I Wouldn't Love You Enough...

By raevynnwrites

36.8K 800 195

[COMPLETE] "Please, love me" "No no. I can't Harry. Don't make me do this please." "Why the hell you can't? I... More

1. Just another day.
2. Coffee makes things better
3. She Tastes Good
4. Dont Lie
5. Just friends
6. Carolina
8. She is hiding
9. I never was more sure
10. That night
11. A kiss would make things better
12. Mr. Styles
13. Meet and Greet
14. Momma's boy
15. 1 year later
16. I do ...(part I)
17. I do ...(part II)
18. I still love you
19. Sick
20. Why?
21. I dont know you
22. Lie to me
23. Sober
24. Save me
25. I wouldn't love you enough
26. Love you goodbye
27. Always
28. You and I
29. Home
30. Miracles
31. Unspoken
32. Sorry
33. Truth
34. Stay?
35. Okay
36. Perfect
37. Wouldn't change a thing
38. Big little
39. A Good Visit
40. Oh Anna!

7. Come back to me

806 21 11
By raevynnwrites

☆Anna's POV☆

I am snuggling my head into the pillow trying to get some sleep when I hear the doorbell. I jump at the sound and run to the door to meet the same eyes I have known for long enough. As a smile creeps onto his face I jump into his arms.

"I missed you so much!" I say into his neck.

"Nah babe. I missed you more." He says tightly gripping my waist. "Its difficult to focus on work when all I can think about is you. Remember I told you that you are all I can think about?"

A wide grin spreads across my lips and I hug him tighter. The familiarity of the warmth makes my stomach flip. I look up at him and get off of him.

"...oh shit!" I say as I remember I kept the cake for baking which would be ready a couple of minutes ago. I run to the kitchen to find out that the cake has burnt. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes when I feel his arms gripping my waist, turning me and lifting me up to sit on the counter.

"Hey sweetie," he says softly taking my hand in his large one moving his thumb over my knuckles " you know what? I really like burnt cake." We both burst into giggles. "But you know what I love more than that?"

I feel warmth creeping into me. "What?" I say leaving a shaky breathe.
He brings his face too close to mine. His breathe tingling my skin. His lips ghosting over mine.

"Pizza!!" He says and starts to run around the house. I get down the counter and run behind him. Laughter is the only sound swinging in the house. Me running after him trying to swat him. Suddenly he stops and I bang onto his back.

"I have missed this so much." He says turning around looking straight into my eyes lovingly.

"You were away for only 4 days!" I swat at him. As soon as my hand touches his shoulder he makes swift movements and picks me up onto his shoulder. A loud squeal escapes my mouth.


I wake up panting needing for air. I get of the bed and head to the kitchen to get some glucose pills and water. Sweat covers each part of my body and as I walk towards the kitchen I fall midway. Tears stream down my face when I cant even get myself to get off the floor and get myself some water. I cant make myself up and so I drag my knees close to my chest holding them tightly snuggling my head into them and the tears refuse to stop. My breathe hitches. I bring my face up only to meet those cold blue eyes again. Luke. He is here. What is he doing here?

"You ruined my life!"

"Wouldnt you dare to tell me before?!"

"I wasted my time!"

"Why did you hide this?!"

"You made me fall too deep!"

His voice is cutting through my head.

" You ruined my life!"

"Wouldnt you dare to tell me before?!"

"I wasted my time!"

"Why did you hide this?!"

"You made me fall too deep!"

I scream as my brain cant tolerate anymore. Shutting my ears with both my hands I scream and scream until my voice breaks down and tears start coming down as fast as they did that night.

"Anna?" I hear a voice with thick accent. I dont dare to lift my head up. I cant look upto his cold blue eyes again. Little do I know that this is not his voice and some stranger is in our house. I should look out and protect myself. But here I am. Protecting myself from the mental stress. "You okay?"

The voice is close to me then before. A few moments later I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch at the contact. I finally look up to meet with two blue eyes. Not as cold as his. I instantly recognise the face- Niall.

"I am not going to hurt you. Have some water please." He says softly handing me a glass of water.

"T-thank you." I say after gulping down the whole glass if water. "Can you please b-bring my bag from the room here?"

"Here" he says after handing me the bag. I search for the pink pills Harry bought me. Harry. I want to talk to him. I want him here with me. I need him here with me. I gulp down the pills with more water Niall got me.

"Was there anyone else in the room when you came by?" I ask getting off the floor.

"No. Was someone here?"

"Umm. No." I say walking up to my phone. "I need to call Harry. Have a seat Niall."

He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" His voice full of concern is enough to break me down into tears again. I start sobbing into the phone.

"Anna?! What is wrong?!" He says and I hear some muffled voice behind. "Shut up!" Harry spits at someone.

"When a-are you c-coming back?"

"Tommorrow. I coming home tommorrow. What is wrong Anna?"

"Come soon baby" I say still not recovering from sobs. I hear him take in a deep breathe.

"I am coming right now. Tell me what happened Anna!" He shouts.

"Nothing. Just come back to me Haz. Dont worry. Niall is here."

"What?! Why is he there? Anyways doesnt matter. Tell him to stay the night. I'll be there soon baby. Trust me. I am coming." He says and blows a kiss through the speaker. I hear the same voice behind him again before he hangs up.

"Are you two dating?" Niall speaks as soon as I put the phone down. I shake my head at him.

"He told you to stay here for the night. Why were you here anyways?"

"You would laugh hard if I tell you." He says putting his head down.

"I need some of that right now."

"I came to steal Harry's food."

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