Then I met him

By some-pampkin

2.8K 226 167

Everything was fine. Then I met him. Samuel dreams about this guy. He doesn't know he's not a dream. --- I w... More

Dictionary Of Concepts
He's Looking
He's Disappointed
He's Scared
He's Writing
He's Right
He's Sad
He's Dreaming
He's Late
He's Reading
He's My Friend
He's Back
He's Having Real Fun
He's Alone
He's Dreampassing
He's Running Away
He's Late Again?
He's High
He's Angry
He's Jealous

He's A Wizard Harry

99 11 15
By some-pampkin

I opened up my eyes ready to see George, but instead I saw the sun rising up.

What? But that... How could that be possible? I thought that every time I go to sleep I'll end up in that white place, or even if I'm actually dreaming George would find me.

I stood up and looked around. Everything was exactly as I left if. I only now noticed how dirty was my room, because I hadn't cleaned it in a while. I also could now smell how stinky I was from not washing in like two days. I guess I was too busy with that dream stuff to worry about that.

I had three hours to school, because I didn't have the first lesson. I decided to clean everything. Then I went to get a quick shower. After that with my head still wet and wrapped with towel I got ready for school.

I had still about an hour left so I decided to try and enter the dream world.

"Ouch!"  Something shocked me lightly and didn't let me enter. Was that George? Or something else?

I looked for the book Lee gave me, I forgot where I've put it, but after a while I found it under my bed. I quickly turned the pages looking for the chapter that most likely would answer my questions.

I finally found a chapter that said about my problem. The book said, that there is a potion that can help me. I turned the page to the chapter about potions. There were many recipes, not only dream related ones: love potion, health potion, strength potion. I was a bit anxious, what if they're dangerous?

I finally found the one I was looking for, it was called "The key potion". It was supposed not only help me enter the middle ground, but also to reach anyone's dream without the compass, the catch was that I had to know that person, and it also could make me sleepy. Was it really worth it? There are just so many things that might go wrong...

"For George, I promised to help him." I told myself.

I read the ingredient list. There were lots of things with a stupid name that I was sure didn't exist. I tried to Google them.

"There's no way I can get that..."

I decided to try and find substitutes for the weird things, I felt like a real scientist. With the new list ready I put it in my backpack, I'll get them after I finish school.

Ready I left home and walked to school.

I spent the whole day talking with Charles, sometimes Burr also came along. After the classes were done I said goodbye to everyone and quickly left the school.

"Wait! Sam!" I heard someone running after me.

"Hi Burr, how's it going?" I guess we were starting to be good friends after yesterday, even if we had different opinions.

"Please, call me Aaron." He smiled. "I wanted to ask if you want to come somewhere? Or you're busy?"

"Uh, I mean I have to go to the shop first, but sure." Woah I'm turning into a popular kid! I mean, Burr- Aaron isn't that popular, but he hangs out with Madison, and he's close with Jefferson, so it's like we were best friends.

"I can come with you if you want?" He put his hands into pockets.

"Okay, but I don't know how long it'll take." I shrugged not sure if I really want to.

We walked to a small market around the corner. I pulled up the list and tried to find all I needed. Aaron looked over my shoulder at it.

"The substitute potion of awesomeness?" He read and looked confused.

"It's... Uh..." I tried to came up with something reasonable. "It's... A book I also have to buy?"

Aaron put a more serious face on and got his hands behind his back. He came a step closer to me.

"Yeah, right. What's the truth Sam?"

I started to sweat a little. What if Burr knows? What if he's actually Bob! I took a deep breath and tried to find a way out.

"Say Samuel, between us two..." His voice went lower and he started to whisper. "... Do you secretly... Larp?"

Larp. He thinks it's a potion for that game. I immediately relaxed.

"O, I mean I haven't before, but it sounds fun, so I wanted to try that."

Aaron squeaked happy.

"I never thought I'll find someone else that likes that! People normally think that larp is only for nerds with no social life. I also thought that until I played." He started going on and on about larp. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Yes, of course." Woah, Burr usually keeps everything to himself, that's a huge step forward.

"So, there is a secret club. Me, Madison and Jefferson go there once a month."

"Jefferson likes larp?!" Burr put his hand over my face.

"Yeah, but he doesn't want anyone to know, so keep it that way. Anyway, do you want to join us some time?" He let me go.

Woah, I finally have a chance to make new friends.

"Yes, gladly!" We talked about that for a while, then went back to my list. Now, that Burr knew about the list, he helped me get the ingredients.

He then helped me carry it home.

"Hey, Aaron, do you want to help me make it?" I asked him when he was putting stuff I bought on the table. He nodded.

"Wait a second, I have to go to my room for something." Shortly I came back with the book.

"Woah that's cool. Where did you find it?" Aaron took it from me and flipped the pages, I let him, because he didn't seem to be aware of the truth. "This looks so good, almost real!"

"It's custom made. Most of it is just random, but the potions looked fun, so I wanted to try and do them." I showed him the page with the Key potion.

"You want to drink that?"

I nodded.

"Okay." He shrugged. "But you bought different stuff."

"I couldn't find the things the original recepy uses, so I tried to find the substitutes."

He read the rest carefully, then looked at what we got sceptical. "This won't work."

"Why? I checked the composition of this stuff and it's almost the same."

"Yeah, but you need to find stuff that also works the same. Look on the original list you have lavender, you can't replace it with lavender soap, not only it's actually not made from lavender, but also, I have to remind you, you want to drink that."
Burr took a pen and wrote something down on the back of my previous list.

" There, it should be okay now." He handed me it. " If you don't know where to get something you can always ask me."

"You're good with that herb stuff!"

"Yeah, I'm good with many things. Don't tell anyone." He smiled mysteriously.

"Okay, as long as you won't tell anyone about this book."

We shook hands and the deal was made. After that we decided to go out again to buy the stuff.

It took us a couple of hours to get everything, because they didn't have some of the things in one store, so we had to look for it in another. Unfortunately Aaron said that he has to go and wished me luck with the potion.

I went back home and because my parents weren't home yet I decided to try and make the potion.

It took me an hour of constant boiling and adding stuff in exact amounts Burr told me to, but the potion was ready. It was pale pinkish colour. I put it in a glass bottle Burr wanted me to buy, because 'it looked cooler than an empty water bottle'.

I cleaned the kitchen and went to my room. I changed clothes, sat on my bed and looked at the bottle in my hand.

"Okay, here goes nothing." I took a sip and almost puked, because it tasted more horrible than Alex's cooking. I hope I won't die or something.

Suddenly I passed out, the last thing I thought before that was if I just made a big mistake, and what would Lee do if something went wrong.
~1400 words (I don't know if I should change the title, so I'll leave it for now)

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