Sex Ain't Better Than Love ?

By NooFakeIshh

332K 5.3K 583


Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Character Info
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? One
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? Two
Sεx Ain't Better Than Love ? 3
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? 4
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Six ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Seven ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Eight ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ Nine ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 11 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 12 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 13 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 14 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 15 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 16 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 17 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 18 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 19 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 20 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 21 ✘
Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 22 ✘

Sex Ain't Better Than Love ? ✘ 1O ✘

12.1K 211 39
By NooFakeIshh

Asia Pov .

Sweet memories, brother sister bond, passionate playful fights, all destroyed in one night . I didn't just sleep with some guy last night I didn't know, I crossed the line between lovers and friends last night . I have to censor some things now that come out my mouth, simple nicknames like Boo, Baby Boy, or simply just Baby can trigger the slightest romantic reaction from him and I don't want anything to popoff between us after this, at least I don't think I do .

My mind has gone half crazy wondering if it was worth it all in the end . The moment I was kissed by both of them I had deeper feelings . I know for sure I'm playing fire just waiting to get burned .

When I woke up the next morning Tremaine wasn't in my bed so at least that made me feel better but then I started to get edgy, what if he woke up that morning and told Forrest what we did, I hope he didn't hear us last night . He's going to be so pissed especially since he knows I know he's feeling me, this shit just can't bet any worse . . I took the bed spread, the sheets, and the covers off the bed and threw them in the washer machine . Times like this just makes me want to clean but I cleaned this whole house already so I decided to go for a jog, I changed into my little outfit and started stretching my limbs in the foyer .

| |

"Where you about to go ?" Tremaine said coming down the stairs

My heart was pounding and I flinched at the sound of his voice "Just for a quick little jog ."

"Iight cool, just give me a minute and I'll join you ." he said going back up to his room

I really didn't mean for this to a two people type thing, I just wanted to go out by myself but I had no choice . I just need to be cool and act like everything is peaches and cream and I'll be fine . . Tremaine came down to the stairs in a black beater top, full black shorts and topped it off with his black Retro Jordans . I don't know what it is but when guys wear black I swear they look good as hell .

We started running up the hill, but every time I turned around Trey was a couple inches in back of me . "What's wrong can't keep up or you just like the view from the back ?" I shot at him

"Nah, you just running too slow I don't want to blow past you ."

"Oh so you saying you can do better ? Show me what you're made of ." I said running a little faster

Trey started running faster to catch up to me, now we were running side by side "I already did that last night ." then started speeding past me

Butterflies in my stomach started acting up once he said that, I started running faster to get past him and he ended up falling behind again .

"Come on Boo, you need to keep up ." I smiled back at him

Damn did I just say Boo ? Shit I'm slipping already, Tremaine told me my mouth was going to get me in trouble one day .

"What are you talking about I was right next to you ." he smiled

"Tremaine I had to wait for you to catch up to me so what are you talking about ."

"Iight guarantee, I'll race you from here to that stop sign up the street ."

"Okay bet, I'll give you some time to catch your breathe ."

"No need, oh shit what's that over there !" he pointed in the other direction and was gone

I smiled "Hey you asshole you cheated ."

I ran up to catch up to him but he was too fast, plus I was laughing as I was running so that slowed me down a bit and Trey ended up beating me .

"That's not fair you cheated, you know I would have won anyway ."

He smiled "Don't worry you're still a winner in my eyes ." he pulled me into a hug and tried kissing my cheek

"Trey no stop, you're all sweaty and dirty !" I smiled nudging him away

"You know I like to get dirty baby, I wouldn't be me if I didn't get a little nasty ."

I broke out in laughter as he pulled me back into a hug and kissed me on the cheek . I sat on the ground under the tree to rest up, Tremaine sat up close behind me and lightly wrapped his arms around my lower back . The butterflies came rushing back .

Tremaine Pov .

"So about last night ." I said

"What about it ?"

I placed my head on her shoulder "That's what I'm askin' you ."

"Can you come correct and ask me a real question ?"

I laughed "Okay then, what did you think about it ."

"It's whatever things happen but Tremaine I swear if you tell anybody especially Forrest I have no problem cutting your dick off in your sleep do you hear me ?" she said looking up at me

"I laughed "Damn I would hate to see what you do to people who really piss you off but you have nothing to worry about baby I won't tell anybody, I'm not the bragging type ."

"Good ." she said

"Sooooo, I ask again how was it ?",

"I don't – I – I can't say really, I just rather not talk about it . . But can I ask you something ?" she said looking up to me again

"Sure baby what's up ?"

"Was last night a mistake or did you really mean to do what we did ?"

"I wouldn't say it was a mistake, not to sound corny but I think it was meant to happen ."

"How do you figure that ?" she asked

"When you know you just can feel it, it was probably going to happen sooner or later anyways but where do we stand with each other now ?"

She smiled "You say first ."

"It's ultimately up to you baby girl, I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do ."

She sighed deeply and thought about it for a while "I don't really know, why ruin a good thing I've ever since we were little I want us to still be great friends, I don't want to lose you ."

"I can still be whatever you want me to be, your friend, your bestfriend, and still put it down on you like a lover ."

"Tremaine when you say that it sounds like you want just sex from me and that's why I feel uncertain about how things are going to go down between us ."

"Asia I would never do you like that you know that, if you want to see where things go with us it's fine by me . Like I said I don't want to make you doing anything you don't want to do, I'm going to be here no matter what if you change your mind ."

"Well I didn't really say no this the idea of it and I didn't say yes to it, it's basically up in the air so whatever happens, happens ." she smiled up at me

Doesn't make much of a difference to me, if she does want anything out of this then that's that . I wasted time when I could have been hooked up with girls but I was being gracious out of respect for her . It's whatever now, the record has been set I'll give it another chance to see if anything changed but if it doesn't I'm going back to old Trey .

"Come on let's get back to the house ." I said getting off the ground and held out my hand for her to grab onto so I could help her up as well .

Asia Pov .

Lord knows how much better I feel clearing the air with Tremaine, I just have to pray he doesn't tell Forrest, period point blank dot come I just don't want anybody to get hurt, I don't want to set myself up to get hurt either . If I play my cards right everything will be fine, if I get dealt some shitty cards then I can't blame nobody but myself . . .

"Alright here we are, damn we finally made it ." Tremaine said walked on to his driveway

"Well I'm going to take a shower, I'll see you inside ." I said walking away

He pulled me back close to him "Woah no need to rush baby, the shower is going to be there when you get inside ."

I wanted to push him off because I knew what was coming but I was weak, our lips met and the butterflies were tearing a hole through my stomach anticipating to bust out . His kiss passed chills through my body, each moment felt deeper than the last .

"Tremaine not in the open like this ." I released

I truly didn't care that we were out in public kissing, I just didn't want Forrest to peek outside and see us .

I went into the house and took a shower but all a sudden I heard loud shouting like him and Forrest were fighting, my paranoia started to kick in . I hopped out the shower with the quickness and changed into something comfortable . When I got into the living room Trey and Forrest were watching the Knicks vs. Miami Heat game on t.v .

"Bruh you can not tell me LeBron James is better than Carmelo Anthony ." Forrest said

"What are you serious LeBron James is the best player in the NBA . Read my lips when I say N O B O D Y can touch LeBron James, Carmelo sucks ." Trey said

"Oh hell no those are fighting words right there ." Forrest said

Tremaine laughed "Okay then Asia, who do you think is better Carmelo or Lebron ?" he asked

"Hell you can't ask her she's a female she don't know anything about this ." Forrest said

"Excuse you but I DO know what I'm talking about . Iight LeBron is pretty much overrated to me, I don't know why everybody is hooked on him, Trey LeBron has ZERO championships rings but who does ? Yeah that's right Carmelo does . But Carmelo is a ball hog and can't compare to the skills of LeBron so hands down the better player is . . . LeBron all day everyday baby ."

"Told you little bruh nobody can touch LeBron !" Trey said in excitement

Ahh men and their sports, so far the night is the going good I just cant leave them alone together .


Come one and all to the Gholson Family Reunion in Petersburg, Virginia on June 2, 2012 starting at 2:00 P.M at Big Momma Rose house. Plenty of food, games, events, and of course family. Don't be late, but then again it's better to be late then to not show up at all. Can't wait to see you there!


Tremaine Pov .

"Ayee Forrest we got some mail from Ma !" I shouted gazing at the colorful letter that came in

"What she say ?"

"It's the annual family reunion in Virginia, you know she's going to want us to fly out there ."

"That's what's up when is it ?"

"Next week but I want to get out there before then so get packed up ."

"Iight, I can't wait to see Uncle Joe . You know he always be buggin' on everybody once he get that Moonshine in his system ." Forrest started snapping his fingers and did a little two step "At the Family Reunion, Who we Introducing, Who we Introducing . Yooo when he does that Wild N' Out skit and call out everybody that always has me dying ." Forrest started laughing

I laughed along too "Yeah man I can't wait to see what his crazy ass does this year ." I said

"Well I'm about to go hit up the gym you wanna come ?" he asked

"Maybe next time, I have some planning to do right now ."

"Iight man I'll catch up with you later then ." he walked out the door

Grabbing a fridge magnet, I stuck a reminder onto the fridge for the family reunion . No matter how many times I tell myself I'll remember something, it usually always slips my mind and I don't remember until the next morning .

Sitting down in front of the television, I flipped through the channels while thinking about this family reunion . I haven't seen some of them since I was a little boy, other around my age became too much for me to handle once my fame began to kick off; I want this day to be full of joyful tears, laughs, cleared air and fresh memories, nothing else . With a sigh I stood up and walked back into the kitchen .

I pulled a clementine out and shut the fridge door, glancing back up . On it was a picture . . . Of Connie and I . How it got up there beats the hell outta me .

It was back in the late 90's, I was a young teenager . I sat on the carpet floor between Connie's leg while she was wearing some jean overalls and braided my wild hair, hers was a fishtail . She looked up at the camera with a wide smile and I sat there making a goofy face .

The memory caused me to smile hard, it seems like just yesterday we were just some kids . . . That was less than a year before I was signed and up and left VA .

Never did I think I'd be losing much more than the place I grew up to . . .

Constance has always been like family, we had her over more than my own cousins and she ate everything she could get her hands on just like a Tucker does . My Mama would love to see how she's doing too. She asks about her a lot and until recently, I haven't been able to tell her anything about Connie .

Although there were some positive, I had to weigh out the negatives too . What if my uncles picked up some beer for the gathering and Connie saw them, taking one way too many, stumbling around my backyard like a toddler learning how to walk ? Or is she gets all clingy and ridiculous like that night ? We're suppose to accept a person flaws and all but I don't think I can get used to that .

She isn't that weak though, Connie would make a fool out of herself like that in front of everybody, especially my mother because she knew when to put somebody in their place; Connie had self control and would be just fine .

I'm not saying that I'm preparing for the worse, but I'm definitely praying for the best .

I dialed her number and placed my cell phone on the kitchen table as I peeled my piece of fruit; she answered on the third ring .

"Hey handsome, what's up ?"

Her voice caused me dimples to pop out . "I'm having a family reunion coming up soon and I wanted to see if you could stop by ."

"When is it ?"

"Next week, short notice I know but think you can make it ?"

"Of course ! I just need to swing by Chanel ."

We spent over an hour on the phone just having small talk .

"Well, I'm back in school to become a psychiatrist ." she said proudly

"Oh word ? Alright then, Dr. Palms, why didn't you tell me ?"

"I went back almost six months ago . . . And I wanted to surprise you once I finish one-year course, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the student banquet ?"

"Only if you come to my family reunion ."

She sucked her teeth "Really Trey ?"

I laughed into the phone, biting into the fruit "I'm just joking baby girl . But forreal, for sure, wouldn't miss it for anything ."

"Are you eating right now ?"

"Yeah, how you know ?"

"Because . . . I just do . I haven't forgotten everything Tremaine ." I heard her voice raise a bit, she did that whenever she was smiling

"Friends are born, not made ."
– Henry Adams

Asia Pov .

"Good afternoon Mr. Neverson, what are you doing smiling over there ?" I asked heading into the kitchen

"Just got this letter from my Mom, were having a family reunion this week and were flying out there ."

"Okay so you want me to hold down the fort for you and make sure everything is in order here while you're gone ?"

"Now why would I want you to do that when you're coming with us ." he smiled

"Cool then when we leaving !" I leaned against the counter and crossed my arms to my chest

"Pretty soon, I'm about to go book some flights ."

"Woah, flights as in airplanes ? Oh helll no, I'll see you guys there I'm driving down I don't do planes boo boo sorry ."

He laughed "Asia I fly all the time it's not that bad ."

"That's you, I like my feet planted firmly on the ground thank you very much ."

"Asia you'll love it trust me, especially in 1st class ."

"I don't give a damn if it was 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class, or no damn class at all I'm not getting on the plane ."

Tremaine laughed at me and hovered his body over mine as I was still leaning against the counter "Baby it's all good, you can even sit next to me if you want to I'll hold your hand all the way down to Virginia if you want me to ."

I smiled "Hmmm, sounds pretty tempting but I don't know ."

"Just don't think about it and you'll be fine, beside I'm going to be right by your side anyways ."

"And what makes you think you can keep me safe ?" I said with as smile as I loosely wrapped my arms around his neck

He slowly licked his lips "Trust is all you need ."

He picked me up and put me on top of the counter "What are you doing !" I said in light girly voice

"You trust me don't you ?" he said with a slight smile

"I do ." I smiled as he kissed my lips

"You sure ?" he kissed me again

"I'm positive ." he kissed me again

The questions stopped and the little kisses turned into fully making out, my smile faded and worry started to set in .

He moved from my lips to my neck, I lightly shoved him off but it did no good "Tremaine, wait, just stop ."

"That's now what I should hear, I think you're confused with Tremaine, no, don't, stop ."

I laughed "Okay you really just blew it, I'm serious now just put me down ."

My cheeks instantly turned red, I'm sure if Tremaine was doing this to another girl she wouldn't have passed him down on sex . But let's just get something straight real quick I'm not that type of girl, I just don't want to go there with him . It's hard as hell not to but when you think about it Tremaine is not my man and I don't think I want to become my man either, that's why things are so complicated for me right now .

| May 23, 2012 |

I said a little prayer before getting on the plane, putting you life in someone else's hands is some scary shit, but it's too late to go back now . Tremaine failed to keep his promise to sit next to me on the plane, he sat by himself with his Dre Head Beat Headphones on while he was messing around on his computer . Forrest instead stepped to the plate, he sat next to me and gladly sure his blanket with me as we flew all the way to Virginia . I scrunched up into a ball while I sat in my seat and rested my head on his shoulder as the hours slowly but surely passed by .

When we finally made it I wanted to kiss the ground so badly, Forrest and Trey went straight to their family's house and dropped me off at my Mom's and I stayed the night there .

"Mommy I missed you so much !" I hugged her tight

"Asia baby I missed you too, does this mean you're coming home to me ?" she asked with her Jamaican accent

"No Ma I told you I cam up for the boys Family Reunion ."

"Oh that's right, how are they, what's been going on with your three ?"

"Oh you know how I do Ma, we're just fine . I love it up there ." I said in a mellow voice while looking at my french tips

"Don't lie to me child, when you lie you can never look me straight in the eye . Now what's going on up there do I have to cut a bitch ?"

My mom was straight hood, she's all lady but get on her bad side and it's over for you, that's one thing I love about her .

I laughed "No Ma, it's nothing like that, it's just that I did something I'm not happy about ."

"You slept with one of them didn't you . . That little cute one, what's his name again Tree ?"

I laughed "His name is Forrest Ma, and no it was the older one . It was a mistake though, I liked it a lot it was amazing but now I feel like he's looking for something more, I want the same too but then again I don't . His brother is feeling me too but I really just want to be friends with him . I don't know what to do . Neither of them know I kissed both of them, and the other doesn't know I slept with the other brother . This shit is confusing, sorry Ma excuse my language but I really need you right now ."

"No I can't help you you're a grown ass woman it's time to start acting like it, I raised you enough to know better . You say you like them but you can't have both of them if they figure out what's going on your ass is going to get it . I don't want to tell you how to handle yourself out there, but you need to separate the issue quick before someone gets hurt . Karma is only a bitch if you are, Asia you're a smart beautiful girl, there is no reason why you should be playing the game of Love and War ."

"I wish you could come with me for this Reunion ."

"I know baby but you know I have to work, if it wasn't for work you know I would take any opportunity I can to see your lovely face . Which by the way is looking awfully slim, are you eating up there my god . Come now I'll make you your favorite jerk chicken, beans and rice, with a side of plataines ." she said turning on the stove

I smiled "Lord only knows how much I miss you ."

"Oh please you just miss me cooking for you ."

I laughed "Yes Ma'am that too !"


Was this long as hell or what lol . Only because I wanted to save the upcoming drama and anguish for the next chapter (;

Special guest Connie will be making another debut in the next chapter .

Reasons why I called it the Ghloson family reunion is for those of you who don't know is Trey Songz Mother's Maiden name .

Oh by the way that family reunion may not take place on the1st I have a lot to do this week I'm going to a party on the second ! So I need a dress and I'm getting my hair braided for the summer . And I'm following through with what I said and I'm going to be preparing for my Finals ! Yay ! -_-

Also I want to clarify that whatever happens in my story does not effect anything in QueenQuizilla22's story .

See you at the family reunion (;

Sex Ain't Better Than Love 10 was written by NooFakeIshh and co-written by QueenQuizilla22 .

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