DanganRonpa- The Despair of M...

Von monocelestia

15.3K 365 148

16 students awaken in a school, no exit to be seen. Marina can't seem to remember everything, as well as the... Mehr

DanganRonpa- The Despair of My Life
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Author's Note (update)
Episode 14 pt.1
Author's note
Episode 14.2-
Ep. 14.3
Author's Note
Episode 15- The End?
Poststory- Our Lives

Episode 9

444 10 0
Von monocelestia

Forgot to include this last time* Survivors left- 8

                  Marina- For once Monokuma started the trial.

             Monokuma- I am all about being fair, so since there were two murders, I will give some pointers Pupupu. As you can see in your digital notebooks, Tekai was murdered around 11 a.m. this morning from numerous stab rounds hahaha. Manoto was murdered about two minutes later from suffocation, which is no fun. So let’s get this fun started. Who will get a nasty punishment Pupupu?

            Marina- I wanted to start this off. This will be tough. “Victoria and I found Manoto in the medical room, some time after we brought Ashley there. She had been knocked out twice by that point and didn’t give us one description of the assailant. “ I sighed. This is going to be hard. “But something puzzled me about the two murders. If they happened back to back like that, there couldn’t just be one murderer. There had to be two. There are indeed two people in this room who murdered both Tekai and Manoto. There is also one person we can exclude from the suspect list”

                Cratos- Who would that be?

              Marina- “You. See, if you murdered Tekai, why would you have to stab him numerous times? One or two times from you would be sufficient. Same with Manoto. Why would you have to use a plastic bag to kill him? You are strong enough to snap a neck. Therefore, Cratos cannot be the murderer.”  I could see his confused and disgusted face. I kinda shrugged my shoulders.

             Cratos- Umm, thanks. –grimaces- Then the murderers are definitely girls.

             Ashley- Well, we can’t exclude Cratos just yet. Don’t you remember someone attacked me?

             Marina- She has a point. But, again, if Cratos had attacked her, she would have been most likely dead.

            Hankuri- Something bugs me. Both Manoto and Tekai were found around the same times, about 15 minutes after Manoto had died. Ashley was knocked out in the same room that Manoto’s body had been found. Ashley, you are hiding something. Either you know who the attacker is and are afraid to speak up, or you are the attacker.

             Marina- I have never seen Ashley get angered before. It was terrifying.

             Ashley- Are you accusing me of killing my fellow classmates? –eyes dilated and nostrils flared- I was attacked! You saw the blood over my head. I cant remember who attacked me! It was sudden!

              Marina- “You’re wrong!” –verbal bullet shoots at Ashley- “There is no way the attack was sudden. The body was carried or dragged upstairs to the same exact room you were in. Or were you in it? Even if you were bashed over the head, you could remember at least one detail.”

            Sabrina- Strange question. What is everyone’s blood type?

         Nikki- What does that have to do with the trial?

          Sabrina- You will see. Mine is AB.

          Marina- One by one everyone yelled out their blood type. Nikki had O, Victoria had A+, Hankuri had AB, Ashley said Gabby had B. and then I said –O. Monokuma got this look on his face; the same kind of look you get when you taste something delicious. I shuddered and then Ashley spoke up.

           Ashley- O+

          Sabrina- And now we know one of the murderers. While investigating, I noticed 2 empty bags of AB blood in the trashcan in the same room as Tekai’s body. This intrigued me, so I tested both his blood and Manoto’s blood in the medical room during investigations. Both were O-. I had gotten suspicious and while Ashley had her back turned, I tested the blood found on her head, which came out as AB. She had just announced her blood type is O+. Why would she have AB on her head?

        Nikki- She made it look like she was attacked by dumping blood on her head, but she wasn’t careful about the type she chose.

          Marina- Ashley was pissed. But it all added up. She had to have killed either Tekai or Manoto, but which one? And who did she work with? “ I believe Ashley murdered Manoto.”

           Ashley- And how can you prove that you little bitch?! I meant to say my blood was AB. Are you going to take my blood?

          Monokuma- Pupupu, I would allow it ahaha!!!!!

            Ashley- You still have no proof who I killed. –suddenly slams hands to mouth and eyes grow small-

            Sabrina- we do now.

           Cratos- and the last piece of evidence I found will prove you guilty. –opens hand up and reveals black microphone ring- This belongs to you, doesn’t it?

         Marina- I saw that her head was down. I had just noticed she isn’t wearing her ring. Ashley, why? “Ashley, just come out clean. Don’t make it any harder than it already is.”

            Ashley- -slightly smiles- Ha, I knew I would die eventually. Fine, I will tell you why I killed him.

           Monokuma- -pops up and laughs- No you won’t. At least not for right now. We still have to find out who murdered Tekai.

            Marina- I already know who did it. “My first suspicion was Victoria…” Oh she did NOT like that. “…only because she kept trying to convince me who the school mole is”

           Sabrina- There has been a mole amongst us?

          Nikki- I could have guessed.

        Marina- “I didn’t believe it at first. I couldn’t. But I eliminated Victoria from the suspect list, because she obviously seemed surprised about Tekai’s murder. Plus, she was with me the entire time. “

         Cratos- Marina, just get to the point.

          Marina- I sigh. “Tekai’s murderer and the school mole is none other than Gabby.” Everyone gasped.

           Nikki- Marina, do you have any proof?

           Hankuri- Yes, she does. Go ahead Marina. You are safe now.

        Marina- I guess so. I noticed Gabby looking at me. She looked ashamed. “I have had a few suspicions, only because she never spoke. But that is not an excuse to raise suspicion. But twice I have been attacked in my own room. The first time, I heard a robotic voice. I thought it was Monokuma, but he is way to small to grab me. “ He was puffed up in anger. “The next time, I was drugged and was robbed. But last night, I was heading upstairs after the Night Hours to draw. I couldn’t sleep so I wandered. I had stumbled across a conversation between a male and female. I didn’t recognize their voices, but the female was obviously angered by the male and said she had “Gabb…” which I am guessing is Gabby”

       Monokuma- You were up past night hours? I should have punished you! –steams spews from head- I will let you slide this time, but I have an eye on you Marina!

        Ashley- Maybe there is another Gabby… -sweat is pouring from her head-

       Hankuri- You sound pathetic, Ashley. You aren’t helping her.

    Marina- “I mentioned before the robotic voice. Gabby, your voice is the only one you haven’t heard…”

      Gabby- -smiles and starts giggling. The giggles sound normal-

       Ashley- Gabby, don’t… -walks in her direction-

     Marina- And that is when Gabby spoke.

        Gabby- -scratchy techno voice- What is the point fighting Ashley? We were caught. –looks at all of the other students- I killed Tekai.

        Marina- Everyone was still in shock that she spoke.

      Gabby- And it is true, I am the mole. Well, not anymore. –looks at Marina- I am so sorry Marina. I never meant to hurt you. I never would have killed you. You are so nice and other than Ashley, you were my only friend. I had to make it look like I would if Monokuma demanded it.

        Nikki- I knew she was nothing but trouble! I even told you all!

    Sabrina- If you are Monokuma’s mole, you know who the Mastermind is and why we are here.

        Gabby- I am afraid I do not know either of those things. Monokuma had threatened me that if I do what he said, he would share my secret and kill Ashley.

     Monokuma- Hahaha, yeah! But it still looks like you two will die anyways! By the way, I might as well tell you something about Gabby that will surprise you all. Let me just bring down this monitor. –presses button on random remote he pulled out-  Believe it or not, Gabby was in the same pop band as Ashley. That is why they are such close friends. –presses the button again and screen lights up-

       Marina- I couldn’t believe. On the screen, next to Ashley, was a vibrant, long haired Gabby. Gabby wasn’t pale and she was actually smiling. She long black hair and wore a flamboyant outfit, almost like Ashley’s. She was wearing beautiful, shimmery makeup and…was singing. Her voice was amazing and it was nothing like I had ever heard. It almost as if she was auto tuned. 

       Monokuma- You see, Gabby used to be SuperHigh School level Pop star, kinda like Ashley. But she was much better. From an early age she had always had an incredible voice and at 6, her parents spent millions on an operation that would forever auto tune her voice. She had become a hit. She met the SuperHigh School level Singer when she was about 10 and had been friends since.   Gabby and her best friend, Ashley created the band, The Rising Stars, which instantly became a hit. But while on tour, there was a huge electrical discharge on stage and Gabby’s auto tune chip was fried. She thought she would be ok, but her voice was ruined. Any time she talked, she sounded like a freakish monster ahaha! She tried to get it fixed, spending millions, but the procedure made it worse. There was nothing the doctors could do. Gabby figured that she could go to scientists or computer geniuses to get fixed, but her procedure left her broke. At 15, she was broke and a freak, but worst of all, she was ridiculed. She eventually changed her appearance and moved on. Ashley dropped out of the band to stay with her friend.

      Gabby- You are probably wondering how I am SuperHigh School level Hacker now? Well, I figured if I didn’t have the money to get someone else to perform my operation, I would do it myself. But I didn’t know zip about computers or chips. Damn, I didn’t know how to work a mouse. So I went to school. Ashley was kind enough to give most of her money to me towards my learning. I was taught everything from computers to military software and hardware. But I love hacking. I wouldn’t go outside most days. I learned if I could hack my chip, I could return to normal, or at least not sound like a monster. I started hacking every bit of information I could from any computer in my site, then I would make it so I was never there.

          Monokuma- Believe it or not, she somehow hacked into my files on a laptop I forgot to remove! That is why she became my mole.

           Gabby- I thought I had learned enough and proceeded to hack my chip. It worked for maybe 3 minutes and it crashed. I didn’t sound as much of a freak, but I still wasn’t the same. Then I came here and met you all. I knew you would think I was a freak if you ever found out about me. That’s why I never talked. I never wanted this to happen. But to perform? I became terrified. I couldn’t go back to a solitary life again. No, not again! I also didn’t want any of you to find out I was the mole. Monokuma was going to tell you.

           Monokuma- Guilty!!! –jumps up and down- Thought it would spice things up!

             Ashley- Gabby asked me to meet her last night and she told me her plan. I tried to convince her that she didn’t need to do this but then again, I couldn’t stand to see her upset. I told her I would take the blame for her and die to save her.

            Victoria- But you ended up killing Manoto. Then why would you take blame? We would have all still died!

            Ashley- I was willing to take that chance for her. She is my best friend and I would rather go through a painful execution than watch her suffer. I didn’t plan to kill Manoto. No he was here in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was walking downstairs to help Gabby with Tekai, but I saw Manoto. He was taking pictures of Gabby. He would have told, so I did what I needed to do. I knew you, Marina, would come check for me so I had to quickly have Gabby help me carry him upstairs for me while I pretended to be attacked.

            Victoria- But why did you pretend to be attacked in the first place?

           Ashley- I need to make sure no one would see Gabby and Tekai go upstairs. You and Marina were the only ones I saw so I thought I would distract you. I told you, I knew what the stakes were.

            Marina- I was crying. For some reason, it gave me a feeling. I would have probably done the same for Jowe. Or vice versa. Gabby and Ashley had a real friendship and they were willing to die for each other. I looked at Hankuri and she even was teary eyed.

             Gabby- I would like to repay you for my wrong doing. Marina, I may not know who the Mastermind is, but beware. There is another student. The 17th. And Monokuma has altered our minds to…

            Marina- Monokuma interrupted.

           Monokuma- -jumps up like scared- We are skipping voting. Punishment time!!!!

           Monokuma brings his hammer down on the red button in front of him. The screen goes black with red pixel writing. Pixilated versions of Gabby and Ashley are shown to be dragged away by Monokuma.

            Gabby and Ashley are a few feet away from each other and when the lights flicker on, we see we are in a concert room. Colored lights are flickering on an empty stage and there is a spot light right in the middle. Gabby and Ashley are chained to the grate that stands in front of the stage. They look at each other, crying and tries to reach out for each other. Their fingertips brush and that is when Monokuma pops on stage in a neon costume and enormous electric guitar. All of a sudden two gigantic speakers pop out in front of Ashley and Gabby.  Monokuma starts shredding the guitar and the speakers send out shockwaves of sound. Ashley and Gabby are thrown back from the frequency, but the chains keep them from going farther than a few inches. They get up and Ashley’s nose is bleeding and Gabby’s right ear was bleeding. Both of their wrists are deeply cut by the chains from the sudden yank. Both of them crawl as close as they can to each other when Monokuma shreds the guitar and begins singing in an auto tuned high pitched voice. Ashley and Gabby are screaming, but they couldn’t not be heard over the noise. Their ears and nose starts spewing blood and both of them crumple up onto the floor. But the music suddenly stops, almost like there was a power outage. Gabby and Ashley cough up large amounts of blood and are now suffering. They cannot hear or see and are wondering if they are dead or not. Outside, the fellow classmates watching believe they are dead but cannot tell with the earmuffs Monokuma gave them to wear blocking the sound out. All of a sudden, the music is louder and the voice is higher. It came so sudden that both of their heads explode, leaving blood and brain matter everywhere as Monokuma bows to the “audience”. But he suddenly acts like he is vomiting from seeing the blood.

               Marina- It was finally over. Sabrina had already passed out when the brain matter hit her dead in the face, while Cratos was vomiting profusely in the background. Hankuri and I had been holding each other’s hand, and I noticed her nails have dug so far into my skin, that tiny beads of blood were making there way down my hand. I wiped the blood from my lip and let out a bawl. I couldn’t do this anymore. This was terrible. Hankuri held me as cried, lying in blood. She then whispered to me.

                Hankuri- I know how to find out more about the 17th and the Mastermind. Don’t lose hope just yet.

              Marina- She let go of me and walked out. Nikki helped me up and I noticed the blood got in her eyes. That must sting like hell, but she didn’t seem like she cared. Monokuma met me outside.

              Monokuma- Marina, I have got my eye on you now. You were lucky I didn’t catch you. You could have ended up like those two. Watch your back. Pupupu!

                                          Survivors left- 6


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