By Miyahbabyy

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They met in the foster system, and became best friends.. They were separated but found each other again..Noth... More

New Book Alert!!


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By Miyahbabyy

Y'all...I been writing this story for 2 years...😂


Before I got out of the car I called Harmony to make sure she was okay. I was pissed she was getting disrespectful with Asia but I wasn't going to just not know where she was at.

She picked up on the 3rd ring, "Hello?"

"Harmony what's going on? Why did you get disrespectful with your mother?"

"Its all Kai's fault..we got into a argument and I was just trying to look out for her and she was getting mad. Of course mom took her side cause that's her favorite person."

"What were y'all arguing about?"

"I'll let her tell you but I swear I was only looking out for her best interest and ma got all mad at me and I told her I was leaving. I feel like I get treated like the adopted child sometimes."

"Harmony your mother loves the both of you equally. Where are you at?"

"I don't want to tell you but I'm safe I promise."

"Like hell you are tell me where you at right now." I said growing impatient.

"Dad I'm okay."

"Harmony look when I dont know where your at it reminds me of the time you were missing when you were little. Those were the worst years of my life I swear not knowing if you were safe or not and I just need to know. I won't make you come home just tell me, and we can talk about it."

"Dad..I'm not a little girl anymore I can handle myself. I was five when all of that went down."

"Harmony where the HELL YOU AT? I was trying to be nice but now your making me mad."

"Dad I just need some space to clear my head."

"Fine. I'll give you your space but you better be home tomorrow no later than noon. You hear me? And then we can talk." 

"Okay I promise I'll be home."

"Aight. I love you."

Love you too.

And just like that she hung up. I rubbed my head processing all of this, and realizing my family had so much drama today.

I knocked on Sapphire door and she immediately came down opening the door for me after she looked. She knew I was coming and so did he and we decided we were all going to talk about this as a family.

"Whats up?"

"Nothing. King is in the kitchen doing his work we can go in there and talk." She said as she welcomed me in.

"Aight cool."

I saw him sotting there doing his work and when he saw me he had a blank expression on his face and looked back down at his paper continuing his work.

"What you working on?"


I sat across from him, and Sapphire took his stuff from him so we could talk and he caught a sky attitude.


"No King. You need to talk to him because he made a lot of sacrifices for you and raised you like his own child even after he found out you weren't his. He at least deserves for you to hear him out." She scolded.

Discussing this over the phone Sapphire told me he didn't want to talk to me yet but its been over 2 weeks and she was going to make him. I appreciated it to know she was on my side. I missed my son and the only thing I wanted was for him to hear me out and for things to be the way they were before.

"Alright fine." He said and looked at me waiting for me to speak and Sapphire sat next to him.

"Okay I just want to start by saying that I love you and nothing will ever change that. Blood does not mean anything to me and I am still your father. I was there when you were born and I promise I will be with you until the day I die. So everything you feeling you have a right but I'm not going anywhere because I love you King..your mother made a mistake so don't hold it against her..everyone does but what you found out does not change anything."

"I'm not mad at you anymore I'm more so shocked and wish I knew my biological dad..but I guess everything happens for a reason. I do wish you guys would have told me sooner..and dad I already felt like an outcast with my siblings. With me being home schooled, not living with you and the fact that Asia is not my mom..I mean no offense I do love you mom but when it came to them I felt different because I had a different mother.. and then finding out your not my real dad definitely makes me feel like I don't belong in your family dad."

"Why would you feel like that? Kai is sorta the same she was adopted and both of you are just as much of a family as the rest."

"Yeah but she is more welcome I feel like I'm not."

"What will make you feel like your just as apart of my family as the rest?"

"I want to live with you..and I don't want to be homeschooled anymore."

I looked over at Sapphire, and she had a shocking look on her face. "Baby I thought you liked being homeschooled..and you don't want to live with me anymore?" She asked hurt.

"Mom I never said that..I hate it matter of fact and I don't like living here. You can't relate to me like dad can and your too uptight."

"Well you know that's because I'm bipolar so staying uptight helps me deal with it."

"I know mom.. but I also want to be able to see my brothers and sisters everyday..can't you guys work something out in the court so I can stay with dad and be with you on the weekends?"

"Sapphire what you think?"

"I mean if that's what he wants I guess." She said and turned her lips up that were about to quiver. Her eyes were glossy like she was about to cry but fighting it.

"Mom I love you but I just really want to do this..I still love you but I just want to be with dad. You will still see me on weekends."

"Okay you can but don't replace me for Asia."

"I can't replace you..your the best mom I could ask for even the times you make me mad I still love you. You will still see me." He explained.

"Okay." She mumbled and stood up from the table going up the steps.

"I didnt mean to make her upset." King said, and put his hand on his head.

"I know you didn't. If thats what you want I'll see what we can do. But you know the court favors her since I'm not your biological dad..but I think if she says you can stay with me to the judge they will let you..and you have to tell them how you feel."

He nodded his head, "I'm going to go and talk to ma."

"Nah I got it. Don't feel bad I'll be right back."

I went up the steps and heard Sapphire weeping in the bathroom with the door closed. I knocked gently, "You aight?"


"Open the door so we can talk."

"There is nothing to talk about he already made up his mind he wants to be with you."

"Yeah but your crying."

"I'll get over it..I just want to make him happy."

I put ny back against the door and was waiting for her to open it but she wasn't budging.

"I promise if he lives with me I'll do him right. He'll be taken care of and you can come and see him whenever you want and you can have the weekends to yourself."

She didn't say anything, and I was staring to feel for her. I know hearing that had to hurt and all she wanted for her son is what she thought was best for him. She wanted to protect him.

"You don't have to agree with this. If you want him to stay with you he will be fine."

Again nothing. Asia called me, and I was going to decline because I was dealing with this but I answered just to make sure it wasn't an emergency.


"Hey where you at?"

"At Sapphire house."

"You been over there for a while is everything okay?"

"Yeah..King is not mad anymore but he wants to come stay with us. Sapphire is taking it hard now."

"Dang..I'm sorry to hear that. What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know..I talked to Harmony"


"She won't tell me where she at because she said she needs her space. I told her that was fine just be home tomorrow no later than noon."

"You spoil her..we give her as much space as she needs at home and she's not going to learn if we just let her come back."

"Asia I'm not letting her be on the streets. Anything can happen.."

"She's so grown to talk to me like that so she's grown enough to handle herself."

I shook my head, "I don't agree, but I'll be home soon."

"Okay I was calling you to tell you that Siyah is mad at you.. did you forget you promised you two would hang out today?"

"Shit..I forgot it's a lot goin on. I'm on my way now."

I sighed heavily starting to feel to much pressure at once. And now Siyah was mad at me and thats the last thing I wanted was to let her down.

"I'm boutta leave open up the door just so I know your okay and not in there doing anything crazy."

She opened the door with tears in her eyes, "I'm okay. Bye Dre."

"I have to get home it's family stuff."

"I understand. I will call you and we can work out a court date and everything."

"Aight cool."

I gave her a hug, and thanked her for letting me do this, and listening to him.

"I'll call you."


I went downstairs and said ny goodbyes to King before I headed home.

"Hey baby." I said as I opened the house door and saw Asia sitting in the dark looking at the blank TV.

"What's wrong?"

I came over to her and put my arm around her kissing her cheek.

"It's just a you think I favor Kai more than Harmony? Because I swear I don't mean it..I love Harmony to death and —

"Nah babe I don't think that..You know Harmony went through a lot and she just wants our attention..she's just stubborn and I guess it just all came out today."

"Yeah but when we try and talk to her she just turns us away. Even her counselor and it's like I honestly don't know what to do."

"I think the best thing you can do is just hang out with her and show her you will listen without you even asking questions. I don't think she wants anybody feeling bad for her she just wants someone that will listen."


"We can all have a family meeting tomorrow to address these things. All secrets out on the table and we just let them vent about how they feel. Then we can have a better understanding..they will have better understanding of each other and maybe that will prevent conflicts."

"I like that idea."

"I know I'm a genius." I leaned over and gave her a kiss and she kissed me back.

"Kai has been letting that boy hit on her."


"That's what they were arguing about. Kai came in with glasses on and went straight to her room...all of a sudden I heard them arguing, and Harmony came in the kitchen and told me to tell Kai to take her glasses off and her eye was almost swollen shut."

"What the fuck has he lost his mind?" I was trying to remain calm with the news she just shared but on the inside I was hot.

"Are you alright?"

"Hell no. She in her room?"

"Yeah but—

I stormed off into her bedroom and the door was open. I saw her body in the bed and snatched her covers off. "Kai."

She turned over and I saw her eye was covered. "Dad."

"You letting that nigga hit you now?"

"Oh my god I swear I deserved it."

"What did you do for him to give you a black eye? It's no reason."

"Can you calm down please?" She asked with a scared look on her face. Her eyes were glossy and turning red.

"No fuck him..I'll be back."

I stormed out the front door as Asia tried to run after me but I honestly wasn't trying to hear no shit from nobody at this moment. One thing I absolutely hated was men who put they hands on women. The shit happened with my mom and I started to have flashbacks making me even more mad as I speeded down the road.   The last thing I wanted was for my kids to go through stuff like this and I was failing.

I couldn't even have Harmony for a year without her being kidnapped and raped, and now this with Kai. I hit ny steering wheel countless of times thinking about it and how I was always letting them down. Something needed to be done..tonight.

My phone kept ringing but I really wasn't paying any attention to it because of how mad I was. The person kept calling over and over making me want to throw my phone out the window. I couldn't even speak right now I was so mad, and upset.

I picked it up not even looking at the caller.

"Yo." It was Parker and I could tell by his voice.

"What you want?"

"Damn hello to you too."

"I'm not in the mood for this right now so tell me what you want."

"I need to be picked up."

"Right now."

"Yes. My foster mom put me out can I crash at y'all place?"

"Yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes."


I hung up the phone and the only reason I agreed to get him is because his foster moms house was in route.

He got in the car, and cut the music up and I turned it off. I needed silence and I didn't even want to speak to him or nobody up at this point.

"You good?"

I nodded my head but I wasn't, "I have to make a stop before we get back."

"Aight that's fine."

My hands gripped the steering wheel and I tried my best to stay calm but I was letting my anger get the best to me. I couldn't control how I was feeling but pissed wasn't even the word. My trigger finger was itching and I haven't felt that way in so long.

We were in front of his house and it was a bunch of cops outside but I didn't give a fuck about them cops.

"Hand me my gun." I told Parker pointing the the glove compartment.

"Your gun for what?"

"I need to take care of something. Hand it to me."

Parker looked at the officers at they had Isaiah in cuffs and shook his head. "I can't do that..the cops right there and your going to go to jail."

"You think I give a fuck about going to jail? Fuck them cops and fuck him!"

"Your not thinking..I don't know what happened but you can't just shoot him right now..not like this."

"Get out. You wasting time the cops are gonna pull off and then it's going to be to late.. Get out!!" I got out of the car and went over to his side opening the door and started to push him out. We were a good distance away from his house so the cops couldn't see us but if we were too loud that would be the end of it.

"Yo calm down before the cops start looking over here."

"Didn't I tell you fuck them cops? He hit Kai and you think Im going to let him get away with that shit? Her eye is black because of his pussy ass."

"I know your mad shit I'm mad to and I'm down with whatever you wanna do just not when the cops here."

"Im not going back home and looking in Kai face and seeing I didn't do anything to protect her."

"Yo you need to calm down for real."

I threw Parker out of the car and he fell as I reached inside my glove compartment, and my gun wasn't even in there.

I cursed and hit the seat and I felt someone tackle me from behind knocking me to the ground. The next thing I know I'm fighting Parker and my anger was coming out unto him with each blow I took. I didn't want to but he was trying me and the fact I was so mad resulted in his ass woopen. The cop cars pulled off leaving us still fighting and me still angry.

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