The Lavery Twins

By Drummstixx

2.1M 43.7K 11.1K

Growing up with Shane and Matt - the Lavery twins next door, Holly can't seem to get rid of them. With her d... More

The Lavery Twins
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 1
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 2
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 3
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 4
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 5
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 6
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 7
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 8
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 9
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 10
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 11
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 12
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 13
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 14
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 15
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 16
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 17
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 18
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 19
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 20
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 21
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 22
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 23
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 25
The Lavery Twins - Chapter 26
The Lavery Twins - Epilogue

The Lavery Twins - Chapter 24

57.5K 1.1K 773
By Drummstixx

Hola guys. My summer vacation is completely boring so far, so I hope you guys are having more fun than I am.

Anyways, so the last chapter I said I'd give a shout out to the first 5 commenters. so THANK YOU TO ;







SO YEAH. This is a SHANE chapter you guys! :D Here, you get to learn more about Shane, and his story.

The beginning starts off in his POV, and it takes place like during the time Matt is over at Holly's.....*awkward.


if you got a tumblr, you should follow me :) I always follow back! <3

OR if you happen to think that one's too ....scary for some reason, you can follow my other one

vote/comment/like/fan <333

Song on the side is Reckless and Relentless by Asking Alexandria. It's the song Holly is blasting in her bedroom when it's her POV. :) It's an amazing song. It's also the song I was listening to as I wrote it, so I guess it's the song of the chapter xDD



Chapter 24.




It was so hot. I was dying right now, and I feel like if I moved off the couch, I would melt. Dad hasn't even installed the damn air conditioning, and Matt went somewhere, probably somewhere where it was nice and cold. He didn't even tell me where he was going, he just left the house as fast as he could. Well, that's kind of what he does.

Basically, I was alone. My dad and Rob (Holly's dad) were out in the back, doing what they do. My mom went to the gym. I am forever alone, watching Finding Nemo. Yes, I'm watching Finding Nemo because it was the only DVD I could find that wasn't mixed up from Matt. He likes to put discs in the wrong cases to mess with everybody, because he's a complete douchebag.

My hair was kind of matting to my forehead from sweat, and I grimaced as I wiped it away with my sleeve. I was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie, but I feel like my clothes are now completely stuck onto me, so I cannot remove them at all. My lip ring is going to get rusty if I keep sweating.

"Ew, fvck," I groaned, shutting my eyes as I wiped at my face again. Here in Canada, we're not exactly used to scorching heat. Sure, our Summers are hot, but they're nothing like in the states. I heard that one day it was 103 degrees in some place in America. That's....insane to it's only 68 and I could feel myself melting as the seconds go by. I was starting to get a migrain, and keeping my eyes shut, I sat up and unzipped my hoodie. I wasn't wearing a shirt under, and since nobody was here, I didn't have to worry about being seen shirtless. Yeah, I don't like my skin being seen. I try to stay as covered as possible around people.

I don't know why. Actually....I guess I do. I don't like the way I look. Simple as that. I hate this feeling, because it makes me feel pathetic, but I can't help but feel disappointed every time I look in the mirror. Other than Matt, who would probably marry a mirror just to stare at his reflection all day.

I took my hoodie off, and put it on the arm rest so I could use it as a pillow. Looking down at myself, I saw I had these messed up tan lines. I rolled my eyes, and let out the most loudest sigh ever before flopping back down onto the couch, my eyes glued to Finding Nemo. Alot of time I feel like Nemo, except I'm not a clownfish. Did you know that Clownfishes are transexuals? I remember reading that somewhere.

While watching the movie, I kept imagining my head on Nemo's body, and it ruined the whole movie for me, because it was probably the most disturbing thing ever. I rolled off my side, and onto my back, looking up at the ceiling. I was too lazy to get up, I think I was going to live on this couch. My eyes trailed around the room, and stopped at my arms. Which were completely clear and fine, and not covered in stupid cuts like people assume because of how I look. People always make fun of me, and it's cool with me, but the fact that I'm always made fun of for being an 'emo faggot' really pisses me off. Because I have a lip piercing, and I listen to metal and don't like to stand out like my brother, I'm automatically 'Matt's emo faggot twin brother'. Yeah, one guy actually said that to my face. But, I guess you learn to ignore that stuff, and just roll your eyes and walk away.

I don't have problems. Well, sure, I have my depressing days, where I just want everybody to disappear. Or most people, anyway. But, not once have I harmed myself.....because you cannot solve your problems by hurting yourself.

The only real problem I have is my self-esteem. I hate it, and it's really bad. People think only girls have self-esteem issues, but no. No, because there were many times where I found myself crying because of the way I look. If that's not a self-esteem issue, I don't know what the fvck that is. Mental retardation, I guess.

When nobody's around, sometimes I sit in my room and cry because of how much I hate myself. Nobody hears me, or knows about my issue, and it's good Matt doesn't know, because even though he's my twin, he would never let me live it down. Matt likes to brag, he likes to tell me how much better he is (not in those words, but basically that's what he does)......and he always ruins everything for me.

This is why I haven't been talking to him lately. I realised how much I hate him. All my life, it's always been Matt who got everything. I never want anything, because I know that no matter what, Matt would take it from me anyways. Of course, the one thing I really want, he takes.


I sighed. Holly. I've been inlove with that girl since I was five years old. It was when her mom died, and I saw her crying on her front porch, her head in her hands with her little bear she called 'Pookie' beside her. It was the first time I seen her cry, and right then, I knew that I was completely heartbroken. At five years old, I felt my heart shatter to pieces when I saw that girl next door crying. But, back then, I still thought girls had cooties, so I did all that I could to be mean to Holly because I didn't want her to think I liked her. I thought she would be disgusted with me. I also remember the day Matt and I completely ruined her teddybear. The last thing her mom gave her before she died. You see, I didn't know that until after. When I say I didn't know until after, I mean I didn't know until this year. Matt's the one who told me, and I don't think I'll ever be able to live down that guilt. Guilt for two reasons, helping my brother kill it and laughing with him after, and guilt for the fact that Matt knew about the bear and I didn't.

I knew though, that ever since the day we were on the plane coming back to Florida, that there would never be a chance with Holly and I. When Matt looked at me and said, "I wonder if Holly missed us." I knew that it was going to be Matt. It's always Matt.

So there goes my whole life. Not literally....but basically. The one girl I ever loved, ever actually cared for, is being stolen by my brother. Because that's what he does. I tried telling Holly that Matt is no good, and that he's going to end up hurting her. Did she listen? Nope.

I felt my eyelids getting heavy as they closed on me, and I slowly fell asleep missing the rest of Finding Nemo.



I bolted up when the door slammed, and I looked at who it was in alarm. Matt was standing there in the foyer, his hair all over the place and his shirt on inside out. I rolled my eyes.

"Hiya Shaney Boy," Matt said huskily. My eye twitched at that nickname. Looking at the TV, I saw it was the ending credits, and I sighed.

"Hi," I muttered, un-interested. I heard footsteps, and Matt came to stand in front of me, blocking my view of the TV.

"How are you?" He asked. I shot him a weird look.

"Fantastic," I grumbled. "You?"

"I am great, Shane, thanks for asking," Matt grinned. "I was just over at Holly's."

I blinked. What? Why was he over at Holly's. I looked at him. "Y-You were?"

"Yup," he slumped down on the couch, his arms behind his head. "You know, I never actually noticed how great she is."

"She is pretty great," I muttered, looking away. You'd have to be stupid to not notice how great Holly is.

"Wanna know what she's even better at?" Matt asked, and I slowly looked at him, frowning. I looked at him for a moment, and the two of us stared at each other. Matt's eyes were basically sparkling with victory, and when I realised what was really going on, I felt my stomach churn.

"Oh," I said, barely a whisper. How could I not see it coming? I guess I really am stupid.

"You know, bro, I'm your twin brother. I'm here for you, you know that right?" Matt put his arm around me. "You'd want me to tell you anything, right?"

I barely shrugged. "Mhm." I could smell Holly's perfume on him, and I felt disgusted. I knew Matt could feel the tension from me, and he sighed.

"Well, I know this is going to break your heart..." Matt began, "But you should lay off of Holly, man."

My eyes shot over to him, my eyebrows furrowing. "What? Why? What did I do?" I didn't do anything, did I? I mean sure, at the cabin I kind of told her how I felt, and yelled at her about Matt a bit. Oh crap, that probably wasn't a good idea.

"Nothing, nothing," Matt shrugged. "But, she kinda told me something about you. She doesn't know I'd tell you, but....we're brothers, so I must."

"What....what did she say?" I asked nervously.

"That you creep her out."

I shifted away from Matt, and he brought his arm back to his side. "Why would she say that?" I asked, my voice cracking a bit.

"Who knows? But, dude, you have to move on."

I felt something inside of me I never felt before. Holly thinks I'm creeping her out? I can't even understand this. I barely ever touched her or anything. I kept my distance.

"And Shane, like really, sometimes I can hear you crying in your room at night. Like, you can't cry over a girl, dude. It's kind of pathetic."

I could feel my insides boiling as I gritted my teeth. That fvcing asshole, I'm not crying over Holly! He doesn't know anything about me, that prick. My hair fell in my eyes, and I clenched my fists as I mentally calmed myself down. "So, what, are you two together now?"

Matt shrugged. "Who knows? That heavy hookup session we just had was pretty hot, though. I wouldn't say I don't have a chance."

Hookup session? I shut my eyes, letting my hair cover my face as a curtain to hide myself from my brother so he couldn't see how upset I was. I wasn't jealous...well....that was hard to avoid, but I was just....confused. I knew Holly and Matt have been going behind everybody's backs and fooling around, but I thought it was just a minor thing. I guess I was wrong.

I sighed, my voice shaky. "O-Okay," I mumbled, and got off the couch. I hate him.

"Wait, Shane," Matt said, and I thought he was going to say something like 'Just Kidding'. I turned around, slightly hopeful as I looked at my brother.

"I'm going out tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "You're not going to the Carnival thing?"

He grimaced. "No. I'm going to a friend's."

"Really, what friend?"

"Does it really matter? I'm not like you, I actually have friends. I'm actually liked by people." The way he looked at me when he said that made me clench my fists as I looked at him. Because I knew just what he meant by the way he said the last part.

"You're a fvcking asshole," I hissed. My brother just shrugged, and I stormed away, walking up to my room.

I paced back and forth, feeling my breathing quicken and myself shaking. I was so pissed. I knew Matt was....GOD. He's treating this whole thing with Holly like a game, a competition. This isn't supposed to be a game! Holly's not some prize you win when you knock all the bottles over or something. She's worth so much more than that, but obviously Matt can't see that. Matt's enjoying this just as much as I'm hating it.

I felt my eyes stinging as tears started to build up in the corners. UGH, I wiped at them furiously. Why the fvck am I crying? Jesus Christ, I really am a faggot.

I looked at my phone, which was sitting on my bed, and I grabbed it. Taking deep breaths, I finally calmed down. I shook it off, and dialled Holly's number, acting like nothing happened.

We needed to talk. Seriously.







After Shane called me, I spent the rest of the day just being a happy ol' troll. Shane, Ally and I are going to the Carnival. Actually, Jace is supposed to be coming with us, too. He and Ally are supposedly getting a little more serious, and so she asked if he could join us. I think this would be a good idea, since I've barely met him before, and he could keep Ally from third-wheeling with Shane and I. The four of us, not including Matt. This is a good thing, because tonight could be my chance to be with Shane instead of Matt.

It was 3:45 in the afternoon, and any minute Ally was going to be walking in the door. I told her to come early so we could get ready together and maybe talk about how miserable my life is.

Just because I felt like it, I started blasting Asking Alexandria, playing it so loud the room was vibrating. Man, I love Danny Worsnop.

I decided to clean my room a bit, making my bed and smoothing it out. I can't feel comforatable in my room unless my bed is made. Weirdo things.





'Reckless and Relentless' blared throughout the room, and I couldn't help but head bang a little. Oh my god, I'm head banging. It's just that, this song is so true. The first verse of the song king of says it all. It makes me sad, knowing that my music is dying apparently. I mean, metal and rock and whatnot used to be 'THE SHIT'. Everyone loved that when the hell did it just stop? What son of a bitch randomly came and said 'stop with this music, and lets all start loving shitty rap music.'

The ONLY rap artist I make exceptions for is Eminem. Only because his songs actually mean things, he doesn't just rap about sex, drugs and fvcking girls. Those three things are basically all rap is about these days.

You know how I know? Because a little bunny named Matthew Lavery likes to blast this shitty ass music while he's in his car. I feel so sorry for Shane.





I decided to open my window, to let the world know how Reckless and Relentless I'm feeling. Ally wanted us to go all Canada Pussy spirit, wearing red and white, with face paint and whatnot. She said she was dying her hair red and white, so that's her choice. I don't know, I was just going to go in shorts and a shirt. Like, I love my country and all but.....

There was loud banging on the door, and I ran to my window to see Ally standing there, with bags in her hands. Oh shit, she did dye her hair! Jesus, one side of her head was red, and the other was pure white. Don't fvcking kill me!

"Ally," I shouted over the music. "Just come up to my room."

"Okay," Ally said, and I heard the door open. I turned the music down a bit as I heard my bestfriend coming up the stairs. When Ally walked in my room, she tossed her bags onto my bed. I'm assuming it's her night stuff, since I offered her to stay the night.

Ally froze in her place and started banging to the music. "Pass me a glass and let's destroy everything in this fucking place!" She sang.


For a moment, as we listened to the song, we just kind of went all cocaine addicts, and just kind of bobbed our heads like complete mental AA heads. It's what we do.

When the song finally ended, Ally collapsed on my bed. "God, I haven't listened to AA in so long."

"Really?" That's kind of a shocker.

"Yeah, I don't know. I haven't been listening to music in a while, so that's pretty much the lowlight of my life."

I shook my head disapprovingly, and Ally smirked at me.

"So...." she began, propping herself up on her elbow. "Shane's coming." She shot me an evil smirk, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah...." I told her, looking at her weirdly. Ally coughed a laugh.

"You excited?" She grinned, fidgeting with her hip piercings. I glanced at them and grimaced a little. I'm sorry but I can't imagine ever piercing my friggin hip bones.

"Stop touching them!" I gasped, terrified. Ally stopped, and started laughing. "And yes," I continued, shrugging. "I am."

"You gonna get it on?" She winked, fixing her fringe bangs.

"Ally, why would you even ask me that?"

"Why not? Holly, you and Shane haven't even kissed yet. You and Matt have been going on and on for a while now."

I sighed, knowing she was right. "Well...." I told her, biting my lip.


"I'm kinda nervous."

"You're're....nervous? To kiss Shane?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Why do I have to kiss him to know how I feel? I already know I like him."

"You're being stupid," Ally muttered. "You're making my precious plan ruined."

"Ally," I whined, feeling frustrated. "I can't explain it properly.'s so much more easier to do....those kind of things with Matt. With Shane, it's different, you know? Shane's different than Matt. He doesn't go around hooking up with girls and forgets about it the next day like Matt. Shane takes this stuff very seriously, and he's so sensitive."

Ally smiled. "Aw."

I blushed, agreeing with her. "Matt Him and I make out, or hook up and shit, and it's like not even a big deal. But with Shane--"

"You feel like it is," she finished for me. I slowly nodded, swallowing.

"Well, maybe that can answer your question!" She exclaimed. "Maybe this is the answer to your problem."

"I don't know," I said uneasily. "I take this stuff seriously, too. But with Matt, I know what he's like, and so I kind of learned to just go along with whatever happens."

"You haven't even kissed Shane yet," she told me again.

"I know. For some reason, I want it to be special. Matt already ruined the definition of precious moments between us, so whatever. There's a part of me who likes doing it whenever, with whatever we got, which is where Matt comes in. But then, Ally, there's another part of me who wants her kisses and moments with someone to be special, and rememberable."

"That's kind of out the window by now, don't you think?" She smirked, a sad glint in her eyes. I sighed.


"Well," she sat up. "Maybe this could be the night where you finally figure out who it's going to be. Matt or Shane?"

"Kill me now, please."

"I can't kill you, yet! Jace will be here any minute and I don't want to be alone!"

I playfully rolled my eyes. You gotta love Ally.


Ally and I were sitting on my front porch as Jace's car parked along the curb. It was a black Mercedes Benz , and even Ally was surprised as she looked at me. I was expecting him to have something like a truck or whatever, but I know Jace is rich. His dad owns this big company or something, and Jace is an only child I think. So, clearly you can see how he can afford this kind of shit. For a while I thought he was a secret Pornstar, but no, it had to be something boring.

"JACE!" Ally squealed as Jace got out of the car. He grinned and waved at us.

"Hey guys," he smirked as he came over to us. Jace was actually really good looking. Like I have mentioned before, he is like Dahvie Vanity and Jayy Von Monroe put together, except he doesn't wear crazy ass stagte makeup. Right now he was in dark purple skinny jeans and a tight black long sleeve that he had rolled up to his elbows, and black Converse. Jace had jet black hair with dark blue streaks in it, and hazel eyes which I have always found really attractive.

He was also wearing eyeliner. FVCK, I love him already.

"Hi Jace," I smiled as I stood up. "You know who I am, right?" I extended my arm, getting a kick out of it.

"No I don't know you at all, Holly." Jace smiled, joking as he shook my hand. I chuckled. He was wearing alot of sex bracelets. I shot a glance over at Ally, who wagged her eyebrows.

"Woah," I said, looking at all the bracelets. There were alot of pink, clear, orange, glittery purple, black and green. I swallowed, and Jace laughed when he saw my reaction.

"Holly would you like one?" He asked in amusement. Ally chuckled.

I shook my head. "No, it's okay. You can let Ally take care of those." Oh god. Jace's eyes lit up when he looked over at Ally. Ally blushed, and flipped me off. I laughed.

"So...." I said, trying to not get nasty images into my head. "Jace, you're okay with Shane coming, right?"

He nodded, smiling. He had a nice smile. Ally put her arm around me. "Everything works out great," she said.

Just then, over at the Laverys, the front door opened and out came Shane. He was wearing regular skinny jeans and a System of a Down T-shirt, with a black sweater. Shane has a lot of black sweaters. He looked over at us, and shut the door behind him.

"Shane!" Ally yelled. "Check out your date!" She nudged Jace, who started laughing.

"Oh my god," Shane said in a girly voice as he approached us. He pretended to check Jace out. "I'm gonna have a fun night, for sure."

Jace rolled his eyes. "Hey Shane." He playfully nudged him. Shane chuckled and turned to me.

"Hey Shane," I smiled, chuckling. Shane's eyes lit up and he grinned.

"Hola," he said. Ally grimaced as her eyes widened.

"Ew, did you just say Hola?" She demanded jokingly, and grabbed Jace's arm. "Lets go, Jace."

Shane and I burst out laughing as we followed the other two to Jace's car. Shane looked at me, and glanced at my shirt. I blushed, knowing how exposed my bra was and pretended to not notice.

"Fear Factory," Shane grinned. I looked up at him.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "I was going to wear an 'I love Canada' t-shirt with a little moose on it, but I figured Fear Factory would be better."

"Obviously. Holly, you figured right," Shane smirked. I chuckled.

"You sure you're okay with coming with us?" I asked nervously. Shane's arm was lightly brushing against mine, and although his skin was layered with a sweater, I still blushed a little.

"Yeah, I go every year," he told me. "Plus, everyone's kinda busy."

I was about to ask what Matt was doing, since I was confused that he wasn't going to the Carnival either, but....I decided not to bring Matt up for a while.

"Well, it's good that you came, Shane. Not just because Ally and Jace are probably going to be sucking face all night."

Shane lightly nudged my arm, and looked over at Ally and Shane, who were actually sucking face at the moment. "We can ditch them."

"Hey!" Ally broke away from Jace, and scowled at Shane. "You're so mean!"

Shane grinned, and touched his heart. "That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me."

Ally tried to look serious, but she broke out in a smile and playfully rolled her eyes. "I know. Okay, lets get in the car."

Jace and Ally got into the front, Jace obviously driving. Shane slid the back door open, and let me slide in first. After Shane came in and closed the door, Jace started the car.

"Do we have to pay for rides?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, you pay for a wristband," I told him. He sighed, nodding.

"Why can't anything be free around here?" He whined, as he started driving down the street. Ally rolled down the window, and I groaned.

"Ally," I snapped, "Please don't sing to the world!"

Ally burst out laughing, and Jace smirked at me through the review mirror. I looked over at Shane, and he just shook his head at Ally.

"Shane, I think I'm actually considering ditching them," I chuckled. Shane smiled.

"You know what?" Ally looked back at me, a playful glint in her eyes. "Jace and I might ditch you guys first."

"No!" I protested.

"Oh yeah, you guys are going to be the ditchees. Right, Jace?"

"As long as we can go on rides," Jace shrugged, flipping his hair. Ally giggled.

Shane was laughing, and ran his fingers through his hair. "If you're going to ditch us, at least come back for the concert."

"Yeah," I exclaimed. "Ally, we need to boo at the sucky bands together!"

"Okay, okay, we'll meet you at the stage later then."

I shrugged, and Shane looked pretty satisfied. "Okay," I said. This could be good for Shane and I to do some bonding together. I really needed to be with him. Just me and him. We needed to sort things out. Looking at Shane's slightly nervous face, I could tell that he knew what was waiting to happen, too.

Ally and Jace were in amongst themselves - Ally going through all of Jace's CD's, and judging them. "Where is all the BOTDF?" She asked in disbelief.

Jace murmured something, and Ally gasped, shaking her head as she kept going through the CD's, finally putting one into the car stereo. In a few seconds "Rebel Love Song" by Black Veil Brides started playing, and Ally started drumming on the dashboard. I feel sorry for Jace. Poor kid.

Jace was shaking his head, trying to hide his amused smirk, and Shane started laughing. I found myself smiling. I know that, although Ally was a retard, and Shane pretended to be terrified of her, I knew that he could handle it.

Shane's arm kept on brushing against mine, and I felt like I was a ticking time bomb. Any second I would be going off in hormones. I looked at him, and my eyes went down to his lips, where he was currently nibbling on his lip ring. He has a habit of doing that...

"AH! I CAN SEE IT!" Ally's shriek literally made me jump out of my seat for a second, and I rolled my eyes at her spazz attack. Ally started bouncing in her seat, and Jace turned into the parking lot. I could already see that the place was a bit packed, and there were a bunch of people hanging around in the lot, talking or whatever. Like really, do they wanna get ran over by us?

Jace had to slow down the car, because we kept driving by people who were in the way, not even noticing. The way alot of people were huddled together as smoke filled the air around them made me realise that we have been invaded by stoners.

"Uh oh," Shane smirked, looking out the window. I chuckled.

"I should ask someone if they got a joint for me," Ally sighed, rolling down the window. Jace snorted as he continued to search for a parking space. Ally groaned at all the loitering stoners, just kind of standing in the middle of where we were supposed to be driving.

"Hey!" Ally yelled out to all the lurking teenagers, "Do you guys wanna get ran over? Move your asses!"

The people started muttering some comments, but eventually moved out of the way. Ally shouted a 'thanks' and Jace sighed in relief as he sped up a bit.

"Ally, you kill me," Jace commented. We finally found a spot, and I gave a little oh-so-enthusiastic 'woo hoo' as Jace finally parked the car. Shane smiled at me.

"Jace, you're like a turtle," Ally muttered, raising an eyebrow. "No, I've seen turtles quicker than you. Hurry up man!"

"I'm sorry, I don't need to ruin my dad's car, alright? I'm already on watch as it is," Jace was saying. I chuckled. Jace turned the car off, and sat back in his seat.

"Thank you, taxi-man Jace," Ally smiled, fluttering her false eyelashes. Jace's cheeks reddened as Ally leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

"AW!" I said from the back, watching the little 5 second show. Shane and I exchanged a look and we both started laughing. Ally glared at me.

"Get out," she ordered, a hint of playfulness in her eyes. Still, we shall leave the freakish love birds alone. I smirked at her, barely catching her little wink as I turned to Shane, undoing my seatbelt.

"Come on Shane," I said dramatically, opening my door. "Lets get the hell out of here." I stepped out of the car, and quickly waved to Jace and Ally.

"I'm with you on that," Shane said, following my lead as he got out of the door. "Thanks, guys."

"BYE SHANE! BYE HOLLY! I LOVE YOU GUYS! USE A CONDOM, BE SAFE!" Ally screamed, waving like a lovesick psychopath. Shane's eyes widened, and he closed the car door. I was literally laughing so hard I could feel my face heating up from all the blood rushing to my cheeks. Although I kind of wanted to smack Ally upside the head for that stupid unnecessary comment, I just ignored it.

Shane didn't, though. I could see the blush creeping to his cheeks. I smiled in 'awe', and walked around the car so I was at his side.

"Wanna go?" I asked, offering my hand. Shane stared down at my palm for a second, unsure of what to do.

I smiled at his hesitation. "You can take my hand if you want, you know."

Shane's eyes lit up as he looked at me. Without a word, his cool hand slowly slipped into mine, and it sent soft tingles up my arm. My eyes shot up to Shane in surprise, and he just gave me a small smile. We started walking through the parking lot, past all the stoners and people hanging around in a place where a bunch of cars should be. Talk about losers.

"Please tell me you like rides as much as I do," I said, as I spotted all the rides. The one that stood out the most was the Ferris Wheel, only because this one was huge, and so insanely tall that a person afraid of heights would probably start crying if they stood in front of it. I wasn't much of a Ferris Wheel person, only because it was so boring, but if Shane was...

"I fvcking love rides," was his amazing answer. I beamed at him, and he chuckled.

"Oh my god, good," I told him. "I mean, if you didn't, I could have still taken you on one against your will."

Shane raised his eyebrows in amusement, and flipped his hair out of his eyes. "Holly, I bet that not even the scariest motherfvcking ride in the world would be scary if I was with you. Seriously."

I grinned. "Oh, I know. I'm just that amazing." You'd think my overly-boosted ego would ruin a moment like this, but it only made Shane's grin grow wider.

When we finally entered the actual park, we got out wristbands and started heading towards the rides. It was a really loud atmosphere, kids yelling as they ran around, music blaring, so much lights, people yelling in microphones....I mean just earlier this morning I was lying in bed reading for crying out loud.

I realised that Shane and I were still holding hands, and if I haven't randomly glanced down at our interlocked fingers, I probably wouldn't have noticed. A part of me was filled with guilt, knowing that just earlier today I was with Matt, doing unmentionable things. I sighed, and Shane glanced over at me.

"Holly, you okay?" Shane asked, and I could feel his fingers loosening a bit, but I gripped on tighter, not wanting to let go.

"Shane, I like holding your hand," I told him, truthfully. I know how shy Shane was, and he probably thought I didn't want to touch him when I sighed. I'm so used to his brother's boosted ego, how Matt's usually the one touching me first, or doing...well....anything first. Here I realised how little I've gotten to know Shane, and I've spent a lot of time with Matt instead.

"What do you want to do first?" Shane asked, looking down at me. I bit my lip, and looked around us. There were alot of games, but games cost money and I didn't want to spend anything just yet. My eyes fell on the lineup to the bumper cars, and I sent Shane a wide grin.

"Bumper Cars?" I asked, chuckling. There were mostly little kids on that ride, but hey, I'm a little kid at heart.

Shane burst out laughing. "Really?"

"Yeah, Shane," I let go of his hand so I could tug at his sweater like a little kid. "It'll be fun! We could beat the shit out of those kids."

Shane looked at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He then glanced over at the lineup to the ride, and shrugged. "Okay, lets go."

"You know you want to," I smirked, wrapping my fingers around his arm as I gently pulled him over to the ride. Shane was laughing, and I found myself smiling at his laugh. It was so contagious and cute.

"Holly, we'll destroy them kids," Shane muttered, and I nodded in excitement. Once we got to the line, I was mentally bouncing in happiness. My first ride of the year, the Bumper Cars. There was a family in front of us - a couple and two little kids, who all looked at us a bit strangely.

Shane smirked as he looked down at the little brown-haired boy, who was licking an oversized lollipop. The boy looked up at him, confused.

"You're too big to go on rides," the boy exclaimed, looking up at Shane as if he were a big giant. Shane pretended to look offended, and he hunched his back so he could get lower to the boy's level.

"You're never too big for rides," Shane told the kid, "That is, unless you're freakishly obese."

"What's obese?" The boy raised his eyebrows.

"Really, really fat."

"Ohhhh," the kid's blue eyes sparkled as he tugged on his mother's top. "My mommy's obese!"

"Tommy," his mother shrieked, looking down at him disapprovingly. She looked at Shane, who pretended he didn't know what was going on. I tried to hold in a laugh.

A little girl who looked similar to Tommy - probably his sister or something, grimaced at Shane. Her short hair fell in little cute ringlets, and she was wearing a pink sweater.

"Why do you have a circle in your lip?" She asked. Shane blinked, probably fearing being attacked by little kids.

"Uh.....because I--"

"He's a bad boy," I told the girl sweetly. "He doesn't listen to his mommy."

The little girl gasped, and her mother smirked at me as her daughter pointed at Shane. "You're bad! Bad! Bad!" The girl frowned. I snorted at how terrified she looked.

Shane sighed in defeat, and shook his head. "I am."

"Brianna, stop bugging the nice kids," the mother scolded, sending us an apologetic smile. "Sorry about them."

"It's fine," I smiled at her. Shane and Tommy seemed to be having some kind of staring contest. Tommy narrowed his eyes, and Shane just looked freaked out.

"You're scary," Tommy commented, glaring up at Shane as he licked his lollipop.

"You are," Shane said stubbornly, his eyes playful.



"I'm cute and little. You're scary and huge!"

"Are you calling me fat?" Shane's eyes widened as he stared down at the kid. Tommy grinned.

"I'm going to bump into your car," Tommy said. "You're going to get it."

"Oh no. Holly," Shane looked at me, pretending to be scared. "Save me."

I grinned, enjoying the show. Tommy may be cute and little, but he was pretty intimidating for a kid. The people in front of us moved up as the line started to move. Shane looked at me, his eyes wide.

"Holly, stay close to me okay?" He muttered, glancing at the kids. I smiled at him.

"Don't worry," I assured him. "We could even go in the same car if you want."

His eyes lit up, and he sighed in relief. "Okay, do you want to drive?"

"You know us females can't drive," I joked, poking him. "I'll leave it all to you, Shane."

"I'm scared." He stiffened as Tommy sent him another challenging glare. I laughed, and reached for Shane's hand.

"We'll be unstoppable," I said, interlocking our fingers. "Those kids won't know what hit them."

Shane smiled, and looked down at our hands. "Okay, I'll take your word for it."


When it was finally our turn to go on, Shane hesitated as he held on to the railing. "Um, yeah maybe we shouldn't--"

"Come on," I grabbed his arm and pulled him to a purple Bumper Car just chilling in the corner. Kids were yelling as they all ran to their cars, and I felt slightly relieved as I saw a few people around our age joining in too.

"I'm not gonna fit in that car," Shane said in disbelief, staring down at the car. "That thing's tiny."

I smirked at him before slipping into the car, my knees almost up to my chins as I sat. "Oh lord."

Shane was laughing at me, clutching his stomach for a moment before he struggled to get in the car. Suddenly the both of us were in hysterics, laughing our retarded asses off as Shane tried to get into the car. He finally got in, and as he tried to get comforatable, I searched for the little seat belt.

"Oh my fvcking god," Shane muttered, shaking his head as he looked at the way we were sitting in the car. I felt like we were giants trying to sit in little baby cars, and I could see Shane was going to have some difficulty trying to control the wheel while his knees were basically up to his chin.

"We're cool, Shane," I patted his arm as he looked at me. His face was slightly red from laughing, and he shook his head.

"That, we are," he replied. "Do I have to wear the seatbelt?"

"Of course you do, safety first!" I told him. Shane groaned and put the seatbelt on, his eyes flashing with shock when the thing actually fit.

"ALRIGHT!" Some guy on a microphone yelled out, startling the crap out of me. "ARE YOU READY?!"

"YEAHHHH!" Everybody but Shane yelled. He just grunted.

"No," he muttered. I chuckled.


"No, please."

"GET SET...."

Shane and I exchanged a look, and we both burst out laughing.


Suddenly, the cars came to life, and everybody started driving them, crashing into each other. Shane's eyes widened in panic.

"Oh god, oh god," he gasped, putting his hands on the wheel and attempting to drive. I was still too busy laughing.

Shane was a crazy driver. Jesus christ, he was driving around like we were in a car chase or something. Well, considering the fact that most of the kids were coming after us....yeah, it's one hell of a car chase.

"Shane!" I screamed in laughter, looking over my shoulder at the kids who had this sinister looks on their faces as they drove after us. I could clearly make out Tommy's face, his eyes locked right onto Shane, who was spinning the wheel like there was no tomorrow. The car was going crazy as we avoided crashing cars and made our ninja way around everyone.

"Shane, Shane," I said, pointing to a loner who was just chilling in his car. He looked a little confused, and I smiled evilly. "Get him."

Shane started laughing like an evil psycho as the car started driving towards the loner in the green Bumper Car. I was laughing like a crazy hyena.

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN SUCKA!" Shane shrieked, and I braced myself as we slammed the car into the kid, the sharp bump making my head slam against my seat.

Ignoring the pain, Shane and I high-fived, and he drove away pretending nothing happened. "Oh yes!" He shouted. I looked over my shoulder, watching as a bunch of other cars went crashing into the loner guy. Poor him....NOT.

"SHANE WATCH OUT!" I cried as a purple and blue car came flying towards us. Shane's eyes widened as cars started coming to us from every direction.

"Oh fvcking no," Shane said in horror. There was no way we'd be able to drive out of this one. I shut my eyes and held on tightly to Shane, feeling the adrenaline run through my veins.

"We're gonna die!" I yelled. Shane held on to me as probably around six cars slammed into us at the same time, caushing the sharp pain to ride up my back. Talk about motherfvcking OUCH!

"Oh shit," I muttered, and glared at all the kids who were laughing. "You sons of bitches."

The kids all drove away, and I shook my head disapprovingly. "Stupid kids."

"I think they have a death wish," Shane shrugged. I looked at him, and he caught my gaze and smiled at me.

Suddenly, someone crashed into us from behind, and I groaned in annoyance as my head whipped around to look at who it was. Tommy.

"GOT YOU!" He sneered, sticking a little tongue out at Shane and driving away. Shane gasped in disbelief.

"That little shit!" Shane cried, and narrowed his eyes as he slammed onto the gas and started driving after Tommy. I know we should be going easy on Tommy, since he was just a small kid, but....really....I don't care. He can go cry to his obese mother.

"Finish him," I said in an evil voice, slitting my eyes at the back of Tommy's head. Shane let out a loud clown laugh before crashing into the back of Tommy's blue car. Tommy almost flew out of his seat, and he grunted.

"HA HA HA!" Shane cried in a high-pitched voice. "GOT YOU!"

Tommy looked at us, and Shane and I stuck out tongues out. Tommy didn't look upset at all, he just looked....defeated. Mwuahaha!

"Shane, we're just soo-- OOUUUMMFFF!" My head fell back onto my seat as Shane and I just got rammed from the back again. Oh my god.

"OW!" Shane complained, and Tommy started laughing. I rubbed my head, grimacing.

"ALRIGHT KIDS, TIME IS UP," the microphone guy announced. Thank the lord! Shane and I were out of there like lightning, getting out of the bumper car arena as fast as we could.

"Oh my god," I said when Shane and I were well away from the Bumper Cars. "That was brutal."

Shane looked at me, and his head fell back as he started laughing again. I joined him, ignoring the people who gave us weird looks as they walked by. Shane and I were probably laughing for about two minutes before we calmed down.

"That was hilarious," Shane cried.

"I know," I grinned, tugging onto his sweater. "What next?"


Shane and I did a whole bunch of rides, probably doing almost everyone here at the carnival. We became more and more pumped and excited after every ride, and the next was just a whole other new reason to laugh at. We bumped into Ally and Jace about several times, and they went on alot of rides with us. This was a really fun day, and I swear I haven't laughed so much in just a few hours, and I never realised how much I loved being with Shane. The two of us laughed at everything basically, and there was a point where we actually had to stop walking so we could burst out laughing for another whole minute before continuing to walk. I almost forgot about all my problems, and everything that was going on.

But at the back of my mind, I knew that sometime tonight we'd have to talk about this. I checked my phone to see it was almost 8:00, and the concerts were probably going on by now. Ally and Jace told us they forgot all the blankets and everything in the car and were too lazy to get them, so we'd have to rough it on the grass if we wanted to watch the shows.

I clutched on tightly to the pop Shane bought me, and felt the air starting to get a little chilly. The ride lights were coming on since it was starting to get dark, and everything looked so pretty.

"Wanna go watch the sucky shows?" I smiled up at Shane. He looked down at me, and a small blush crept onto his face.

"Okay." He said. I leaned into him as we walked, and felt Shane's arm slide around my waist. I never really got to feel Shane's arm around me, or him touching me at all really. This was a new thing to me. And I liked it.

Shane's fingers brushed my hip as he had his arm around me, and I tried to ignore the small tingling sensation he was giving me. But hey, this could be happening with any guy, right? If any hot guy was to have his arm around you, it would be hard to not react. Still, this was a pretty good feeling.

We made some ninja-ass short cuts through the carnival until we got to the large field where the stage was. There was already some random band playing, and alot of people were already settled on the grass on blankets and whatnot. It was mostly couples just making out. The band was pretty sick though -- they had a somewhat metal sound to them, and they were really loud. I smiled.

Shane was the first to sit, sighing as he hit the ground. He looked at me, and sprawled on his back. "That was alot of walking today."

"I agree," I said, joining him on the ground. I remained sitting up, and I looked down at Shane as he put his arms behind his head.

"Holly," Shane said, his hair falling in his eyes. "Thanks for letting me come out with you tonight."

I smiled, feeling my face heat up a bit. "No problem, I had a lot of fun." I put my hand on his stomach, feeling it rise and fall from underneath my palm.

"Me too," Shane said, his hand wrapping around the hand I had on his stomach. I couldn't help but notice how much gentler Shane was with me than his brother. Everytime he touched me, it always seemed as he was afraid he would break me. As if I were fragile. Nobody has ever treated me like that before. All the guys I've ever 'been with' almost treated me like I was a guy, being somewhat rough. The way I carry myself, so strong and confident, is how alot of people treat me. But just because a muffin looks burnt and hard on the outside, doesn't mean it isn't gooey and uncooked on the inside.

My eyes searched Shane's face, his ice blue eyes that were faintly covered by black hair. His high cheekbones I never noticed before, and a firm jaw I wanted to run my fingers along. My eyes trailed down to his lips, which were full and pink, also nibbling on his silver lip ring again. Good thing Shane didn't notice me staring at him like that....jesus christ. He was looking at the sky, his chest heaving a bit unevenly under my hand.

The slut part of me wanted to say 'Screw the concert, screw Ally and Jace, and lets just go back to my place.' I mentally bitch-slapped that part of me. I mean, god, yes I wanted to kiss Shane. I didn't realise how much I wanted to because we were too busy having fun. I wanted to move the hair away from his face and kiss him. I wanted to see what his lip ring would feel like on my skin. I wanted his arms around me, his hands on me. I want to see Shane come alive as he kisses me. My heart was hammering against my chest as I thought all this, and I actually had to look around me to see if anybody could hear it.

"Holly," Shane said, his voice low and husky. His fingers slid up my arm before wrapping themselves around my bicep, gently tugging as he pulled me towards him. I lowered myself onto the grass beside him, my head resting on his arm, and my hand finding its way to his chest. The two of us were laying on the grass, staring up at the sky as the concerts played in what seemed to be the back of my mind. I felt Shane's fingers in my hair, gently stroking it and subconsciously I snuggled more into him, my head resting on his chest. My stomach was like a professional gymnast, doing flips all over the place.

"Shane?" I asked, closing my eyes. My ear was at his heart, and I could hear his uneven heartbeat. I could listen to Shane's heart forever.

"Yeah?" He gently tangled his fingers in my hair.

I turned my head a little so I could look at him. "Did.....Did you mean what you said? At the cabin?"

I know Shane knew exactly what I was talking about, because I saw his Adam's Apple bob up and down. Shane stared at me for a moment, his hand in my hair freezing in their spot.

"Yes," he finally breathed. "I did."

I felt my heart wanting to explode, and my stomach dipped as I looked at Shane Lavery. "Really?"

Shane slowly nodded. I smiled, and didn't even know what to do. Tingles were coursing through my veins, and I felt like any second I was going to shatter into a million pieces.

Shane loves me?

Shane sat up, and ran his fingers through his hair, making it stick up a bit now. I always found Shane attractive without his hair in his face. I bit my lip as I looked at him, and wanted to know what he was thinking.

"Holly, for twelve years I've been inlove with you, you know that?" Shane asked, seeming a bit surprised himself. My stomach churned, and I started to feel breathless.

"I know," I sighed, swallowing this huge lump in my throat. I still remember when Shane told me.

Shane searched my eyes, and looked down at his lap. I found myself reaching for his hand, and wrapped my fingers around his. Shane looked at me, a bit shocked, and I gave him a warm smile. Then, I took a deep breath and moved closer to him. There was barely any space between us, and my hands slithered up his chest, and found their way to the nape of his neck. I could feel Shane's sweet breath tickle my face, and I saw his beautiful blue eyes darken, which sent shivers down my spine. My fingers tangled in his smooth hair, and he closed his eyes as a low sound came from his throat. My heart was having a seizure.

So close. We were so close, I could feel his lips barely brush mine. My heart was hammering against my chest, and Shane's fingers brushed my cheek.

This would be the first time I ever kissed Shane Lavery.

"I know what's going to happen," Shane whispered, his lips on the corner of my mouth. I closed my eyes and wanted his lips on mine so bad.

"What's going to happen?" I asked, my voice breathless.

I felt Shane smile, and he moved his lips to my ear. "I think you know," he breathed on my neck, making me shiver. His voice was husky, and I found myself tilting my head sideways for him. Shane kissed me right under the jaw, and I was halfway through taking a sharp ragged breath when Shane's lips shifted and made a trail of fire down my neck. I was shaking. I don't know why I was reacting like this. It's probably because I'm so used to people just getting to the point faster, with no patience. Shane's creating this suspense inside of me, and it's making me want more of him. Now.

Shane kissed my shoulder. "Holly," he said, "You're not a toy to me. You're special, and I want you to know that."

I felt myself freeze in place as Shane brought his face back up to look at me while his fingers stroked my jaw. There was something in this eyes that I couldn't make out, and his gaze fell down to my lips, which were desperately hungry for his.

"Holly," he breathed, his breath fanning my lips. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to kiss you."

"So kiss me." I barely heard myself say that, and Shane looked at me with heavy eyes.

Shane looked hesitant for a second, my grip in his hair tightening as he created tingling sensations on my jaw as he slid his fingers down it to hold my chin. This is it, this is it! I felt like there was a starting fire pulsing through me, and as weird and cannibal-ish as it sounded, I was hungry for Shane.

Shane lips just brushed mine when Ally's annoying voice started ringing in my ears, causing Shane to jerk back.

"GUYS!" Ally was yelling, and when I looked over my shoulder I saw her and Jace running towards us, looking hella scared. "GUYS," she said once more when she reached us, bending over to place her hands on her knees as she was out of breath.

"What?" I snapped, slightly irritated that my bestfriend just had to come at this time. I resisted the urge to touch my lips where I still felt the electrifying tingles from Shane, even though he barely even kissed me. Thanks to Ally.

"We gotta go. Like, now," Ally announced as Jace finally made it over, the slow turtle. "We kind of got kicked out of the park."

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as I stared at Ally in disbelief. Well, actually....I wasn't all that surprised, but I was pretty upset. "What? Why?" I demanded. Shane just rolled his eyes, as if he knew this would happen.

"Well," I saw the insane redness creep onto her face like there was no tomorrow, and Ally glanced at Jace, who also looked a bit embarrassed.

"What?" I snapped.

"Jace and I were kind know.....getting it on in front of the House of Horrors," Ally said, embarrassed. Jace smirked in satisfaction.

Shane and I looked at each other, and I rolled my eyes as I glared daggers at Ally. "Are you joking right now?"

"Nope," Ally grabbed onto my arm, yanking me to my feet. "But we need to go, the popo's out dawg!"

"Oh my god," I hissed, and covered my face as Shane got up to his feet. Ally let out a nervous giggle.

"Kinda funny though, isn't it?" She asked, trying to lighten up the moment. I narrowed my eyes at her. I can't believe she would do that. Like really, The House of Horrors? At least go to a ride nobody even likes you people.

I groaned, and when I felt Shane slip his hand into mine, all that anger suddenly vanished as I looked up at him.

"Well," Shane said to Ally, "You know that they say....YOLO."

"Or fish," I added. Fvck It Shit Happens.

Ally smirked, and held onto Jace's arm, and gave me a nervous look. "Sorry, Holly!" She apologized, frowning.

I shrugged, and sighed in defeat. "No problem. Lets just go before anything else happens." This would happen right when the moment I've been waiting for all day was to literally come true.

We dipped out of the park, Ally and Jace putting hoods over their heads to not be seen by any of the workers. I smirked at them, it being impossible for me to be mad as I watched them be all ninja-like.

"Too funny," I muttered. Shane gave my hand a small squeeze, and I smiled at him.

"Still probably the best night of my Summer so far," Shane shrugged. I felt myself blush as we walked out to the parking lot. The smell of marijuana filled my nostrils, and I blinked as I took in the bitter smell. Ally and I smoke weed alot, actually. It's not like we're potheads, but when we're with people who just so happen to have a joint with them, we say FISH and just smoke some. But right now, I wasn't in a pot mood.

"I'm sorry we got interuppted," I said shyly to Shane, smirking. Shane grinned at me.

"Don't worry," he told me. "Maybe it wasn't the right time, anyway."

I wanted it to be

! I wanted to scream, but instead I pursed my lips into a thin line. Now I'm gonna have to suffer wondering what it would have been like. I took in the sudden coolness of the air, and I found my teeth starting to chatter a bit. Oh no. Should have worn a sweater, dumb bitch.

Suddenly, I felt the weight of a hoodie wrap around me, and when I looked up, I saw Shane was in just his T-shirt. He gave me his sweater! Gah, no guy has ever done that to me before!

"Thanks," I breathed, my cheeks flushed. Shane smiled, and I slipped my arms through the big sleeves. I could smell Shane's scent rubbing off from his sweater. It was a warm scent, all natural and just Shane, with just the small hint of smoke. Shane doesn't wear cologne all the time, I think it's because it irritates him.

When we all got to Jace's car, we got in, Shane and I in the back again while Ally and Jace were in the front. Ally and Jace were laughing about something.

"Holly, am I still staying the night at yours?" Ally asked, giving me the puppy dog face. I smiled.


"Okay good. Jace and I might stay in his car a little longer, if you don't mind," she winked, and my eyes widened. Her hair was slightly ruffled, and I couldn't really tell because of the darkness, but I think her shirt was also inside out.

"What," I muttered, "The House of Horrors wasn't enough?"

"Nothing's enough for me," Ally said as a matter-of-factly. Jace shrugged, agreeing as he started the car.

When the vehicle started moving, I rested my head against the seat, thinking over everything. Shane and I almost kissed. For real. I really wanted him to, and I wonder what would have happened if Ally didn't interupt us. Is this really helping my situation? I almost forgot about Matt the whole night, and I can't help but feel this insane guilt pulse through me. Not because I was with Shane after being with Matt, but because I was with Matt before Shane.

Ally told me to find the one who makes me the better person. What exactly does that mean?

When I'm with Matt, other than all the making out we do, I have alot of fun with him. Matt's fun, and although we argue alot, I can handle that. Matt's immature, and he's like a child sometimes, well.... a horny child. The thing is, we can't ever really hold a real conversation without any sort of touching.

Shane may be really shy and unconfident about alot of things, but there is still a young boy trapped inside just dying to come out. I learned that tonight. The whole thing with the Bumper Cars and all the rides, I never seen Shane so happy. I know that Shane really is a great guy, who does want to have a lot of fun, but just needs to be with the right people. Everytime Shane touches me, it's almost as if I'm a rare artifact in a museum with a big sign that says 'DO NOT TOUCH', and as much as he wants to touch me, he hesitates because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

Is this because of what Matt told him? Shane said that his brother told him that I said that Shane creeps me out. I don't want Shane to think that at all, because that is nothing close to being true. And what the hell is up Matt's ass for lying to Shane like that? What's that boy trying to do?

I snapped back to precious reality when the car came to a slow stop, and I blinked when I realised we were at my house already, the car parked along the curb at the sidewalk.

"Holly, I'll be there in a few minutes," Ally said. I nodded, allowing her to do whatever and got out of the car, Shane following suit.

Knowing Ally and Jace were going to be....busy, and not paying attention, Shane and I walked up the walkway to my lawn. I came to a slow stop, and turned to him, realising I was still wearing his sweater.

When I was about to slip it off, Shane touched my arm. "You can just give it back to me tomorrow," he smirked. It was still chilly out, and I might come outside with Ally later to watch the fireworks.

"Thanks," I gave him a shy smile. What the hell is this? Why am I being so ickly shy? Ugh.

Shane looked down at me, his eyes looking a bit sad as the skin between his eyebrows wrinkled.

"Holly," he said, his voice low. "I meant every word I said at the cabin. Every word."

My eyes searched his face, looking at how the moonlight seemed to highlight his cheekbones. I looked at his blue eyes, the way they were piercing through mine with such passion it almost took the breath right out of me.

"Show me that you meant every word," I said, my voice almost gone as I became dazed. "Prove it."

Shane raised an eyebrow for a second, stunned, and then his lips stretched into a small smile. "Really? You want me to?"

I nodded. "Yes, Shane." I need you to. I need someone to prove it.

Shane took in a deep breath, and put his hands in his pockets. "Goodnight, Holly."

My eyes widened for a second, and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Uh, goodnight." Then, a smile crept onto my lips. "I had a really fun time tonight."

"Me too," he breathed, and took a step back. "See ya."

I blinked, and watched him turn his back to me and start walking down the drive way. I gaped for a second, before sighing as I turned towards the door. Okay, I did not expect that to happen. I couldn't help the frown that seemed to intrude my face, and I swallowed that huge lump in my throat.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye someone gripped onto my arm and spun me around to face them. I didn't even have time to go over what was happening when Shane's lips crashed down to mine. And the world went missing. Every thought flew out of my head because his lips were on mine and the only space in my brain was filled with sensation.

Shane's body was molded against mine, his arms around me as if he was never willing to let me go. I tangled my hands in his hair, and let his mouth take over my world. When his tongue traced the seam of my lip, I gasped, which he took the opportunity to dart his tongue into my mouth, driving me crazy. When Shane kissed me, I didn't feel rushed. I felt like we had all the time in the world.

Our lips moved in sync, and our tongues danced and wrestled as Shane's hands slid up my back to tangle his hands in my hair. I gently bit down on Shane's lip ring, earning a low hungry growl from the back of his throat, which made me smile. I don't know how long this went on, but when Shane's lips shifted and trailed down to my neck, I realised I was literally out of breath. Shane's teeth brushed against my pulse as his grip in my hair tightened, pulling me closer to him, and a pleasured sound emerged from my throat, yanking on his hair to bring his mouth back to mine. When his lips crashed back down to mine, all the sensation was almost magnified, all my ending nerves touched with a jolt of electricity that sent me spiralling into a world of Shane.

Unfortunately, that world of Shane didn't last much longer, and when Shane tore his lips away from mine, we were both breathless. My hands were on his chest, and I could feel his quickened heafrtbeat, hammering underneath my palms.

Shane smiled, his eyes dark and his lips a bit swollen. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this," he whispered, his fingers brushing my jaw. "I think my whole life has just been made."

I felt like my breath was knocked out of me as I stared at Shane, my face hot. I didn't want him to leave.

"Bye, Holly," Shane said huskily, letting go of my face. "Happy Canada Day." His eyes sparkled as he smirked at me before turning his back at me to walk down the driveway. For real, this time. I stood there, waiting for him to turn around and come after me again, but as I watched him cross over to his house, I sighed.

Holy Mother Fvcking Shit.

I pulled Shane's sweater tighter around me, taking in all that was Shane, and nearly stumbled into the house, dazed from what just happened. Shane finally kissed me.

And It was absolutely fvcking amazing. Just the way it was.




I finally did it. I finally kissed Holly, after waiting for twelve fvcking years. And I felt like my life point has been made. If I were to somehow get killed by some kind of serial killer at this moment, I'd die a seriously happy motherfvcker.

I couldn't help but grin as I practically skipped into the house, and I wanted to scream. I finally built the guts to kiss her, and I did it. I DID IT.

For some reason, I started laughing as I leaned against the wall in the foyer, burrying my face in my hands. I just couldn't even believe this actually happened. At this moment, at this very minute, I didn't care if she was trying to decide between Matt and I. Well, I did....but all that mattered was that I finally did what I've been dreaming to do ever since I was six years old.

The way her silky hair felt between my fingers, her body against mine, the way she nibbled on my lip ring. My fingers went up to touch the metal, and I suddenly felt like a lovesick puppy. I knew something good would happen with this lip ring. I grinned.

I know the kiss wasn't the best, but there was this tingling alarm pulsing through me that if I didn't stop, I probably would have thrown her over my shoulder cave-man style and took her away. Not very gentleman-like. Plus, that kiss was enough to set me off for the rest of my life.

I saw the kitchen light turn on, and in the blink of an eye my brother was standing in the kitchen doorway, an amused expression on his face. I glared at him.

"What?" I snapped, scowling.

Matt smirked. "Have fun with Holly?"

"Duh." I wasn't about to go into detail with him, he would forever make fun of me and my girlyness.

"Are you going to forget about her yet?" Matt asked, crossing his arms as his eyes narrowed to slits. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you?" I asked, my voice still sounding a bit hoarse from the kiss. I quickly cleared my throat, and Matt's eyes widened.

Matt and I stood there, glaring at each other. Matt's eyes were flaming at me, and I fought the urge to punch him in the face.

"Matt," I muttered, "Please don't do this."

"Do what?"

I gritted my teeth. "Holly isn't a chew toy. Save your fvcking games for your stupid fvcking slut bags, alright? You can get any girl you want, why do you have to mess with the one girl that I---" I stopped myself short, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit as I looked away.

"Are you jealous Shaney Boy?" Matt asked, touching his heart. "Does little Shaney Boy have a thing for Holly? Does Shaney Boy looovvveee her?"

I felt my face heat up as I clenched my fists. My brother's such a prick.

"Shut up," I muttered, scowling at him.

Matt grinned. "I'm sorry to break it to you, broseph, but it's going to be difficult wanting something that I want, and intend to get."

"You don't even--"

"How would you know?" He demanded.

"Because you don't love anybody, Matt!" I snapped. "You're a fvcking heartless asshole who only cares about himself!"

My brother stiffened, and his eyes widened as he looked at me. I blinked, still glaring at him. Matt's green eyes pierced through my blue ones, and his lip twitched. I swear I saw him frown for a split second before his usual cocky smirk came back to his stupid face.

"You don't know that," was all he said before he turned around and walked away. I just stood there, rolling my eyes at the carpet. Seriously, that carpet was so fvcking ugly. I shook my head, and darted to my room, expecting to finally get some good sleep.

But all I could think about was Holly. And my heart clenched knowing that once Matt puts himself in the game, he immediately becomes the best player.




Sorry for the wait! :O

The story's almost....almost done guys! Maybe a few more chapters to goooo. I'm even undecided on what team I'm on, which is bad because I need to get my act together and CHOOSE.

vote/comment/like/fan <3

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