Where The Wind Blows

By ridley_forever

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6 1 0
By ridley_forever


Again, I wake up in an anonymous black and white place but this time, I can't sit or stand up.
The darkness blends in with the light, looking like fingers reaching towards the whiteness and the light is doing the same to the blackness.

And I am there and I can't do anything...

I lay there, helpless, wondering what in the world have I got into. I got abandoned by my parents because I am worthless, Nat took me under her wing but then Jeanine captured me and then I ran from my sister who then hunted me down but me being selfish, I brought people with me so I wouldn't be alone... And if I died, at least they would be able to fulfil my mission. Then I encountered my mother. I had a gun to her head. And I couldn't pull it. I could not kill after I brutally slaughtered Steven. Then I worked alongside Lily and Candace... Then Adam and I had our first kiss... Jeanine hinted something which I didn't know to me that that was trust.
Why would she trust me? Not even her daughter-
Wait. No. Lily's not her daughter. They have a mother and daughter relationship... Lily is her best friend.
But then I got tortured, killed Daniel and then Toboni almost died. That's when I knew that Anne was a traitor. I had to find her before it was too late and it kinda was.
I can still picture it: Adam sprawled on the floor with blood running down from his ear, Jeanine put at gunpoint... Anne not giving two shits about them both.
Then that's when I met my father... And now I'm here...

In this mess.

I can move my fingers and feet but not my arms and legs...



He thinks I am dead. He's panicking over me...

"Adam! I'm here! I'm alive..." tears run down my eyes as I feel hopeless... I can't get up. I can't wake up.
I feel like I am nothing-

A warm hand reaches for me from the light side and it is trying to encourage me to sit up and reach for it but I can't.

"Please... Help me..."

I feel like a damsel in distress - needing rescuing at all costs. I try to get up again and reach for it but I can't.

The hand grasps hold of my hand and the warmth is highly familiar and it pulls me up to my two feet and I recognise the figure.



I sprint through the corridors, calling Lawrence's name over and over again but no one says anything.

"She's here," Viola smiles at me... Not that smile which says "Oh, don't worry about her, she'll be fine!"... It was the one which knew my pain.

I push the door open and I see Toboni and Jeanine by the head of Lawrence's bed. Jeanine's hand is placed on her stomach, head rested upon it and her face can see nothing but regret.

I walk up to Jeanine and I just watch Lawrence breathing pathetically.


I lean closer to Lawrence.

"Adam, I'm here! I'm alive..." then her sweet voice is interrupted by sobs. I have never heard her sound so hopeless in my life... She looks peaceful but I know she's trying to stay alive.

You can do this, Lawrence...

"It's my fault," Jeanine mutters underneath her breath.

I turn to her and she looks at me with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No it ain't..." I tell her.

"So it's her fault?! I was the only person beside her and the next thing you know, she may lose her life! I brought her into this mess..."

"But she redeemed you... She helped you out of a pit of darkness-"

"But she is falling in that pit... I can sense it..." and then she cries again, clutching onto Lawrence's shirt and I can't help but feel hopeless..


"Nat..." I stand there in shock. "I- I thought you were dead!"

"I am. But you constantly think about me, that's how I am still here..." she rests a hand on my shoulder. "With you."

I just want to hug her but I don't know whether she is real or just a hallucination...

"Where am I?" I look around me. "What is the black and white supposed to mean?"

"White is for the good people and the black is for your worst enemies... The villains."

"And I am in the centre..." I try to move towards Nat but I can't. I move to the black and it's easier than going towards the light. It looks intimidating down there... In the dark. So I move back to the middle.

"I... I don't know." she responds. "Try moving to the light again."

I try but it's like going through a hurricane but less painful than reaching towards the silhouette. But I do not give up. Nat opens her arms to me and that encourages me to keep on going but a hand reaches for my wrist and pulls me back. Nat grabs my left whilst the anonymous person latches onto my right. I try to move closer to Nat and she tries to pull me closer but the other hand is trying to pull me back.

I look back to see Anne, snarling. She wants me to go towards the darkness whilst Nat needs me to stay in the light.

"Let me go!" I cry out as it feels like my shoulders are popping out of place.

I can feel Anne's sneer of cold command from behind me, reaching towards my neck - causing goosebumps to cover my arms.

But she doesn't let go.

Nat starts to lose grip with both hands but Anne is stronger than her but I don't know why... I coil my fingers around Nat's wrist then lightly, I brush them on Anne's, then I grasp it.

The surge of whatever it was when Cillian's fingertips touched mine occurred. My blood rushes through my body but I control my breathing steadily. My hair blows against the wind which is somehow generated from this type of force I am creating.

Nat looks at me in amazement whilst Anne gives me an infuriating look.

This is it.

This is what it means...

The light and the dark...

And I am in the centre.

I'm their only hope...

I am the balance between them both.

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