My Billionaire Love (The Bill...

By shru_du

402K 12.8K 257

Ezra Michael Olyphant a ruthless Billionaire who have a bad habit of getting everything he wants. Also He doe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 2

14.5K 453 11
By shru_du

I woke up as the alarm rang it is the fifth day for my shift as it was weekend I was going to be busy from morning and I was told to make my specialty bread by aunt Anette. I walked downstairs and kissed my mother who was making breakfast for me. I sat down and gulped down everything.

I said bye to mom and walked towards the cafe which was roughly ten minutes walk from my house. I got inside as the fresh aroma of coffee hit me. I greeted Aunt Anette and started to bake the breads. It was eight when I was done and I sat the things inside the display cases.

"Table 2" Another waitress who is mom's friend I learned her name was Dona said. "Got it Donna" I said. I walked to the table and almost did a double take when I saw who it was, It was the same man from earlier. But he was dressed in casual and not to mention he looked mouth-wateringly sexy.

But I didn't dwell on it for much long. "What can I get you today?" I asked. "Pancakes with a glass of orange juice." He said not looking up from his news paper. I simply hate those person who don't even have time for food. I mean you should eat comfortably savoring it. "Anything else sir?" I asked. "Nothing"

I huffed as I prepared his plate. What kind of person is he? He didn't have time to talk or eat without sticking his nose in morning paper and it Saturday for god's sake. I took the maple syrup and his plate placed it in front of him. "here is your order sir I will be back with the Juice." I said and he didn't even acknowledged me.

I placed the glass of orange juice in front of him. When The bell chimed signalling the arrival of someone. "Hello Terry what do you want for today?" I asked. " for a pretty girl to notice me of course." He said smiling. Terry is one of the regulars and he was a flirt as told by my mother. He was a store owner down the street and was two years older than me. 

He gave me a rose. I raised my eyebrow in questioning manner. "A small token of my gratitude for the woman, who makes most delicious pancakes in the world." He said. I laughed. "It's on house Terry god will bless you if you can win this girl's heart" Aunt Anette said and I blushed involuntarily.

However not everyone was happy with his this act. I heard a silent tone of disapproval from a very unlikely customer. "Is there any problem sir?" I asked. "Yes I thought you made most delicious pancakes in the world than why am I eating this crap?" He asked. I fumed more at this.

"You know I am not sorry that I ruined your shirt. I am in fact happy that I did so because you are disrespectful, you are rude and you don't thank for the meal that you get or the person who made it with her all heart and soul for you. I think you don't even thank your mother properly." Everyone gasped.

I may have just crossed my limits but he did make me so mad. He stopped and put his fork down. He didn't said anything. I think I should apologize. "I... I am..." He hold out his hand in order to stop me.

 "Whether you are very brave girl or you are really very naive . I n both conditions you should know that you should always look before picking your opponent." He threw some money at the table. Few Thousand dollar bills.

He looked at me sharply. "Keep the change and buy your pathetic self something worthwhile." My anger fueled. I walked up to cash register and took the change. I don't want his tainted money for me. He was walking outside when I decided to follow him.

I walked behind him and followed him up to parking lot. He was walking up to his car an Ashton Martin. Good god he is rich. "Hey buddy" He turned around. I walked up to him. And shoved the money in his hand. He looked at me irritated.

 "What is it now?" he asked. "You forgot your change Sir" I said . "I told you to keep the change and buy yourself something good. So that I don't have to see you next time in those pathetic article you call cloths." He said.

"I really don't want your money or have anything to do with you. You did rejected the pancakes I made and you insulted me in front of whole fucking Diner and you then said I am not decent enough for you? Well you know Mr. Who ever you are. Your Ego is too big for your brain. And I don't do well with the person with such big ego." I said.

He suddenly pulled me to him "Watch out" I felt a car rushed pass me. My anger had fueled down. I was suddenly very much aware of our close proximity.

 "Thank you for saving me" I said. "You should really watch where you are walking or else I wont always be around to save you little one" He stroked my cheek softly.

I pulled back and his expression harden. "You should leave" I said. "I will leave . But I will not leave you this easily Rosa. You owe me still and I will take it back every little thing from you. Starting from now" I frowned at this.

 "Soon I will let you know what I want you to do and you will do it if you want to keep that house and that scholarship you have own to college" He said smirking.

"You will not" I said. "Oh but I will little one. I will you don't know me yet. You don't know Ezra Olyphant is capable of" He pulled me towards him and pushed me on the hood of his car placing his lips on mine. I struggled beneath him. No. I just can't let him.

 I pushed him with all my might and he stumbled back looking at me with wild expression. "I am not your property to kiss or touch or do anything Mr." I said. His eyes harden. He came closer and said "You will be everything have a price . I just don't know yours yet." He left after that. 

Word Count: 1097 words

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