Brains and Brawn (BxB)

By lady-writer-2000

1.4M 46.7K 25.2K

Based on the prompt: "I'm not stalking you, exactly, it's just that you accidentally put my notebook in your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 16

46K 1.6K 667
By lady-writer-2000

Matt's POV:

Ugh, who the heck invented alarm clocks?! They should all be eliminated! And why am I so comfortable and warm? Last time I checked my bed wasn't this warm, or soft...or bone-y...OR BREATHING! Oh! I slept at Leo's tonight, after out date. Damn, that was a good date. We should totallly do it again. 

But right now, I should panick because I am literally sleeping on Leo. I mean, I'm not complaining, he's very cosy, but I doubt he'll like waking up with someone sleeping on his chest. Then again, he has a very steady grip on my waist, like, dangerously close to my butt. And he's touching my skin, and his hands are so warm and...NO! Don't even go there mister...that would make things so much more awkward if he woke up and saw that you have a boner. Then he would think you're a weirdo and never talk to you again and any chances you had at having at least something close to a boyfriend would vanish!

Just as I'm about to overreact even more Leo grunts and moves and now his hand really is on my butt. Oh dear Lord, let this end...or not...? Nope, definitely not a good thing. How does he not wake up?! The alarm is legit blaring with the power to wake the whole house!

As soon as I think that Leo starts moving his other arm in search of his phone and turns off the alarm. Then he opens his eyes and starts to look around. Oh God, don't act awkward. Just pretend like you're up too. So I do. I open my eyes and yawn, trying to make it look like I didn't just have an existential crisis two minutes ago and stand up a little, with my arm supporting me and look at Leo. He's looking at me with a small smile on his face and bed hair and sleepy eyes and.... yup I'm dead. 

"Mornin'" he rasps out in his morning voice, who is very sexy if we're being honest.

"Morning," I say and start to get up, trying not to be obvious so he doesn't notice his hand on my butt, but then he pulls me down again and kisses my temple and then gives my bum a little pat and gets up. Great, so he noticed.

"You can use my bathroom to shower, I'll go after you. Oh, and you can just put those clothes on the hamper. Also, do you need any clothes for today?"

"I think I can use yesterday's pants, but if I could borrow a shirt I wold appreciate it."

"Sure, you can go ahead and I'll leave the shirt on my bed."

"Ok, thanks," and with that I exit to the bathroom and shower and all that jazz, trying not to take too long and overstay my welcome. Then I wear my boxers inseide out, better than nothing I guess, and finish drying myself off. I finish putting my clothes on and leave the bathroom in search of the shirt Leo left me. 

"This is the smallest shirt I have, but it's nothing special but I think it'll fit," he says and I put it on. It's a simple black long sleeved shirt, so it's good. I'm going to wear an apron for work either way so it won't even be that noticeable. "I'm gonna go get ready too, here's a new toothbrush, so you can just use my bathroom, I'll shower in the other one and then you can just wait for me here and we'll have breakfast."

"Ok, thanks Leo," I give him a genuine smile.

"No problem," he answers a little breathless. He looks a little nervous and I wonder why.

After we're both done we make our way downstairs and I remember the last time I was here and how I thought I was kidnapped. 

Leo's mom is in the kitchen, cooking what looks to be omelets and they smell delicious! And that's when I realised I was starving.

"Hey, honey how did you sleep?" She asks Leo, then turns around and sees me and jumps a little and runs to me to give me a hug. " Matthew, darling, I didn't know you were here! How are you?"

"Uh, I'm good and I'm sorry I keep spending the night without a warning..." I say sheepishly.

"Oh, Sweetie, don't even think about it! You're always welcome here!"

"Oh, ok thanks, then."

"Oh, woud you like some eggs?"

"Sure, if there's enough and if it's not much trouble."

"It's totally fine! Anyway, what are two boys up to so early on a Saturday?"

This time, it was Leo who answered, " We're picking up Leo's brother and then I'm driving him to work."

"That makes it sound like I only hang out with you because you drive me around," I say chuckling a little.

"It's ok, it's not like I mind," he says back, smiling back while his mom watches us with an amused expression.

"Either way, you won't have to do it for much longer."

"What? Why not?" he asks with a cute confused expression.

"My car was in the shop getting repaired and it's been good for a while, I jst didn't have the money for it, so I had to work extra time, but now I have the money, so I'm going to pick it up after work."

"Oh! That'," then there was a small pause, "want me to drive you there?" 

Then I laugh, he's adorable, "that's ok, I have to work the whole morning, and I don't want you to keep driving around, wasting gas."

"I really don't mind, I don't have anything t do today, and think of it as like, a final ride!"

"Ok, if you're sure and really don't mind."

"At all!"

Then his mom laughs and I remember she was here the whole time. Talk about awkward. Good thing: Leo looks happy, whis is super adorable.

"You guys are cute, " Mrs. Bryant says. "Anyway, where do you work Matt?"

"Um, in this small coffe a few blocks away called 'little beans of heaven'. It's a weird name, but everyone is awesome and the pay is good and it's a really comfortable environment, so...I couldn't ask for better. Besides, I get free coffee and their coffee is amazing!"

She chuckles and says,"that's really nice of you, working for your money and being independant and all. See Leonardo, you could get a job too, let him be an influence for you." 

"Moooom," Leo whined.

"Stop being a child, it would do you good. Anyways Matt, what about your parents? What do they do?"

I was a little taken aback by that. I'm so used to my mom constantly giving me the cold shoulder that I forgot that parents want to know who their kids might hang out with, or that they actually care about their childrens lives, "Oh, umm, my mom's a nurse in the local hospital and my, umm, dad used to be a doctor in the same hospital, that's how they met, but he uh, passed away a few months ago." It was still kind of weird to talk about my parents, especially my dad.

"Oh honey, that's terrible. If you ever need anything., do not hesitate to ask, you're always welcome here and I'm not kidding, you can always ask."

"Thanks a lot Mrs. Bryant that means a lot," I say and give her a genuine smile. Seriously, I haven't met Leo's dad yet, but until now, everyone is like stupidly nice.

"Don't even mention it. And call me Olivia. Mrs. makes me feel old."

I was about to answer when Leo cut in, " You're anything but old, mom. And we should get going. Are you done with your breakfast?"

"Yeah, thanks for the breakfast, it was delicious Mrs. Bryant." I say and pick up my things to take to the kitchen. 

"It's Olivia, and leave that, I'll clean it up. You guys go." Olivia says and gives me a hug goodbye. "Come back soon!"

"Ok, thanks Olivia!"

Then Leo and I go to his car and drive to Mrs. Pemberton's house while listening to some music and while we talk about. I want to ask him about last night's events and the kiss, but seeing as he doesn't bring it up, I don't either, which sucks because I really want to know where we stand.

Did it mean something to him? 'Cause it meant a lot to me! It was my first kiss, and I actually really like the guy! Like way too much! What if he regrets it and it was just the heat of the moment? I mean, that wouldn't explain this morning and the awkward butt pat. Jesus, this is way too much overthinking for this early in the morning and it's giving me a headache.

When we arrive at the coffee shop I look at Leo and thank him and after I tell him the time my shift ends and after he promises to pick me up, he gives me a smile and I leave the car with Chris.

I mean, I'm happy being friends with him and all, I just want some explanation as to what's been happening between us, 'cause I actually really care about him.


The mornings went by pretty normal. Costumers came and went, goin' about with their lives, with their coffees and pastries. 

I had lunch in the back room with Chris. Not really a full course lunch, just a small sandwich with some orange juice, but it was enjoyable either way and I mean, some people have it worse than I do, so I'm not complaining. Besides the sandwiches are actually really good.

It's now 1:30 pm, and my shift ended so I go outside with Chris and go to Leo's car, who's already there. Glad he didn't forget. I make sure I have my to-go coffee cup and get inside.

"Hi!" I say, slightly excited to see him again, then give him the cup in my hand, " I got you coffee, I didn't know which one you liked so I just got you black coffee with sugar and cream. Think it of it as a way to thank you for everything."

"Thank you, you didn't have to," then he takes a sip and his eyes go comically wide and I chuckle a little. " This is seriously good! I'm so coming here again!"

"You're welcome any time!"

"Can I have some coffee?" Chris asks.

"No, sorry Chris. But you're too young to drink coffee," I answer and he pouts a little.

By the time we arrive at the car shop, I see Michael and go over to him with Chris. He fist bumps us and we go straight to business. Apparently, the battery issue was worst than I thought, so...not only did I have to pay for a new battery, but also for some repar thingy. I should probably learn some car things. Thank God Michael was friends with my dad and has known me for my whole life, or I wouldn't believe him when he told me the repair was like 200 dollars and I certainly wouldn't believe him after he told me he'd take my car to my place tomorrow and that I'd pay then.

After paying, I go back  to Leo's the car with Chris and the we're off home.

Seeing as my house isn't actually that far from the repair shop, it only took us about 10 minutes.

When we arrive, I make a move to leave but Leo looks at me with a look that tells me he has something he wants to talk about with me. So I give my house keys to Chris and tell him to go ahead and then turn back to Leo.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, kinda nervous about what he'll say.

"Matt, I don't know what you've been thinking about what's been happening with us, but I want to know, that- from my part, at least- it wasn't a mistake. And I keep my opinion from last night. I like you Matt and I would like to go out with again, if you want to, that is."

"Y-y-yeah, I mean, I would love to. I like you too, so that would be great," I answer, blushing and look down so he won't see my red face.

Just as I turn to him to say goodbye, he puts one hand on my face and the other on my waist and pulls me to him, and just like that, we're kissing. And damn, it's just as good as I remembered. His lips are so soft, and they taste like coffee, which is just perfect. I can't seem to get enough of him, so I put my hands on his neck and pull him closer to me. 

We kiss for a while, but when the need to breathe becomes too much, I pull away from him, but neither of us moves our hands. 

"I should probably go," I say and he nods, but neither of us, actually makes a move to leave.

So I do what any human would do. I kissed him again. This time harder and needier. He licks my bottom lip, asking for permission and I open it immediatly, and damn it keeps getting better. I move one of my hands to his hair -which is just as smooth as I thought, I might had- and pull on it a little making him groan into my mouth. 

He moves his hand, and then the hand that was in my waist moves under my shirt, and the feelings just get better, so I let out a little moan, which he seems to like because I feel him smirking a little against my lips, then we separate again.

"I really should go, now. I mean Chris is alone and you probably have to go too." I say, putting some space between us, so I wouldn't make the mistake of kissing him again.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea,"Leo answers smiling." I'll text you."

"Ok. I'll see you then," I answer and open the car door. Then think better of it and turn around one more time and kiss him one more time before I change my mind. It didn't take long this time, just a small goodbye kiss and then I wave goodbye and walk inside my house, feeling really happy.

A/N: Hey! I know I don't usually leave authors note, I just want to thank everyone who reads/votes/comments. It means a lot, so thank you and I hope you enjoy! xo

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