The Little Black Book for Gir...

De StStephensCH

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Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school tex... Mais

Chapter 1 - Relationship
By night U were my friend
What Is Love?
What Is a Healthy Relationship?
Reading the Signs: Unhealthy Relationships
Cheating: What is it?
Relationship Fundamentals
True Friends
When in Heaven
Out, Gay, and Seventeen
I am 18 years old and bisexual
What's all the fuss about?
Once a Girl, Now a Boy
My skin's turned to driftwood tonight
To Jane, If You Care What I Was Thinking
Ugly Duckling Syndrome
Relationships: The Good, the Bad, and the Bumping Uglies
The Road of Life
Relationship Abuse
Reality TV
Chapter 2 - Periods
The Menstrual Cycle
Better than My Own
Period Interview
When your monthly visitor isn't a monthly visitor
Arghhh ... TAMPONS?!?!?
Tampons: A How-To
Chapter 3 - Sex
Sex Sex Sex
The first time I had sex
Sex Interview
Confessions of a Virgin
Sex Details
My First Time Sexing A Girl
How to talk to your partner about sex!
Letz Talk About Sex
Sexual Pressure
Sexual Stereotyping
Fun Alternatives to Intercourse
Masturbation Interview
Spirituality and Sex
Top 10 Questions We Had about Sex...
Chapter 4 - Birth Control
Birth Control - It's all up to YOU!
Birth Control
Plan B
AAHH ... The Joy and Bliss of Latex Allergies
The Pill
My Choice
Chapter 5 - Pregnancy/Miscarriage
My Choice
Pregnancy Interview
Ready or not?
Pregnant and Alone
Miscarriage Interview
Chapter 6 - Abortion
When I was 14, I met this guy.
Abortion Interview
Chapter 7 - STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Questions We Had about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)...
Lying on My Back
Other Infections
The Pap Smear Breakdown
Chapter 8 - AIDS
Questions We've Had about HIV/AIDS and Answers We Found
A Young Woman who is HIV Positive
The Down Low: What You Should Know
What Is Safe Sex?
Chapter 9 - Sexual Assault
That Night
Questions We Had about Sexual Assault
Ways Women Can Protect Themselves
What is sexual harassment?
All my life
I didn't know what to do
I guess one day
8 Red Bull Beers
Devoured innocence
Little Black Book for Girlz Resource Guide
About St. Stephen's Community House and the Drug-Free Youth Arcade program

How are STIs spread?

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De StStephensCH

• STIs are passed from person to person through sexual contact.

• STIs are passed through warm, moist surfaces like the vagina, penis, anus, and mouth.

• Make sure to wear a latex condom while having oral, vaginal, or anal sex to prevent catching and spreading STIs.

• There are more than 20 different kinds of STIs! Here are the most common ones.


What is it and how do you get it?

Syphilis is a bacterial infection that left untreated can lead to serious complications or death. You can get it from oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex with someone who has the infection, or by sharing infected needles. The infection is passed through sores or rashes on the genitals, mouth, or skin.

How do you know if you have it?

First you get a sore that doesn't hurt. It is called a chancre. The sore will go away by itself. Three to six months later, you many get a body rash and feel like you have the flu. These symptoms can disappear without any treatment but the infection can continue to damage the brain, liver, heart, and blood vessels.

What do you do if you have it?

Go to your doctor and get a blood test done to confirm you have syphilis. Then your doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Tell your partners that you have syphilis so they can do the same.


What is it and how do you get it?

Herpes is an infection and it causes sores around the mouth or on the genitals. You can get herpes from kissing someone who has these sores on their mouth or if your mouth comes in contact with sores in their genital area.

You can also get herpes by touching the sores of an infected person and then touching your eyes, mouth, or genitals.

*There are two types of herpes: simplex 1 and simplex 2. Type 1 usually is characterized by cold sores or fever blisters on the lips or face, and type 2 is a sore on the genital area.

How do you know if you have it?

• itching or tingling on your skin

• painful blisters full of liquid

• you will feel like you have the flu, and then blisters will form on your skin

• occasionally a lesion like a small cut may appear

The most reliable way of finding out if you have herpes is through a herpes cultures test. In this test, the doctor will collect a sample of fluid (called a viral culture) from a sore when it first appears in the blistering stage. The doctor will then send it to the lab to see if it's infected with the herpes virus. The test is very accurate but it may take a few days to process.

What do you do if you have it?

Go to your doctor. There is no cure for herpes, but there is medication that will help reduce the symptoms, which can reoccur throughout your life. You will need to eat well and get lots of rest. 

Hepatitis B

What is it and how do you get it?

It is a virus that can cause a serious infection of the liver.

You get it by sharing blood, semen, vaginal fluid, or saliva.

Hepatitis is passed on through sexual activity with someone

who has it, sharing infected needles, and also through sharing some infected personal items like toothbrushes. A lot of people who have hepatitis B don't know that they have it, but they can still spread the virus without knowing.

You can protect yourself from hepatitis B by getting a hepatitis B vaccine.

How do you know if you have it?

• you feel tired

• your lower tummy will hurt

• you aren't hungry often

Note: it is not unusual to have no symptoms.

What do you do if you have it?

You need to get a special blood test done by your doctor to confirm you have hepatitis. Most people can be cured. Some can't be cured, which can lead to long-term health problems. 

Pubic Lice

Pubic lice (a.k.a.crabs)are small insects (rather than an infection), which attach themselves to human hairs, specifically pubic hairs. Common symptoms of crabs are itchy crotch, rash or faint bluish spot at the sight of the bite (oh yeah, forgot to mention, they bite), or tiny spots of blood on your undies. Pubic lice are passed from one person to another through direct physical contact and sometimes through contact with an infested person's sheets, towels, or clothes. A doctor can prescribe cream.


What is it and how do you get it?

This is an infection that is caused by a parasite. It can cause serious health problems. The parasite can live on wet objects for a few hours; therefore it can be spread through sex toys, wash cloths, toilet seats, and saunas. It can also be transmitted through vaginal sex with someone who has it.

How do you know if you have it?

• discharge (the pasty fluid) from your vagina is green or yellow

• discharge from your vagina smells like fish

• itching, red, sore vagina and swollen labia

• pain when you have intercourse

• pain when you pee

What do you do if you have it?

You have to go to a doctor right away for treatment. Doctors can tell from your symptoms and by a test if you have it.


What is it and how do you get it?

Gonorrhea (a.k.a. the clap) is a bacterial infection that has to be treated because it can cause serious health problems. You can get it from oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone who has it.

How do you know if you have it?

• strange discharge from your vagina

• pain when you pee

• pain in your tummy

• pain when you have sex

• itchy, red, swollen vagina

Note: most commonly, there are no symptoms.

What do you do if you have it?

Go to your doctor and get a swab of your cervix. If you have it, they will give you antibiotics.


What is it and how do you get it?

Gardnerella is a type of bacteria that grows in small amounts in women's vaginas. If there is too much gardnerella, it can cause bacterial vaginosis (BV), which results in itching and smelly discharge. It can be passed on sexually.

How do you know if you have it?

• discharge from your vagina that is white or grey

• discharge from your vagina that smells like fish

What should you do about it?

Go to the doctor and get a prescription.

What are some tips on how to lower your chances of getting a gardnerella infection?

• do not use deodorant tampons or pads, perfumed soaps, bath oils, feminine hygiene spray

• always wipe yourself from front to back after going to the toilet

• wear cotton underwear 

Genital Warts or Human Papilloma

What is it and how do you get it?

There are a lot of different kinds of HPV, a few of which can cause warts in the genital area. Warts are growths on your skin that appear as hard rounded bumps. You get genital warts from direct contact with your partner's warts or an infected area during unprotected oral, vaginal, or anal sex. Like herpes, it depends where the lesions are. Sometimes using a condom doesn't cover all the lesions and doesn't stop them from spreading to you.

How do you know if you have it?

• they show as hard bumps on your skin

• they may be itchy

• you may have pain during sex

• you may bleed from your vagina or anus

• your doctor can tell you if you have them by looking at them Note: you may not know they are there; sometimes you can't see or feel them.

What do you do if you have it?

There is no cure, but the virus often leaves the body by itself. Some types of HPV are linked to cervical cancer, so it's very important to get a pelvic exam with swabs for other STIs and a Pap smear. Ask your doctor.


What is it and how do you get it?

Chlamydia is caused by bacteria and is very common. If is often found in teenagers and needs to be treated. If it is not treated, it can cause serious health problems. You can get chlamydia when you have oral, vaginal, or anal sex with someone who has it.

How do you know if you have it?

• discharge from your vagina

• sometimes you will bleed a bit, even when you aren't on your period

• bleeding when you have sex

• pain when you pee

• pain when you have sex

• pain in your tummy or lower back

Note: sometimes there are no symptoms.

What do you do if you have it?

You have to go to a doctor!! Chlamydia can lead to very serious health problems in the future. Some women become infertile, meaning they can't have babies. The doctor will give you antibiotics that will make the infection go away. 

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