Then I met him

By some-pampkin

2.8K 226 167

Everything was fine. Then I met him. Samuel dreams about this guy. He doesn't know he's not a dream. --- I w... More

Dictionary Of Concepts
He's Looking
He's Disappointed
He's Scared
He's Writing
He's Right
He's Sad
He's Dreaming
He's Late
He's Reading
He's My Friend
He's Back
He's Having Real Fun
He's Alone
He's Dreampassing
He's Running Away
He's A Wizard Harry
He's High
He's Angry
He's Jealous

He's Late Again?

77 14 14
By some-pampkin

Another day after a whole night of adventures, is it Tuesday already?

No one woke me up today, which was weird since my mom always did that. I got up from my bed and found a note taped on the door to my room. It said:
"Couldn't wake you up. I'm late for work. Love you, Mom <3

Ps. Eat breakfast, it's the most important meal."

"I overslept?!" I tried to get ready for school as quickly as possible, which ment that today I'll go with loose hair.

I walked into my classroom in the middle of second class. The whole class turned around and looked at me surprised.

"Ah, Mr. Seabury decided to finally show up to school." The teacher said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, that never happens to me, I don't know why I overslept this time." I looked down.

"Just sit down, and next time please knock before entering." He said and continued what he was doing before.

I looked around the classroom. Lee wasn't there like yesterday, Alex still ignored me, but I think I spot John looking back at me for a second, before turning to Alex.

I felt even worse than yesterday, I really had to fight myself to stay awake.

It was lunch break, I wasn't hungry so I just sat on the ground in the corridor. I spotted Reynolds, he looked like he hadn't slept well, good. He also spotted me, for a second I was worried that he'll do something to me once again, but he quickly walked away. I guess George's idea worked. I wanted to nap, even if it would be for only a few minutes, so I closed my eyes.

"Sam?" I heard someone call.

What now... I opened my eyes annoyed and saw that John was looking at me worried.

"Are you okay?" I just nodded. "You're really pale... In class I was worried you're going to faint."

"I'm okay, just tired, thanks for asking. " I smiled.

"By the way, you look nice with your hair loose." He smiled and sat next to me. We started to chat about stuff and school until someone interrupted us.

"John, babe, I wanted to ask-" Alex froze mid sentence when he saw me sitting next to John. He made a weird cough noice with his throat and tried to smile, but it looked really awkward. "Saaaaammy-uel, heyyy."

"Hi Alex." I tried to end this awkward moment. "Nice to see you again after, you know. By the way I'm happy for you guys, whole school waited for you two to finally get together."

The silence was awful.

"Sooooooo" He looked around. "We have a nice weather today."

"Indeed, very sunny." I coughed. Nevermind talking is worse.

John looked at us from a side. "Oh, come on." I heard him whisper annoyed to himself.

"Sam, after school we're going out for a coffee with the squad, wanna join us?" He stood between Alex and me, like a father making his kids apologies to themselves.

"Yeah, gladly." I smiled. Maybe things will finally go back to the way they used to be, even if Charles is still mad at me.

"O, and Lee can come along if you want to." He said that with a hint of disgust.

"I don't think he'll want to. We had a fight and now he doesn't want to talk to me." My smile dropped.

"What?! I promise if that stinky coward did anything to you I'll gladly punch him." He didn't look like he was joking.

"No! No, it was my fault, also he'll calm down eventually, at least I hope so."

John tried to chill. The bell rang.

"Okay, see you later." He said and walked away. Alex just waved and walked after him.


After classes I waited outside for John. Coffee was a good idea, maybe I'll finally wake up.

I didn't have to wait long, John walked together with the others. I saw that besides Laf, Hercules and Alex, Burr was also walking with them. I haven't spent much time with him, but he seemed nice.

"Okay, where do we want to go? Starbucks as usual?" John asked everyone.

"Can we go somewhere else? Nous y allons dans presque toutes les fanfictions! I'm tired of that place." Laf whined.

"Maddison recommend that new Cafe that opened up in the summer, he said that it had nice tea and delicious muffins." Said Burr.

After a while of arguing with Alex, because he was always against everyone's idea, we finally decided on going there.

The place was near the school. Outside it looked rather small. In front of the glass door was a sign that said "Raven". Inside it looked much bigger and darker. The walls were purple and black with silhouettes of birds. There wasn't many chairs, because most of them were replaced by couches with many pillows, and a few blankets. There also was a TV on one of the walls. It was rather cozy, even if it looked like a place where goth kids meet up.

We sat in one of the tables and talked. It was nice, I even talked to Alex without all the awkwardness.

"Welcome to the Raven, can I have your order?" The waiter came and said with a young voice. I didn't look at him because I was busy talking with Burr how at the begging we both saw Alex as an annoying kid that always had to argue.

"Lee? I didn't know you have a job, I thought you were fourteen?" Hercules said and I turned around to look at him. And there actually was Charles, with a white shirt and a bowtie.

"I'm actually almost sixteen, and this is my uncle's Cafe, so he sometimes makes me work here."

I stood up and didn't know what to say for a second, I finally had a chance to apologize or say something differently.

"Charles..." I started. I didn't want to screw this. He looked directly at me, but instead the usual smile he gave me a sad look.

"Hey Sammy." He said quietly.

Everything seemed to stop, guys watched us in silence.

What if no matter I say he won't forgive me? What if we never be friends again?

I walked to him and tried to keep it toghetert. "Can we talk? Alone?"

Lee looked at the rest. John just nodded and went back to talking with Alex.

We went to the back. I couldn't take it any longer and I hugged him.

"I'm sorry." I don't know why, but I started to cry. "I know that I stood you up, but I really didn't mean to. You're one of my best friends, and I just noticed how much I care about you."

He put his hands around me and waited for me to calm down.

"I'm moving." He said calmly.


"My parents are divorcing, and moving from here." He sighed. "I didn't mean to act that way, I was just so flustered, because I wanted to talk to you and spend some time toghetert. Then I wanted to apologize, but I thought that if you were mad at me you wouldn't be sad when I left. I didn't know that I'd hurt you that much."

"N-no, you're joking. What about the library? Or the school? What about me? You're just... leaving?" I started to cry again. "You didn't want to tell me about it? You wanted to just disappear one day?"

He hugged me again and let me cry out. We sat on one of the couches in silence.


"I don't know, maybe in a month."


"What about the school?"

"I don't know."


"Will I ever see you again?"

"I- I Don't know."


"Is there a way you could stay?"


"I... Don't know-"


"-But, there might be."

A spark of hope flashed in his eyes.

"Maybe, I can try to convince my parents to let me stay with my uncle!"

I hugged him happy that he's not giving up just yet.

"Well, that would mean that I'd have to work more, but I'm okay with that as long as I can stay with you." He smiled. "Speaking of work, I'll better get back to it, or this won't work."

We walked back to the table. Apparently other waiter already took the order from the others, so Lee went back to the kitchen and just made me a chocolate.

After a while he came back with a long glass with lots of marshmallows and gummy bears, just like I like it.

"See you later Sammy." He winked at me and went back to his work.

I took a sip. It tasted a bit weird, but still very yummy. Maybe that was fruit juice or something, after all I saw him adding a blue liquid in. Maybe that was mint, I could definitely taste it.

We spent in the Cafe a few hours, but then decided to go home because it was getting late. We paid and everyone went their way.

The first thing I did when I went home was jumping on my bed. I was already asleep mid-air.

~1523 words

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