passes so we could go through entrances and stuff. I look at it as a way for the security people to not mistake me as a crazy fan trying to sneak in.

One of the security guards show us to panic's dressing room. Brendon opens the door and inside were two couches sitting adjacent from each other in a corner of the room, a huge mirror with a counter full of makeup and hairbrushes, and of course a food table with snacks and sandwiches on them. There was also a clothing wrack that hung panic's performing outfits and a door that I'm assuming goes to a bathroom.

We walk inside and were met with Brendon's body guard, Zack, sitting on one of the couches.

"Hey, nice to see you guys." Zack says as he gets up from the couch. He walks up to Brendon and gives him a handshake-hug type thing and then gives me and Sarah a normal hug.

"Nice to see you too," Brendon and Sarah say simultaneously.

"So what's the plan for today?" Brendon says after we all sit on the couches.

"Well," Zack pulls out his phone. He starts tapping on it and scrolling through it. Then he stops and begins talking again, still looking at the phone, "Once the rest of the guys get here, panic's sound check is at 1:30. People should be showing up around 3ish and you guys should get ready at about 5 o'clock which is about 45 minutes before your part of the concert starts. After the concert is over which is after Fall Out Boy because they're the last performance, we all get on our tour buses and head to the next tour date place which is in Phoenix, Arizona I believe."

"Okay, what time is it now?" Brendon asks.

"Um, it's about twelve, so you have an hour and a half to chill out." Zack says putting his phone in his pocket.

Brendon sighs, "Alright." He pauses, thinking for a second before turning towards me and Sarah, "Want to go on a walk around the venue while we wait?"

"Sure, I'm bored anyways," I say standing up from the couch.

Brendon and Sarah both get up at the same time and start to walk towards the door with me.

"I'll just be here waiting for the guys to get here," Zack says, getting out his phone again.

"Alright, we'll be back soon." Brendon starts to lead us out the door.

"Okay, sound check is in an hour so don't get lost." Zack says facetiously.

"Okay Mother Zack, we'll be back soon," I say chuckling at my stupid joke.

Everyone else laughs as we all, except Zack, walk out of the room and onto our stroll around the venue.

We walk down the hallway we used to get here and passed all the other dressing rooms. Each had a piece of paper taped to the door that stated the band's name who occupied that room. Brendon and Sarah were behind me, holding hands and whispering things to each other. I just was walking ahead of them and looking at the surroundings, not really caring about what they were talking about.

We walked down a few more hallways, passing security guards and more doors that led to other places. This place is huge holy smokes.

Finally, we get to the stage part and walk to the middle of it. There were some stage people trying to locate and move certain objects. They were also testing lights and other important work, so we tried not to get in their way for the time we were there. The stage was outside (all of the concerts were gonna be outside and since it's June, I'm gonna be sweating my ass off most of the time) so looking out you could see the metal blockade and then grass from then out. The grass seemed like it stretched on forever but you could see (not very well might I add) little places where you could get in from the back and around in between the metal fence that kept people in and out.

We kept standing there, staring at the view and talking about Brendon performing until we hear someone behind us say, "Excuse me, but I'm gonna have to ask y'all to leave please. Thank you." We turn around and behind us stood a lady dressed in all black. Just like the stage people who were working behind her.

"Oh I'm sorry, we'll get out of your way," Brendon politely dismisses us. He looks back to me and Sarah and immediately we all fast-walk back across the stage, back into the dark walk up that lead us on the actual stage.

After that confrontation, we decided to head back to the dressing room so we wouldn't interfere with the stage people working. Plus, the bands who play before panic were getting ready to sound check, so we were going to have to leave anyways.

As we were walking back to the dressing room, we run into Fall Out Boy who were coming out of their dressing room.

"Hey! We were just going to stop by and see if you guys were here yet!" Pete says, giving Brendon a hug.

"Yeah, we were just taking a walk around the venue until we got kicked off the stage. Then we decided to come back to the dressing room and chill out until soundcheck." Brendon said as we (Brendon, Sarah, Pete, Patrick, Andy, Joe, and I) go back to panic's dressing room.

"Wow that sounds eventful," Joe laughs, the rest of us laughing with him.

We make it back to panic's dressing room and inside we meet Zack again along with Dallon, Kenny, and Dan who must've shown up when we left.

We all kind of separate into our own little conversations. Brendon, Sarah, Kenny, and Joe are having some kind of conversation about I think beer (I don't know, I heard something about alcohol) on the couch. Dan, Dallon, and Zack engage into a conversation, but I don't really know what it's about because they're in the corner of the room by the snack tables and I can't hear them from where I'm at. And lastly, the conversation I'm in consist of Andy, Pete, and Patrick which was us originally talking about how freaking excited I was (and still am) for this tour on the other couch. Until, Andy made a Star Wars reference and I (casually) referenced him back and that lead to a whole conversation about Star Wars and about our favorite characters and movie and what not.

*1 hour later*

"I swore the first time I saw the Empire Strikes Back, Vader said 'Luke, I am your father'. It was the most iconic thing I have ever seen in my entire life and you're telling me it's different. How the hell does that even happen?" Pete said.

We had been talking about this topic for a solid 20 minutes trying to convince Pete that it's actually 'No, I am your father' instead of 'Luke, I am your father'.

"Do we have to watch the movie again? He literally says 'No, I am your father.' You can't just deny it and be like 'No that's not what he says' when he clearly says it." Andy says getting frustrated.

"That's like saying the Earth is flat when it is scientifically proven it's round." I say getting frustrated myself. Why can't he just except it the way it is?

"THE EARTH IS FLAT!!" Pete yells.

Patrick, Andy, and I let out a sigh at the same time.

Patrick was about to say something until we heard a knock on the door. We all look towards the door as Brendon gets up from his spot and walks over to open it.

On the other side reveals a man with a headset wearing all black. "Panic, soundcheck is on in 10 minutes." He says in a monotone voice.

"Okay, thank you." Brendon says. The man nods and walks away as Brendon closes the door.

All the guys from Panic! stand up and head to the door. Brendon grabs a water from the snack table and walks out with them.

Before Brendon closes the door, he sticks his head through the opening, "Are you guys coming?" He asks.

The rest of us look at one another and shrug.

"Yeah, we're coming!" I say excitedly jumping off of the couch.

"Alright, lets go!" Brendon says pushing the door more open.

The rest of us got off of the couches and walk to the stage to watch panic do their sound check which wasn't very long, about half an hour. Then Fall Out Boy had to do their soundcheck afterwards which was the same amount of time. (They all sounded amazing by the way).

After soundcheck, we all went back to our separate dressing rooms for the guys to get ready for the concert.


After about a few hours of sitting in the dressing room having random conversations and watching the guys do the craziest shit (they played ping pong with their acoustic guitars (how they found ping pong balls were beyond me)), it was 45 minutes before the guys got on stage so they all put on their outfits for the concert and headed out of the dressing room.

Brendon, Dallon, Kenny, Dan, Zack, Sarah, and I all walk to the stage to watch the band before panic plays perform.

We all walk up to the side stage where we could see the band perform but still be hidden from the audience. Zack said that they were almost done and panic would be ready to go on stage.

The band finally finished their set and were really good in my opinion. The stage turned all black and the band walked off stage. They walked past us and we all have them high-fives and they wished them (Panic!) luck.

The stage people rushed pasted us and ran on stage, moving things and replacing instruments the band before used with other instruments and what not. They finally got done setting things up and a tech guy handed Brendon a golden microphone and told them to go on. Brendon, Dallon, Kenny, and Dan all went on stage whilst Zack, Sarah, and I stood off stage where no one could see us.

It was dark for a few more seconds until the bass part to the song Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time started playing and then once Brendon started singing the lights came on and the crowd absolutely went nuts and started singing along.

Of coarse being the fan girl I am, started singing along and dancing to the beat. This song is such a fucking bop hell yeah!

"Champagne, cocaine, gasoline and most things in between. I roam the city in a shopping cart. A pack of camels and a smoke alarm." I sang at the top of my lungs along with Brendon.

The song was nearing its end at this time and I was having such a damn good time singing and dancing. Sarah and Zack stood back aways swaying to the song and watch me look like a complete fool probably but I could care less.

"Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time!" Brendon sang at the end of the song. The whole crowd screamed and cheered for the band, clapping and waving posters in the air.

"Hey, how you mother fuckers doin' tonight!" Brendon says into the microphone. The crowd once again cheers and screams in response. "I'm Brendon and this is my band Panic! At The Disco and you guys are so awesome thank you!" The crowd screams and the next song which is LA Devotee (aka the best fucking song on that album) starts to play and Brendon does absolutely amazing.

They play two more songs and Brendon introduces his band mates, and plays more songs after that.

Panic's performance is nearing its end when Brendon starts talking into the microphone.

"How are you guys enjoying the performances tonight?!" Brendon says (more like yells but there isn't really a difference with him). The crowd cheers in response.

"Good, good." He nods, "Now I'm going to introduce someone to you guys who is very important to me. Can I do that?" The crowd screams for the dozenth time tonight. He looks over to where I'm standing and kind of nods me over. I'm kind of confused by what he's doing but then it hits me. He wants me to go in front of the crowd.

I take in a deep breath and let it out. I'm not one to go out in front of an audience and have all eyes be on me so this is pretty nerve wracking.

I start walking to the stage. My heart feels like it's pumping twenty miles per hour and I'm sweating like crazy (more than I was already). I slowly reveal myself to the crowd and they roar with excitement.

I walk up next to Brendon who wears the biggest smile on his face.

"Guys, meet Brooklyn, she is my daughter that my wife and I have adopted!" Brendon says with so much excitement you would think his head would explode.

The crowd goes into a frenzy. Some people were awhing, some were literally crying, and some just screamed. There were ALOT of people who had their phones out taking pictures which made me feel a bit uncomfortable and freaked out but still wore a smile on my face.

I wave at the crowd and a lot of them wave back which made me feel a bit better. I look up at Brendon who is smiling at the audience. He notices me looking and looks down at me and pulls me into a hug which earns a few more 'awhs' from the crowd. He kisses me on top of the head before letting go and I walk off stage.

I walk back to Zack and Sarah and the latter pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. She soon lets go and I turn back to the stage where they are playing the last song of the night, the classic, I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

After that song ended, Brendon wished the audience goodnight, the stage got dark again and the band walked off stage. Brendon ran for me giving me a hug and lifting me into midair for a few seconds and put me down.

Sometime during the last song, Fall Out Boy had showed up ready to play their set. When Panic! got done, once again the stage people started placing and taking out certain things for Fall Out Boy's performance and what not.

When the stage people got done, Fall Out Boy got told to head out on stage and they started playing The Phoenix in which I started fangirling and was absolutely going crazy dancing and singing.

The rest of us had stayed to watch their performance (except Dan and Dallon who were sweating so much and tired that they went back to the dressing room) which was absolutely amazing.

At the end of their set and sadly the concert, they ended with Saturday and wished the audience goodnight and came off stage. We all walked back to our separate dressing rooms for the bands to freshen up before we get on our tour buses.

Once we were all ready, we walked to our tour buses and got on to head to our next destination.

By the time we got on and started on our way it was about 9 o'clock (hehe it was nine in the afternoon) and I was exhausted.

When everyone got on the tour bus they started drinking and celebrating for the first night of tour. I couldn't keep my eyes opening during the entire conversation so I decided to call it a night.

I got up from the couch and made my way to the bunks and grabbed my stuff from the top bunk and took into the bathroom.

The bathroom on the tour bus is quite small compared to normal bathrooms but I managed. I dug out my pjs from the bottom of my suitcase and took off my day clothes and shoved them in my suitcase. I didn't feel like brushing my teeth so I just skipped that part and walked out of the bathroom.

I set my suitcase next to the other bunks where all the other suitcases from the guys were and took my blankets and pillow out and threw them on top of the bunk.

I decided that before I would go to bed that I would wish everyone goodnight, so I walk out to the lounge area. I see everyone there either sitting on the couch or the floor with some type of alcoholic beverage in their hand.

"Goodnight everyone I'm going to bed." I say with yawn.

"Aw, so early?" Brendon says sticking his bottom lip out.

"Yea I'm tired," I say trying to keep my eyes open.

"Well let me tuck you in then," he says setting his beer down and standing up.

I shrug my shoulders and turn around to walk back to the bunks.

I get to the bunk area and climb up the ladder to get into my bed. I take off the thin cover of the bed and slide under. I take my pillow and put it under my head and lay it at an angle to where I can sleep comfortably. And I take my blankets and throw them on top of me to keep me warm.

I'm all comfortable when I hear the curtain of the bunk area open and Brendon walk inside.
He walks up to the bed and slides open the little curtain that lets the person in the bed have privacy.

"Hey," he says in a low voice, "Did you enjoy the show tonight?"

I turn my body to look at him comfortably, "Yea, I did it was so amazing." I say with a lazy smile.

"I'm very happy that you had a good time," he says with a smile, you could tell that he was beyond happy.

"Now get some rest you look really tired." He says chuckling a little bit and slightly rubbing my back.

I let out a slight laugh, "will do," I say.

"Goodnight B," he says kissing the top of my head.

"Goodnight Beebo," I say very lazily, I'm half asleep and half awake at this point.

He chuckles and shuts the curtain and walks out of the room and back to the lounge.

I turn and face the wall. I lay there and stare until I finally couldn't keep my eyes open and fall asleep.

Day 1 of tour has been complete


Holy shit this is a long chapter (this took me like 2 weeks to write oOf)


I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, I'm having a lot of fun writing it (I love writing the soft parts between Brooklyn and Brendon because they are so cute)

anyways I'm done, thanks for reading!
~brooke 💕

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