Chapter 27: Old Times

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Dominick's POV

A few of the armed men left. This was an opportunity. [Xylia]"Let's deal with those men before engaging with the lab." [Dominick]"Agreed." We snuck out back into the hallway 3 men were walking. We could take them.

Me and Xylia snuck out and jumped at two different men, killing them head bite style. The last man turned around with a flame thrower. But before he could do anything, I grabbed one of the dead guy's flame throwers and shot it at the remaining man killing him.

The lab door opened and the other armed men came out. [Dominick]"Xylia, grab a flame thrower and keep firing it at them.... Pun intended." Xylia picked up a flame thrower and we both fired them at the remaining men burning them to death.

Only one of the men survived but he ran back into the lab. [Dominick]"I think that's the last guy not including the woman. Do we go in guns blazing? Pun intended again!" [Xylia]"Yes." she said giggling.

We held the flame throwers in front of us ready to blaze anyone in our way. Anyone who saw a Xenomorph using any type of weapon would be thinking they're crazy.

We walked in. but before I could shoot I saw the Woman in the lab coat...... [Xylia]"What is it Dominick?" Xylia looked ahead and caught my eye. [Xylia]"That almost looks like..."

[?????]"Stop Randy, hold your fire!" [Randy]"What! They will kill us!" [?????]"They are using weapons, Xenomorph don't understand or need weapons... unless...." [Randy]"Sorry to interrupt but can we kill them yet?!" [Jenny]"Not unless it's Dominick." The woman was revealed to be Jenny.... My old friend, and kinda ex-girlfriend. [Dominick]"It's jenny. Xylia, put the gun down." [Xylia]"What if they decide to shoot us anyway." I stared her down. [Xylia]"Ouch."

I put the flame thrower down on the floor and held my hands up to show Jenny I didn't have anything up my sleeves. [Jenny]"Dominick, it is you!" Jenny ran up and hugged me. I hugged back of course since I was also happy to see her. I kinda feel guilty that I had plans to torture her. [Randy]"Can someone please explain what's going on here...."

[Jenny]"Sorry, this is my old friend Dominick. He was a human at one point." I nodded in agreement. [Jenny]"So... I can't help but notice you and your Xenomorph family kinda took out this entire operation. Me and Randy are the last living humans here." I Smiled and shrugged. [Jenny]"Wow.... So you don't feel empathy towards people anymore?" I slightly nodded. Then pulled Xylia towards me and put my arms around her. [Jenny]"And that is Xylia? Nice to see you again." Xylia waved back.

[Randy]"Um.... so is this Dominick Person like, if he was human then why is he a Xenomorph?" [Jenny]"About two years ago last time I was here, Dominick was a human, Xylia was his girlfriend, and he decided to stay here and become a Xenomorph. And live with them. I guess it's no surprise that he does kill people and stuff." [Dominick]"Yeah... I suppose I do like killing things for sport sometimes." Xylia shrugged. [Jenny]"Right, you probably can't talk back. Larson invented a machine so that we can hear you. Go get it Randy." [Randy]"Ok." Randy ran off.

[Jenny]"So, I assume the Queen sent you because you were human." I nodded. Jenny turned around and looked at Talon in the containment chamber. [Jenny]"I'm sorry I kidnapped your friend just to trick you into us meeting. I just wanted to check on you after these few years. Seeing how you were." I smiled.

[Randy]"I got it." Randy handed Jenny the device. [Jenny]"There are two pieces of the machine. The mind sensor and the speaker." She handed the mind sensor to me. I put it on and started posing in it. [Xylia]"Stop, you look ridiculous." [Dominick]"Oh please! I look amazing in this!" {Speaker}"Oh please! I look amazing in this!" [Xylia]"It copied you." [Dominick]"No duh Xylia!" {Speaker}"No duh Xylia!" [Jenny]"Yes. It works, I have just a few questions to ask. So let's sit down. Randy, get a chair!"

[Talon]"Am I gonna have to listen to this entire conversation or something?" [Xylia]"Yes!"

They pulled up two chairs for me and Xylia, we sat down across from Jenny and her assistant Randy. [Dominick]"Ask away Jen."

Jenny's POV

I can't believe Dominick is alive and well.

{Dominick}"Ask away Jen." I smiled. [Randy]"I hope you know what you're doing." I rolled my eyes. [Jenny]"So Dominick, How has things been? I hope you got those letters I dropped off." {Dominick}"That was you?" [Jenny]"Yes it was, I thought while I was coming here I would drop some letters off. So, what has become of the town? Killed everyone?" {Dominick}"People are still alive trying to survive, It's kinda fun to hunt them down." [Jenny]"You then take them to the hive and have them impregnated by Facehuggers? How many people have you killed?" Dominick looked over at Xylia, they were probably talking.

{Dominick}"Maybe over a hundred people?" I happened to be drinking a coffee when he said that which I spit out. (Ah the classic spitting out coffee thing. no clue where she got the coffee from though either.)

[Jenny]"100 People! Holy crap, that's a lot." {Dominick}"Sure is, I sometimes miss the old me, before I felt like killing everyone for the survival of the hive." [Jenny]"You do?" {Dominick}"Yeah.... But I also like the new me in another way. I feel so..... Good? Killing things just has an unexplainable feeling I like."

[Randy]"Can we leave now?" [Jenny]"Dominick won't kill you. Unless he starts getting hungry or something. I'm his friend, He wouldn't hurt me." {Dominick}"Sure, Xylia also says I'm More Xenomorph minded then her, Which I think is a bad thing? Not sure, But she says I'm very morbid sometimes." [Randy]"Nice to hear, and I'm really not feeling this conversation anymore." I glared over at Randy. [Jenny]"Ease down Randy, He's fine." Dominick nodded.

I stood up and sighed. [Jenny]"I'm guessing you want to get your friend and get going? I'll visit again, if you still have your phone, we can text on there. Maybe come up with new meeting times." {Dominick}"My Phone ran out of juice."

I laughed and grabbed a solar powered Charging plug, with a built in Wi-Fi pack. [Jenny]"Just plug this into your phone and it'll be working again. I'm sure your other friends would be happy to hear from you after two years. Can't believe we're all 16! Well, I'm 17. I'm in collage, I'm trying to become a scientist." {Dominick}"That's great."

[Jenny]"Well.... bye then? Can you actually help me clean up this ship first? It's a rental." Dominick smiled and nodded. [Randy]"I can't believe you're letting a Xenomorph clean up its own mess!"

We all got up and went to cleaning. Let's hope they don't spit acid over everything. Acid will remove anything. And everything!

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