Find The Balance

By Forceghostlissa

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A/N hey guys if you haven't checked out this story yet there is a newer version called a Fallen Knight it's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick announcement
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 12

471 17 1
By Forceghostlissa

**Here it is guys as promised. I am furiously writing over here haha. Have a great amazing Reylo filled day.

Finn POV

Rey was still unconscious, but she was looking less pale. The medics had healed most of the more serious wounds. The rest would heal in time, unfortunately Rey would have a few scars, and it was discovered that whatever had been stabbed into her had effectively destroyed her ability to have and children. Finn didn't leave her side the entire time he knew she would wake up soon and he wanted to be there. He sat next to her though the four blood transfusions and as the medics worked tirelessly over her. The only time he had left the room was when they had to remove her blood-stained leggings. Best friends or not, he knew she wouldn't want him seeing her that exposed. He sat, and he waited and when they called him back he felt relief wash over him. The Medics had told him she would live and now just needed to wake up, so he continued to wait.

Rey POV.

Rey knew she was unconscious, but she was also aware that she must be safe because she was dreaming. She was surrounded by green. Trees, grass even the mountain in the distance. The sun shone brightly overhead, and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the warmth on her skin. Unfortunately, her tranquil state was interrupted by someone. She could feel his presence in her mind before she saw him. Suddenly she was overcome with blinding rage. How dare he come here. He was the absolute last person she wanted to see. Rey felt him behind her and whipped around to glare at him. He was smiling at first but at the sight of her anger, his face fell. A pang of sorrow threatened to rip through Rey, but she pushed it away and focused on the rage.

"How dare you show yourself here" she spat at him, she tried to force as much venom into her voice, so he would know he was unwelcome.

"Rey....." it was all he managed to say before he sank to his knees.

"Don't you dare speak to me. You are nothing but an evil manipulative monster" She let the anger flow now she didn't care if she hurt him. "I trusted you, I dared to care for you and you, you betrayed me. I will never forgive you Kylo Ren and if I ever find you I will destroy you, how could you do that to me?"

"Rey I'm sorry" He wasn't looking at her he just stared at the grass. "I never meant for you to get hurt, I just wanted....."

"What? What did you want Kylo Ren? To make me bleed, to hear me scream in agony? Or was it you simply wanted to break my heart? All of the pain was nothing compared to your betrayal" She watched him flinch back. She was hurting him. "Good" she thought he deserves it.

"Rey, I can feel your anger, please don't do this. Do no fall into the darkness, stay in the light. If not for me, do it for your friends, they will need you" he glanced at her. His eyes were so full pain Rey nearly ran to him. She stopped herself, she would no longer touch that man.

"All this time you wanted me to join the dark side and now you change your mind, its too late Kylo, you've already broken me. Look at it this way now were truly are equals." She knew in her heart that the light with in her was fading. Part of her was terrified but another part relished the thought. "I will find a way to break this connection, you will no longer be a part of me" with that she threw up a wall of force power and sent him flying from her mind. He was gone not completely she knew but for the moment she was alone.

Finally, Rey sank to the ground and began to cry. She could feel his pain and she knew she had hurt him. Try as she might to embrace the rage in order to hate him she couldn't. She knew the only escape from feeling his emotions as well as her own was death. But she would not leave her friends that way. Not yet, not until Hux was dead.

Kylo POV

She hated him. He had truly lost her. Rey was right and now he knew there was no redemption. Rey thought that he had sent her to be tortured. He knew that as long as she hated him she would be safe. She wouldn't find out what he himself was captured and probably going to die soon. Kylo had failed at everything he had tried to accomplish. He murdered his previous master, he didn't even come close to completing his grandfather's mission, and now he had alienated the person he needed most. At least he had not failed at keeping her away now. She would be safe with her friends and his mother. Leia would keep her safe he was sure of it. He closed his eyes and pictured Rey one late time. If he was to die he wanted her to be his last memory.


Her eyes fluttered open and at first, she felt panic grip her. Was she still in the torture room. She clenched her fists and for the first time felt someone's hand in hers. Rey turned her head only to find Finn asleep in a chair next to her. She smiled and began to relax. She truly was safe. As she tried to sit up a searing pain shot through her.

"Don't try to move" It was General Leia, she was sitting just on her other side

"General" Rey gasped as tears sprang to her eyes. She hadn't seen the General in so long.

"Rey," Leia smiled reassuringly at her, "I am so glad you are safe, you gave us quite a scare, it took four blood transfusions before the medics could even attempt to address your wounds. But you will make a full recovery. If you fell up to it, can you tell me what happened or at least what you remember?" Leia waited for her to speak. Could she tell the General it was her own son who had helped her get captured.

"It was him general, it was Kylo Ren, he did this to me." Rey dropped her eyes, she couldn't look at Leia.

"I see" was her only response "Rey I need to ask you something?"


"Was Kylo wearing his mask? Did you see his face?"

"Yes he was, I didn't see his face but he didn't deny that he wasn't himself when I spoke to him"

"Rey do you know how we found you?" Reys eyes flew to Leia's. she had wondered how she had been rescued, she wasn't even sure where she had been held.

"No" Rey answered carefully, "How?"

"Well you were on Sullust, according to Finn its where the First Order performs a majority of its executions, but that's besides the point, we found you because of Ben." Rey's eyes widened, what was the General saying?

"But.... I saw him there....he was standing in front of me as clearly as you are." Rey argued, she knew she had seen him.

"Rey you never saw his face and I don't know if you are aware there are seven total Knights of Ren. Kylo was their master. Search your memories, the man you saw couldn't have been Ben"

"I know what I saw" Rey spat back. She didn't like being doubted.

Leia only sighed. She wasn't going to try to convince Reay anymore. Rey was sure of what she saw and the General hadn't been there. She didn't know.

"Rey get some rest, we will talk again when you are better rested." Leia stood and turned to the door. Rey could see her shoulders slumped in defeat. Against her better judgement Rey spoked up.

"Why do you think it wasn't him?" there had to be some reason Leia was willing to overlook what Rey was saying in favor of whatever she knew. Rey waited for the answer praying it would change her mind.

"Rey, he reached to me through the force, he told me you were on Sullust and he told me....." Leia paused, "Rey, he told me you were his everything, I may not know my son very well anymore, but his words were honest. I do not believe he was the cause of this."

Rey stared in horror, had she been wrong. She had only seen Kylo's mask a few times and now she was uncertain what was the truth. Then she thought back to her dream. Hux had been talking about informing the knights of Kylo's betrayal. Suddenly she was crying uncontrollably. What had she done. Rey as viciously attacked Ben when he came to her and now she might never see him again.

"Rey, dear don't cry its ok, we will find Ben if he is in trouble we will help him" Leia had misunderstood Rey's tears, but Rey didn't dare correct her.

"REY!!" Finn was awake now he was leaning over her awkwardly hugging her, she was after all still laying down. "I'm so glad you're awake. I thought I was going to lose you."

"Hey Finn" Rey smiled at him, "Thank you for saving me" she wiped her face quickly.

"Of course, Rey don't be silly I'd do anything for my best friend" He beamed at her. He truly was her best friend.

"Finn, we need to let her rest" Leia was standing now, "we can come back in the morning"

"But..." Finn started to argue

"It's fine Finn, I am kind of tired, and I'm not going anywhere, you can come back tomorrow" Rey tried to smile convincingly she needed to be alone, she wanted to try and meditate

"Alright, but I'll be back tomorrow" Finn leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead "I'll bring Poe by as well, he's been wanting to see you"

"Perfect I'll see you then" Rey smiled as best she could Leia and Finn turned and left the room and Finn managed to pull the door shut behind him.

Once they were gone Rey dragged herself into a sitting position. It was agony to sit up, but she needed to reach out to Ben. She needed to apologize to him, hopefully wherever he was he was safe and willing to see her. She closed her eyes and searched for his signature. It was there but just barely. It was as if he was barely alive. Terror gripped Rey's heart. Was she too late? No, she concentrated and reached out to him, the Force began to shimmer, and she was suddenly in a different room than the one she had usually found him in. He was asleep, but Rey could tell he was in immense pain. His hands and knees looked like they had been burned and the room was freezing. She rushed to him and pulled him into her arms. He barely moved, he was burning, and Rey could see his shirt was soaked in blood.

"No Ben," she felt the tears fall. He slowly opened his eyes, they were sunken and blood shot. Rey had to stifle a gasp, what had Hux done to him.

"Rey..... My beautiful Rey, this dream is so much better than the others" Kylo whispered, his voice was so soft, Rey held in a sob.

"Oh Ben, this isn't a dream, I'm here, I'm so sorry. I said terrible things to you. I didn't know it wasn't you, I..... Ben I'm so sorry please, please forgive me" Rey was crying uncontrollably now. She could barely see him though her tears. He raised his hand and brushed them away.

"Are you ok? I was losing my mind wondering where you went I couldn't feel you through the force, and I thought....I thought you were dead. And Hux that asshole, he told me where you were and....." His face lost all color, as he realized what must have happened to her. "No.....No Rey, oh maker please forgive me, none of this should have ever happened. I should have killed Hux a long time ago." He closed his eyes and Rey could feel the guilt and sadness in his mind threatening to break him.

"Ben its ok, I'm here and I'm ok, they didn't do anything I couldn't handle" She lied, every bit of the doctor's torture was unfathomable misery, but she refuse to tell Ben that.

"Rey don't try to spare my feelings, I don't deserve it" he looked completely defeated.

"Ben, I am fine I got away, don't do this to yourself" She put her had to his cheek hoping to ease his guilt

"How did you escape anyway? Was it the General? I tried to tell her but....."He trailed off as Rey put her fingers to his lips

"Finn saved me and yes Leia told me that you helped me, or at least tried. Thank you for that truly" Tears crept into her eyes again. "I didn't mean any of it, what I said to you, I was so angry at you, I thought you had done this, and I am beyond ashamed that I considered it in the first place." She was crying again.

"Rey..... you didn't know, I could never be mad at you for that, I'm sorry I didn't protect you like I should have. I am a monster, you almost died because of me." He placed his hand softly against her cheek. The bond ignited and before she could stop herself Rey was pulling his lips to hers. She kissed him so deeply and let all of her feelings flow to him through the bond. He pulled her down closer to himself and wrapped his arms securely around her. She could feel all of his desire and longing flowing to her through their bond but there was something more was it love? She gasped and pulled back.

"Ben?" She looked at him he was staring back at her but there was no longer darkness in his eyes. It was as if he had awoken and he was a shining beacon of light.

"Rey, I..." He struggled to find the words. "I'm just glad you're here" He sat up now and pulled her into his lap. She leaned against him, he was shivering as the fever racked his body and she could tell he was fading.

"Ben you're not well, where are you I will help you" Rey looked into his eyes and she saw that he wasn't going to tell her.

"Rey, I don't want you to look for me, do you understand? You need to stay away, let the past die. Soon I will just be a memory, just....stay away"

"Don't you dare say that to me" she was angry now. "Ben Solo, you are being ridiculous"

"Rey please" he nearly begged. "You already suffered enough, please just let me go I've done terrible things I don't deserve your kindness, nor do I deserve forgiveness" his head dropped to her shoulder.

"Stop it, you think I am just being kind to you? You want to just give up do you? What about your mother, what about me? She grabbed his face and made him look at her. "I am coming for you whether you like it or not."

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