Find The Balance

By Forceghostlissa

10.6K 360 66

A/N hey guys if you haven't checked out this story yet there is a newer version called a Fallen Knight it's b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Untitled Part 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick announcement
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

502 19 4
By Forceghostlissa

** Hey everyone, the ride continues!! Huge shout out to @ElleRen31 for being amazingly sweet, and being  the first to read and a comment on my story. You're the best thank you for the inspiration. If you guys haven't read her work its amazing check it out!! Have an awesome day and hope you love this chapter!!

Finn POV

"General!! General!!" Fin raced down the hall to where Leia and Poe were standing. It had been over twelve hours since he had last heard from Rey and she should have been here by now.

"General......." He was out of breath. He had nearly ripped the printer from the wall as it had spit out the last known coordinates of the Falcon, before he had rushed off the find the General. "We traced the last signal from Rey, she was just outside the Dagobah system before we lost the her, we need to go find her she's probably hurt."

"Well, that region is known to have junkers, perhaps she was delayed" even as Leia spoke she knew that wasn't at all what had happened. "Let's not jump to conclusions Finn"

"I can't just sit here and wait to see if she's all right" Finn nearly shouted, "It's been twelve hours General, you and I both know she could have handled junkers, this was someone else, it was him"

"Finn" Poe reached for Finns shoulder "We don't know that, it's been months since anyone has heard from Kylo Ren or the First Order, for all we know after Snoke died they ran off with like little jawas"

"Poe could be right Finn" Leia wanted desperately to avoid any more confrontation with the First Order, they had only just begun to rebuild their troops, but still, more needed to be done.

"Look General" Finn had made up his mind. He wasn't about to let his best friend be killed by that monster. He knew how terrible the First Order was to their prisoners, especially those who were deemed traitors or members of the resistance. "I can't sit here and wait. At least let me take a small ship to go and check. She could be hurt and floating in space for all we know"

"Finn..." Leia sighed, she looked at him and realized there was no stopping him, he would go with or without her permission. "Fine but you are not flying anything, the last thing we need is you to try to play hero again and fly a ship into something, take Poe with you" she nodded to Poe who until now had remained silent.

"Thank you general, I swear I will find her" He turned to leave and glanced back at Poe, "You coming buddy?"

"Of course" a wide grin spread across Poe's face

"Poe?" General Leia looked at him sternly "Do not blow anything up" Poe only smiled brightly in return.

"No promises" He winked and took off to follow Fin.

Leia POV

The tracker that had been place inside the Falcon, merely so the Leia would always know where Han was, had been a lot more useful in this instance than previous ones. Han had usually been late but, he always came back to her. She smiled at the thought of her late husband. She missed him terribly. As always, the grief resurfaced when she thought of her family. She had tried so hard and yet not hard enough to help her son. As a child he was always so happy and carefree, she never imagined that he would become one of the most sinister beings in the galaxy. It was as if her family was cursed. First her own mother was murdered by her father and then her husband by her son. While Leia never knew Padme or even Anakin, she did know that they loved each other so deeply that it should have lasted beyond a lifetime. The dark side of the force was just too tempting and perfect at seducing her family into its corruption and evil. She knew that there was still some light left in Ben. She had felt it in him when he had tried to destroy her ship. He couldn't pull the trigger. That didn't, however, stop and another in his squad from doing so. Even Rey had felt it. She had told Leia what happened in the Throne room and Leia had prayed that Ben would come home, but months had passed, and it was as if he and the First Order just faded away. Leia knew that this illusion of peace was bound to end soon, and the thought left her always on edge. As the General of the resistance she had so many people counting on her that if Ben couldn't be saved she would once again have to choose her job over her family. Her eyes teared at the thought. Her family was almost completely gone. Even Rey who she had come to love as a daughter was missing and there really wasn't anything she could do at this point but to pray that both Rey and Ben would be found safe.

Kylo POV.

It had been nearly two days since Kylo had felt Rey through the force and he was beyond reason at this point. He knew she would hate seeing him like this, but he couldn't allow the pain to destroy him, he had to find her. He allowed the anger and fear to consume him to the point where he no longer even slept. Anytime he closed his eyes he saw her lying face down in a pool of her own blood while he was helpless to stop the bleeding. He felt her life force slip away just before he would jolt awake and feel the rage all over again.

"Next" he growled at the storm trooper who was gasping in front of him. Kylo had taken to the training room in an effort to distract him from the pain. He had started with only 15 or so troopers. They, however, had proved completely useless and he was nearly through the entire battalion at this point. The medical ward must have been having a field day with all the limbs needing reattachment along with the saber burns.

He glared at the remaining storm troopers. Though he couldn't see their faces though the dark visor of their helmets he could feel the fear and terror radiating off of them. He smiled wickedly to himself. Yes, he needed this fear to fuel him. It made him stronger.

"Perhaps we could stop mascaraing my troopers" Captain Freyah was standing in the door of the training room.

"Perhaps if you," Kylo pointed his saber directly at her chest. He noticed she flinched ever so slightly. "had re-trained them as I commanded, there would be less of a massacre" He withdrew his saber. The last thing he needed was to start a fight with the Captain. The men were already useless they didn't need to be brought down further by seeing their commander sliced to pieces.

"General Hux has requested your presence in the communications room" Came Freyah quick reply. Kylo could feel the relief in her as he holstered his weapon.

"Of course he does" Kylo turned to the nearest trooper, "we're not finished, you had better practice while you can" He turned and followed Freyah out of the room. 

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