The Friend in a Xenomorph

By JSheerXeno54

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/timeline XB-B683/ Dominick, a young boy who accidentally stumbles upon a cave finds something from the scari... More

Chapter 1: Long down the road of life
Chapter 2: Unlikely Friends
Chapter 3: Xylia's Family
Chapter 4: 9th Birthday!!!
Chapter 5: Connections
Chapter 6: Dominick's "Super Brain"
Chapter 7: "I'm Very Disappointed with you Mr. Whitman"
Chapter 8: Edith is home!
Chapter 9: Downhill from here
Chapter 10: Leaving home
Chapter 11: Here starts 9 more years
Chapter 12: Plan of Action
Chapter 13: Being Prey
Chapter 14: Homeward Bound
Chapter 15: Reunited at last
Chapter 16: Concealed Trade
Chapter 17: Bad Blood!
Chapter 18: Saving Family
Chapter 19: Mission break in
Chapter 20: Deep in the labs
Chapter 21: Down goes the Town!
Chapter 22: An Ending to Remember!
Chapter 23: Even farther down the road of life
Chapter 24: Taking Notes
Chapter 25: True Feelings
Chapter 26: Do You Mind?
Chapter 27: Old Times
Chapter 28: Rabbit in the hole
Chapter 29: How is Owen Doing?
Chapter 30: Revenge is Sweet
Chapter 31: Baby Steps
Chapter 32: Friends got your back... er, dorsal tubes
Chapter 33: What!!!!
Chapter 34: Another Plan of Action
Chapter 35: Working Together
Chapter 36: Unexpected Surprise.
Important Message from Carlson Corporations!
Chapter 37: Hope
Chapter 38: A Predator's Protégé
Chapter 39: Training 101
Chapter 40: Timing is everything
Chapter 41: Loading the Eggs
Chapter 42: Waiting gone wrong!? PRESS THE RED BUTTON JERRY!
Chapter 43: Fighting Shenanigans
Chapter 44: Demise is upon the enemy
Chapter 45: All a dream?
Chapter 46: Ryding on your tail
Chapter 48: Larson's Mini Adventure!
Chapter 49: The Climax!
Chapter 50: The Truth behind Ryders
Chapter 51: The Final Resistance Against Carlson!
Chapter 52: Furthest down the road of life

Chapter 47: Carlson, your plan failed!

141 3 1
By JSheerXeno54

Dominick's POV

Here we were, I turned around and there was Ryders waltzing on in the registration room of the lab. [Dominick]''Well Dummy.... You're gonna follow me anyway.'' I start walking until I find the designated place.

We walked in and I turned on the computer present on the nearby desk. [Dominick]''See? I haven't checked my emails in a while. Or Facebook, or YouTube, or Wattpad. In fact, any social media you can think of!'' [Ryders]''Thanks for sharing this with me?''

I start putting in some codes and stuff until a blue screen pops up, I then type a few more things until a live Camera of the simulation pops up. [Ryders]''What the... How did you do that? Is that what I look like?'' I smile.

[Dominick]''What? Never seen yourself in a mirror? Or was your reflection so ugly the mirror wouldn't reflect it?'' [Ryders]''Why you little meanie!'' [Dominick]''No wait, the mirror shattered at the sight of you so it never got a chance to reflect.'' [Ryders]''Shut your mouth!''

[Dominick]''If only there was some way to mute me directly from the simulation camera via Admin privileges.'' [Ryders]''Good idea.''

As predictable as ever, Ryders shoved me aside and put in his password to access admin controls. That's when the predator came from behind and smashed a vase against Ryders' head which knocked him out. [??????]''Forget frying pans.... Vases, who knew right?''

I rolled my eyes and laughed. [Dominick]''I guess what nobody saw coming was that in between Chapters 45 and 46, we hashed out a better plan just encase something went wrong!'' [??????]''And with the Admin controls at our command!'' The predator put in a few codes when everything went black.....

Owen's POV

Me, Xylia and the now awake Predator stood around Dominick who was tied down do a chair with the weird machine on his head. As a recap, I helped the Predator and his partner track down Dominick after the Slayrogin fell back. What a great fight that was... But we located Dominick, we also brought Xylia with us. Everyone else in the 'rescue party' where keeping watch by the door. Except Xylia who was sitting down holding Dominick's hand.

[??????]''Ok? We shut off the simulation.... Now what!!'' [Owen]''Calm down you dummy, I thought Yautja were supposed to be smarter! You lack skills!'' He grumbled at me but ended up shaking his head.

I walk over to Dominick and start pulling on the head device, which the predator joins in. We finally rip it off. We still stand there.

[Xylia]''He still isn't awake Owen....'' [Owen]''Dangit!'' I looked to my right to see that weird Alien and the predator came with coming into the room. His name was Alabaster Drek, some sort of mercenary or something, thing is, nobody knows where this guy came from either. He was a while lizard type alien, no eyes like a Xenomorph and had quills instead of hair. He wore some cool armor though. But besides that if he's an Ally, then I have no reason to complain.

[Alabaster]''Is your friend ok? He doesn't seem to be waking up.'' [Owen]''Oh for the love of god. Just punch the him awake!'' [??????]''Really? I can't do that!!!!'' [Xylia]''Guys... Can't we just put on an alarm clock?'' [Owen]''ALARM! How will that work! He's practically in a coma!'' Xylia started whining to herself. [Owen]''Oh shoot, I'm sorry Xylia.'' [Plymouth]''You better treat my Sister nicely.'' [Owen]''yes Plymouth.''

[Alabaster]''Well, taking in my experience, he just needs a trigger, like how fire alarms or odd sounds wake people from sleep, you need a noise that will trigger a certain reaction.''

Xylia begins thinking. [Xylia]''Well....... what about, our child? Maybe the thoughts of him becoming a father soon will bring him back.'' [Alabaster]''How exactly did Xylia get pregnant anyway?'' [Owen]''Sex.'' [Alabaster]''Not gonna sugar code it?'' [Owen]''I couldn't care right now, we need to wake him up!''

[Xylia]''I'll talk to him. Me and him have a special bond, I can probably wake him up from there.''

Xylia's POV

I concentrate on Dominick, his mind has been disconnected from the simulation, he's just in a very deep sleep. Probably brought on by Carlson's experiment. [Xylia]''Dominick, please hear me, wake up. Me, our future child and your friends need you! I know you're just sleeping, your Mom always said you liked sleeping in. And how she would take pictures of you drooling... I think you're drooling right now, your Mom would love this as a picture. I'm gonna take a picture!''

I grabbed Dominick's phone from his bag, and was about to take a picture when a memory was triggered in Dominick's brain. It was how his Mom taunted him about taking a picture and how he'd always wake up to stop her. I snapped the picture. And at the moment the flash for the phone went off he got up and pounced at me. [Dominick]"NOOOOO! DANGIT!"

[Xylia]''Dominick!'' He sees me and hugs me as I hug him. Dominick then looks around. [Dominick]''well.... that's one way of waking me up. Ok, we have my little Xylia, Owen, the predator and his weird friend..... And.... I smell Jenny, Larson and Randy right now?'' [Xylia]''Yep! They're back!''

[Alabaster]''Hello Dominick, I'm Alabaster. I helped these guy hack into the simulation.'' [Dominick]''I take it you can understand Xenomorphs... What kind of Alien are you anyway?'' [Alabaster]''I'd rather not say right now.'' [??????]''I don't even know, I bet Jerry would know though.''

[Dominick]''Hey.... Bring Larson and the others in here!'' [??????]''Right, I can do that!''

[Xylia]''So Alabaster, Tell me and Dominick more about yourself.'' [Dominick]''Yeah, like where your eyes are.... Look sort of like a Xenomorph, except more lizard guy tastes, and a hint of purple on your head..... More like an Argonian? Quills and all..... They have those right?'' [Alabaster]''Ha ha, why don't Xenomorphs have eyes?'' [Dominick]''I don't know. Ask Xylia.'' He turned his face towards me. [Xylia]''It's just how we look. I gives us a sense of scariness to strike fear into our prey. Although, according to the internet, we look like.... Never mind, Dominick told me not to talk about it.'' Dominick started giggling knowing what I was referring to. [Dominick]''whatever you do Xylia, don't say it!'' [Xylia]''I know.'' [Dominick]''yeah, just don't mention anything about it."

[Owen]''Alright you guys, don't get into it.... Alabaster probably knows what you're speaking of anyway! Right?'' [Alabaster]''yes, Are they always like this?'' [Owen]''No, Dominick was once a human, while Xylia is a pure bred Xenomorph who doesn't know much about humanity. She grew up believing Humans were killers and used as hosts to continue their species. It's when she met Dominick that she started changing her mind about humans. Dominick is educating her about People." [Alabaster]"Alright then."

[Dominick]''Yeah, I'm sorry if she blurts anything weird. She's fine.'' I nodded in agreement. [Xylia]''Yeah.''

About a minute later Jenny and the others except Larson came out. [Jenny]''Dominick, hello... Last time I saw you was when we formed the plan. And it worked!'' [Dominick]{Sure did, Randy is in the corner. Why?} Jenny turns around. [Jenny]''Oh, right.... He has decided that life has become too real for him and requests we take him to a doctor so they can say he's crazy.'' [Xylia]{Last time I checked, this is all real.} I comment. Poor kid.

[Dominick]{Hey Predator, where's Larson?} [A'staad]''Ah, hello Dominick. My name is A'staad, we met back on that airfield. And as for Larson, why he is right there!'' He points over at the other mysterious Predator. [??????]''Seriously? Fine, it's me guys!''

The predator took off his helmet and surprise surprise, it was Larson. That explained why he was short. [Dominick]{You're a loser! Why didn't you say earlier! Wait.... How did you even hear me earlier?} [Larson]''Well, I installed my predator mask to come with a Xenomorph translator! And it is good to see you!'' Dominick and Larson bro hugged. [Xylia]{So Larson, how did you, Jenny and the other 3 even get here? All I know is that Owen picked me up and gave me a ride here because you guys broke in here.} I Said.

[Larson]''Well, After Dominick's Mom dropped me off with Jenny and Randy, we found A'staad as planned, we informed him of the danger, and we also took this as an opportunity for me to be trained under A'staad! And guess what, I'm Blooded!" This can be seen by the Xenomorph blood that was once smeared on his forehead which left a huge red burn mark on it. When he smiled however..... He was missing a front tooth. [Dominick]''Well, I guess human culture and history along with human science won't be his only nerdy outlet anymore. Now he can talk about Predators!''

Hello everyone. I just wanted to thank AlabasterDrek for submitting his character into the story, make sure to check out his page and his story Tales of Cinadra: The Last of the White Reapers, which Alabaster is the protagonist of. So make sure to check him out.

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