Chapter 46: Ryding on your tail

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Dominick's POV

Apart from impatiently waiting around, I eventually spotted a big red X in the sky.... I guess this was a simulated after all and not reality. Typical Carlson too. I think it would be cool so see android clones. But instead they're cheap. Pixels are awful!

Me and the predator approached the now ground based X button. [Dominick]"So will this work?" I was pretty unsure about what to do right now, although I was tempted to press the button without checking first what it actually does.

[??????]"Um, it works like a computer, is that hard to compute?" I narrow my eyes towards him through my Carapace. He never saw a thing XD.

[Dominick]"So? Let's press this bad boy." We walk up next to it. We both pressed it down. However it disappeared the minute we touched it. [Dominick]"What the? Is that supposed to happen?"

I looked at the Predator and noticed something behind him. [Dominick]"What's that?" He turns around, what we see are these little hovering black machines, with a screen as its face. They were round in shape, that's when the screens turned red. {ALERT, VIRUS DETECTED!}

We both stared at the thing. [??????]"Something tells me that's an anti-hacking machine, or an anti-body for a computer, uh a fire wall?" [Dominick]"Who cares what it is! RUN!"

Me and the Predator started running away from the machines, but they kept up, faster if anything. We hid in a Small cave, however when the Predator turned on his flashlight? We saw the other person in the room. It was a bigger Anti-Hack robot, except this one had legs and arms.

{ALERT! THREAT DETECTED!} I looked over at the Predator then back at the robot.... It was after him not me. I start walking to its back side as it walked closer to the Predator. Once I was behind it, I pounced and stabbed it in the back, then ripped its head off. [Dominick]''In your face! How's that for size?'' I start to show off my moves. [??????]''Only you!''

The predator left the cave. I rolled my eye, then followed him. [Dominick]''So, what do we do now? We're still stuck here.'' [??????]''Technically I'm not stuck here, I simply hacked into the simulation, maybe we should go back to manually removing the device from on your head.''

[Dominick]''Problem? How do I help?'' [??????]''Well I-...'' [Ryders]''RANDOM INTERJECTIONS! Hello you stupid kids! We got you surrounded.'' I look over at him and shake my head in disappointment.

[Dominick]''You're such a jerk! Leave my life Alone!'' [Ryders]''Sorry, no can do, even if I wanted too! Also, if you think your band of weirdos will help you, you're not 100% right. They are kinda locked in the room with you.'' [Dominick]''They?'' I look over at the Predator.

[??????]''Hey bro, it's a rescue mission!'' I shrugged. [Dominick]''Going great huh?'' He grunted [??????]''Just let us go! You have your serum to turn everyone into Xenomorph and all that stuff, so can we leave now?''

[Ryders]''I swear this is like online chatrooms! Oh wait this practically is! And haven't any of you been paying attention to the plot of this story? Carlson's entire Evil plot, was to breed Xenomorph and make everything Into Xenomorph, then have Dominick be a Xenomorph commander then Carlson will take over the universe! Expecting everyone to be happy?''

[Dominick]''Yeah I got this, it's the weird Yautja who doesn't know fully Carlson's plan.'' [??????]''I do too! For example, the current thing Carlson is doing is trying to brainwash you which clearly isn't working.'' [Dominick]''Meh, fine.''

[??????]''Well of course it won't work because he knows about the simulator....... Simulator? Right?'' Ryders takes out a small tablet and starts fidgeting. Then in the matter of a second. Everything went black then I was in my bedroom again.... And human again! [Dominick]''Aw man!''

I walked out of my room and to my Mom's car, however she stopped me before I reached the front door. [Fake Carla]''Going so soon? But what about your mother who loves you, it's a dangerous world out there.'' [Dominick]''You're not my Mother! Now move!'' [Fake Carla]''That hurts my feelings Dominick!'' I shook my head, then walked into the kitchen, grabbed a chair and went on to force her out of the way. She let out a tear.... A tear of blood. [Fake Carla]''This is how you treat me? Well Son, no son of mine will be disrespectful like this!'' She looks at me angry, however still lets the bloody tear fall. She runs at me and punches the chair into pieces. [Dominick]''You're not real!'' [Fake Carla]"Think about it, what if Xylia would have killed you, I told you to stay on the paths, yet you risk it all? For some stupid creature! I'm more important!'' She charged at me and knocked me onto the floor.

I looked over to see a vase. I got up, grabbed it and I smashed it against my fake mom's head as hard as I could which knocked her down and onto the floor. [Fake Carla]''How could you.......'' I took no empathy on her and took this chance to run out for her car.

I grabbed the keys and got in, turned on the car and backed up into traffic, then gunned it out of there.

[Ryders]''I didn't know 8 year olds could drive.'' I looked over to the passenger seat to see Ryders sitting there. I slammed on the brakes. [Dominick]''HOW THE!!!!!!!! Did you get here?!'' [Ryders]''Um... This is a computer program. I simply moved my avatar into the car. Also way to mess up you're not mother... Yikes, I figured you'd do that anyway so I didn't bother with programming anything else.'' I sighed and started driving again.

[Dominick]''You are the worst.'' Ryders sat back and put his feet on the dash. [Ryders]''So where are you headed anyway?'' I look over at him. [Dominick]''Shut up, I'm angry.'' He just shrugged.

[Ryders]''I was thinking about making you fight the rest of your family and friends.... Including Xylia, but I don't feel like it anymore. Smacking someone upside the head with a Vase is as good as it gets.''

[Dominick]''You know, why are you passive all of a sudden!'' [Ryders]''Well, we technically never wanted to kill you so, that's something?'' I just shook my head.

I eventually pulled up to the Carlson Lab. [Ryders]''Jesus, I hate this place.... Especially Doctor Harper. Thank God that one Xenomorph killed her.'' [Dominick]''Um, sure?''

We got out and looked at the building. [Ryders]''Still not gonna tell me what you're doing?'' [Dominick]''Nope, but it involves some skills from a Nerdy Friend.'' He shrugs and follows me into the building.

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