One Night • j.b

By reveried

31.3K 1K 184

What happens when one night turns into the rest of our lives? For C... More

One Night // Justin Bieber
One - Moving On
Two - The Club
Three - "Consider yourself blamed"
Four - Nausea
Five - News
Six - Realization
Seven - The Diner
Eight - Over Thinking
Nine - "Meeting" Justin
Ten - Hanging Out
Twelve - Baby Talk
Thirteen - They Know
Fourteen - Family Dinner
Fifteen - Kitchen Confessions
Sixteen - Studio Vibes
Seventeen - Party Drama

Eleven - "I like you"

1.3K 42 6
By reveried

Allyson's POV (Crystal's little sister)

I lay on my bed with my laptop perched upon my lap. My purple blackout curtains were pulled shut, leaving my bedroom in near darkness. The early summer sun was beginning to set in Los Angeles, so if my curtains were opened, I wouldn't get much light anyway. It was nearing 8:30, and I had just eaten dinner with Mom and Dad-it was a late dinner,-and afterward I made my way back up to my room where a plan to stay until mid-afternoon tomorrow.

My laptop was opened to twitter, where I was slowly scrolling through my time line, reading tweets but not tweeting anything myself. This was a usual thing. I highly doubt I could go more than a few hours without twitter. It's the place where I've made so many friends and where I can express myself without my family or real-life friends-although I don't have many-pestering me about it. I made sure to block my sister and the people that go to my school; it'd be quite embarrassing if they were to read what I talk about, to be honest.

Although twitter is my 'home', there is way too much drama on it to even begin to comprehend. Since, I have a fan page for Justin, the drama is obviously revolving around him. It gets really annoying that a vast majority of this fan base start rumors and drama over nothing. Any article about him suddenly is the entire discussion for the day. If he hangs out with a girl, she's suddenly a 'slut'. It doesn't make sense to me how people can call any girl that is in Justin's life a slut purely because she's around him. More often than not, the girl isn't, and they hate on her for nothing.

I continued scrolling through my time line, then began to follow back people that wanted me too, I replied to DM's, then I went to my mentions. Many of them were of the picture I took with Justin yesterday. Every time I see the picture I can't stop smiling. The fact that I met the one person that means the absolute world to me still doesn't seem real. I constantly expect myself to wake up in the middle of the night to realize that it was only a dream. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. Dreams about me meeting Justin came up quite often, and when I woke up I would be completely disappointed.

He was so kind, and genuine. I always knew he would be like that, but experiencing it is totally different. He didn't wipe the smile off of his face once and made sure we all got pictures and got to talk to him. And don't even get me started on how he looks. I've seen more pictures of him than I can count but none of that compares to seeing him up close, and touching his skin, hugging him, smelling him. The whole thing was-and still is-so surreal to me.

After a little while longer, I went back to my time line, reading the endless amount of drama that came from the Belieber fandom. Right now, the major talk was about a girl seen entering Justin's house; or, well, that what I'm assuming from the content of the tweets. Looking a little longer, I came across a picture somebody posted that has everyone talking. I clicked on the picture to enlarge it.

When it came up bigger on my computer screen, I understood what everyone was talking about. It was clearly taken from outside Justin's house by paparazzi, and Justin stood at the opened front door hugging a girl around her waist, while her arms were wrapped around his neck. I'm assuming this girl had just arrived  from the way the image looks. I couldn't see her face since the picture only showed the back of her head, but she had medium length blonde hair, pretty similar to mine, and she wasn't short nor was she tall.

Most people on Twitter were saying that it was "Justin's latest slut", and "She's probably just another girl he's fucking," or "What about Selena?". I rolled my eyes at that one. People can't seem to understand that Justin is allowed and fully able to date girls that aren't Selena, and I don't understand why any time he hangs out with a girl she's labeled as a slut. I wasn't going to comment or tweet about the picture, because with my follower count, I'd only be spreading the drama and spreading opinions that didn't need to be shared.

Sighing, I shut my laptop to avoid the drama for a few hours; or maybe one. Even though I didn't say anything about it, I'm still curious as to who this mystery girl is to Justin, and who she is in general. I sort of want to say that they aren't dating because from the past I have picked up that Justin usually has an interest in dark haired girls, but I'm not ruling out anything. I just want to know what's going on.

Justin's POV

I woke up in my dark and silent bedroom with a petite-and female-body wrapped in my arms. My eyes were still closed, but I could hear her calm and steady breathing. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her slightly tighter and nuzzling my nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. My arms were still wrapped around her waist and my chest was still pressed tightly to her back. My thumb slowly caressed Crystal's stomach where my child was slowly growing.

She began to shuffle slowly, meaning she was waking up. A yawn stifled through her lips as she stretched her arms. I planted a kiss right underneath her earlobe.

"Good evening, beautiful," I mumbled into her neck. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with her fists and smiled.

"Good evening, handsome."

"Did you sleep well?" My thumb was still caressing her stomach that showed no signs of pregnancy.

"Yeah," she yawned again, "your bed is extremely comfortable. I wouldn't mind if I slept here every night."

Crystal turned around so instead of the back of her head I could now see her gorgeous face-well, sort of, the lighting wasn't that great. I wrapped my arms around her back, her chest only a few inches away from mine. I placed a small peck on the tip of her nose, and soon after a rosy tint covered her cheeks.

"I can arrange that," I flirted.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, shut up. We aren't even dating, I don't think it'd be smart for me to stay with you every night; although are quite comfortable to cuddle with."

"We aren't dating yet. The key word in that sentence is 'yet'. We'll be together soon enough," I smirked.

Crystal looked up at me, and into my eyes, "Can 'soon' come sooner than it did when you said it before?"

At first, I was confused, but then I realized what she meant. Crystal was referring to two years ago when I  said "soon" but it really took me months to release the music. I laughed, but I was also happy that she knew things about me and paid attention to things that had to do with me. Then again, her sister had probably told her all about every aspect of my life.

"How soon do you want it to be?" Truthfully, I like Crystal. Although I've only known her since Sunday, it is possible for feelings to develop in that short amount of time. It's not as if I'm claiming that I love her, because I don't. I just simply like her, and who knows? Maybe in the future whatever we have now could grow to be love.

"I'd prefer sooner rather than later," said Crystal. She bit her lip, now refusing to meet my eyes.

Is she saying that she likes me too? Or am I just completely misinterpreting this whole thing? I can't help but wonder if she felt the same thing I did when I first met her, aside from at the club. I had never felt anything for a girl that soon, but when I saw her I felt nervous like a teenage boy who was on their first date. She was so beautiful without even trying, and her voice as soft as what I would imagine an angel would sound like. Before she even told me the news, I saw myself in a relationship with her. I even felt something like fireworks shooting through my veins when we touched. I felt myself slowly begin to smile thinking about it.

Crystal now had her head laying on the pillow next I mine. Her eyes were focused on my lips. I took a bold move, and slowly connected our lips in a passionate but strong kiss. She seemed caught off guard at first, as I heard a soft gasp come from her, but her eyes soon drooped shut, and she applied just as much pressure as I was giving her. I smiled through the kiss, and brought my hand up to her chin to hold her in place while my other hand was resting on her waist. Crystal wrapped her arms around my neck as well as she could while we were laying down.

There they were again. The fireworks were taking off in my stomach and I swore I could hear them booming but I soon realized it was only my heart, that was beating rapidly and I was worried that Crystal could hear it too. Her lips meshed perfectly with mine, and I loved every second of it.

Without breaking apart, I flipped us over, so that I was now on top of her, my hands holding myself up on either side of her body. Her arms now wrapped around my neck with ease and her fingers began running through my already messed up hair.

She-to my surprise-made the next move and ran her tongue over my bottom lip. Without a second thought, I quickly granted her access, wanting to taste more of her, all of her. Crystal's tongue soon collided with mine, and I felt a moan escape her mouth at the contact. I moaned back, showing I was enjoying this just as much as she was.

Crystal's fingers were still running through my hair, and every once in a while she'd scrape her nails along my scalp, earning a moan in pleasure from me. Her shirt had slowly risen, leaving a small area of skin. I took the opportunity to flip us over, so I was now sitting with my back against the headboard while her legs were straddling my waist. Crystal squealed in surprise at the sudden movement, but soon reattached our lips, and I wasted no time in sliding my tongue back into her mouth, gliding it over every inch I could reach. I rested my hand on the exposed skin on her waist, and I felt her shiver at my touch.

By each passing second in this very heated make-out session, I was getting more and more turned on. She was such a great kisser and this was obviously not the first time she's done this. My mind was taken back to our first night together.

By each passing second, I also had a growing problem-literally and figuratively-and I knew she wasn't going to let me go far enough to fix it.

I broke away from her lips, and I already felt different from the loss of contact. The fireworks that were raising in my stomach had ceased, but my heart was still beating so fast I thought it could stop at any second. Not wanting to end this just yet, Crystal dove her head into my neck, and began placing small kisses down my jawline.

When her lips came in contact with a patch of skin just under my ear, I moaned, earning a smirk in triumph from her.

Crystal had found my sweet spot.

She placed a few kisses there, before she took it up a level. I felt her tongue touch my skin, causing me to hiss in pleasure. My hands were still on her waist, and I grasped her hips, needing something to hold on to.

Running her tongue over my sweet spot a few more times, she starting sucking on the sensitive part of my skin.

"Fuck," I hissed, grasping her hips tighter. I tilted my head to the side, giving her more access.

Her teeth came next, grasping onto to the part of my neck she was giving the most attention to. A deep groan emitted from my throat, my arousal growing even more. I knew she felt it, and I also knew she was ignoring it.

She sucked and nibbled and licked for a little while longer, moaning into my neck every so often, and I was moaning and groaning and cursing every other second. This whole situation was sexy as fuck.

Crystal soon pulled away, looking at my neck and admiring the hickey that was no doubt beginning to show. She pulled back, looking into my eyes.

"I like you, Justin," she breathed out, still trying to catch her breathe from our make-out session that ended not more than a few minutes ago.

I smiled, "I like you too, Crystal. And I know I haven't known you long but I also know that it's possible to grow feelings for someone in only a few days. And I don't want you to think that just because you're pregnant with my child, I feel obligated to like you, because that isn't true. I mean, sure, if it weren't for this baby I wouldn't like you because I wouldn't even know you, but trust me, I don't only like you because I feel like I have to."

When I was finished with my mini-speech, she smiled back at me, and leaned in to kiss me again. It was a short and sweet kiss, but I still felt the butterflies and fireworks erupt inside me. When she pulled away, she looked down at my pants, where my erection was on full display. Crystal bit her lip, giggling.

"Okay, you go fix that, and I'll go into the living room. We still haven't discussed anything to do with this baby and I'd like to do that now." She got off of my lap and stood up from the bed, heading towards the door, she opened it and was about to step out when she looked back at me. "What time is it?"

I reached for my phone which was sitting on the side table and clicked the home button, I looked at the time. "It's nine. You don't need to be home, do you?"

"No, I don't have work tomorrow and I obviously don't have a curfew. I'll be downstairs, see you in a bit," Crystal said, shutting my bedroom door behind her.

Sighing, I stood up from the bed and grabbed my shirt i had taken off before sleeping and put it back on. I then headed to the bathroom that was connected to my room.

Oh my god, it has been a long ass fucking day.


wowwwwww how was that? It was my first near-sexual scene and im not really sure how well i did.

and finally there has been a quite intense Justal moment. I totally ship them. What do you guys think? How do you feel about more things like this? Lemme knooooooow


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