Save Us Cole X Reader

By blobgirl3000

58K 1.5K 3.2K

The ninja go up against a villain they cannot defeat. Sensei Wu make them travel to another earth for their "... More

We're No Match
We Need Help
That Someone Else
This is Not a Drill
We Will Explain Everything
Art is Me
Big Boi Oopsie
I'm Ready
This is it
i made some fan art
New Story!!

First Encounter

4.5K 128 269
By blobgirl3000


"I repeat this is not a drill!"


Okay, so I am just, casually washing my hands, about to go back to class when I hear that there is a LOCK DOWN.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goooosshhh.

I'm frozen in place. I'm basically paralyzed, hands still under the faucet, water still running. A chill runs up my spine and I think I forget how to breath.

What am I supposed to do? What if the threat is in this hallway?

I finally realized that the water was still running so I quietly turned it off, drying my hands on my jeans.

My heart is pounding in my chest. I can feel the pulse thundering in my neck. It sounds like the school's drum line playing in my ears.

My eyes are wide with fear as I creep towards the door. I hesitantly pull it open enough for me to see if I'm alone.

The hallway is clear of people. I take long, slow strides back to my classroom. As I was about to round the corner I hear footsteps. I was already past the corner, but I panicked and ran behind the wall, listening for further commotion.

The sound seemed to fade and then quickly disappear. Waiting for another moment, I let out a heavy sigh, unaware that I was holding my breath the whole time. I slowly resume my journey back to my room.

When I finally round the corner, I was very mistaken. I was indeed, not alone.

Standing before me was a tall, dark figure. He heard me and turned around to face me. Once his cold eyes rested upon me he smiled. It was more of a snarl or evil smirk. His tall body was accompanied with strong muscles covered with a black cloak or robe. He wore all black, his long, slicked black hair matching his outfit. His jagged scar across his left eye told traumatic stories of his past.

I stood in shock. I was caught, alone, unable to escape what might happen next. However, my legs decided to take over and did what they wanted without my brain's content. I ran. I ran screaming hysterically. I looked back to see if he was following and saw no trace of him. I bumped into something hard and landed roughly on the floor.

My eyes slowly climbed the man's horrifying features.

How did he get here so fast?

I was trembling and trying my best to scoot away, creating some distance between him and I.

He took a step closer, chuckling demonically. He held his hand out and I watched as a black orb formed in his hand. I didn't know what it was, but I knew he was not from this world. And dangerous.

I continued my attempts to get away but he took enormous steps.

"I'm not letting you stop me..." He growled.

What? Is this guy on drugs?

I tried to speak, but my throat was dry and only a tiny squeak managed to slip out.

He reeled his hand back behind his head, ready to strike. His hand and arm resembled a snake, about to kill its prey. And apparently I was this guy's prey.

Just before he could end my life, a bright, green light hit him from behind.

Wait. A bright, green light just hit this guy? What?!

I was confused, but quickly realized that this is the key to my escape. I rapidly scrambled to my feet, but was stopped by a much crazier sight.

Five people standing at the end of the hallway behind my attacker. They all wore different colors, their faces covered with masks, allowing only their eyes to be exposed.

Ninja... Maybe this is a dream!

"Not so fast!" The green one said.

"Not so fast?" A black one stepped up, giving greenie a questioning stare.

"Yeah man, that was lame!" A blue one joined the other ninja by greenie's side.

"This isn't the time!" Green argued.

"Grod! Leave this kid alone!" Green yelled towards us.

The man turned his body towards the group, rubbing his head from the blast.

Grod? Kid!?

"Wait! Are you y/n?" A red one asked.

My eyes widened and everyone turned their attention to me.

Hoooowww do they know my name? No. Nope. This is baphoonery.

I nodded, backing away.

"You have to come with us. You are the chosen one." A robotic voice called.

I didn't even bother looking for the source of the voice. I just took off. I ran to my classroom, performing the secret knock on the wooden door. As the door opened, black energy smashed into the wall only centimeters from my face.

I ran into the room, but Grod followed me. The green one tackled him and a fight quickly broke out. My fellow classmates stared in awe at the scene. I was still shaking. I was beyond terrified.

Soon the rest of the group filed in.

"Y/n, we need to take you somewhere safe, let's go!" The blue one screamed, squeezing my shoulders.

I shook my head frantically. I don't know them!

Just then, Green flew into the wall by the window, causing the wall to crack all around him. He slid down weakly, groaning in pain. We all turned our attention back to the man. He was panting harshly.

"We're not taking no for an answer!" The blue one confirmed.

Before I could protest he wrapped me in his arms and the next thing I new I was outside of my classroom, three stories off the ground.

Glass shattered around us. My scream was caught in my throat as was my lungs.

In a nick of time, a blue cloud of mist surrounded me, sparkling in the sunlight. Beneath me was something alive and moving. I look down to see a...


I look back up and see the blue ninja securing my arms around him so I don't fall off.

"You'll get your chance to take over this world. But you have to face her! You think you're so high and mighty? Well prove it by defeating the chosen one." Green challenged the man on his own green colored dragon.

I hope he's not talking about me because I can't fight that!

I look around to see everyone else on their colored dragons. I was shook.

Suddenly we began to move. Rather quickly might I add. The rush of wind suffocated me and ran through my hair.

We started to pick up speed and I saw what appeared to be a black circle in the sky. As we approached it quicker and quicker my anxiety levels began to rise. Then we were right in front of it and that's all I remember...

I know I haven't updated in a while so that's why this chapter is over 1140 words. Hope you enjoy! Baiiii!

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