Be My Princess: Wilfred A. Sp...

By SayakoKomori

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Enjoy! Regina Rosa is a princess, she can't find her family because she lost her mother, father and her littl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
(Sequel) Chapter 1
(Sequel) Chapter 2
(Sequel) Chapter 3
(Sequel) Chapter 4
(Sequel) Chapter 5
(Sequel) Chapter 6
(Sequel) Chapter 7
(Sequel) Chapter 8
Sequel Epilogue
(Second Sequel) Chapter 1
(Second Sequel) Chapter 2
(Second Sequel) Chapter 3
(Second Sequel) Chapter 4
(Second Sequel) Chapter 5
(Second Sequel) Ending Story
Princess Sequel Prologue
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 1
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 2
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 3
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 4
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 5
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 6
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 7
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 8
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 9
(Princess Sequel) Chapter 10
(Princess Sequel) Epilogue

Chapter 5

263 9 0
By SayakoKomori

Wilfred: "Would you like to accompany me to the party?"

Regina: "But why me?"

I felt my heart are leapt at Prince Wilfred's words.

Wilfred: "You can say no, if you don't want to..."

I was emotionally moved by Prince Wilfred's warm gaze. But I shooked my head.

Regina: "No, I would love to go with you."

Prince Wilfred seemed to smile in relief.

Wilfred: "Oh... that's good."

Regina: "Y-Yeah..."

(Well, that's.... good? Oh! I was say yes.)

I felt my heart are swelled with expectation.

Regina: "Well..."

As the phone are ringing as I started to speak. Prince Wilfred broke eye contact and he moved to answer the phone.

Wilfred: "I'll arrange some dresses for to try on."

I sighed and I looked away from Prince Wilfred as he pick up the phone and my eyes settled on the flowerpot.

(But he probably just needed someone to go with...)

(But it's not like about he wants me specifically.)

The flowers quivered slightly in my sight. I stared at the flowers for a while as Prince Wilfred's phone conversation continued... then I left the room.

(But I was excited by the idea of going to the party... but I don't want Claude to get mad at me again, ugh I don't like rude Claude... but he told me to tell his Highness's parents, but I can't...)

As I was thinking of Claude's reaction as I walked away from the office. I suddenly spotted Claude on the stairs in front of me and I gasp.

Regina: "Wait, Claude!"

I called out to Clade and he looked my way. But an odd look came upon from his face before he smiled at me.

Claude: "How may I help you, Miss Regina?"

(Okay why did he smiled at me and what's up with that look...)

As suppressing my uneasy feelings and I opened my mouth to speak.

Regina: "Well, umm..."

However, I was still disturbed by his initial facial expression, but nothing come out. Claude raise his eyebrows at my indecision.

Claude: "Is something the matter?"

Claude: "Or were you wishing to help out again today?"

I changed my line of thought to match the conversation.

Regina: "Yes, I am. But is there anything at all I can do?"

I looked at the wall as I spoked as the one of the portraits hanging there caught my attention. Claude followed my gazed and commented on the portrait.

Claude: "This is of our 98th Sovereign, Her Royal Highness Queen Sylvia."

Regina: "I know and I heard that because she was much loved by the people and drew a lot of attention from overseas."

The portrait was that of a very beautiful and dignified woman. But I had seen her face on TV as many times and I knew her name.

Claude: "Prince Wilfred is her great grandson and on the direct line of succession."

Claude: "He's set to become a much as celebrated 100th sovereign of the kingdom."

(Oh my... really? As I though as now that I looked at her face again.)

(As I can see the resemblance.)

Regina: "As it's wonderful that she was Queen."

Regina: "There are many countries that still won't allow a female to rule."

Claude smiled a little bit as I spoked.

Claude: "Wouldn't that be as because of the most women are inferior to men?"

Regina: "Wait what?"

Claude: "Of course there are some women as who are as judicious and beautiful as Queen Sylvia."

Claude gave a wry smile as he looked at me.

Claude: "Just as there are women who don't know their own place and don't own to proper manners."

Claude: "Perhaps it is women like that who degrade the sex as a whole?"

(I-I-I-Is he directing that about me?)

Claude gave a broad smile.

Claude: "Oh, about your wishes to help..."

I retured his smile as he spoke.


(I guess Claude really isn't a very nice person after all... but he doesn't want me to get angry...)

As I thought as I took to my task of tidying the castle gardens with a broom.

(This place is huge... oh my~)

(But I'm not sure as I can get rid of all these leaves on my own.)

As I looked around and I spotted a bench at the edge of the gardens.

(There's someone over there...)

Prince Wilfred was laying down on the bench.


Regina: "Prince Wilfred...?"

I walked closer to see Prince Wilfred had his eyes closed because of his book are open on his chest.

(My, my... that same about last night.)

(But I wonder if he's asleep.)

I controlled my breathing and I peered over his face when his eyes opened like a shot.


I couldn't stop staring as Prince Wilfred smiled up at me dreamily.

Wilfred: "Regina?"

Regina: "Y-Yes?"

As I spoked, but Prince Wilfred closed his eyes once more and he snoring sofly.

(Did he just go back to sleep? Wow...)

He looked as peaceful as a sleeping child and I couldn't tear of myself away. Just then, my phone are ringing as I gasp.

(Oh no!)

I hurried away to answer my phone without waking Prince Wilfred up.

Claude: "Miss Regina."

Claude: "I would be as much obliged as if you could return to your room. But I know you can't tell everyone...."

Regina: "Are you sure, Claude? I haven't finished the garden yet..."

Claude: "No, that's fine."

Claude: "But I would like to ask you to come up to your room, right now."

I groans by his impatient tone.

Regina: "Oh fine! I'll be up soon, okay?"

I hang up my phone when I looked at Prince Wilfred's sleeping form before I'm heading upstairs.


(Seriously... what's going on?)

I walked into my room as I see the packed with an assortment of dresses.

Maid A: "Oh, Miss Regina. We have been expecting you."

The maid smiled at me and she come toward to me when I smiled.

Regina: "Wait... what's this?"

Maid A: "A dress for you to wear to Lord Michel's party, Miss Regina."

Maid A: "Master Claude told me because you're lost daughter of princess. Are you sure to keep a secret?"

I nodded my head.

Regina: "Yes."

Regina: "So, this dress for me?"

Another maid smiled in my direction.

Maid B: "Feel free to choose as whichever you want."

I looked around at the selection as that adorned of my room.

Regina: "Whichever as I wanted..."

(So is this what Prince Wilfred meant by arranging some dresses?)

I was drawn to a particularly becautiful dress and I reached out to touch it.

(Oh my god, this is gorgeous as much like this one of I borrowed from Prince Edward...)

(So this is the kind of thing a princess would wear for me? I remember my father gave me a lot of dresses from my birthday.)

Regina: "This one is very lovely."

Maid A: "Is this the one as you wish to wear?"

Maid A: "In that case, I will make sure about the purchasing arrangements."

Regina: "One moment.... does this mean any dresses as I choose will need to be bought?"

Maid A: "Milady Regina?"

The maid looked confused as I continued.

Regina: "Do you know how much does one of these dresses usually cost?"

The maids turned to look as each other before she answering.

Maid A: "That really depends on the dress."

Regina: "Hmmm... just a guess."

Maid B: "I believe it would be at least a million, Milady Regina..."

Regina: "Goodness..."

(That's a lot of money... remind my father who has a lot of money...)

I let go of the dress as I thought of it's value.

Regina: "But I'm already living off the generosity royal family."

Regina: "But I can't accept anything as this expensive..."

Maid A: "Wait one moment, please Milady Regina..."

The maids rushed from the room.

(But I hope as I haven't caused them too much trouble...)

I looked at the dresses as surrounded me. There were so many different shades and styles.

(So a million for just one of dress...)

(No wonder a commoner doesn't like me as I'm lost daughter of princess as hasn't a chance in this society.)

My eyes landed on one of particularly lovely dress.

(T-This is...)

I pulled it down and I draped it over my front. It was simple in desgn and very elegant. It delighted as my heart to see it.

Regina: "Wow... this dress is fit for royalty like me."

As I heard a voice from behind me.

???: "Do you like that one?"

Regina: "My god!?"

I turned around in surprised to see Prince Wilfred smiling kindly at me.

(How did Prince Wilfred get here!?)

Regina: "I-I-I don't... no, I do..."

I looked away as lowered my eyes when I spoked because my cheeks are red.

Regina: "S-So.... what brings you here, Prince Wilfred?"

(I remembered he was asleep in the garden a moment ago...)

Wilfred: "Well, some castle maids come as running to me and they're looking rather pale-faced."

I sighed when I spoked.

Regina: "I'm very sorry about them."

Wilfred: "Don't worry about. Are there no dresses as you like?"

Regina: "N-Not it's not like that."

Regina: "But I don't feel comfortable as accepting anyting as expensive as these."

Wilfred: "It was me, I'm the one who invited you to go to the party."

Wilfred: "It's important as I find you as suitable about the dresses to wear."

I struggled to find the right of words.

Regina: "That maybe true, but..."

Regina: "As perhaps as you could find about something as I can merely borrow without going to all of this expense..."

Prince Wilfred looked at the dresses around of the room.

Wilfred: "All of this expense..."

Wilfred: "I don't really see it as expense if it's for you..."

I sighed as disappointed when I looked at Prince Wilfred as he narrowed his eyes and then he turned his back.

Wilfred: "For now on, I guess I'll have to have these removed."

As with a tone of that suggested as I was being denid of everything and he left the room.

(Did... Did I just make Prince Wilfred mad or upset?)

Regina: "Why am I doing... maids, hurry."

As the maids were back in no time at all to the collect of the dresses. As within a few minutes, the room was emptied and then returned to normal. I sat down on the edge of my bed and I feeling despondent.

(But I know because they went to some trouble to arrange about that for me...)

(But I wouldn't be being as true for myself as if I accepted something about that expensive.)


One morning later of the week, I went into the office as usual to water the flowers.

(These are looking as much of healthier than before.)

(This is the first time as I've seen them so...)

Regina: "...Beautiful."

I smiled as i said the word and I heard a voice came from behind me.

???: "I think so too."

(Woah, what!)

I turned around to see Prince Wilfred was entered into the room.

Regina: "Oh... good morning, Prince Wilfred."

Wilfred: "Good morning... as defintely prettier today."

I smiled sadly at him.

Regina: "Do you really think so too? But I gave them a little fertillizer about yesterday."

I continued to the water into the flowers and I spoked. Prince WIlfred laughed.

Wilfred: "No, that's not what I meant."

Regina: "What do you mean?"

(Not what he meant...?)

Wilfred: "I mean you, Regina."

Regina: "M-Me?"

I blushed turn red as from responsed.

(But why did he just call me "pretty"?)

Wilfred: "Didn't you realzie? You were talking about the flowers, weren't you?"

Regina: "Y-Yes, I was..."

Wilfred: "That's true too and ever since you took over caring for them and they have bloomed are most of beautifully."

Regina: "I see... but thank you."

Prince Wilfred smiled grew at my thanks.

Wilfred: "It's me because I'm the one who should be thanking you, Regina."

Wilfred: "Those flowers are very special to me."


I felt my heart grow as warm as the word when I feel calm.

(So, to be allowed to look after something so special to him... that's making me feel so happy.)

Wilfred: "When I am stressed from the work or I'm worrying about something."

Wilfred: "I find these flowers help me to calm."

Wilfred: "Plus, they're very important to me."

Regina: "Prince Wilfred..."

(So that make sense...)

(In his position because it's not like as he has the choice of talking to someone.)

Regina: "Well... I'll act responsibly in my care for these flowers, but you can count on me."

Prince Wilfred laughed at my enthusiasm.


He smiled with the pureness of a child and I felt my heart are fluttered.

Wilfred: "I know and I trust you."

We stood as together in a calm silence. It was then as that, I realized the feelings of that I had been growing inside me.

(I-I think... I'm in love with Prince Wilfred... but I'm a princess... I can't tell everyone...)


Morning and a few days later, I woked up when I sits up and I see Claude was standing beside from my bed.

Regina: "Claude...?"

Claude: "Good morning, Miss Regina."

(Well, I have thought about this before, but...)

Regina: "Oh... Claude, um..."

I sit up and I looked at Claude in the face.

Regina: "Do you know, I'm a woman and I am a Princess... as you see.. I just don't really feel about comfortable with you just coming in here while I sleep, Claude. So..."

Claude narrawed his eyes at my hesitation.

Claude: "Don't worry about yourself and I don't see you as a woman."

(Damn you Claude!)

Regina: "That's not the point, Claude!"

I pouted when Claude keep spoked.

Claude: "Please understand as however about that as I do always knock before coming in."

(My god...)

Claude: "I would never 'just' go into the room to where a guest or Princess is sleeping."

Regina: "I'm sorry, what? But..."

Claude: "Never mind that, but I came to remind you about the party today, Milady Regina."

I gasped as I heard Claude's words.

Regina: "Wait... don't tell me about the party at Nobel Michel?"

Claude chuckled at me.

Claude: "Yes. The maids will be here to help you prepare as soon, Milady Regina."

Claude: "So I have prepared you some herbal tea today and that will hopefully clear your head."

I sit there struck as silent by his low voice and he left the room.

(But I missed my chance to say thank you... but Claude may have a scary side...)

(But he thinks about my need and does do a lot for me. Still... how did he call me "Milady Regina"...)

I picked up the tea cup and I tooked a sip of my herbal tea. But it wasn't long before some maids are arrived was bringing with them a dress and some make-up when I smiled.

Maid A: "Excuse us, Milady Regina."

Regina: "I been waiting for you."

I placed the cup of hebal tea on the table when I stood up and the maids gathered around me.

Regina: "Wait... should I dress myself?"

As I said to the maids. But the maids shooked their head and they're smiled warmly.

Maid B: "No Milady Regina, this is what we are here for."

(Now that's what I'm think about it... I remembered the maids who help me from my kingdom.)

(But it was the same when Prince Edward lent me a dress...)

As knowning what to expected when I sat calmly as a maid held out a dress. I was struck motionless at the sight of it.

Regina: "Th-This is..."

It was the same dress as I had been looking for a few days ago.

Regina: "Oh my... this dress..."

I felt happy when the maids saw it as one of the maid smiled and she turned to me.

Maid A: "Oh yes."

Maid A: "His Royal Highness Prince Wilfred ordered it for Milady Regina to wear."

I gasped.

Regina: "For me?"

Prince Wilfred's smiling face came out in my mind and my cheeks are red.

Maid B: "Yes, His Royal Highness must think very highly of you, Milady Regina."

Regina: "Wait what?"

As I didn't what to think as the castle maids congregated around me as their face are beaming when I giggled.

Regina: "Alright."

As I said when they helped me to change into the beautiful dress.

As finally before I'm ready to go, I went down into the car and I wait for Prince Wilfred.

(I'm feeling nervous about it...)

As I remembered as how I felt when I saw myself in the mirror as just a few minutes ago because I am a Princess when I was younger.

(But I do feel about that from this dress are suit me as even better than the last one of I wear it...)

(But I hope Prince Wilfred thinks so too..)

As through the car window as I could see Prince Wilfred had arrived. The door are opened and Prince Wilfred goes into the car. He smiled softly as he saw me and my heart are skipped a beat and I smiled back, still Prince WIlfred settled into the seat beside me without a word.

(But I wonder if he going to say something?)

I looked at Prince Wilfred was looking blankly out the window at the passing scenery.

(M-Maybe I should probably to thank for Prince Wilfred about the dress...)

I thought to myself and I opened my mouth to speak.

Regina: "Prince Wilfred...?"

Perhaps, but he doesn't heard me as he remained silent he continued to look out of the window.

(Maybe it's not the best to talk to him right now...)

I decide to stay silent and I looked forward. But I saw Claude look back at me from the front seat.

(Claude! Don't look at me like that!)

Our eyes met for a moment when I looked away from him before Claude turned back to the front.

(How did he watch me because I try to talk to Prince Wilfred?)

I sighed and quiet as unable to do anything else and I looked out of the window at the passing countryside. The sun was setting as we arrived in Nobel Michel. The castle looked beautiful and the bathed in red and gold.

(Wow, it looks like a scene of straight out of the movies...)

There was blur of movement and I found a hand was being offered to me. Prince Wilfred's expression was calm as he held out of his hand. He smiled at me as I tooked his hand.

Wilfred: "That dress is suits you as well, Regina. Because you are a Princess."

(Oh Prince Wilfred!)

Regina: "Why thank you. And thank you so much for this dress."

Wilfred: "It's fine and you seemed to have as your eye on it."

Wilfred: "It's the least as I can do to say thank you for you taking care of my plants."

Regina: "Y-You don't have to thank me, Prince Wilfred."

Wilfred: "But I also wanted to see you wearing it."

Regina: "P-P-Prince Wilfred..."

I felt my heart are thumped as he gave my hand a squeeze.

Wilfred: "Shall we go, Princess Regina?"

I nodded my head.

Regina: "Of course."

Prince Wilfred escorted me towards the castle and we made our way inside. Prince Wilfred lead me by the hand until we reached the hall room and where a large number of people had already gathered.

(My, I never seen as impressive as before...)

As I appraised my surroundings as I followed Prince Wilfred to the hall. As we walked in, I noticed we collected a fair few stares from the people around us. There were a women screaming for Prince Wilfred as he escorted me with grace. The atmosphere in the room was electric. I was hit with stares filled with jealousy as I glared at women as they're startled as they're being feared and Prince Wilfred urged me to keep walking. Just then, I heard a familiar voice reached my ears.

???: "Hey, I'm glad you made it."

Regina: "Huh?"

I lifted my face to see... it's Lord Michel.

Regina: "Oh Lord Michel."

As before I was standing for the old man from last time when I was here... the man who had helped me after the fired, Lord Michel.

(Does he's here about the party?)

Regina: "Mike..."

I called his name as I feel calmed.

(How does I feel calm?)

(But is it just doesn't seem apropriate to call him "Mike"...)

Prince Wilfred withdrew his hand from mine. He bend his one knee down on the floor and addressed to Lord Michel.

Wilfred: "It has been a while, my Lord Michel."


Lord Michel laughed at the surprised of my face.

Nobel: "Prince Wilfred, there's no need for such formalities."

Nobel: "Aside from that, I hope you have been taking good care of her?"

He directed his eyes at me when I smiled.

Wilfred: "Yes, of course my Lord."

Nobel: "You aren't being incovenienced in anyway?"

I shooked my head.

Regina: "No, not at all."

As I said when I calm down by myself.

(But why am I stay calm...?)

I take a hold of my skirt with my hands and I curtsy like a princess.

Regina: "But please, I apologize for rudeness."

Nobel: "It's fine, but there's no need for you to do that."

I shooked my head.

Regina: "Nevertheless... but I must apologize for my ignorance, Lord Michel."

Lord Michel looked unimpressed with my answer.

Nobel: "But I thought we had a promise?"

Regina: "Promise?"

Regina: "Oh you mean, I call you 'Mike'?"

Nobel: "That's right."

Next to Lord Michel stood with the man who's face grew sour at this line of conversation.

Man: "Lord Michel! Surely you jest."

Lord Michel turned toward the man and he spoke in a serious manner.

Nobel: "I have asked the young lady to call me that."

Nobel: "This is a promise between myself and her, got it?"

Man: "My Lord..."

(I have a feeling when I've heard that man's voice before...)

I thought as I watched the handsome face of the man attending Lord Nobel.

Nobel: "Anyway, I entrust the young lady's welfare to you, Prince Wilfred."

Wilfred: "Yes, my Lord."

Prince Wilfred lowered his head as he bend his one knee down on the floor and Lord Michel gave a satisfied nod.

Man: "Lord Michel, it's time for your medicine. We should retire for the moment..."

Lord Michel gave a sigh at the young man's words.

Nobel: "I see. Well my dear, I shall looked forward to seeing you again."

His whole face are smiled as he spoked and then he turned around to leave.

Man: "Please excuse us."

The handsome faced man bowed deeply before he following Lord Michel.

(I had no idea about Lord Michel would turn out to be someone as that important...)

(But when I think about it...)

(The name of this castle is Nobel Michel, just like the old man is Lord Michel.)

???: "I heard you are living with Prince Wilfred now..."

I turned around in surprise to see Prince Edward was standing directly behind me.

Regina: "Oh. Prince Edward."

Edward: "It looks like I was right."

He smiled softly as he spoke when I smiled back.

Regina: "Oh really?"

Edward: "Yes I did say and I had a feeling when I'd see you again."

Prince Edward's warm smile brought me back of memories from that night.

(Hehe, I think I remember now.)

Regina: "So you did, Prince Edward."

Edward: "However, I don't know the detail as how of you ended up with living at Chateau Philip with Prince Wilfred."

Wilfred: "At the personal request of Lord Michel."

Prince Edward raised his eyebrows at Prince Wilfred's explanation.

Edward: "At Lord Michel's request? That's an enviable set of circumstances."

(But I wonder if Prince Wilfred is only kind to me because of Lord Michel asked him to... oh my heart...)

I felt my heart grew cold at the thought. As suddenly, I heard another voice from behind us.

???: "So this is something new."

???: "Prince Edward and Prince Wilfred sharing the same girl."

Regina: "Woah!?"

I startled when I looked over there as Prince Roberto stood and he laughing.

Edward: "Haha, my date's overe there."

Prince Edward gestured to woman standing nearby.

(Wow, she's beautiful... but she's looks like my old best friend...)

I found myself unable to look away from her beauty because I can't think of my old best friend...

Edward: "However..."

Edward: "This probably is the first time as Prince Wilfred has been seen with his date."

Roberto: "Prince Wilfred bringing a woman as his escort..."

Roberto: "It has all the women in the castle in an uproar."

Prince Roberto reached for a woman was standing close to us and she drew close to him.

(Okay? Why Prince Roberto's date is really pretty too... but she looks like my 2nd old best friend..)

(I wonder if it really was alright for Prince Wilfred to choose me as his date...)

As I been worried when I looked toward at Prince Wilfred and received a warm smile in return. I was looking at Prince Wilfred's face when I heard someone speak from behind him.

???: "I heard a rumor as you'd brought a girl along and look who it is."

Prince Glenn looked dubious as he stared at me.

Glenn: "That girl again?"

I raised my eyebrow when I spoked.

Regina: "What do you mean 'that girl again'?"

Prince Edward, Roberto and Wilfred smirked. As further back when I heard a quieter voice.

???: "Prince Glenn, don't you think as that's a rather rude thing to say about Prince Wilfred's guest?"

Prince Joshua frowned as he lectured Prince Glenn.

Glenn: "Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

The two of them were also accompanied by a pair of beautiful ladies.

(N-Not again! Those two girls are same as my best friends... I'm only one who fit in here.)

Prince Wilfred drew close to me when I look at him.

(Prince Wilfred... don't worried about me.)

His soft smile helped to calm and I smiled back.

(Geez Prince Wilfred, if you keep smiling at me like that, I'll fall for you.)

Joshua: "Putting that aside. Does Lord Michel come down yet?"

Prince Joshua's question brought me back to reality.

Wilfred: "Yes, I believe he has retired to take some medicine."

Prince Joshua raised his eyebreows at Prince Wilfred's reply.

Joshua: "I see. Well, we were late to arrive."

Glenn: "Well, it's not like as it's all that interesting seeing about that old man's face anyway."

Prince Joshua glared out of the corner of his eyes.

Joshua: "You should be careful what you say, Prince Glenn."

It seemed as if the two of princes were about to at it when Prince Edward stepped in between them.

Edward: "Settle down."

Edward: "It has been so long since as we all saw each other, so let's just enjoy this evening."

It looked as if his soft speech had removed any tension and Prince Joshua sunk into a bow and his facial expression neutral.

Joshua: "I'm sorry and I didn't mean to ruin the atmosphere."

As with those words and he removed himself to the back of the hall. Glenn sighed slightly at the loss of the other party and left the group as well.

Roberto: "Well, that's not quite what Prince Edward meant, but shall we have some fun to talk?"

Just then, Prince Edward suddenly opened his mouth to speak.

Edward: "Oh. Prince Keith."

I followed Prince Edward's line of sight and I saw Prince Keith. But of course the woman was here with Prince Keith, because she's beauty.

(My god... I swear... ugh.... another my old best friend... she's really pretty.)

Prince Edward greeted Prince Keith with a smile.

Edward: "Princess Catherine is not accompanying with you today?"

Keith: "Not today..."

Prince Edward lowered his voice at Prince Keith's half-hearted answer.

Edward: "Is sounds as if you're having a tough time. Is everything, okay?"

Prince Keith made a face at the question.

Keith: "Nothing as you don't need to worry about. Our country is..."

I felt Prince Wilfred take my hand as I watched Prince Edward and Prince Keith deep in their own discussion.

Wilfred: "I don't want to disturb of their conversation. Let's go over there."

I nodded my head when I spoked.

Regina: "Of course."

Regina: "But I was wondering though, Prince Wilfred."

Regina: "Prince Keith is seems to be having a hard of time. Why is that?"

Wilfred: "It's to do with his kingdom."

Wilfred: "Each country shouldn't care about what those on the outside, I think it's just what they decide for themselves."

Prince Wilfred explained as he pulled me along.

(But I don't really understand as what he means...)

A little while later, I separated from Prince Wilfred find a bathroom. After travelling a short distance down a long corridor. I saw a group of women up ahead. They stood as if intending to block my path, they glaring at me as they did so when I raised my eyebrows. I couldn't see a single familiar face among them.

Regina: "Excuse me, can you move."

As I did say as calm when the one of the woman took a step forward and she spoke.

Woman A: "How did you get his Royal Highness to bring you?"

Regina: "Excuse me? Did you say something?"

Woman A: "Prince Wilfred has never appeared here with a woman before."

Woman B: "You're not a member of the Spencer family."

Woman B: "Who are you and where are you from?"

The women seemed very aggressive and I glared at them.

(So these girls are Prince Wilfred's?)

I recalled what Prince Roberto had said.

(I will ignore it of them!)

(I hate those girls are annoying.)

Before as I stood a group of stern faced women. As not knowing what to do and I found myself rooted to the spot.

(If I yelled at them... because I am lost girl of princess when Prince Wilfred heard it as what happened..)

(I only meet with Lord Michel.)

As I stay quiet and all I could hear were the faint sound of music coming from the hall. My heart beat erratically as the music grew as calm.

--End of Chapter 5--

To Be Continued.... 

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