Through the Camera Lens (Dipp...

By vonsphinx

3.9K 153 4

Gravity Falls Fanfic She's the only one left, alone in the forest with nothing but books and her camera to ke... More

The Pines
Perfect Stranger
Doritos Lie
Books, Books, Books
The Key
The Portal
Another World


179 7 1
By vonsphinx

"You have to let me do your makeup!" She exclaimed happily.

"Yeah that's fine"

Dipper was quiet the whole time with his arms crossed, just watching his sister freak out about me getting a date and me standing frozen, staring at the door.

"Come on you have to get ready now" Mabel said, dragging me towards the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The Mystery Shack! You can borrow one of my dresses"

"Wait" I say, getting my arm out of her strong grip. I went back inside and nearly ran into Dipper as he was about to leave. "Dipper I want you to take these books"

"What? But-"

"I don't care what Stanford or my mom told me" I say, grabbing the books I put on the shelf, handing some to Dipper. "I trust you and your sister. Keep an eye on them, do not let anybody else look at them. I don't know what could possibly be so important about them but if Stanford said they were so important then they are"

"Hurry up Em! You don't want to be late for your date" Mabel shouted from outside.

I chuckle at how excited she was and rush out the door, Dipper following behind. In all the rush I forgot to lock the doors. The front door, the basement hatch, and the one that led to that secret room in the basement. I had more on my mind right now.

"Why do you have books? You aren't taking those with you on the date, are you?" Mabel asks, walking beside me.

"No, I'm giving you and Dipper the job of watching them, making sure they stay hidden"

"Awesome! For your date I think we should put you in a green dress, one to match your eyes"

As soon as we made it to the Mystery Shack Mabel took the books from my hands, dropping them on a table, then she pulled me up the stairs to the attic, shouting that nobody else could come up until she said.

Mabel took a dress out of her closet, handing it to me. "Put this on"

I went to the bathroom, put on the dress, then returned to the room where she had a bunch of makeup set out on the table. I sat down on the chair opposite her and she started putting makeup on my face. Then she pinned my hair up in a low bun.

"Done" she said happily 20 minutes later, smiling proudly.

She took a picture of me and showed me what I looked like. The makeup was done lightly around the eyes but she used a red lipstick for my lips.

"Thank you Mabel"

"No problem. Now go see your date! And don't forget to tell me how it goes after"

"I will"

I went downstairs and passed through the living room where the boys were sitting in front of the tv, watching some cartoon. Dipper's eyes widened a bit and both the Stans raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Ford asks me.

"It's just a date" I mumble. "Mabel insisted on doing my makeup"

"Well have fun, and don't do anything you'll regret" Stan tells me.

I roll my eyes. "I know, I can handle myself. I need to go, see you guys"

"Bye" they all said as I walked out the door.

Carter was waiting for me outside the theatre. He took my hand when he saw me and we entered the theatre. The movie we watched was a sci-fi/drama about an epidemic going around, killing people.

"That was interesting" he said when we left, his hand holding mine.

"Yeah, the ending was pretty weird, you'd never expect that everyone dies"

"I saw it coming, it's only natural the human race would be completely wiped out in the end"

I look at him strangely. "Really?"

"Come on, I'll walk you home"

"No, it's too far, I couldn't-"

"I want to, we can talk some more on the way too. I want to learn more about you Emerald"

We talked back and forth the entire time we walked the path to my house. I learned he was in town because his parents had work to do, he was my age and he liked reading.

When my house came into sight something jumped out of the trees and attacked me. I couldn't see what it was because everything was moving so quickly, all I could see was Carter fighting it off before my eyes closed completely, sending me into darkness.

"Em, Em, wake up" a soft voice said.

I groaned and saw Carter's face above mine, a relieved smile on his face. I was laying down on my couch, in my house. It was dark outside, meaning I must've been asleep for a while.

"What happened?"

"Some guy tried to steal our money, but I chased him off"

"Oh, thank you"

"Yeah, but I should go now, since I know you're okay. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Mhmm" I hum.

"Before I go, I want to give you something"

"You just helped me, you don't need to give me anything"

He leaned down and his lips brushed against mine. He kissed me for a second before standing up.

"Thanks" he said with a smirk.

I blinked a couple times but before any words could be said he was out of my house, the door shutting behind him.

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