Everything Has Changed

Por pringlejingle

483 42 27

Eva Hale, or Evie as she's known, lost her parents at the age of 18 leaving her legal guardian to her three y... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Authors Note

Chapter Ten

33 3 0
Por pringlejingle

I peered into the mirror to see Macy cuddled into Gary's side laughing away at something he had said. Looking at Gary's face you could see the love and adoration for Macy written as clear as day for the world to see. Every time they were in each other's presence they always seemed happier, more alive, relaxed and carefree. It was like they were made for each other. He always brought out the most in Macy and made her more confidant. I don't think I've ever seen anyone more in love in the year they've been together.

I smiled happily to myself and continued to focus on the route that I knew like the back of my hand.

Today's ride to Uni was different, no Macy talking about Gary or pestering me about my imaginary relationship with Blake. Instead, I was sitting in the front of my car myself, alone with my thoughts.

If I really wanted to talk to them I would but I'm not bothered. I don't want to disturb the happy couple who are lost in each other's eyes and moments away from making out in the backseat. I like seeing Macy happy, she deserves it. He'd never hurt her which takes a load off of me having to prepare to beat the shit out of him if he did. He's the first guy to date Macy and Nicole that I actually trust with my friend. A few people Nicole's went out with in the past I've felt weird around and always felt the need to keep an eye on them, most of the time I was correct and had to give them a black eye and broken nose.

The first time Blake introduced me to Gary I wasn't worried, at that time Macy had told me she liked a guy in her law course and when I went to introduce the two I could tell by Macy's pink cheeks and the fact she was hiding behind her hair that Gary was the guy she liked. It was cute to see her act like that around him. She constantly stuttered over her words, hide behind her hair, blushed and had a smile on her face all through their conversations. And by the way Gary was acting around her I knew for a fact he felt the same way.

It didn't take him long to pluck up the courage and ask her out. He liked her it was obvious and anyone with eyes could tell Macy liked him. You had to imagine how much I had to restrain Nicole from saying something or doing something to them. She was so tempted for weeks to get them together that she was actually planning ways to do it.

I leaned my arm against the window and slipped on my sunglasses. Being the middle of July the sun was out and it has been really warm today. The breeze from the open window blew against my warm skin cooling me down and making my blonde hair fly about.

Humming lowly under muy breath and tapping away at the steering wheel in a rhythmic beat to the tune of the song playing quietly on the radio I whizzed along the road. Another few minutes and we'll be at Uni.

Glancing in the side mirrors of the car I noticed that Macy and Gary had stopped staring at each other in that I-love-you-so-much-that-I-want-to-kiss-you-to-death way and were actually have a proper conversation. Yes, they were still hanging off each other and touching each other intimately like the other person was going to vanish that very second. They still seem in their own wee bubble now, only Macy and Gary. It's cute that they still feel the need to be around each other every second of everyday. I really feel without a doubt they two will get married and be together forever. They are perfect together and in so much love it's almost like an overly mushy romantic novel were the author has put so much detail in it it appears to the reader as made up and over the top.

Truthfully, I've never felt that way towards anyone. I've went out with a few people in the past, mostly just fooling around in high school like the hormonal teenager I was, but nothing serious. The longest relationship I had then was five months at best. Even then I didn't really feel that pull, the tingles everyone describes or the constant thought of being around that person with them always occupying your thoughts and dreams.

Years ago, I imagined finding someone to love and to love me back in that way were you feel the need to constantly be around each other and miss them so much when they leave, even if it's just to pop to the shops for a carton of milk that literally takes ten minutes. After a while in high school my outlook changed, I ended up thinking differently. I realised that if I was to find that person it wouldn't be for years. I also thought that that type of love was fiction, only in romantic novels or on tv. I thought it was made up and not possible to actually be in a relationship so perfect. To this day I still feel and think the same, just not as strongly about the subject. Macy and Gary have changed my outlook slightly, just not enough to full convince me. If love turned out that perfect then I believe it only happens on the odd and rare occasion. Which if by looking at Macy and Gary they are extremely lucky.

I turned into campus and parked in my usual spot. Pulling my keys out and swinging my bag over my shoulder I exited the car. Macy and Gary stepped out, stretched and yawned before walking after me. Gary had his arm draped over Macy's shoulder and Macy leaned into his side.

"Thanks again Evie" Gary smiled.

"It's no problem" I smiled.

"What are you going to do? You still have an hour left before your lecture starts" Macy frowned.

"I'll just go annoy Blake until our lecture starts. I'm sure he won't mind" I chuckled and waved before heading off in the direction of Blake's dorm.

I walked into the large building and along the empty white corridors. One or two students passed me, gave a small smile and hurried off towards their class. The building will be mostly empty apart from some people who will still be sleeping if they have a later class.

After walking for a few minutes I came to Blakes dorm room. I stopped at his door, tugged the strap of my bag back onto my shoulder and knocked.

It took a second before I heard movement on the other side of the door and it opened. Blake stood holding the door in one hand and rubbed the sweat from his forehead with the back of his other hand.

He was breathing heavily, his broad shoulders rising and falling quickly. He was standing in only a pair of white basketball shorts that hung dangerously low around his hips. The v on his torso was visible above his shorts and his eight pack was on full display. His blonde hair was in a stylish and effortless mess with a thin layer of sweat making the few strands of hair that covered the top of his forehead stick to it, I dont know how he manages to look this good covered in sweat.

He smiled at me showing off his dimples, his blue eyes twinkling.

"What you doing here so early?" he asked, stepping aside to let me in.

I walked past him and jumped onto his bed landing on my back. I propped my head up with some pillows and watched him. Blake shut the dorm room door and turned to me. He looked at the way I was lying, chuckled and walked into his bathroom.

"Macy and Gary had some psychology, therapy, thing and they had to he here early to do it. They never really told me much" I said. Even if they did tell me what they were doing I wouldnt understand what they were talking about.

"Sounds interesting. Couldn't Gary pick Macy up?" Blake replied sarcastically. He walked back out the bathroom with a deep blue hand towel in his hands as he dried his face.

"He stayed at hers yesterday and didn't have his car" I said.

"Of course he didn't" Blake said sarcastically.

"What were you doing before I interrupted?" I asked.

"Exercise" he said. He turned his body and flung his towel back into the bathroom and walked over to his desk. Hes so tidy. He pulled out the swivel chair and collapsed onto it, spung around and faced me. He leaned back in the chair and took a sip of the half full bottle of Lucozade that was sitting on the desktop.

"So, what do you normally do for the next hour?" I rolled over onto my side, propped my head up onto my hand and faced Blake.

"Well, usually I do some more press ups, sit ups and so on and then I go for a quick half hour jog before taking a shower and heading to the lecture" he explained with a shrug like that was the simpliest and easiest thing in the world.

He knows Im not much of a sporty person, well much is an exaggeration. Im more of a lying, sitting type of person than a running, jogging or any type of exercise type of person.

"Im not going a jog but Im happy for you to do any excerise that lets me lie here" I smiled.

"No jogging. Got it" he chuckled and saluted me.

Blake stood up and dropped to the floor going into a press up position. He looked up to me with a frown and looked from my head to my toes before smiling. What are you up to?

"Since you wont let me go jogging its only fair you lie on my back. I need the extra weight" he smirked.

"But that requires me to get up and that requires effort" I whined.

"Stop the whining. Hop on" he jutted his head towards his back and wiggled his eyebrows.

Groaning I stood up and walked towards him. I lay back onto his back, my head resting on the middle his back. I clasped my hands together onto my stomach and crossed my ankles.

"That better?" I asked Blake.

"Yip. You comfy?" He asked.

"Surprisingly, I am. Are you made of feathers or something?" I chuckled.

Blakes back rumbled from his laughter and his muscles flexed as he started doing press ups. I closed my eyes and relaxed. I'd never of thought I would be this comfy lying on Blakes back. With every movement he made his muscles moved and tensed underneath me. I felt relaxed lying there.

The room was silent apart from the occasional grunt or loud exhale from Blake.

"Do you think Macy and Gary will be together forever?" I asked Blake, breaking the silence.

Blake pushed himself up and held his weight up. He never said anything for a few seconds, just stayed in that same position.

"I think they will. They're good together" he said. After saying that he exhaled loudly and continued on with the press ups.

I think that in a few years they'll be married. They haven't moved fast with their relationship, taking a slow pace which has worked well. By the end if Uni or a year after we graduate, I'm positive Gary will pop the question. I hope he does anyway, he would be stupid not to.

"What brought that thought on?" Blake asked breathlessly.

"I was thinking about it as I drove them here. They were cuddled up in the back of my car and looked so happy and in love. Being in a car for an hour with no one talking to you, your mind wanders. Just the way they looked at each other proved how they could make their relationship last" I said sighing contentedly.

"Yeah, they are good together" he said.

I hummed in agreement.

"I've always envied how in love they are. They just seem to fit together. Their relationship looks easy and just comes naturally. I've never had that, or felt like that towards anyone. I've always wondered what it would be like, to love someone so much that you couldn't live without them or picture your life without them. You get what I mean?" He asked.

"Yeah. I get what you mean. I've never felt that way either. The only other people I've saw like them was my parents. They don't even argue that often. It's strange how right they are for each other yet they care completely different" I said.

"Yeah" he breathed. By the way he said that I could tell he was smiling and thinking about them.

"So Blakey's a hopeless romantic" I chuckled.

He grunted in response causing me to laugh more. I never pictured him like this.

"You got me. I'm a hopeless romantic in disguise. Please don't tell anyone" he exaggerated and made his voice higher.

"Your secrets safe with me" I laughed and saluted even though he couldn't see me.

Blake laughed and his muscles rippled underneath me.

I could fall asleep right now. I felt so relaxed, all my muscles felt like jelly and weighed nothing. I've not felt this relaxed in years.

Blake stopped doing press ups and turned his head slightly to talk to me.

"Are you about to fall asleep?" He asked, amusement clear in his voice.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to face him. He was smirking and watching me with amusement.

"You're really comfy" I chuckled.

"Sorry to ruin, well, take your comfy bed away but I need a shower or we're going to be late" he chuckled.

I opened my eyes and rolled off his back. I looked down to Blake as he stood up and bounced on the balls of his feet shaking his arms.

Collapsing back onto his bed I noticed the black acoustic guitar hiding at the side of his desk between the wall. I looked at it then over to Blake and raised an eyebrow. I never knew he played. He's never mentioned it. I've been in this room a dozen times and yet I've never noticed the guitar.

Blake watched me skeptically and studied my face to see if he knew what I was thinking. He shook his head and his frown deepened. He stopped bouncing on the his feet and looked around the room to see what I was looking at a second ago. When I eyes landed on his guitar peeking out the corner of his desk he froze, his eyes widened and he spun around to face me.

"You spotted the guitar?" He asked me, he sounded like he dreaded it.

"Yip" I popped the 'p' and nodded my head.

Groaning he ran his hand through his hair. Whats the big deal? He plays guitar, it's not that bad. It's actually pretty impressive. I can't even hold a chord on a guitar without messing up.

"Play a song" I sat up and nodded towards the guitar.

"Later. I need a shower" he chuckled at my excitement and walked into his bathroom and shut the door.

"I'll hold you to that" I called to him.

"Brilliant" he replied sarcastically and chuckled.

The sound of the shower pelting off the flooring filled the bedroom. I lay back on the bed and lay my head on my hands. I scanned the room taking everything in from the colour of the walls to what was sitting on his desk. I've never noticed half the stuff in this room before, then again I'm either in it for a minute then we leave or the whole time Blake and I are talking. I've never been in his dorm room and had time to properly take the room in.

His walls were a plain blue that all the male dorm rooms are painted. On the wall above his desk he had pictures blue tacked to the wall, they were of him, Gary and Jake. He had them placed in chronological order, starting when they were about five and ending a few weeks ago. The more recent ones started to contain me, Macy, Nicole and Luke. A few of the pictures at the end were selfies Blake and I took in Uni or at mine. And one or two of them had Aaron and Isabella in them.

The one with Isabella and Aaron was taken last month when Blake and I took them to the zoo. We got a passerby to take the picture so that we call all get in it. We are standing behind the meerkat enclosure. I've got Aaron placed on my hip and my free arm around Blake's waist. Blake's got Isabella on top of his shoulders. Using one hand he's holding onto her leg and the other is wrapped around my waist. We are all smiling happily. That day was fun. In the background a few meerkats are standing up on their back legs and peering over at us.

I smiled at the fond memories that these pictures brought back. I never realised before that Blake kept all these pictures we took and would put them up on his wall. He's never really seemed like a sentimental type of guy but all this proves me wrong. Maybe he's completely different than I thought, that he hides a lot from us all. I hide things from people, things I think about and feel and things I used to enjoy doing. Blake could be the same.

The click of the bathroom door broke me out of my thoughts. Rolling over onto my side I watched as the cloud of steam filled the room and Blake walked out with only a white towel draped around his hips and hanging lowly. His hair was sticking up from him running his hands through it and it was more of a dirty blonde because of the water. Water ran down his face and chest. His abs were on full display again and glistened from the sunlight reflecting off the water droplets.

Strangely my heart picked up pace at the sight of him. Why is my heart rate increasing? I've never had this before. He looked gorgeous. Blake tugged the towel up a bit as it slipped and smirked at me.

"Enjoying the view?" He teased.

"Who wouldn't?" I smirked back at him.

He laughed and walked over to his wardrobe. I continued to watch as he moved, his muscles rippling in his back and arms. Blake turned back around holding a pair of denims and boxers and entered back into the bathroom.

He came back out in his denims and walked over to his dresser to find a shirt to wear. I removed my eyes from his chest and pulled out my phone from my pocket to find something to distract me. I have no clue why all of a sudden I'm gawking at his chest more than usual.

Scrolling down my Facebook news feed I scanned ore all the statuses that people have uploaded this morning. Most of them were to do with work or Uni or about how tired they are. That's all people do on Facebook; complain.

I really don't care Jacob that you fell asleep in your bowl of cereal and had to shower again. Maybe get more sleep instead of partying and drinking all night then you wouldn't fall asleep in your breakfast. Jacob is some stupid player who, believe it or not has a larger ego than Blake. He's here on a football scholarship that makes him think he's so important and everyone should love him. In reality most people hate him for being so narcissistic and full of himself. It's off putting really.

"Ready to go?" Blake stood next to his bed and looked down at me. He had his notebooks tucked under one arm and tossed his keys between both hands as he watched me.

"Yip" I nodded and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I swung my legs off the bed and stood up and flung my bag over my shoulder.

Blake had on a short sleeved white polo with a grey collar on. It hugged his torso and arms emphasising his muscles.

We walked out his room and headed to our medical lecture. This better be a good lecture with little notes.

"Whats his name?" Sarah the mum of one of Isabellas class mates asked me as she eyed Blake.

"Blake" I answered and watched him interract with Isabella and a few of her friends from across the yard.

"You two are cute together. Its about time you got yourself a boyfriend" she smiled friendly.

"Oh, we're not together" I shook my head.

She frowned and looked at Blake then to me. "You both walked in with his arm around you" she said as if that proved me wrong.

In all fairness most people who walked in like that would in fact be dating but we aren't. We just have a closer relationship than most friends.

"Yeah. We are just friends" I smiled.

Sarah continued to watch me with confusion. She'll probably have another dozen questions to ask me now. A moment later she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Haley" Blake's deep voice boomed across the playground, making Sarah close her mouth and both of us to snap our necks round to face him. .

Blake was across the yard with Aaron on his shoulders, Aaron's hands were in Blake's hair and Blake was holding onto his feet. Aaron was giggling happily on Blake's shoulders and Blake was smiling at me. His smile was infectious and I couldn't help but smile back. I love how good he is with Aaron and Isabella. They are comfortable around him and happy.

He nodded towards Isabella. She was half way across the monkey bars and laughing with a few of her friends. Last time she tried them she didn't even get past the second bar and here she was half way and moving quickly. Blake was with me that day when she cried because she was too scared she would fall off.

I smiled proudly of my sister. She really has grown up in the last few years. At times like this I wish I could see my parents proud faces. Watch my mum well up as he babies grow up and no longer need her, watch my dad smile proudly at us and hug an emotional mum.

A strong arm wrapped around my waist. I dont even have to look up to know its Blakes. He pulled me to his side. I took a deep shuddering breath to calm my erratic heartbeat.

"Vee. Belle play on monkeybars" Aaron smiled widly. His big blue eyes wide with excitement.

Aaron reach out and held his hands out to me. Reaching up I took him from Blake and placed him on my hip. He rested his head on my shoulder. He must be tired from nursery.

I looked away from Aaron who by now was struggling to keep his eyes opened, the excitement dying down and back over to Isabella. She was climbing back onto the monkey bars again. I see shes mastered them now.

"Shes getting good on them" Blake said proudly.

"Yeah" I breathed and smiled. I couldnt hide the large proud smile on my face.

Blake rubbed my arm soothingly as we stood and watched Isabella, the spot his hand touched felt warmer and tingly. I was pressed into his side. Blakes scent filled the air around me, he smelled of some kind of aftershave Ive never smelled and mint.

I looked around the yard, it was filled with young children laughing and running about, grandparents sitting on benches smiling happily as they watched their grandkids and mums and dads watching their kids happily but talking to other parents at the same time.

It reminded me of my parents again. No doubt my mum would be the one here picking Isabella up from school and walking around the corner with her to this park. She would then let Isabella play while she talked to other mums that she knew. On the odd occasion my dad got home early he would be here as well, he would play with Isabella and her friends and make them laugh, the he would take them for ice cream afterwards.

I wouldnt be here picking up my wee sister and holding Aaron as he slept in my arms. There is no one in this park my age other, than Blake. There is no one in this park whos here to watch their brother or sister.

"What you thinking so hard about?" Blake nudged my side and watched me with a frown. He cocked his head to the side and studied my face.

"Nothing" I sighed and put on a smile.

Blake continued to watch me skeptically. His blue eyes searched for anything that gave away what I was thinking or feeling.

"You didnt look happy" he muttered.

Blake looked down to the ground still with a puzzled look and back over to the park. He looked around the park then looked back to me after a few seconds. His eyes had dulled over and darkened. His lips were pressed together in a straight line.

"Do you wish they were here?" Blake asked quietly. He sounded like he didnt want to hurt me by asking that.

Sighing I rested my head on his chest and he pulled me closer.

"Everyday" I said just as quietly.

Blake never said anything after that, we just stood quietly together and watched the kids play. I could tell he had many questions he wanted to ask me but kept them quiet. Maybe one day Ill give them all the answers they want. Right now Id prefer that they didnt know my sad and fucked up thoughts. It would make them view me different. They may think Im more fragile than they thought, they may think Im crazy thinking half the stuff thats filled my thoughts for the past two years.

"Come on, Belle. Lets go get ice cream" I yelled.

Isabella turned to face us, her bright green eyes large with excitement. Climbing down and zigzagging around all the other kids playing and playground equipment she ran full speed towards us.

Blake bent down and swooped her up in his arms. Her high pitched giggles filled our ears as Blake sound her around and propped her on his shoulders like he had done with Aaron. Blake looked down to me smiling. Isabella had her small hands grasped in Blake's hair to balance herself even though Blake had a tight hold on her legs. Her green eyes sparkled widely.

"Can I get a flake please, Vee?" She asked.

"Of course you can, Belle" I smiled up to her.

Her smile grew and she squirmed excitably on Blake's shoulders. Blake chuckled quietly at her excitement. We turned around and started walking towards the ice cream shop across the road.

As we walked across the road Isabella began talking rather quickly to Blake about school. He continued to listen intently to every word, adding a few comments here and there and laughing at her hyperness. Watching him interact with her and Aaron alway reminds me that he's an only child. I don't know what I would have done or be like if I grew up with siblings. It would get lonely at times. I've always wondered how he's so good with kids if he's never been around them. It's like it just comes naturally to him.

Blake spots me staring at him from the corner of his eye. Turning to face me he smiled, winked and turned back around to concentrate on not tripping or walking into something. I smiled back. Glancing down at Aaron I noticed he was still fast asleep on my shoulder.

Blake pushed the door opened to the ice cream shop with his shoulder and held it opened for me.

"Evie, Blake" Tony the owner of the shop greeted us with a warm smile. Tonys in his early sixties. He wears a pair of thin black rimmed glasses perched on the edge of his nose. His black hair has specks of greying hairs in it. The edge of his eyes are crinkled and so are the edge of his lips from a lifetime of laughing and smiling. His brown eyes are warm and welcoming.

For the past year I've came her with Aaron and Isabella for ice cream after picking them up from nursery and school. A few months back I began to bring Blake with me. It's kind of like a tradition now.

I've knew Tony longer though, he used to work along side my mum. My mum would bring me here often after Tony retired to open up this shop. Even though he was close to thirty years older that her they got along really well. He helped her when she was just starting her job and helped to make her get better at it.

"Hey Tony. How are you today?" I smiled politely.

"Fantastic. How are you, my dear?" He asked. His gaze shifted to Aaron and his smile grew.

"I'm great Tony" I said.

"That's good" He said. Tony moved over to the sink behind the counter and picked up an ice cream scoop and a cone. "The usual?" He asked.

"As always" I chuckled.

He began making our order of a vanilla ice cream cone with a flake for Isabella, a vanilla ice cream cone with raspberry sauce for me and a double banana ice cream cone for Blake.

"Do you want anything for the little man? He looks exhausted" Tony nodded to Aaron as he finished the last cone.

"Not today. Straight to bed for a nap for him" I chuckled.

"How's Uni going?" He looked to me then to Blake.

"It's going good. A lot of work but that's expected" Blake chuckled.

"Yeah, a new assignment every day" I chuckled.

"It'll all be worth it soon. I remember when I was at Uni. I thought it was bad then and I was only studying art. I can't imagine studying medicine" he let out a small chuckle.

He handed us all our cones and I gave him the money.

"Thank you" Isabella said happily as she munched on the flake and in the process dripping ice cream all over her uniform and face.

"You're welcome sweetheart" Tony smiled happily at her.

He has a few grandchildren of his own and he adores them. He has a few pictures of his children and grandchildren over his walls in the shop. My mum always said that he wanted a big family and he's slowly getting that with five children and thirteen grandchildren.

"Thanks Tony. Tell Arlene I was asking for her" I said as we walked out.

Arlene is Tonys wife. She's a lovely women. She's sometimes at the shop when we go.

"Will do. Have a good day" he waved.

"You too" Blake called.

We made our we across the road and back over to my car in silence. The only sound was that of his eating our ice cream and Aaron's steady breathing as he slept.

We climbed into the car after strapping a sleeping Aaron into his seat and letting Isabella climb in the back with her half eaten ice cream still in hand. Most of it by now was on her face and hands instead of in her belly. Someone will be getting a bath when she goes home.

I hopped into the drivers seat, turned to engine on and reversed out the parking lot. Blake fiddled with the radio until he found a station playing a song he liked. He made sure it wasn't too loud to wake Aaron and began humming away quietly under his breath and tapping his thighs in the beat.

Glancing at him then back to the road I realised how at ease he was and absorbed in the song. How have I not noticed this before? Why didn't he major in music instead of medicine?

"So Blakey, when you going to be playing your guitar for me?" I smirked.

"I thought you forgot about that" he groaned and scrunched his face up.

"How could I forget that? I'm never forgetting this" I chuckled quietly.

"Fine. I'll bring it through tomorrow after Uni" he sighed an over exaggerated sigh.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Pinky" he answered and held up his pinky.

I shook my head at him and focused back on the road.

He really is an idiot. A really hot idiot. No. Stop thinking that way.

I wonder how good he is at playing guitar. That thought got me excited for tomorrow. He's got to be good and just hides it. He's Blake after all and Blake's good at anything he puts his mind to.


I'm so sorry it's been a few weeks since I last updated. I have been struggling to find something to write and it's been really frustration so I left it for a few days to try and think. Luckily that worked and I managed to write this chapter. I know it's not that good and I am terribly sorry about it.

I'm also really sorry but school starts back tomorrow and since I'm in fourth year I will be extremely busy with homework and exams, yippee. I will try my hardest to get updates out but there may be a week or more between them. Please be patient because I will try my hardest. I will be getting so much homework that when ever I don't have homework I will be catching up on my sleep that's been lost because of school but I will put aside a few days to write for you lot.

On a less depressing topic, I've uploaded my prologue to my new book Life as a Doctor. I'm only uploading the prologue right now and I will continue with it when I have completed this book. I would really love if you checked out Life as a Doctor and told me what you think. It would mean a lot.

Thanks for reading

Sammy x

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