Chapter 48: Larson's Mini Adventure!

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[Larson]"Anyway, It's actually a funny story how we met Alabaster, Got back here, even met another Xenomorph Hive and saved them from Carlson... although Alabaster did most of that!

It all started with a huge whack to the face!"...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(These dots are for dramatic effect.)

Back during the time of Chapter 40, Larson's POV

[Larson]"I'm getting so good at this!" Just as I go to attack A'staad, he totally caught me off guard and whacked me with a spear right in the kisser, luckily it was the flat site. I fell to the ground and made sure my face was alright, other than a bruise on my left cheek.

Jenny walked over and started clapping. [Jenny]"Certainly getting better, and halfway through your practice." she started giggling. [Larson]"Trust me, I've got this. I'm all right, nothing can faze me at this point!

2 minutes later.

WHAM! INTERJECTION! [Larson]"Ouch...... My legs are not liking this beating...... since when did Predators have hammers?" A'staad looked at the Harley Quinn hammer in his hand. [A'staad]"We don't..... No clue where this came from." A'staad just throws it away.

[Larson]"Please tell me we're getting somewhere." [A'staad]"Well, on the bright side your fighting is well, can you handle our tech?" [Larson]"I'm sure to figure it out fast."

As dramatic team prep music starts up from nowhere, the fou...... three of us walked up some stairs that weren't there before.... Apparently Randy doesn't want to do this anymore so he went inside. Up at the top, was some predator Armor just my size. [Jenny]"Coooool!"

[Larson]"I'm the luckiest guy in the world." [A'staad]"Go try it on then?" I grabbed the gear and hid behind a rock. I took off my training Armor and replaced it with this cool new Armor, had the mask and everything.

I walk out and start posing, Jenny was giggling and cheering on my shenanigans while A'staad wasn't necessarily laughing. [A'staad]"Ok now, let's get you used to everything."

(To avoid a boring part of this story, I'm skipping ahead of the section of Armor training and going straight to the moment A'staad thinks Larson's ready for step 2!)

[Larson]"I don't think I'm gonna stop geeking out over this gear! Can I add some improvements later?" [A'staad]"Um, I guess?" [Larson]"yes!" [Jenny]"Ok now Larson, don't geek out too much." [Larson]"My technical smarts got me this position, of course I'm geeking on upgrading this armor, like add a proper spark ball shooter." Jenny rolled her eyes.

[Randy]"Can we leave now. I think I need to see a Psychiatrist." [Larson]"All in good times Randy. Well, A'staad what's next?" [A'staad]"You wanna become blooded and fully trained? It's time you kill your first Xenomorph. It involves a ritual and stuff for your information."

I thought back a moment............ didn't I accidentally drive Dominick's Dad's Van into a Xenomorph when I was distracting A'staad back in chapter 21.... Don't think I killed them so my thought is invalid.

[Larson]"Sounds fun, I mean.... after watching you take down Praetorian Ryders, I'm confident." (Remember, Larson doesn't know Ryders was revived yet) [Larson]"Huh... oh um. To the ship everyone!" [Jenny]"Carla isn't here to pick us up.... it means we have to stay here and wait for you and Carla." [Larson]"Oh, yes... Well, I guess only me and A'staad are going to a ship."

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