Imagine Knowing Him (Ryden)

By ThnksFrPrttydd

7.2K 184 122

Ryan Ross is a famous singer and Brendon Urie is his biggest fan. Fortunately for Brendon, they live in the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 12

241 8 5
By ThnksFrPrttydd

Brendon's POV:

I get Ryan's text while preparing my dinner in the kitchen. Mhm.. Ramen, because I'm lazy as fuck. But as soon as I hear my phone beep, I run from my kitchen to the living room where I left my phone. It's not along walk since I have a really small apartment.

Ryan: Do you maybe wanna meet up tomorrow?

Holy smokes, I'm gonna meet up with Ryan Ross, like THE Ryan Ross!? Hell, yes! But of course, I reply a bit cooler than my actual emotional release.

Brendon: Sure, sounds cool. But I have work till 3pm, wanna pick me up from there?

I hope he wants to, I mean walking the streets with Ryan Ross from the famous band Pile-Up? Not complaining, seriously.

Ryan: Nice, see you then, Brendon. :)

Omgzzz, I can't believe it, how am I supposed to work normally tomorrow?! After I finish my dinner, I go to bed since it's already pretty late.

The last thought I have before silently drifting off is a certain Mr. Ryan Ross.


The next morning when I wake up, I literally feel like a piece of shit, because I slept so bad. Excuse me? I'm meeting up with Ryan Ross, as if I could actually sleep in such a situation. I tossed around the whole night, not having a single other thought than what am I going to wear?

I shriek when I dizzily walk into the bathroom and look into the dirty mirror. Oh, no dirt, just my face. Yea, I look that shitty, never seen so big eyebags on my face. I look probably 30 years older than I actually am. I groan and make my way to the shower, put it on as cold as possible, that I can properly wake up. Immediately my eyes grow wide because its impossibly cold, damn, am I dumb? Anyways, I finish my shower and go back to look in the mirror. Okay, to be honest that helped a lot, now I just look 25 years older than I am.

So, I got one hour left before I have to be at the restaurant. Brendon, you got this. It's not my first date, come on. But your first day with such a famous and amazing human being, you can't fuck this up, tells me my pessimistic side of myself.

After I finished my breakfast, which just consisted to some cereal, because literally I'm lazy as fuck, I take my time for finding some clothes. Twenty minutes later and I still stand in front of my closet, no clue what to wear. That is important for me, okay? So, don't judge! After another five minutes, I just settle for something casual enough for work and the date. Skinny black jeans, white button up, since that is obligatory in the restaurant and my black converse. That'll work, I guess. I mean it has to, anyway. I look at the clock, ten minutes till I have to be there, perfect.

Enough time for me since I don't have to make that detour to Ryan's block anymore, I mean it's not like, I'll see him anyways today. I'm so excited!


When I arrive in time at the restaurant, Jon's already there. He is always earlier than me, how I have no idea since that guy loves sleeping to death. Like always he's wearing his lazy smile, but I see a bit more today, I guess that is connected to yesterday.

"Hey, Jonny boy, how was your date yesterday?"

"Good, I guess, I mean. We'll see each other tomorrow, again, so he likes me, I think." He kinda babbles, I have to suppress my laughter, normally he is so reserved, I love when he is like this though.

"Aha, well actually that sounds amazing, Jon! I swear I'm so happy for you." Jon waves is hand in front of my face and asks me: "Yea, well I guess. But seriously something new with your lover boy?" I smile shyly at him. "You could say so. He's picking me up after work today." Jon's eyes grow wide. "What?!?! Damn, Brendon, how cool is that?! What are you gonna do though? Probably nothing too public since, you know, he is kind of famous." He laughs lightly. "Yesterday when I was with Spencer at the movies, he got recognized as well and I doubt that Ryan will not be recognized when you walk through the streets. He hasn't told you about him yet, am I right?" I think about this for a second. He really hasn't told me about his job yet, well he has to sooner or later. "Honestly, I don't know, what we're gonna do, or when he wants to tell me, I guess, I have to wait for that." "Guess you have to, BUT remember he also doesn't know, you know, so don't say anything stupid and especially DO NOT tell him about your tons of fan accounts!" Damn, I never even thought about that. What if he finds out about that? Or worse... "Jon!!" I look at Jon alarmed. "What about my tattoo?"

Jon stares at me his fear matching the expression on my face. "Uh... Oh my, Bren, I didn't waste one thought on your tattoo. I'm honestly not sure."

Just so that you know, yes I am the biggest Pile-Up/Ryan Ross fan one can imagine. Probably more like a fanatic, because I have a tattoo of their second album, it's called Almost Insane?! I know, it sounds weird, but that album really helped me in a lot of ways and I like the title, because I can relate. So, don't judge. And I'm not one of those crazy people who actually have a tattoo of the face of their idol, sooo...

Anyways, "I got a plan, Jon! Look, it's just on my foot, so I guess I can hide it until the very end, don't you think?" "As long as he's not planning on taking you to the swimming pool, I guess you're right." He looks thoughtful until I detect a little smirk forming on his lips. "What?" I asked confused, it's a serious matter. "Can you actually believe that you're gonna meet up with Ryan Ross from Pile-Up?! It's like every wish you ever had becoming true." He beams at me. My eyes sparkle when I answer: "No, but it's happening, am I right? Pinch me, Jon." And he does. "Hey!" "You asked for it!" he laughs in my face. "Anyways let's get work over with" I grimace. "That's gonna be fun for you. Just keep in mind, THE Ryan Ross is gonna come to get you in a couple of hours." He smiles mischievously at me. That sarcastic asshole, I guess work's gonna be torture.

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