Tiger's Eye - Book 1

By ShellMarie35

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Rolla Carter's life comes crashing down and she goes on a journey of self-discovery to find her real family a... More

Tiger's Eye
Part I: Hidden - Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14: Anniversary Date
Chapter 15: The Gods Come Back
Chapter 16: Meeting Two Families
Chapter 17: Samoulte
Chapter 18: Weird Advantage
Chapter 19: Samoulte Powers
Chapter 20: Almost Death
Chapter 21: Do Not Disrespect the Gods
Chapter 22: Familial Betrayal
Chapter 23: Chosen Ones Are Here to Stay
Chapter 24: Secret Against the World
Chapter 25: Not the Evil Kind of Spy
Chapter 26: Time Traveling Together
Chapter 27: The Truth Gets Complicated
Chapter 28: Godly Call Outside the World
Chapter 29: City Walk Findings
Chapter 30: Original Tigma Powers
Chapter 31: Time to Start Preparing
Chapter 32: Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
Chapter 33: Gods Samoulte Connection
Chapter 34: Spy Reunion
Chapter 35: Something has Started
Chapter 36: Forgetting for A While
Chapter 37: 18 Years Young
Chapter 38: War Time Planning
Chapter 39: Caprika and Odyss Say Goodbye
Chapter 41: The End of the Middle of the End
Chapter 42: Day 3 Morning
Chapter 43: Day 3 Afternoon
Chapter 44: Day 3 Night
Chapter 45: Day 4
Chapter 46: Day 5 - Battle
Chapter 47: Battle with the Humans
Chapter 48: Time to Tell Murera
Chapter 49: Thank You Rolla
Chapter 50: Epilogue
Cheat Guides to the Tiger's Eye Series

Chapter 40: The Middle of the End

73 4 0
By ShellMarie35

Chapter 40: The Middle of the End

“Hi mom,” I hugged her, “Where’s dad?”

“In his office,” she smiled slightly, “go ahead.”


“Where’s Pilote?”

“He wanted to spend time with his mom,” I explained, “Since we’re leaving in a few days. I gave the chosen ones the day off too just so they can spend time with their families.”

“That was very nice of you. I know your dad would appreciate it too.”

“I hope so,” I smiled, “I’ll talk to you later.”

She nodded, “Later.”

                        I walked through the palace, up the stairs, down the hall, and to dad’s office. I knocked first and heard him mumble “come in,” so I opened the door and let myself in. When dad saw me he set down his papers and looked at me.

“I was hoping you would come to see me before you leave.”

I shrugged, “I didn’t want to leave things the way they were.”

“I agree. You were right.”

“Right about what?” I asked.

“I may be the king of this place, but I have no idea what life has been like for you. I didn’t get to raise you like I wanted to and I never got to know the person that you’ve become. We welcomed you into the family without really getting to know you. We read your book and we read your stories, but we didn’t really get to know you. I’m sorry about that. We may be your parents, but we are not your mom and dad.”

“You are, it’s just-“

He put his hand up and stopped me, “You call us mom and dad, but we’re not ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. Your mom and dad are the spies that you had to kill. They’re the one who raised you and watched you grow up. Your parents are the one who taught you about life, and that will never be us; as much as we want it to.”

“You’re right,” I nodded, “when I think of mom and dad my first thoughts will always be to my adopted parents because they’ve known me longer. They taught me how to read, they taught me how to walk, and they taught me about life. You and mom are my parents too though. For years I wondered who my biological parents were. I asked them questions and begged for answers because I wanted to know you, but they never gave me an answer. Of course I loved them and of course it hurt how they betrayed me, but it led me to my real family. They taught me about life, but they weren’t my real family. My real family is here.”

He smiled, “Thank you Rolla.”

“I was right about something though,” I said, “and you didn’t really try to get to know me. This whole time I haven’t just been your daughter I’ve been the leader. Instead of getting to know me as a person you got to know me as a leader. I may be an adult now, but that doesn’t mean I still don’t need parents.”

“I’m sorry. Your mother has already talked to me about how wrong I was to treat you like I did. She got to know you more than I did.”

I took a deep breath, “Well I have the day off so we can do anything. I gave everyone the day off to spend with their families.”

“How about we get Pilote, Delia, your mom, and everyone from both of our families and we all spend time together today? After all, when you and Pilote get married we will be one family.”

I smiled, “Thank you. That’s a great idea.”

“I’ll finish up some stuff here, you get your mom and Pilote’s family, and I’ll meet you in the basement.”

“What’s in the basement?” I asked.

He just smiled, “I think it’s a room you’ll really like.”

“Okay,” I laughed, “I’ll get them.”

                        I went back down the stairs to Pilote’s family’s part of the palace and knocked on the door. Pilote immediately answered the door and smiled.

“Couldn’t stand to be away from me?”

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “My dad wants all of us to spend the day together. I’m on assignment to come get you and your family.”

“Come talk with me and my mom first,” he said and took my hand.

“Okay,” I smiled.

                        He led me into their living room where his mom was sitting on the couch. I sat next to Pilote on the couch across from his mom. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down and actually had a conversation with Delia before. Pilote will come over sometimes to see his parents while I’m dealing with other things, but for the most part we are always together. The war has kept us so busy we haven’t had any kind of family time.

“Mom, this is Rolla,” Pilote introduced us.

“It’s so nice to sit down and formally meet you Rolla,” Delia smiled at me.

“You too,” I smiled back, “Things have been kind of busy.”

“I can understand that. Pilote has told me all about you.”

“He’s told me a lot about you too.”

“Are you two planning a wedding anytime in the future?” she asked us.

“We are,” Pilote replied, “After the war is over. We figured at least there would be something to celebrate when the war ends no matter what happens during the war.”

“That’s a beautiful idea.”

“We thought so,” I smiled, “Things are too crazy to get married any sooner.”

“That’s true,” she chuckled, “I don’t blame you there. You seem like a great couple though; very down to earth.”

“Really?” I was surprised. “Most people don’t really pay attention to who we are as people; they just know that we’re the leaders.”

“I think it’s because everyone is so concerned with the war right now. They haven’t taken the time to get to know you two, but they will,” she told us.

I rested my head on Pilote’s shoulder.

“I think you’re right,” Pilote answered, “I mean, Rolla’s own father hasn’t gotten to know us either. Once the war ends hopefully we’ll just be people again.”

“Exactly,” Delia nodded, “Give it time.”

“My dad actually wanted to know if we all wanted to spend time together today. I was supposed to come get you and then get my mom.”

“That sounds fun,” she smiled, “I’ll go get my husband. Where are we going?”

“My dad said something about the basement.”

“Okay, you two go get your mother and we will meet you down there.”

“Are you sure?” Pilote asked, “Because we can wait.”

“I’m sure,” she replied, “Go find Rolla’s mother.”

“Okay,” Pilote smiled, “We’ll meet you there.”

We stood up and walked back out into the main part of the palace.

“Where do you think your mom is?”

I shrugged, “She was in the main room when I first walked in.”

“Let’s check there first.”

                        We found mom in her bedroom where she had just gotten changed into more comfortable clothes. She led the way to show us where the basement was. I had no idea this palace even had a basement. What could there be to do down there anyway? We approached another gold door which led to a stairway. Pilote let me go first down the stairs and I followed closely behind mom on the spiral staircase. The basement is really and entertainment room. I could see a spot to watch movies and a spot to play practically every game I’ve ever heard of. Pilote held my hand again when we reached the end of the stairs.

“This is incredible,” I told my mom, “I’ve never seen a room like this before.”

She chuckled, “Your dad has moments where he wants to relax and have fun; this is where he goes.”

“Hey,” Dad walked down to join us, “Like it?”

I nodded, “It’s amazing.”

“Good. Pilote where are your parents?”

“We’re right here,” Delia said as they game into view on the stairs.

“What should we do first?” Dad asked.

“I’m exhausted,” Robert said, “I need to relax.”

“So a movie?” Mom suggested.

I nodded, “That sounds nice.”

“You and Pilote pick,” Dad said, “I’ll get some popcorn and drinks for everyone.”

I pulled Pilote to where the section of movies was at, “What should we watch?”

“Anything that’s not an action movie.”

I nodded, “Good idea. You pick.”

“Why me? You pick.”

I giggled, “How about this one?”

He nodded, “Good choice.”

“Thank you,” I smiled.

                        We sat down in a few chairs and Pilote’s parents sat down with us first. My parents soon followed with lots of popcorn, treats, and drinks for all of us. Pilote leaned towards the coffee table with the treats and got us two waters, a bag of popcorn, and my favorite candy. I immediately took the candy and opened it. Twizzlers are by far the best candy to eat while watching a movie. I took a sip of the water Pilote handed me and set it back on the other side of me. I took another piece of Twizzlers and leaned against Pilote. We decided on a peaceful, but inspirational movie that doesn’t have a lot of action in it. We’re already leaving for war in less than a week; I can’t handle watching a war movie. When the movie finally ended we all stood up to take a break.

“That was a great movie,” Delia said, “I’m so glad they started making movie here in Murera that Tigmas can really relate to.”

“I agree,” I said, “I’ve seen a lot of different movies, but this one was different. I’ve never seen a movie that I could really relate to before. Murera needs to start making a lot more movies.”

“I can probably arrange that,” Dad said, “It would create a lot of new jobs here in Murera and I’m sure a lot of people would be interested.”

“That’s something for another time,” I told him, “But it’s definitely something to think about.”

“It is,” Pilote agreed.

“What should we do now?” Mom asked. “There are a lot of choices.”

“I think we should check in upstairs,” Pilote said, “Just to see who’s up there. I know it’s family day and we can have dinner together or something, but the chosen ones are our family too.”

“Pilote is right,” I told our families, “We promised the chosen ones tomorrow, but we should check in anyway.”

“Of course,” mom smiled at us, “I’ll go and have the cooks arrange a big dinner for all of us.”

“That sounds great,” I told them.

                        Pilote took my hand again and we walked back up the stairs in the palace. We strolled through the palace, enjoying our free time, and made time for us to talk to each other too. There was a very bittersweet feeling about it. We both seem very silent and peaceful about everything now, but when the war comes closer we’ll be more stressed than ever.

That’s why everything is peaceful now, Pilote thought to me.

I guess you’re right, I thought back to him.

I am. We need to be happy and enjoy our life now before we leave.

I sighed.

It’s not that easy though.

I know, Pilote chuckled, but I’ll help.

I smiled, that part does make me happy.

Good. What should we do after we check in with the chosen ones? We will have a few hours before dinner is ready.

Let’s just relax in our room. We can watch another movie or I can blog or something. I just want to spend alone time with you before we have to leave again.

He kissed my head, I want to spend some alone time with you too. Maybe I can take you on a date.

A date? We haven’t been on a date in forever.

That’s why I think we should do it.

But how? It’s probably not safe to go up there.

What’s life without a little risk.

I giggled, you’re on.

He laughed, Good.

As long as we run as fast as we can until we are downtown we shouldn’t be caught by anyone.

Exactly and we’ve done it before.

I can’t wait now, I laughed. I’m so excited.

                        We walked through the halls, but nobody seemed to be in their rooms. Maybe they are still out with their families. We walked to the living room where we finally found John and Vince watching TV.

“Hey,” they waved to us.

“How was family time?” John asked.

“It was good,” I smiled, “How was yours?”

“It was good,” John replied, “Just decided to come back early. I needed some alone time to think.”

“And that’s when I got here,” Vince interrupted.

“What happened with your family?” Pilote asked Vince.

“It was good,” he answered, “But John was right; needed some time to think.”

“I think we all do,” I said, “We just have to process everything that’s happening.”

“What are you two doing up so soon?” John asked.

“We wanted to see if any of the chosen ones were up here yet. Thought we could hang out with you and have some alone time too.”

“That seems to be a popular theme,” Layal came into the room behind us.

Pilote and I sat on one of the couches and Layal took a chair.

“What’s up?” Vince asked her.

She shrugged, “Still processing. We all leave within days.”

“Us too,” John replied to her.

I looked at Pilote, should we stay here or go?

Let’s go, he kissed my head.

I stood up, “We’re going to go now. If you are all staying up here for dinner too why don’t you join us instead? My parents are making a dinner everyone.”

“That’s okay,” Layal said.

“I insist,” I told them, “There is no sense in letting you eat dinner by yourselves when we are having a large dinner in the palace. Just go down to the palace and tell them you’ll be joining. I know my mom will happily have them set places for you at the table.”

“Thanks Rolla,” They all said.

“No problem,” I smiled.

                        Pilote put his arm around me and we walked down the hall to our bedrooms. I rested my head on his shoulder as we walked into our room. He took his arm off me in order to shut the door and returned it to hug me.

“How are you feeling emotionally?” he asked me.

“I’m okay right now.”

“Are you sure?”

I nodded, “Thank you. How are you doing with all of this?”

“About the same as you, you know? I mean they’re not just our friends; they’re our family. We’ve been living together for years and we have a connection with them that we don’t have with anyone else. I don’t want to see them killed, but I know that we don’t have a choice in that. It’ll be really hard to see some of them go.”

“I know,” I could feel tears forming in my eyes, “I don’t want to see any of them go either. I love them.”

“I do too.”

“It doesn’t get easier does it?”

Pilote shook his head, “It has to get worse before it gets better.”

“Let’s change the subject. What should we do?”

“What do you want to do?”

“What if we just relax right now and go on the date tonight after dinner?”

Pilote nodded and smiled, “I can have a nice date planned by then.”

I smiled, “Good.”

“I know you want to go on your computer. Let’s lay on the bed and you can blog for a while.”

“Thank you.”

                        I went to the desk and brought my laptop to the bed. We both sat next to each other on the bed and I logged onto my blog. It’s been a while since my last post revealing who I am; I wonder what everyone thinks about it now. I scrolled to look at the comments first and there were dozens of them.

Where are you Rolla? You haven’t made a new post in forever!

We love you Rolla!

Did you leave your blog?

“You should probably make a new post and let them know,” Pilote said.

“What do I say?”

He shrugged, “You’ve always just said how you feel right? That doesn’t change just because they know your name now.”

“I have an idea,” I smiled.

I clicked new post and started typing.

Blog title: The Middle of the End

Body: We all reach a point in our lives where we feel like a new chapter in our lives is getting ready to begin. You know it’s not the beginning, but you know it’s not quite the end yet either. It’s the middle of the end. It’s like a caterpillar stuck in a cocoon waiting to be a butterfly. There are no choices or decisions to be made; you just have to wait it out. Waiting is the hardest part because you want to do something, but you can’t. That’s the point I’m at in my life. I’ve made all the decisions that have to be made and now all I can do is wait for the right time where the next chapter of my life will begin. It’s terrifying and exciting all at the same time, but the suspense is unbearable.

My advice to all my readers is to be patient. Enjoy every moment that comes your way because you never know what’s going to happen next. Everything in your life can change in a split second. When things do change, make sure you’re not holding regrets. Keep your friends and family close, and smile as often as you can.

Because the middle of the end is almost over.

Sincerely, Tiger’s Eye

“That was beautiful,” Pilote told me. “It is the middle of the end isn’t it?”

I nodded, “We reached the beginning of the end I think when Jasmine left; that’s when the war really came into perspective. The planning was all the beginning of the end too, but now we’re at the middle of the end. All the planning is done and the only thing left to do is wait until it’s time to fight. The fighting and the end of the war will be the official end.”

“When this war is over do you want to know what the beginning of the next chapter will be?” he asked and wrapped his arms around me.

“What?” I asked and smiled.

“Our wedding.”


“Yeah, we can have our families help us plan it and it can be a way to really celebrate that the bad times are over.”

“That’s a great idea. Where should we have the wedding?”

“Where do you think we should have it?”

“If we win the war, we should have it where we officially met.”

“In the park?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “In the park. It’s where I first saw you. We knew of each other before, but that’s when we officially met.”

“Yeah I get what you mean. I think that’s a great idea.”

“But if we don’t win the war –“

“Don’t,” Pilote said, “We will win this war. I have a good feeling about it.”

“You do?”

“I do. We’ll win the war and we’ll build a large statue in remembrance of all the fallen chosen ones. Then we’ll get married in the park surrounded by all of our close friends and family.”

“Then what happens?” I smiled.

“Then we begin our lives together. We can live down here or we can live up there. We have forever to figure it out.”

“Forever. I like that.”

“Me too.”

I sighed, “I’m almost sad to see the middle of the end coming to an end.”

“I am too,” he said honestly.

I looked at Pilote, “Can we just forget for a while?”

He smiled. He didn’t respond; he just kissed me.


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