Chapter 7

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I woke up about little earlier than usual and I looked at my surroundings.

(Wait... that's odd... Claude isn't here yet...)

As I thought when I reached over to the desk for my cell phone. There was a message from Claude.

Claude's text: "Good morning, milady Regina..."

Claude's text: "I'm sorry because I'm unable to greet you in person from this morning as I'm busy with preparations for the party."

(I see, so that's why he's not here...)

I had gotten so used to seeing him in the mornings, that I felt a bit sad at him not being there.

Regina: "Hm?"

Claude's text: "A maid will be up with some tea, so please help yourself."

Regina: "Thanks Claude..."

As I said when I looked around and I spotted a wagon with a teapot sitting on it. I poured myself a cup and I took a sipped some tea.

(This tea is so refreshing and it's tastes really good.)

I turned the cup in my hand and I took a deep breath.

(Claude is probably still pretty mad about the paparazzi incident... still he worried about me because I am lost daughter of princess...)

(Still he has been acting pretty cold since then...)

I sat thinking about what had happened several days before. After my audience with the King and Queen. I had approached Claude and I speak to him.

Regina: "Is there anything as I can do to help with the party preparations?"

Claude's eyes were cold for a moment as he looked at me when I stared at him as coldly, but then... he smiled light as I startled because I felt my heart are racing.

(Damn you, Claude!?)

Claude: "Nothing at all."


Regina: "But Claude, I could assist you with the shopping or cleaning...?"

Claude's smile didn't waver as he spoke.

Claude: "Don't worry about yourself..."

Claude: "It will be a bigger help if you behave yourself and stay out the way."

(How rude... "out of the way"...?)

Regina: "I'm already helping you with the cleaning, Claude... as you don't... just why?"

Claude: "Because of that's not an area for formal even'ts."

(Seriously.... so it's like that...)

(But I think Claude might actually hate me, but yeah I hate him because he's pissed me off...)

Regina: "Whatever... sorry for not noticing."

Claude glanced down at me when I looked away.

Claude: "Well, I do appreciate your willingness to help."

Claude: "If I put it another way, the other servants and I am so tied up in preparation for this party..."

Claude: "It would be a big help if I could ask you to look after the other parts of the castle."

His words resonated softly within me and lifted my spirits a little.


Regina: "But I understand... but this time, I'll do my best!"

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